Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 101 The kind of physical and mental abuse (10)

"Miss Dong?"

When Dong Zheng heard Shen Wan calling her again, he instantly recovered.She raised her eyes and looked at each other directly, only to see Shen Wan with wet hair and standing behind the sofa wrapped in a bath towel.

The water on the hair continued to drip, from the white shoulders to the arms and then to the ground.

"Wipe your hair dry first. It is easy to catch a cold if you keep your head wet, and you will get headaches in the future." Dong Zheng didn't just talk about it. He immediately got up and took a piece of clean hair and put it on Shen Wan's body. Go get the hair dryer."

Shen Wan didn't like the wet hair sticking to his back, so he wiped his head slowly with a towel.Seeing that Dong Zheng had found the hair dryer, she wiped her head and chased after her, "Miss Dong, don't try to change the subject, thinking that by helping with a dry towel and a hair dryer, you can just perfunctory and let me forget that. I just told Xiao Hu that I was where I was dating, when will you return the object to me?"

Dong Zheng was squatting while plugging in the hair dryer. He couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips when he heard Shen Wan, "Blow your head first."

"No, first hand over my friend." Shen Wan sat on the small bench to one side and said reluctantly, "You secretly hid my friend. If you don't hand it over, I don't want to do anything. ."

"Then I'll help you blow it."

Dong Zheng had already brought the hair dryer to Shen Wan's side, stood and stared at her, and touched Shen Wan's hair that had been wiped with a dry towel.It's still moist, but it won't drip continuously as before.

The hair dryer was turned on and the ears were buzzing. At this time, even if both parties were talking, there was no way to hear each other's voice.Dong Zheng's hand lifted the curvy hair and slowly blown it with a hair dryer. The hot wind of the hair dryer was blocked by her palm and would not directly blow to the scalp.The same is true, she can adjust the hot and cold air at any time.

Now someone is helping her blow her head, of course Shen Wan doesn't speak anymore.

"188, she gave me a blow, she said that I have a good relationship, and if I hand it over later, let her take it." This is not to blame her, it was Dong Zheng who ran into her bowl. .In this world, she hasn't taken the initiative to tease, it was Dong Zheng who couldn't control herself, moved by her image of innocence and hard work, and finally secretly fell in love with her secretly, until now Ming Lian.

[188: "Congratulations, Wanwan, I can do something else next."]

"188, when you get out of this small world, I will spend some money to take you to the headquarters to kill the virus. I suspect that you have caught the small colored virus with a small window."

Hearing that Shen Wan was willing to spend money on him, 188 was happy.He will be happier if he buys something else, such as upgrading to a new version.This antivirus, he really doesn't have a virus, and doesn't need to be killed.

He is crooked now, doesn't she have any points in her heart?

To kill viruses, you must first kill her.

188 hummed twice, ignoring Shen Wan. In short, Wan Wan was willing to spend money with him, and he was still very happy.

Here Dong Zheng has already dried Shen Wan's hair and combed it smoothly.

Warm fingers kept moving between Shen Wan's hair, and after hearing the sound of the hair dryer stop, Shen Wan asked quickly, "Now my hair is blown dry, Miss Dong, should you give me my friendship?"

"Xiao Hu knows it, which means that the whole company will know it. My parents were there at the time, so they probably knew it too. Most of them were still asking Xiao Hu to find out who I was like. Everyone knew about me. If you have a good relationship, I can’t catch one out of thin air. Since you started this matter, you must tie the bell to the so-called ringer. You have to help me solve this problem."

Dong Zheng met Shang Shenwan's serious eyes, and both sides looked at it for about half a minute. She said, "I just found an excuse, and I didn't expect it to have such a big impact on you."

Yes, the influence can be great, only to hand over her friendship to break.

"Except for my helpers who occasionally come to clean up the house, you and I live here. Even A Zhan has been busy dealing with company affairs recently and hasn't come here for half a month. So, I really pay attention to your kindness. I can't come out, but..." Dong Zheng paused for a second when he said that, and continued, "Although I can't hand it over, I can accompany you with a friend, depending on whether you want it."

