Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 104 The kind of physical and mental abuse (13) (1)

"Someone must have broken my Wanwan."

"How can my daughter like women?"

"It must be someone from outside society who broke my house."

"Now we just hope Wanwan can go home and go to treat the disease with us."

"It's impossible for Wanwan to like women in my family. She had a boyfriend before."

"You said, is it easy for us to raise our daughter fortunately?"

"Now my daughter is not only badly taught, but she also denies her parents."

"As long as I come back, listen to us, and never mix with those stubborn women in the future, we can forgive her for her past."

Shen Wan and Dong Zheng were nestled on the sofa. There was a mobile phone holder in front of them. A video was playing on the mobile phone interface on the shelf, and there was no picture of Shen mother rolling.

From the beginning, they were one-on-one parents who thought about their daughter, helplessly expounding their worries about their daughter with passers-by.I hope that my daughter will go home as soon as possible and not be damaged by people outside.

The two knew that they were moved by reason and sentiment, and they also expressed their sadness about their daughter's various behaviors while wiping away tears.

"Your parents looked very calm, and they clearly expressed their condemnation to you, which is different from the video we watched before." Dong Zheng took out his mobile phone and played another video. He heard Shen just opening it. The mother's sharp verbal abuse was different from the parents who loved their daughter in the video just now, worried about their daughter.

In this intense video, Mother Shen looked vicious, especially as if she was about to eat Shen Ben.

"Is this video complete?"

"Completely, Xiao Hu waited for them to leave that day." Shen Wan touched his chin. "The following video of their red eyes was probably taken only later."

Dong Zheng narrowed his eyes, "What's the matter?"

"What could be going on," Shen Wan was full of contempt, "Some people want to be red and want to go crazy, and plan to use this topic to stir up some enthusiasm for themselves."

"The internet celebrity who was passing by?" Dong Zheng hadn't really thought that the small internet celebrity would do this kind of thing for red.But she quickly understood that Internet celebrities, who do not want to be popular?

If you are popular, you can make a lot of money just by receiving advertisements.

"Since this video was played, the influencer has gained hundreds of thousands of followers. Her own fans are only a few hundred thousand, and now it has exceeded one million. If this matter continues to evolve and the hype continues, her There will be more and more fans."

"What do you want to do? Do you want me to ask someone to help you block this internet celebrity." To block a big internet celebrity, Dong Zheng may have to do a lot of work, or fail, but a small internet celebrity, she has I think there is still no problem.

The reason why she didn't directly participate in these things was because she thought Shen Wan had an idea.

They are lovers, not one party is the property of the other party. It’s better to discuss what to do, and help her family Wanwan make any decisions rashly. If the plan is broken, the relationship between them will be destroyed. Not so good.

Originally, two women had to endure many strange looks from the outside world together. She didn't care because she was standing at this height. No matter how other people looked at her, she thought it didn't matter.But she was not sure whether Shen Wan was really unaffected by rumors from the outside world.After all, love has just begun, and she has to find ways to maintain their feelings.

At this moment, there is nothing unforgettable between them, only the liking for each other, this life is still very long.

"Not for the time being, wait for the matter to ferment for a while, I'm looking for someone to collect evidence." Shen Wan held the cup and took a sip of milk, "Or, please contact this little internet celebrity for me, I want to talk to her talk."

"OK, no problem."

"Your mother said I was a bad woman." After a pause, Dong Zheng stared at the video and watched it for a long time. She only remembered the words that impressed her during the whole process. Her lips were curved, "I also said that I taught you. broken."

Shen Wan raised his eyes, his eyes fell on Dong Zheng’s beautiful face, and he put the cup on the coffee table, pinched Dong Zheng’s chin with a small hand, printed a kiss on it, and said, "You bad woman, now If you teach me badly, you have to be responsible in this life."

Dong Zheng never thought that her girlfriend is such a girlfriend, responsible?She wished it would be the best in her life.

She hugged Shen Wan's waist, her lips pressed against Shen Wan's ear, and she said in a very low voice, "I will."

The place where Shen Wan met with the little internet celebrity was a very hidden coffee shop. The other party was a standard internet celebrity. Her figure, face and makeup all indicated her identity.

