Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 106 The kind of physical and mental abuse (15)

Since Li Zhan grabbed ten oranges that day, Shen Wan found that he hadn't appeared in the villa for a long time.

Hearing Dong Zheng said that there seems to be something to be busy.

"Is there something wrong with Li Shi?"

Dong Zheng shook his head, "It should be something else. There is nothing wrong with Li's side. I guess it might have something to do with Xia Xuan. But if A Zhan can solve these by myself, then I won't intervene."

After getting the answer, Shen Wan pondered it to himself.

It has something to do with Xia Xuan. It is very likely that Li Zhan discovered something. Follow Xia Xuan here, plus the information she revealed, and continue to check below.

I don't know if Li Zhan is aware of the person behind the scenes who wants to harm him in advance, and will make the other party angry and turn his anger to her family Zhengzheng.

"What are you looking at me?" Dong Zheng buried his head and dealt with things. He couldn't ignore the Shen Wan's straight gaze. He had to look up and saw her staring at her with a big black shiny eyeball. The well-behaved appearance made her subconsciously say, "I get off work early today. You can figure out what we have for dinner first, and then go to the vegetable market to buy it."

Since Shenwan moved to the house, they have very little time to eat outside.

She really enjoys the feeling of giving her home to Wanwan. Two like-minded people make a sumptuous dinner together. In the dining room full of flowers, enjoying a candlelight dinner is happier than eating any delicacy.

"Okay." Shen Wan responded, and she buried her head not to disturb Dong Zheng.

But recently she plans to follow Dong Zheng every day. Who knows when the bad guys will come to tie her daughter-in-law, it is safest to put it under her nose.

After Li Zhan cleans up the two fathers and sons of Yao Shanqing, they can live happily together without worrying about other dangers.

Li Zhan is a male protagonist, and there is no weak female protagonist to hold back. He can definitely defeat the bad guys soon, right?

Dong Zheng found out that Shen Wan had followed her for several days, and he had reached the point where he could not leave.

She felt pretty good at first, but no one would come in in her office anyway.She also likes to have her lover by her side, but she is still very confused. Does Shen Wan care about her security company?

"It's been a week, Wanwan, if you don't go back to the company to check, what if there is a mistake?"

Shen Wan was sitting on the sofa with her mobile phone at the moment, and heard Dong Zheng’s words, "No, I have already arranged it. Xiao Hu is a very capable person. She will help me with all the troubles. Deal with it, but I gave her a half-year salary bonus."

Starting this security company, she has never thought about how to grow, to what extent she has enough food and drink, food and clothing, and satisfies the people under her hands.

It's just a small world, it's exhausting, and you can't take anything with you, it's better to stay with her daughter-in-law.

Dong Zheng also discovered that Shen Wan didn't care about the company at all.

Seeing the other party playing games happily, she shook her head gently, forget it, if Wanwan breaks down the company, isn't she still there?It is easy to raise a little daughter-in-law with her ability.

The people in Dong Zheng's company have all discovered the problem. They always have a follower next to Mr. Dong, and this follower is Mr. Dong's girlfriend.

Dong Zheng also found something wrong later. Shen Wan also stuck to her before, but not to this degree.Even if she goes to the bathroom, Shen Wan will be at the door.

Or find a reason why she wants to go to the bathroom herself, which is very strange for Dong Zheng.

After getting off work that day, Dong Zheng couldn't help but ask her, "Is something wrong with you recently? Has something happened?"

Shen Wan quickly fastened her seat belt, and her car had been taken to Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu is busy in the company, and occasionally goes to other places to run. He still needs a car.

And now she is with Zhengzheng every day, do she still need to drive by herself?

"Because I have been faintly disturbed recently."

Dong Zheng didn't expect Shen Wan to use a very serious expression, and when he said such careful words, he was a little nervous for an instant, "What's wrong?"

"I just feel uneasy. As long as you are under my nose, I feel safe."

Dong Zheng grinned, stretched out his hand and squeezed Shen curved cheeks, "Are you worried about me? Are you afraid that I will be tempted by the outside world?"

"No, it's not."

"Oh? Don't worry about me."

Shen Wan paused, "No, such a beautiful girlfriend, who can rest assured."

"What's going on?" Dong Zheng always felt that Shen Wan's words just now were not joking with her.

