Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 97 The kind of physical and mental abuse (6)

Friday, half past six in the afternoon.

Dong Zheng's doorbell rang, when she came out wearing a house suit carrying the tableware, and Shen Wan brought out the last dish from the kitchen.

Today, the two met by chance accidentally. It was not that Shen Wan voluntarily met, but she went to meet a big client who wanted to renew her contract for five years.After the meeting, I just happened to ran into Dong Zheng.

The situation at the time was as follows:

Dong Zheng: "Smiling, it must have happened to a good thing. Did another boss ask you to renew the contract?"

If you want to say anything that can make Shen Wan happy, of course it is to renew the contract.Especially for the last three to five years, it means that she and her family bodyguard both have money to take it. Can they be unhappy?By assigning most of the company's bodyguards, she can continue to train newcomers. After all, no matter how large the training field is, it cannot accommodate more than one hundred people at once.

It’s not good to get the basic salary without the boss signing them. It’s not good news for her and the bodyguards.

Shen Wan: "Yes."

Shen Ben, who was planning to go to the parking lot to pick up the car, silently dispelled the idea, and secretly took out the hand that reached into the bag to take the car key.

Since Miss Dong is here, there is no need to drive back by herself.

Dong Zheng asked, "Did you drive here? If you didn't drive, I'll see you off."

"I didn't drive." Shen Wan said quickly, "Even though I got my driver's license before, I still don't know much about it. This customer is too far away from the company. Well, I'm going to trouble Miss Dong again."

After saying this, Shen Wan got into the car and fastened his seat belt, and said casually, "Miss Dong, you took me a ride, shall I invite you to dinner? It just happened to have made another money."


After driving for a while, Shen Wan suddenly said, "Actually, I think the food outside is just like that. I suddenly remembered that today is Friday. Should we go to the vegetable market and buy some to cook?"

Dong Zheng almost did not hesitate and agreed.

Thus, Shen Wan is now at Dong Zheng's house.

Now they have worked together to make a sumptuous dinner, and they plan to eat it.

But when the doorbell rang, Dong Zheng still had to go over and open the door to see who came.

She opened the door, and saw Li Zhan wearing a well-tailored suit and standing at the door with a cool face.After she opened the door, her expression eased a little, and the scent in the room floated to the door, making her subconsciously glance inside.

His move caused Dong Zheng to move his body to block it.


Dong Zheng stood at the door, without any intention of letting Li Zhan in. He turned himself into a wall of flesh, trying to prevent Li Zhan from seeing the situation inside.

Smelling the scent inside, Li Zhan didn't know where Shen Wan was mostly here.The cooking skills of Dong Zheng's helper auntie were not so good, and people couldn't help but salivate after smelling the fragrance.

"Shen Wan is here again?" Li Zhan was a bit speechless. How could his noble and arrogant aunt play with Shen Wan?

Although the ability to bend this time has made him look forward to him.But he still believes that these two women are clearly two worlds.

"What can I say." Dong Zheng still didn't mean to let go.

Li Zhan couldn't help but said, "Auntie, can you let me in? Go in and talk. I was planning to hire a few more bodyguards. Does she carry that big bag today?"

Li Zhan is still impressed with the big bag that can fill a full bag of contracts.

Dong Zheng finally let go, "It's okay if you come earlier or later, but you can just come by your meal. If you want to talk about official affairs, you can just send the people under your hand to Shenwan Company."

Li Zhan couldn't help feeling depressed. Is this his aunt?

Is it to blame that he shouldn't step on the meal and eat her meal?In my heart, it's not a taste.The aunt doesn't seem to be his aunt anymore, not the aunt who only loves him.

He came in and saw Shen Wan, of course all his attention was still attracted by the deliciousness of the table.These days, Shen Wan's cooking skills are getting longer, and the food he cooks is getting better and better.

When his own stinky nephew came, Dong Zheng was too embarrassed to let him not eat, so he had to add an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks.

After eating, Li Zhan looked at the familiar big bag with a face like this.I asked Shen Wan to decide how many bodyguards he had. The two parties signed a contract soon, and those bodyguards will come to him to report tomorrow.

After doing this, Li Zhan found that Shen Wan and Dong Zheng's eyes fell on him. He read the meaning, why are you still not leaving?

He almost jumped up, can't he sit for a while?

"A Zhan, aren't you going back?" Dong Zheng asked directly.

Li Zhan said lightly, "Now I'm going back. By the way, my aunt, while it's still early, I'll send Mr. Shen back." Of course he didn't mean to send Shen Wan back.He said that she would be clean, he just thought she was very strange here, and he had the best impulse to send her back quickly.

"I think it's better to leave. If your Xia Xuan makes trouble, it will cause trouble to Shen Wan." Dong Zheng remembered the relationship between the two and reminded him that his tone was not very good. I said, Xia Xuan is a little white rabbit, she is generous, not jealous?"

Li Zhan looked at the two in silence, and it seemed that he really could not send Shen Wan.It would be very troublesome if Xuan Xuan ran into him later.

"But today Friday, didn't Xia Xuan come to date you?" Dong Zheng asked more.