"What do you think of me?" Dong Zheng's eyebrows were bent, his hands were placed on Shen Wan's shoulders, and she moved closer, sniffing the fragrance of the same shampoo, which made her feel very good. I can’t hand it over, but I can pay me to you as a good friend, do you want it?"

Shen Wan: Happiness comes too fast, so straightforward words are really shy.

"Why, aren't you satisfied?" Seeing that Shen Wan was just staring at her, Dong Zheng couldn't sit still anymore. Wasn't she anxious to ask her to surrender?At this moment, she expressed her meaning, but the other party didn't say anything, that's not okay.

Now that the words have been exported, you can do it if you don't.

"No, I'm very satisfied." Shen Wan replied quickly, "I was just too excited just now. I didn't expect Miss Dong to be so good. She lost my friend and would like to repay the debt."

Dong Zheng couldn't help being funny, he was so confused.She used to think that if she breaks this relationship with Shen Wan, she may lose the opportunity to be friends.After recent contact, she found that she was worrying too much.

Now that she had this opportunity, she would definitely not waste it.

"Then I am your friend now." Dong Zheng said affirmative sentence, "From now on, our way of getting along is different from before."

Shen Wan: "Yes, from now on, you will be my photo."

"The kind that will get married in the future?"

"The kind that will get married."

Dong Zheng was somewhat satisfied, and Shen Wan was also very satisfied.She let go of Shen Wan, "Then I will take a bath first, and there will be something to be busy at the company tomorrow. Since we are a couple, you will live here from now on." Put the key in Shen Wan's hand and said softly, "Take it away."

Shen Wan smiled and bent his eyes while holding the key. It was not easy to get the key.

"188, in fact, she lost my affection and paid herself to me. Lost other people's things, compensation is justified, right?"

188: Get out!Every time I get a bargain, I will look for such a bad reason. The sirens of the Space-Time Bureau are really too old and inhuman at all.

Thinking about it this way, 188 still pays attention to the alarm situation very seriously, for fear that it will trigger the alarm and make Shen Wan be forced to separate the world.

After that day, the relationship between Shen Wan and Dong Zheng slowly became like an ordinary couple.

Everyone in the company found out that if there was any ambiguity between the two women, they thought it was an illusion at first. Later, they accidentally ran into the scene of Dong Zheng's prostitution and almost fell down.

The two of them completely ignored their feelings, the eyes of everyone openly showed their affection, and they became more and more crooked.Some behaviors of Dong Zheng have not changed. For example, when he is free, he will bring a bucket of fried chicken legs and a glass of Coke to Shen Wan.She usually doesn't eat, what she eats is Shenwan.

Xiao Hu also once heard Dong Zheng say, "I have eaten so many deep-fried foods every day, and I don't see you having two or two meats. Where did you eat it?"

"It's in the stomach, but it's digested."

This body's physique is like this, no matter how you eat it, it won't get fat, eat spicy fried food, and you won't get acne on your face. Everyone has to be envious for a while.Sometimes Dong Zheng watched Shen Wan eat, but he was sour.Later, she thought of a way to be able to taste the taste of fried chicken legs, which is to kiss and sink twice, and taste the taste without gaining weight. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Zheng Zheng, you are really a clever woman. You came up with such a wonderful way." Shen Wan wiped his mouth with a tissue, took out a small mirror and took a picture, and the lipstick on his lips was almost gone. , And some stains around the lips.

Dong Zheng looked at Shen Wan's helpless look, pulled her aside and sat down, wiped her lips, and carefully applied lipstick, "The trouble on Li's side has been resolved, A Zhan called and said, I'll be back in a few days."

"Oh, that's really gratifying."

Shen Wan took this matter in his mind. Although the company's troubles were solved, the opponent was probably hurt by Li Zhan.But she believes that the other party will not give up.

Thinking of an incident in the plot, Shen Wan became serious.

As mentioned in the plot, Li's incident still affected Dong Zheng. In order to hold Li Zhan, the other party actually tied Dong Zheng.An accident happened midway and Dong Zheng died.

She didn't open a security company to help Li Zhan, she was afraid that her family would be in danger.It seems that she has to arrange people well so that they don't do anything in advance.