Shen Ben curled his eyebrows and said nothing for a long time. The worried look really scared Dong Zheng a bit.

Shen Wan was a girl full of secrets, she had discovered this a long time ago, and the other party didn't seem to hide in front of her.

She didn't believe that A Zhan had not discovered this, but she didn't care, and A Zhan didn't seem to mean to pursue it.And they all have an intuition that even if it is pursued, there is no result.

A Zhan looked at her face, and did not try to entangle the secrets.And she didn't want to entangle, this person was already hers, so what else could she do?

"I had a dream the other day."

Dong Zheng listened to Shen Wan while driving, and when she heard that she had a dream, her subconscious reaction was just an excuse, but she did not intend to reveal it, but chose to listen.

"What did you dream about?" Dong Zheng asked.

"Dreaming that you are in danger."

"And then?" Dong Zhengxiu frowned slightly, she thought she didn't provoke anyone.It is relatively safe at home. Under normal circumstances, no one would do such stupid things.

As for other places abroad, she does not have any very important business, and these places are sent to other people.So Shen Wan said that she dreamed that she was in danger, but she didn't take it seriously.

Shen Wan didn't immediately answer, but said, "Something bad happened." After she finished speaking, she was still mentally prepared if you wanted to listen, which made Dong Zheng couldn't help but laugh.

"What's the bad thing that scared you to follow me every step of the way?" Dong Zheng believed it, after all, Shen Wan had some skill and strength, maybe he was really worried that she was in danger, so he had to keep following. her.

"In a dream, you were tied up."

Shen Wan paused for ten seconds, and continued, "Finally, he was shot [exploded] in the head."

Dong Zheng: "..."

Dong Zheng was indeed frightened, and almost came to a sudden stop, but fortunately he stabilized.Fortunately, I have already driven to the suburbs, almost home.

"Then I was scared to cry." Shen Wan seemed to have not noticed Dong Zheng's situation, and continued to express that she was scared into a dog by this terrible dream. "Now if I don't see you for a day, I will recall that your head blossomed in the dream. Look like."

Dong Zheng's facial expressions were a little stiff, what kind of girlfriend did she find?Dreaming is also strange enough, dreaming of something wrong, but to dream that she was headshot, too bloody, too scary.

"Wanwan, did you watch horror movies with me behind your back?"

Shen Wan shook his head innocently, "No, I like to watch comedy movies, I don't like this bloody horror movie."

"Are you playing a headshot game recently?" Dong Zheng squinted at Shen Wan, "I suspect that your dream is to play this bloody game. My suggestion is to uninstall this game and play Let’s eliminate the fun, this little game is not bloody and fun, and it can exercise your brain."

Shen Wan hurriedly hid the phone in his bag. It was impossible not to play games.

Seeing Shen Wan's little movement, Dong Zheng couldn't help but kissed him twice. Although his girlfriend was sometimes nervous, she was really cute.

A few minutes later, Shen Wan calmly wiped the saliva on his face, looked in the small mirror, and found that his lip makeup was really spent, so he simply wiped it off.

"As I said, it makes sense to apply less powder. Fortunately, I am still young and naturally beautiful. Even if I don't apply powder, my skin is so smooth and white that it won't make your mouth full of powder."

188: Cover your face!Sure enough, he was very shameless, boasting that he was never polite.

"But if I get old in the future, you're afraid that you won't be able to make your mouth." Shen Wan sighed leisurely.

Dong Zheng couldn't hold back, and pressed her to kiss for a while, "No matter what you look like in the future, I will dare to kiss a few pounds of powder on your face."

Facing Dong Zheng's affectionate confession, Shen Wan looked at her in horror, "Zheng Zheng, why are you so heavy?"

Dong Zheng felt that Shen Wan had no interest, but she just liked it.Although this person has no interest, he always makes her happy.

To ask her what she liked about this person, she thought about it, as if she liked this person no matter what she did.

As I just said, even if she puts a few pounds of powder on Shen Wan's face, she seems to be able to eat it, is it really a heavy taste?

Imagining how Shen Wan wiped a few kilos of powder, Dong Zheng's instant feeling was not disgust, but joy.

Shen Wan found out what Dong Zheng was thinking about in a daze, and asked, "What do you think so in a daze?"