Before Shen Wan went to the other party's Weibo to read, although the appearance of this influencer is very similar to other influencers, but she does different things from other influencers.

Other internet celebrities either share food, show off their talents, sell fun and delicious places... and the internet celebrity sitting in front of her goes to various places to shoot some videos.These videos reflect some events encountered in ordinary life. For example, today there is an old grandma who was not supported by others, and the people around them left indifferently. This video reflects the indifference of human nature.

At the end of the video, the Internet celebrity will record a section to criticize the society.

Therefore, this little internet celebrity is still a person who follows social hot spots.In just a few months, she did it very successfully. There is not much marketing and hype. With the small video she made, she still has an ordinary background and has gained hundreds of thousands of live fans, which is already remarkable.

Regarding Shen Wan's parents, the little internet celebrity is sure that she will be popular this time as long as it works well.

Because Shen's father and Shen mother's mouth is not only the sensitive topic of homosexuality, but also the inducement of his children not returning home because of homosexuality.

As long as she photographs this incident, she will definitely receive the attention of the majority of netizens.Not only the younger generation, but also the older generation, I believe it is easier for them to bring in Shen's father and Shen's mother. After all, the older part of netizens may be bothered by Shen's father and Shen's mother.My daughter likes the same sex, few parents can understand.

Shen Wan asked her, she was surprised.

After all, she had investigated, and Shen Wan opened a bodyguard company.Although the funder didn't know who it was, she didn't dig it out, but in fact she didn't dare to dig it down. Her current energy was not big enough to provoke more powerful existence.

She was afraid that she would cause trouble to herself if she angered the other person.Anyway, she only killed and helped Shen father and mother Shen, and recalled the daughter who was obsessed with it. If she didn't do anything else, there was nothing wrong, and the other party would not do anything to her.

However, Shen Wan asked her today, so she would not let it go.Before coming, she had put an invisible camera on her body, which would record everything.

"Is the human blood bun delicious?" Shen Wan took a sip while holding a coffee cup. She thought that the net celebrity in front of him might not know who Shen's father and mother were.What about liking the same sex?Have you eaten other people's rice, so hateful?

Are human blood buns delicious?

When Shen Wan asked her this sentence with a beautiful and delicate face with a smile, Li Yunyun was obviously taken aback.Soon she calmed down, and it seemed that the other party, as she thought, was not indifferent to the current words on the Internet.

She took a deep breath and smiled and said, "I thought you were looking for me to see your parents. They are really worried about you and hope you can go home soon."

"Shen Wan, your parents have always been worried about you. What they say are your parents. You can't be so selfish. You don't recognize them for your own sake and don't raise them. The kindness of your parents is more than anything else. You are for your own sake. Privately, make them sad, sad, and even not returning home. Are you worthy of their nurturing for so many years?"

Shen Wan stirred the liquid in the cup with a spoon, and added a spoon of sugar, "Who said I won't raise them? They told you?"

"Your parents told me this personally." Li Yunjun frowned, always feeling that Shen Wan was different from what she thought.Perhaps the other party has a company in his hands and is now a small boss, so people who like the same sex are not timid, thinking that they can do whatever they want with a little money.

Shen Wan didn't care about Li Junjun's attitude, she took out a piece of paper from her bag, "Sign it."

"What?" Li Junjun reacted and said hastily, "I tell you, no matter what conditions you use to seduce me, I can't promise to help you speak and hurt your parents, so that I will be overwhelmed by my conscience."

"What are you thinking about? I can't bear to give you money, I can't bear to give you any money." Shen Wan said contemptuously, pushing the paper over, "Didn't you say that my parents told you just now, I didn't support them? ?"

"Then you sign this certificate, this matter is not your business."

Li Yunjun did not respond, glanced at the paper, and saw it read: "Today, Li Yunjun heard Shen xx and Wu xx with my own ears saying that his daughter Shen Wan cannot support the two..." There is still time below. , Place, place to sign.

"Remember to press a handprint." Shen Wan also brought the ink pad, and also pushed it to Li Junjun, which made the latter feel terrified, and things seemed to be out of her control.