"What are you thinking?" Dong Zheng found that Shen Wan was wandering.

Shen Wan blinked, "You don't want to go on a business trip recently. If there is any business trip, you can take me with you, and you will be your bodyguard."

"Wanwan, do you mean that you can't leave me for a moment?" Dong Zheng said with a smile, "If this is the case, I will take you with you when I go to other places."

Shen Wan: This woman!Shameless than her!This thick-skinned one is better than the city wall.

After Li Zhan dealt with the troublesome things of Li Shi, he finally had time to think about the leaked documents.

He can guarantee that this document has never left the office, and the person who can leak the document can only be a person from the company or someone close to him.

He has been investigating for a few days, excluding those around him one by one.All the suspicious objects were turned over and checked several times by him. There was no problem at all, and there was no abnormal behavior or transfer of funds.

He was in trouble for a while, and who was behind that mysterious text message?Why help him, the purpose?One by one mystery made him feel that there was a mist in front of him, and he couldn't blow it away.

"A Zhan, what's the matter with you?" Xia Xuan was still a little nervous. After scanning the document, she was in a state of anxiety every day.

When she heard Li's problem, she didn't dare to stick to Li Zhan, fearing that the other party would see the problem.

To her surprise, Li Shi escaped a catastrophe. It is said that Li Zhan had two hands to prepare.Even so, the entire company is busy like a spinning top. Many people have not been home for more than half a month.

Xia Xuan dared not ask those, for fear of what Li Zhan would discover.

Li Zhan was originally thinking, but suddenly he heard Xia Xuan's voice and returned to his senses.He glanced at Xia Xuan, always feeling something strange.After thinking about it carefully, he has been in the company for most of the month, and Xia Xuan also called him every day. Later, when she found out she was busy, she only sent some text messages that she cared about, or she was giving him soup and food.

Still feel something is wrong.

"A Zhan, where are you going to go today? The company's business is finished, right?" Xia Xuan saw that Li Zhan did not speak, remembering that the two had not been in close contact for more than half a month, and planned to cultivate a relationship.And the other person threatening her made her very uneasy. Li Shi's crisis was lifted. I wonder if the other party will ask her to do something again.

A light flashed in Li Zhan's mind, and he finally knew what was wrong.

According to Xia Xuan's proud temperament, knowing that he is so busy, why didn't he complain to him?Xia Xuan in the past was not like this.

Li Zhan glanced at Xia Xuan's eyes clearly, and quickly moved away, "Xuan Xuan, I haven't returned for more than half a month. Auntie has always been worried. Today I will go back to see auntie, and I will take you to play tomorrow. Right."

Xia Xuan didn't feel any discomfort, but thought it should be.

Li Zhan's heart sank. If Xuan Xuan heard him say this before, she would immediately put on an embarrassing face, act like a baby with him, and express her dissatisfaction.Now it is really, so considerate.

The two separated, Li Zhan came to Dong Zheng's house with great thoughts and rang the doorbell.

The person who opened the door was Shen Wan. Looking at Shen Wan, his whole body was not good. Why is this woman still here?

He walked in and found that there were flowers everywhere inside, and the furnishings in many places were different.

He also paid attention to the place of the shoe cabinet. At this point, he almost lost his voice. Why are there so many shoes?The size and style are not his sister's.

"Is it A Zhan?" Dong Zheng came down from the upstairs and walked to Shen Wan's side. He naturally embraced Shen Wan's waist. The closeness of the two caused a heavy blow to Li Zhan.

Isn't it the same as he thought?

Impossible, he must be dazzled and wrong.

"Auntie." Li Zhan said with difficulty, "Manager Shen is here too."

Why are you so close?

"A Zhan, there is one thing I want to tell you." Dong Zheng said with a smile.

Li Zhan: Don't want to listen, refuse!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Li Mo, 1 baa hey hey;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

91 bottles of what you want; 28 bottles of Jiao Da; 20 bottles of Sweet Beans; 10 bottles of CP, very tired, confused egg, Miao Miao, Xiang Yu; (?˙˙?) 5 bottles; , 2 bottles of nanoha; Floating like a dream, do not want to sit and wear 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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