Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 113 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (6)

Shen Wan: "My daughter-in-law, she asked me if there was any bonus for Han Xiaoyu's case this time. Officer Xu can understand our feelings of no money, so should the bonus be?"

Xu Cheng gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes, but it will take more than half a month to apply, so wait."

"Just do it, anyway, I'm not afraid you, the people's police officer, will be greedy of my bonus."

Xu Cheng didn't care about these words. Instead, he sat next to Shen Wan and hesitated to ask, "How many ghosts are there out there? Are there clues to the case? If so, can you please tell me everything. "

"It just so happens that I want to tell you about this," Shen Wan was a little happy, "Of course, that bonus is mine. You have no opinion?"

Xu Cheng helped the amount of money, "No comments, as long as you provide useful clues to solve the case, all the bonuses are yours."

"Now my daughter-in-law is summoning all the little ghosts. They are lining up to talk about their cases one by one. When I am free, I will give you the cracked cases first."

Xu Cheng was a little excited and almost jumped up.But thinking that in front of a high school student, jumping up with excitement is too unimaginable.Only enduring the excitement in his heart, he nodded, indicating that he could.

He will also go to see Jiang Xulin, and Han Xiaoyu's parents will come over overnight.Han Xiaoyu's body has been taken to an autopsy.

Jiang Xulin was too ruthless. He actually poured cement directly on the suitcase containing Han Xiaoyu, and it became the base of a large flower pot in his garden.I heard that the flowers in that big flowerpot were all planted by him himself. Who could think of the darkness and sin hidden in it?

Shen Wan did plan to go back to school first. After all, he was living in the dormitory of the school and couldn't go back too late.If you don’t go back late, you will definitely find someone at the school.

She didn't expect to meet Mu Yuan when she first arrived at school.

She sniffed Mu Yuan's body and smelled Ruan Xue's breath. It seemed that Mu Yuan really liked the female ghost, and took everything with them.

Mu Yuan is actually a high school student, but his grades are much better than hers. The high school he attended is also the best in the city. They are not in the same school.

I came to see her today, which still surprised her.

Qin Yingpiao asked in Shen Wan's ear, "Who is that boy?"

"Former fiance," Shen Wan said in a low voice, "it's already in the past."

Qin Ying knows what is called front and what is called past tense, but the words like fiancé make her particularly uncomfortable.

She glanced at Mu Yuan. Mu Yuan couldn't see her, but she could always feel the chill around him, like a sharp knife was scraping from him.

"It's the breath of the ghost king, there is a powerful ghost king next to Shen Wan, brother Mu Yuan, be careful." Ruan Xue's voice spread to Mu Yuan's ears, making his expression change.

He is different from Xu Cheng, because of the existence of Ruan Xue, he believes in the legend of ghosts and gods.He suddenly heard a ghost king next to Shen Wan. He subconsciously squeezed the jade card hanging on his neck, raised the jade card and touched it on his lips, "Xiaoxue don't be afraid, I will protect you, no Will let anyone hurt you."

Shen Wan listened to Mu Yuan's affectionate muttering appearance, almost laughing crazy.If you like something bad, you have to like a ghost.The Sha Gui was fine when he was weak, but once he is strong, he won't know how to devour him in the future.The evil ghost named Ruan Xue didn't necessarily like Mu Yuan so much.

After Mu Yuan calmed Ruan Xue, he walked to Shen Wan's side, looked around, pursed the corners of his lips, and asked, "Do you know there is a ghost king by your side?"

"Oh, now you admit that there is a ghost? The female ghost next to you told you, right?"

Mu Yuan's expression changed slightly, "You don't need to worry about my affairs. Xiaoxue just kindly reminded me that I told you that you were targeted by the ghost king. It is already for your grandfather Shen's sake to be able to tell you this. I can't help you."

What Mu Yuan said is also true. He came here today mainly to see how Shen Wan is going.How can I say that Grandpa Shen was good to him at the beginning. If Shen Wan had any difficulties, he would not die, and would give some help appropriately.But there is really a ghost king who is coming to claim his life, he really can't help.

"Be careful yourself, Xiaoxue said, the ghost king is not as weak as ordinary ghosts, it can easily kill you." Just after Mu Yuan said, he felt a little heavy on his shoulders, and he almost fell directly to the ground. .

"You said bad things about the King of Ghosts, she is not happy, she is on your shoulders now, how about it, will it feel good?" Shen Wan didn't expect Qin Ying to be so direct, jumped directly on Mu Yuan's shoulders to toss the other party, she spread Tan Shou, "You also know that Ghost King is very powerful, I can't help it. By the way, let your Xiaoxue help you."

Mu Yuan endured his heavy shoulders and firmly squeezed the jade medal. Of course he would not let Xiaoxue come out.When the ghost king stepped on his shoulder, he already felt Xiaoxue trembling in the jade plate, which showed that she was still very afraid of the ghost king.

Qin Ying had already smelled the aura of evil spirits, and originally wanted to get Ruan Xue out, but the other party was living in a jade medallion, and she could do nothing for the time being.Unless the other party comes out, she really doesn't know how to get the other party out for a while.

"Okay, my wife is back." Shen Wan beckoned to Qin Ying. Qin Ying's feet were a little bit, and he stepped heavily on Mu Yuan's foot before drifting to Shen Wan's side. This time he actually moved his hand gently. He rested on Shen Ben's shoulders, almost half-armed.