"What do you sign this for?" Naturally, it is impossible for Li Junjun to sign this. If the black and white one is signed, what should I do if something goes wrong, and he also presses his fingerprints. Who knows what the other party is going to use.

Shen Wan blinked, "Didn’t you say that I heard my parents say that I don’t raise them? But I just said that I want to raise them. This means that my parents lied to you and you signed this. , I will be able to confront my parents. When someone asks, someone will prove to me that this is not what I said, but my parents said it. Otherwise, this pot of dirty water will be spilled on my body, which is very uncomfortable. "

Li Yunjun understood now that Shen Wan really wanted to pit her.

"Impossible, I will not sign this, who knows what conspiracy you have."

She did not sign, and Shen Wan did not dare to do anything to her.

"Then you don't talk nonsense with people, saying that I don't support my parents, huh?"

Li Junjun's face was ugly, and he was waiting for her here.

"Then sign this." Shen Wan took out a piece of paper before Li Junjun could speak.

Li Junjun's face looked even more ugly.

I saw it read: Today, Li Junjun, I heard that Shen Wan said with my own ears that I would do my duty to support my parents...


"I'll say it again, I want to raise my parents, I want to raise, and raise them for a lifetime, until they are in the soil. Miss Li Yunjun, do you hear clearly? If you don't hear clearly, then I can tell you a few more times. "

"I keep talking about dry mouth, I will record it for you, you can listen to it again," Shen Wan took out the phone, recorded the passage just now, and clicked to repeat it. "I am Shen Wan and I am willing to support me. My parents, I want to raise them for the rest of my life until they are in the soil. Today, Miss Li Junjun is next to us. What she heard with her own ears is that she is a well-known and conscientious internet celebrity and will definitely not lie to the public. I am Shen Wan, I am willing to raise my parents, I want to raise..."

Li Junjun: "..." She found out that Shen Wan and Shen's father and Shen mother are the same, they are indeed a family, and the same rascals are shameless and shameless.

"Miss Li Yunyun, are you reluctant to sign this?"

Li Yunyun pressed his lips tightly, thinking that he shouldn't come this time today.

Even if the video she just recorded is useless to send out.Shen Wan's sorrow operation really caught her off guard, who knew there was such shame in the world.

"Not willing to sign?"

Li Yunjun reacted, "Miss Shen, do you know how much damage your current behavior will bring to your parents?"

"What behavior?" Shen Wan leaned back in the chair lazily, resting his chin, and asked, "Do you fall in love with a woman? I am in love with a woman, what impact will it have on them? It will make them lose a piece of meat and have no food. Will eating make them short-lived?"

"Ms. Li Junjun, do you also think that liking the same sex is a disease?"

Of course, Li Junjun dare not say that liking the same sex is a disease. This is a natural orientation of people.She just wants to create a topic, and this topic can never be said by her.Otherwise she will be attacked by the group.There are Shen's father and Shen's mother in the video, which is enough.

She just posted the video. It's just that I'm sorry for the parents who are worried about their daughter. No matter what behavior the people in the video do or what they say to irritate everyone, they have nothing to do with her, and will only bring her unlimited heat.

"Miss Li Junjun, do you hate groups like us?"

"Ms. Li Yunjun, are you not able to answer this question? Then I can understand that you don't understand this kind of group at all. If you really don't understand, I want to scold you for being ignorant, right? . If you know this kind of group, I want to call you shameless and shameless for the heat. Not too much, right?"

Li Junjun endured his anger, but this video was useful.

Shen Wan blinked, "Brother 8, it's up to you, she wants to take pictures of me secretly, I'm relying on you."

[188: "Don't worry, Benwan, I am here, blocking the video, and erasing the video is not easy."]

"Ms. Li Yunyun, there is nothing wrong with mixing rice, but you feel that the white rice is not tasteful enough. If you have to use human blood to taste it, you will be punished."

Shen Wan didn't want to say anything to Li Junjun anymore. She saw that Li Junjun didn't want to get something from the other party.

She just wanted to see what purpose this little internet celebrity did to help Shen mother and father Shen. The result really disappointed her. After all, she had to do a lot of things next and didn't want to hurt the innocent.