"I was thinking about how you rubbed a few kilos of powder." Dong Zheng said subconsciously. After she said that, she saw Shen Wan's eyes with chills, and quickly squeezed her face, "Are you angry?"

"No, how could I be angry with you." Shen Wan regained his smile, "Let me follow you recently. The previous dream frightened me. I will panic if I don't see you for a while."

"Okay." Dong Zheng didn't regard that dream as the same thing, but Shen Wan was so upset that he simply let the other party follow.

One month later, Li Zhan still did not come to visit.

After a month and a half, Dong Zheng heard that Xia Xuan had been in the hospital. He didn't know what the illness was, and he seemed to be hospitalized for a while.

When Li Zhan came to her, she took the opportunity to ask.

Li Zhan's face froze, "It's not a big deal."

Dong Zheng didn't continue to ask, she didn't care about Xia Xuan at all, and she was relieved to see that Li Zhan was intact.

Then I asked him why he was so busy recently and what he was busy doing, and told him to take care of himself.

Li Zhan still didn't say what he was up to, but Dong Zheng felt a violent storm that was about to come.

This reminded her of a long time ago, that day in her sister, she also felt this terrible breath, this feeling made her heart tight.

She stared at Li Zhan for a while, and found that the opponent's eyebrows were a bit tired, and her eyes were so firm.

After Li Zhan left, Dong Zheng leaned on the sofa and meditated.

Thoughts went back many years ago, when she was still a junior high school student.It was a weekend time. My sister hurriedly brought Li Zhan to her home. Don't ask why they were brought to her home, because their parents were divorced. My sister lives with her mother and she lives with her father.To explain, this is very complicated.My parents divorced early, and many people basically forgot that she had a sister.

As a child, A Zhan was very well-behaved and smart, and was still a quiet child.

After being handed over by her sister, he only stayed at home obediently without crying or making trouble, but he would always sit at the door in the evening and look in the direction of the door, as if waiting for his sister to come back.

They didn't wait for someone to return, they only waited for news of her death.

It sounds terrible, she didn't dare to look.In the face of the bright red blood, she was terrified, and she was overwhelmed by the loss of her sister.

A Zhan went to see it, and after seeing it, he was even more silent when he came back.

It didn't take long for A Zhan to be taken back by his grandfather and cultivated by one hand.

As for Li Zhan's father, he died many years ago. She doesn't know how he died. It is still a secret.She had never asked Li Zhan, nor dared to ask, because she was afraid of mentioning his sadness. She checked but did not find any clues, as if someone was hiding the cause of their death.

So this time, the kind of breath revealed from A Zhan's body, like the kind of breath that sister gave A Zhan to her back then, made her uneasy.

Dong Zheng shuddered suddenly and felt a pair of warm hands hold her.

When she came back to her senses, she saw Shen Wan sitting next to her, smiling and saying to her, "Is it cold? You hold me tight and keep warm on me, I am your little heater." Vice you are so cold, you have to hug me as soon as possible, so that Dong Zheng forgets what he just thought, and suddenly hugs the person full of arms.

Sniffing the scent on Shen Wan, she thought in her heart that her girlfriend was so fragrant, she wanted to take a bite.Little did she know that Shen Wan thought the same way. Sure enough, her daughter-in-law was very fragrant, even more fragrant than the steamed buns just out of the steamer, and wanted to swallow it in her belly.

188: Hey, he also feels that the weather is getting colder and colder.

"A Zhan's situation makes me feel a little worried. I don't know what happened to him."

"Then I will arrange more bodyguards to protect him."

Dong Zheng felt relieved, "Thank you."

"Whatever you are polite, it's all a family, and your nephew is also my nephew, although he is particularly annoying."

Dong Zheng smiled, "When are we getting married?"

"anytime is fine."

Dong Zheng's heart moved, "Then I will prepare well, and I can't be too anxious."

For things like marriage, she thinks she still needs a sense of ritual.Moreover, she is always worried about A Zhan's affairs, so let's wait for a while before discussing this matter.

Shen Wan thought the same way. He would have to wait for Yao Shanqing and his son to fall from the horse before he could feel relieved.

Li Zhan got busier and busier, Dong Zheng almost missed him, and the other party hadn't returned to the villa for a long time.Li Zhan did not refuse the bodyguard assigned to him by Shen Wan before.Especially the top equipment equipped with the bodyguards, he only fell silent for a moment, and said nothing, tacitly tacitly protecting these people by his side.After all, what he is doing now really needs someone to protect the safety of others.