Li Zhan replied: "Xuan Xuan is relatively busy, but I am not here today. I was just about to win a big project recently. Everyone is busy, but I am not afraid to ignore her."

Hearing the big project, Shen Wan came to his spirits.

Xia Xuan is busy?Busy entangled with the villain, after all, the other party is also very interested in this project.Xia Xuan naturally likes Li Zhan. Although she doesn't like it very much, she also likes a little bit.In addition, she already wanted to live with Li Zhan in peace.

At the beginning of being threatened, Xia Xuan did not immediately agree to the respondent, but had been thinking of a compromise.Li Zhan, who could have helped her smooth everything out, could never know about this.

So within two days of returning to China, she was busy negotiating terms with the other party instead of developing her own career.

After talking for so long, there was no agreement, presumably Xia Xuan had nothing to do.

"A Zhan, go back and work."

Li Zhan glanced at her eyes, very clear, what would she do?

Dong Zheng couldn't help laughing, "Shen Wan will live with me today. She didn't drive today. I picked her up. When I go to the company tomorrow, I will send her there."

Li Zhan squeezed his fists, and it was true again, and then he left silently.Auntie wants to make friends with others, what can he do?

"Xiao Hu, my car has landed in the xx parking lot. You arrange for someone to go and pick it up for me."

Assistant sister: "..." Has it landed in the parking lot again?The owner of her family really has a bad memory, and the car can be dropped. I don’t know how she got back?Oh, maybe I didn't go home. Maybe it was because I met Miss Dong halfway through the conversation too happily, so let's go to Miss Dong's house to live.

188: Oh...the truth is.

After making this call, Shen Wan lay down and fell asleep.

Dong Zheng, who originally planned to give Shen Wan a glass of milk, was still standing at the door. Finally, he glanced at the closed door, took the milk glass in his hand, and took a sip.He turned around silently, and deliberately lowered his steps.

Have two drinks tonight.

The corners of her slightly bent lips were still stained with some milk, and she saw it when she passed by a place with a mirror, but she couldn't destroy her good mood.

After cleaning the cups, she looked at the living room, and then ordered a lot of flowers online.Of course, it is not intended to give away people, but to send them early in the morning, ready to be placed in every corner of the villa.Living in a place full of flowers will definitely be great, right?

I woke up in the morning to see all kinds of flowers, and I must be in a good mood.

Shenwan got up the next morning, and after freshening up, he went downstairs to prepare some breakfast.As soon as I opened the door, I saw that there were many vases on the aisle in front of the door. They were full of beautiful flowers. She could find the dewdrops on the petals.

She went all the way and found flowers in every corner of the villa, as if she was living in a fairyland full of flowers.

Breakfast was also prepared. It seemed very simple. It was prepared by Dong Zheng.

"Miss Dong, is your family planning to sell flowers?"

Dong Zheng had a smile on his face, "No, I was in a good mood. I suddenly wanted to buy some flowers and put them at home."

Shen Wan: But it's too much, isn't it really other reasons?

"By the way, they sent flowers too early and didn't wake you up. Do you need some flowers in your room?"

Shen Wan nodded, "Anything else?"


Dong Zheng pointed to the dining table, "Let’s eat first. I have called the helper over. She will put the flowers in the room later."

The two ate their breakfast quietly, and soon a helper came.Dong Zheng told her that the remaining flowers were placed on the balcony and asked her to trim them and put them in the room where Shen was staying.

Then Shen Wan saw that the helper came out from the balcony with a basket of red roses. He was taken aback for a moment and blurted out, "Are they all red roses?"

Shen Wan: "Brother 8, what do you mean by her? It must be me, right?"

188: There should be pretending to be dead here. Isn't it obvious?The sour smell of love has been corroding his singleness, and fortunately he is still wearing a couple's skin. What a irony.

"Why, don't you like red roses? There are other flowers in my room, do I need to change them?"

"No, no, I really like red roses, looking at the celebration." Shen curved, what a joke, red roses are the most beautiful flower.

Dong Zheng smiled deeper, "Should you be less busy today?"

"not busy today."

"That's a coincidence, I'm not too busy." Dong Zheng looked down and said softly, "Recently, a new movie was released. I heard that it was done well. Why don't you go to the movie soon? It is always strange to go alone."

"Okay, I'm very interested in the recent movie. I wanted to go alone before, but I also found it strange."

Dong Zheng couldn't hold back his smile, "I plan to go to the mall after watching the movie. I haven't bought clothes for a long time. Are you going?"

Shen Wan nodded, "Go, I'm free anyway, I'm a boss anyway, Xiao Hu told me, let me pay attention to the image, pick two better clothes, and order a few sets by the way."

(Xiao Hu: I haven't said it.)

188: Is it interesting??

The author has something to say: I owe a deep nine thousand words before.

It's still on the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

What you owe always floats in your mind from time to time, and you can't ignore it if you want to ignore it.Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: I just want to eat one melon;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: no smile, z. 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

I forgot 25 bottles after I passed it; 2 bottles of Gumbo; 1 bottle of Cap, Giraffe, and Yi Song;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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