If Li Junjun was very angry, he decided to wait to go back. He must write an article condemning Shen Wan and edit the video of the meeting today.

She wants the other party to understand that no one can offend an internet celebrity.

But after she went back, she realized that the video was not recorded at all, making her very angry.

In the end, she decided not only to write an article, but also to interview Shen's father and Shen's mother to obtain more information. Finally, she told the two people to be more pitiful and asked the majority of netizens to help condemn Shen Wan.

Don't think you can do whatever you want by starting a company.

"Have you gone to see you?"

Shen Wan went directly to Dong Zheng's office to find her. Everyone knew Shen Wan, Mr. Dong's girlfriend.

As for the things on the Internet, these people don't know it, and it hasn't been fermented to the level that everyone knows, and Shen Wan and Dong Zheng's ** are well protected by 188.

Even if the video of Shen's father and Shen's mother playing mosaic is well known, Shen Wan will not allow everything about himself and Dong Zheng to be picked out by netizens.

Netizens have thousands of hands, and she only needs one 188.

No matter who sent any of their messages, it instantly evaporated.

Therefore, people on the Internet do not know their true identity, where they live, or what they do.

Unless they spread word of mouth, show the phone to each other when they are not connected to the Internet.

As long as there is a connection to the Internet, the computer technology of the small world is a newborn baby in front of 188.

188: Hey, you know how good Brother 8 is?To protect **, reject cyber violence, it's okay to find 8 brother.

"I have seen it." Shen Wan randomly found a place to sit down and watched Dong Zheng who was immersed in work with his chin. "The other party is very stubborn and doesn't cooperate at all."

Hearing this, Dong Zheng raised his head, "Isn't it because you frightened people, and the other side dared not say a word?"

Shen Wan whispered a big tweet to her last night, and said she was looking for Li Yunyun.

When seeing the two proofs and a box of inkpad, Dong Zheng's expression was difficult to express.Why would she find such a girlfriend, but it is still rare.

That kind of thing, Li Junjun only signed it after his brain was so funny.

In fact, she still has a more rude way to ensure that Li Yunyun obediently delete all the videos and apologize.

But her family Wanwan told her: “We are all legal and disciplinary taxpayers, and we cannot do things that are intimidating and threatening. Besides, Li Junjun’s kind of people who really want to be popular. If you become popular and make the entire network protect her, it will not be worth the gain."

Dong Zheng believes that it is not important that the legally observant taxpayer in the first two sentences cannot dare to intimidate and threaten.Shen Wan's focus is on the latter, and she doesn't want to give Li Junjun any chance of speculation.

Shen Wan was questioned by Dong Zheng, and he quickly retorted, "How can I, I smiled the whole time, I have never threatened Miss Li Yunyun, the other party did not help me get a visa, I am gentle and gentle, and I am not forced. What she does not want to do."

Dong Zheng didn't believe it.

Shen Wan said again, "Does Zhengzheng do not believe me? I brought the video back. You can see if you look at it. I really haven't bullied her the whole time. Girls are all cute angels, how could I use it? Bullying people with despicable means."

Dong Zheng didn't look at the phone, but asked, "You said Li Junjun is a lovely angel?"

"Pooh! Girls except Li Yunyun are angels."

"Wanwan, are you sure?"

Shen Wan patted her forehead and quickly changed her mouth, "Mistaken words, mistakes of the word, in my heart only Zhengzheng is the angel among girls, and only Zhengzheng is the cutest."

Dong Zheng was satisfied.

Then she looked at everything presented in the video, Li Yunyun was so stupefied that she didn't say a word, her face was aggrieved, and she shook her head speechlessly.

"Well, am I very gentle, even I am surprised by my gentleness."

Shen Bend his arms on Dong Zheng's shoulders, and the two of them rubbed their faces to watch the video, "She doesn't sign, and I didn't force it, right?"

"The questions I asked later are also facts, right?"

"I call her shameless, it seems that there is nothing wrong, right? How could an adult not know what it means to like the same sex? Li Junjun is still a university graduate, a literate person, should know that liking the same sex is not a disease, right?"