The day before yesterday, Li Zhan received another message, the content is still very simple: Ma Daocheng successfully decorated.

After thinking for half an hour, he asked someone to do something and was waiting for news.

"Boss, got things."

When Li Zhan received this call, his heart relaxed, and he sat in a leather chair in silence for half a minute, his voice low, "Bring it back at any cost."

Dong Zheng felt that Shen Wan's premonition was not wrong, maybe she would really be shot in the head.Now there are two real guys pointing at her and Shen Wan's foreheads respectively. At this moment, she thinks that even though Shen Wan has the skill and natural power, under such a weapon, there is still no way to take her away.

Shen Wan had been holding Dong Zheng's waist, his face was pale, and he looked very pitiful, "Zheng Zheng, I'm so scared!"

Dong Zheng was helpless. Regardless of the fact that there was a real guy pointing on his forehead, Qianqianyu patted her on the back while touching her head.

"Hey, don't be afraid, you will be fine soon."

Even if you have a headshot, you can still die together, which is quite romantic when you think about it.I just don't know why these people would attack her.She vaguely guessed, but she didn't know what these people did and wanted to use her to threaten A Zhan.She was very witty and didn't ask anything.

Those people originally wanted to separate her from Shen Wan, but Shen Wan put both hands around her waist strongly, and the whole person was shrunk in her arms, and they yelled, "No one can separate me from Zhengzheng. , Even if we die, we must die together."

"Leaving Zhengzheng, my legs are soft."

Shen Wan's behavior is really provocative.

But her face was pale, her eyes were red, and even if she was afraid, no one would think she was lying.

Thinking of what two weak women can do?Those people didn't force them to separate them, but tied them together.They also don't think that in the face of so many people, there are real guys, the two can still escape.

The two were taken to meet a man who was approaching his sixties, his hair was gray and he was wearing a Tang suit.It looks very kind, especially like an old man walking in the park.

If it weren't for a row of such strong bodyguards standing around him, she would have almost believed that this was really a kind old man.

Dong Zheng's hand has been placed on Shen Wan's head and stroked slowly. He clearly runs a bodyguard company and is born with supernatural power. Why is he so timid?

She felt that the Shenwan dream might be fulfilled.

Thinking that the two are not married yet, I feel a little regretful.

Yao Shanqing saw the appearance of the two and smiled, "Don't be afraid, when Li Zhan comes, I will let you go." When it comes to Li Zhan, Yao Shanqing's expression is also a bit hideous, how could the kid know his secret? ?He also stole the things silently, but he was too confident, thinking that the things were hidden in that place, no one could think of it.

"What do you want from A Zhan?" Dong Zheng frowned, and intuitively told her that the person in front of her was not good.She had a kind face and held a string of Buddhist beads in her hand. She always felt that the other party looked like a bloody person.

Dong Zheng felt that his waist was pinched by a small hand, and he immersed his head to look at Shen Wan. What he saw was a little pitiful appearance.

Shen Wan: "Brother 8, how many real guys are there, how many people are there in ambush outside?"

[188: "Everyone has real guys in their hands. There are twenty people outside, and the configuration is very advanced. If you rush out alone, there is no problem, but you have to take your wife with you. "Shen Wan's ability, 188 has seen it, and I believe she can get out even before this kind of crisis.

"It seems that only the thief can be captured first."

Hearing what Shen Wan said, 188 didn't know what Shen Wan had planned, and was already secretly looking forward to what kind of wonderful performance she could show.

Then he suddenly received the alert tone and looked at it subconsciously, and almost called it out.

[188: "Wanwan, what did you buy, why did your account become zero? You cheated like this, isn't it all right?"]

Shen Wan snorted, "Why do you work hard if you are able to make opportunities and have short-term opportunities? Let's complete the task, not life. It is my money, not the money of the Time and Space Administration. The people above are anxious. Our tasker paid for the task to complete it."

[188: "Is it not very good to spread this way? It seems that no one advocates this kind of shortcut method."]

"That's because their brains are broken. The task is just a job. If it can be simplified, it can be simplified, and it can be simplified without injury. The task is not the result is important. Who pays attention to the process?"