In the end, Dong Zheng only nodded and replied like a faint prince, "Yes, our family Wanwan is the most gentle, gentle and understanding, how could she bully Miss Li Junjun. What he said is the truth, Li Junjun She seems to be crying, she must be too fragile in her heart. I heard that she was an Internet celebrity after graduation, and she has too little social experience. There are no people who have been scolded by a few bosses, and they will cry if they say two things. , It's really normal."

"That's right, if the boss scolds her a few times, the little princess will become a grandmother, with a thick skin that can scrape a layer of mud." Shen Wan continued.

If Li Yunjun was here, I wonder if he would be pissed to death.

The next day, Li Junjun wrote another article and posted it with a video.

The video was taken yesterday by her father and mother Shen, and she passed on Shen Wan's words to them, which really aroused the anger of the two.

After her guidance, the two did not abuse them excessively. She said that blindly abuse would not allow Shen Wan to come back, and it would arouse disgust from netizens.

Articles and videos were posted. Shen's father and Shen's mother became a poor pair of parents. Shen Wan was the unfilial daughter. Because she liked women, she was not filial to her parents and never went home. She still does not support her parents.

Shen Wan was scolded miserably, and some people even wanted to pick Shen Wan, but they were cut off just as soon as they had some signs.

188 points a little bit of mind to count his more and more skins, and he bought all the skins he could buy.

The rest are limited skins that have not yet returned, some do not know when they will return, and some will only be available for activities on specific days.

If he doesn't need money for activities, he can do it himself, and those who don't have a fixed time to return, Wanwan has promised, and then he will buy one for each return.

He now has to keep a close eye on the group of bad guys on the Internet, and absolutely does not allow any words about Wanwan and Wanwan's personal information about her daughter-in-law to appear.

Li Yunjun also invited the navy of the professional team, intending to add to the flames, after all, she is now a little bit small.

She couldn't swallow her breath about this incident, she must learn a lesson from Shen Wan and go home with Shen's father and mother.

188 felt that this woman was utterly broken, hypocritical and bitch, and directly copied the evidence that she invited the navy.These things may be useful in the future.

Hey, when he is free, he must report good news to the boss, he will gather his skin just around the corner.

Netizens have intensified because of Shen's mother and Shen's father's video. It has been so long, and there is nothing wrong with Shen Wan, the person involved.

Li Junjun saw his fans continue to grow, and then look at the comments in the comments, which are all scolding for being unfilial. As for the topic of liking the same sex, he is more sensitive.Even if those big v reposts, they didn't name the problem of liking the same sex. It was all about trying to hold Shen Wan and not filial to his parents, not to support his parents, and not to go home.

As for the comments, the comments made by netizens are nothing to do with them. What they need is just the heat of the matter.

Five days later, Li Junjun is already an internet celebrity with millions of fans. She believes that if we continue to shoot a few more topical videos, more and more people will follow her.

The most important thing is that these people are alive.

Seeing the lively discussion in the comments, she was really in a good mood.

As for how to solve the follow-up problem, regardless of her matter, she has helped Shen father and Shen mother to announce the matter.

It is a pity that there is currently no information about Shen Wan and her couple on the Internet. She knows a little bit and dare not send it indiscriminately for fear of causing trouble.

If you get the information of the two, it is estimated that this topic will continue to be hot for a long time.

At this time, a post about Shen Wan's childhood experience appeared, and the content in it overwhelmed the topic of homosexuality.

The article has various pictures, as well as interview videos based on neighbors, classmates, and teachers.

The first picture is where Shen Wan lives at home. Shen Wan's home has three bedrooms and one living room. Shen's father and Shen mother have one room, and her brother Shen Bo has one room. As for the other room she has left?Want to be beautiful.

The remaining one was changed into a study room.

Her room is in a corner of the living room, a small corner blocked by a few screens.

There is a small bed, a simple computer desk worth ten yuan, and a low plastic stool worth three to five yuan.

Her books are all packed in cardboard boxes and set aside. The place is small but tidy, but it seems that there is no one living and there is a lot of dust.On the outside of the screen, some sundries were piled up.

Just seeing the introduction in the article, this is where Shen Wan lives, which silenced the majority of netizens.There is a reversal in this matter. What they look forward to most about eating melons is the reversal.

The second picture is Shen Bo's room.

Shen Bo's room is the master bedroom of the house, with a bathroom. It is spacious and bright, just a bit messy.The eye-catching is all kinds of good furniture, mattresses, and the very conspicuous computer configuration and a row of sneakers.

People who know computers quickly typed out a line: When that set is configured, it will cost at least 15 thousand.

Those who understand shoes also say: more than 20 pairs of sneakers, the minimum is more than two thousand.

This time, netizens were even more silent.

Even if they didn't read it anymore, they faintly guessed.The two pictures, with completely different styles, are very thought-provoking.

The third picture is of Shen's father and Shen's mother's room. Although it is not comparable to Shen Bo's, it is spacious and bright. It has everything that should be, especially the oversized TV, which is very conspicuous.

Finally, there are pictures of various places in the home. I don't know who said: It seems that the place where this daughter lives is the most dilapidated, like a temporary place for resettlement.

"Isn't it? Although the quilt cover is folded, the color of the quilt is years ago, and the sheets have been washed white."

"That corner is very small. Except for the bed, table and stool, there are only cardboard boxes for books. Her clothes are hung on simple clothes racks. The styles of the clothes look very old."

"Is this daughter picked up?"

Some netizens couldn't help discussing a few sentences before reading it.It was inevitable that the last time the face was slapped, they chose to keep watching.

The rest are interviews with neighbors, classmates, and teachers.

There are text, links and videos, and of course they are all mosaics.

In the evaluation of everyone, the original owner is a young girl with good moral character, very hard-working and frugal, and her grades are not top notch, but she is still good.

The high school teacher's evaluation of her is that if there is no delay that day, it will be no problem to pass her grades into a good university.

Then the words behind the neighbor made people angry.

The neighbor said that one day he heard Shen Wan arguing with Shen's father and Shen mother.

According to memories, it was the first time he heard this little girl refute her parents.Later, I heard clearly that the two of them were afraid that this girl would be admitted to the university to fly, and they even let each other miss an exam.

Originally, this little girl wanted to go to university, relying on grants and loans to go to school, never expected that the two couples would interrupt her dream.

After hearing this, netizens are numb.

Later, I heard a neighbor saying that the couple would sell Shen Wan to a greasy ugly man as a wife for 500,000 yuan.

What made them even more incredible was that the man also accepted an interview and said that the matter was true.

(Greasy ugly man: I can't accept it. Shen Wan's bodyguard is too scary. If I want to go down, what about accepting an interview? Anyway, it's a horseman.)

To the back, there was a video of Shen's mother and Shen's father being outside the Shenwan company, screaming and screaming.

Not only that, there is even Li Junjun, an Internet celebrity who is in the park, inducing the two to pretend to be pitiful to win the sympathy of netizens, and also tell the two that they cannot attack with the same sex as Shen Wan, which will arouse the resentment of this group.

Let them say that Shen Wan didn't go home, learn well, or show filial piety to his parents because of love.

The corner where Li Junjun and the three were photographed was not the front, but Li Junjun’s face was clearly photographed, and his voice was clearly recorded.

According to the person who provided the video, she was an old lady dancing in the park. She accidentally saw a very beautiful woman sitting with two people in her 50s and 60s sitting beside her.She thought this woman was a liar, so she took the video. If the police came to investigate the case, she would take it out. If not, it would be best.

"This old lady who is dancing has a very nice heart." Shen Wan held Dong Zheng's face and gave her a strong kiss. "Did you arrange it? I remember this video was not provided by me."

"Yeah." Dong Zheng admitted.

These things just exposed made her quite unpleasant, even if the information of the two had not been circulated on the Internet.Thinking of that small corner, there are only a few screens blocking it, and the contrast with that spacious room is suffocating.

Dong Zheng dialed a phone number and waited for the call to connect over there and said, "About those things Li Junjun did, let's let them go."

At the beginning, Li Junjun might have really made some very meaningful small videos, but as she got to the back and tasted such a bonus, she could no longer contain her ambitions.

She wanted to expose Li Yunjun’s first thing: Obviously there was a chance to pull two children who gave way to each other so that they would not fall into the water, but the other party chose to take a video and also captured all the people watching behind. , To condemn these onlookers, saying that people are indifferent.