After thinking about it for 188, he often heard that many systems made anonymous comments on forums, saying that their host was a very stingy guy.Don't talk about buying skins for them, but buying high-end items for them is a deduction.It’s like Wanwan at his house. I was hesitant to spend money, especially when I bought food for her daughter-in-law, the energy drink ingredients and advanced equipment that I bought last time.She really didn't hesitate at all. It can be seen that she is the kind who has to finish the task after spending all the money.

Even if he vaguely guessed that Shen Wan was so willing to spend money, he still had something to do with her daughter-in-law, but he also took a lot of advantage.

But this time I spent all the money, and I was still a little at a loss.

[188: "Wanwan, what did you buy, you spent all your money?"]

"Time still."

Hearing that, 188 almost collapsed and came out with a damn sound.She buys all these things, and she is willing to buy them.

"With so many real guys, I can't resist no matter how powerful I am. I don't want to be injured, nor do I want my relatives and daughters-in-law to be injured. I am afraid of pain.

188, who was exhausted physically and mentally, didn't want to speak anymore. He didn't believe that Shen Wan had no other way.She must be lazy, disgusted with trouble, and unwilling to think of other ways, so she bought a cheating device like time static device.

After spending all the money, I bought this thing, and the time limit is only five minutes, this prodigal girl.

Shen Wan was counting the time, listening to the news from Yao Shanqing, it seemed that Li Zhan had already arrived here, and he would be able to arrive in almost half an hour.

Throwing the time still in his hand, the time of the entire villa was in a static state instantly, and everyone was motionless.

She cautiously came out of Dong Zheng's arms and watched the people around her stop moving. First, she walked up to Yao Shanqing, slapped a slap on his face, and cursed by the way, "Old stuff! You are very capable! Dare to ask someone to point that thing at my wife's forehead."

"Papa Papa--"

188: "..." It's crazy, it's only five minutes. After a while he wakes up, he will definitely feel something wrong.

Then he saw that Shen Wan took out an ointment and applied a little to Yao Shanqing, the redness and swelling on his face disappeared.

188: What about the lower limit?What about morals?

In the end, Shen Wan took out all the real people in the villa at a rapid speed, and deducted all the bullet clips.

"Brother 8, help me scan, is there anything dangerous around me."

188's fate scan, almost five minutes, Shen Wan turned all the dangerous things in the villa into waste.

Then she cautiously moved to Dong Zheng's arms, rubbed her eyes, making her eyes red, and rubbed the corners of her mouth again, so as not to show off her smile just now.Poorly pursed his lips, leaned against Dong Zheng's arms, snapped his fingers, and the time still failed.

Looking at Yao Shanqing and others, nothing was wrong.

But Yao Shanqing always felt uncomfortable on his face. He looked in the mirror and found no problems, but his face was still very painful, like being slapped countless times.

He glanced at Shen Wan and Dong Zheng, and saw Shen Wan looking at him pitifully, like a little rabbit, and sneered.

Shen Wan buried her head in fright, because she couldn't hold it anymore.

Next, let's leave it to the hero!Little nephew, don't let her down.

Shen Wan, who was holding Dong Zheng, sighed inwardly. He suffered a great loss. Sure enough, raising a wife is very expensive.

"If you go out in the future, you have to support me."

Dong Zheng: "..." Can you still go out?

"Okay, I will support you."

"I was so terrified that I have lost the ability to make money from work."

Dong Zheng's nervous mood almost disappeared, and he hugged him tightly, "Well, even if you don't do anything, I will support you for the rest of your life."

Shen Wan was satisfied.

If you spend a little money, you can spend a little money. It's worth having such a wife.

"Zheng Zheng, you have to remember what you said."

Their life is very long.

Dong Zheng said that he remembered, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

The author has something to say: This world will end tomorrow.

That Ms. Moxiu is the last plane, so I won't write it in the first place. I will talk about it when someone mentions it.

This book has at most three planes and at least two, depending on the situation.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 destiny7281;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of Ali; 20 bottles of Mu Luo, China's most beautiful reader; 10 bottles of north wind, rain, snow and fog; 9 bottles of Jiuyi; 6 bottles of Yunmengze of Capricorn; 2 bottles of trouble; 1 bottle of Laobai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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