Although the two children were finally rescued by well-wishers, Li Junjun's behavior was undesirable.In addition, she also filmed this kind-hearted person behind and proclaimed that there are still kind-hearted people in the world, vomit.

The second thing: For a while, Li Junjun’s video did not have enough controversial points, and eventually hired someone to shoot.

There are dozens of incidents of posing for a photo shoot. Anyway, it's not that there are good-hearted people in this world, but how indifferent people are in this world.

In short, no matter what, it will resonate with many people.

Then more and more people followed her, and she also received a lot of advertisements.

Because her fans are all live fans, the effect of advertising is really good.

After tasting the sweetness, Li Junjun would hire someone to shoot the video when there was no topic.

Anyway, it’s enough to make people resonate when filming it. Most people don’t guess whether this video is true or false, but only curse a few words, and feel sorry for a while.She has experience in making this kind of video, so it is extremely realistic. Many cases are inspired by news and forums.

The third thing: Li Junjun made the video to distort the facts, even though she didn't say anything, just hung up the video.And those who are searched for private information will suffer.

Obviously the facts are not like that, but they will be scolded, and there is hardship to tell.

Take the case of Shen Wan. If Shen Wan is really the original owner, a little girl who has no money, no money, and has not gone to college, how can she be able to prove her life?

If it is the original owner, everything will not go so smoothly, and in the end it may not be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion.

Li Yunjun never thought that all her secrets would be exposed in this way.

The opening of the article is just one sentence: Miss Li Yunyun, are human blood buns delicious?

When Shen Wan released all the evidence, Li Junjun was very upset.

After reading this article, her face was brushed pale, and it was over. It was completely over now.

The official response was swift. Li Junjun was banned, and her online celebrity career ended.And because of some of her actions in the video, she has to be investigated by the police.

When Shen's father and Shen's mother were going out that day, they faced a lot of strange gazes. People in the park all pointed at them. After hearing something, they just turned on their mobile phones to see. His face burned like fire.

When he returned home, Shen Bo was sitting in the living room, blaming them overwhelmingly.

"I told you all, don’t go find your sister, you have to go, now it’s okay? The school people, who of my brothers don’t know my sister? Now everyone knows that I bullied my sister and went to high school. At that time, my sister had to wash the underwear for me, so it’s not ashamed to throw it out!"

After speaking, Shen Bo felt unable to meet people, so he went into the room and closed the door.

After a while, he opened it again, "You are not allowed to go to her anymore. It's a big trouble. What do you want me to do? Where I go now, people who know me are laughing at me." At the thought of that scene, Shen Bo I can’t bear it, "She’s not easy to provoke. If you want to provoke it again, I will not recognize you in the future.

It is not that Shen Bo is not angry, but that he thinks Shen Wan is very powerful and can't afford to provoke him.If it wasn't for his cleverness, he would be tossed every time he used to.I didn't stop Shen's father and Shen's mother before, but he was holding a little hope in his heart. Who wouldn't want such a big company.

Now these two old shameless people can't get anything back, and if they continue, it will only affect his life.

"Also, I want to transfer schools. In the last two years, I couldn't stay in that school." Even though he often skipped classes, he didn't want to stay in that place.

The two couples had no choice but to agree, not forgetting to curse Shen Wan in their hearts.As for provoke, they don't dare to go. Wherever they go now, they will also be looked down upon with contempt.

They are shameless, which is also based on the fact that no one knows them.But if everyone knows and looks at them strangely, it's still unbearable.

Li Zhan also heard about such a big thing.

After all, Dong Zheng intervened in this matter, and even used Li's marketing team.

"Auntie." Li Zhan sat on the sofa neatly, watching the two women sitting together in front of him, and sighed, "Why don't you tell me something that happened before, such a small thing? Just let me talk to the people underneath.

What a simple thing.

Does my aunt have to find someone by herself?

"Wanwan is my girlfriend. I must come forward for this matter. Is it fair to say to you? That will hurt your aunt's face. If it spreads out, it means your aunt can't protect her own woman."

Li Zhantou

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