This is different from dealing with Mu Yuan. She lay her arms carefully and watched Shen Wan adapt to her unsuitability, because the spirit power on her body was too strong and her Yin Qi was very heavy, and she was afraid that she would be too close to Shen Wan to freeze her opponent.Seeing Shen Wan's face unchanged, she was relieved.

"Now I am your daughter-in-law."

Shen Wan was a little surprised and a little happy. He didn't expect that after her daughter-in-law became a ghost, she became so proactive and jealous!

"Yes, you are my daughter-in-law, that guy is just an ex I don't care about."

Qin Ying smiled and glanced at Mu Yuan coldly, even though the other party could not see her, she was still very happy.

Although Mu Yuan could not see Qin Ying, he felt the death gaze from the ghost king, which was really uncomfortable.

"By the way, Mu Yuan, what are you doing with me?"

Mu Yuan rubbed his still aching shoulder, "It's nothing, just come and see if you are dead. If you haven't died, that's fine. Okay, I'm leaving now."

"By the way, you are very familiar with that ghost king, what did you call her just now?" If he heard it right, is it a wife?He stared at Shen Wan weirdly. She, a ghost hunter, actually fell in love with a ghost. Sounds like a female ghost?

Mu Yuan shook his head abruptly, it was really incredible.

"My daughter-in-law, why, you are allowed to fall in love with ghosts, are you not allowed to fall in love with ghosts?"

Mu Yuan couldn't help saying more, "She is a ghost king."

"What's the matter with the ghost king? You're still a ghost. What you said before is still good. When you think you are dying, you can call me. If I come in time, you can still save your life."

As for giving Mu Yuan a life-saving talisman, it is simply unrealistic.The other party has been fascinated by Ruan Xue. Now Ruan Xue is indeed like a little white rabbit, pitiful and cute, and can't help but pity.No matter how many life-saving charms, she will use the excuse she is afraid to let Mu Yuan deal with it.

Seeing what Mu Yuan wanted to say, Shen Wan became unhappy, "If you talk nonsense, I will let my daughter-in-law swallow the ghost you raised!!!"

Mu Yuan felt that Ruan Xue was trembling, and told him to leave quickly. She was very afraid of the breath of the ghost king, so she didn't say anything.

"Then I'm leaving, I don't care about your business, and you don't care about mine."

Mu Yuan is still a little relaxed now. Now everyone has their own ghosts. Presumably Shen Wan will understand that not all ghosts in this world will be caught. In the future, he will not appear in front of the other party, and the other party will not hurt Xiaoxue.

"That jade card is a little weird. At present, the evil spirit lives in it. I can't catch her out." Qin Ying followed Shen Wan into the school. "I wanted to study how she had almost no evil spirit on one of the evil spirits. If I hadn't been a ghost king for many years, and I really couldn't see the end, I guess it had something to do with that jade medal."

"Is there any problem?" Shen Wan asked Qin Ying so seriously.

Qin Ying thought for a while, "I always feel that there is some danger in that evil spirit, so I watched it more, it was a little strange."

Shen Wan thought to himself, the danger must be dangerous, after all, in the original plot, you and this evil spirit died together.

Because Ruan Xue swallowed the little ghosts outside the police station and angered the ghost king Qin Ying.Qin Ying never went to play in other places, and the little ghosts outside the police station rarely inquired about outside affairs. They were all waiting for their case to be solved, and they didn't know how Ruan Xue was getting stronger.

Ruan Xue knew Qin Ying, the ghost king, and planned to keep this place until the end.

Shenwan slept on the upper bunk at night, and Qin Ying sat in a corner of her bed.Shen Wan moved a place, patted the empty spot, and motioned for her to lie down.

Qin Ying shook her head, "My soul power is too strong, and the Yin Qi is very heavy. Even if I have some restraint, you will be frozen when I lie next to you all night." She basically waited for Shen Wan to fall asleep. , Go to hang on the tree outside the dormitory.

"Lie down for a while, it's okay."

Qin Ying was a little moved, and chose to lie down, and in an instant Shen Wan felt a chill coming from his side.The power of the ghost king is indeed very powerful.

"Make it thicker." Qin Ying initially promised Shen Wan to be the other's daughter-in-law, thinking that a human being Shen Wan would take advantage of her verbally.She is the King of Ghosts anyway. After so many years of life, she can't be a fool. Most people simply can't bear the yin of the King of Ghosts.If you want to take advantage of her, you have to go to Half-Life first.

After getting along for so many days, she felt that something was different.

For example, she is in a very good mood now lying next to Shen Wan, and she has the idea of ​​lying next to her every night.

Qin Ying stared at Shen Wan without blinking, making Shen Wan a little awake.

"Look at what I am doing? I have to sleep if you don't sleep, and I have to go to class tomorrow."

Qin Ying blinked with her big eyes open, still not looking away, "Go to sleep, I have no plans to chat with you."

Shen Wan was really sleepy, even under Qin Ying's attention, she gradually fell asleep.

It was late at night, and Qin Ying felt that the place she touched was cold and floated from the bed. She couldn't help but reached out her hand and touched her curved little face. Seeing that she seemed to be cold, she frowned and quickly shrank. After returning his hand, the figure floated out of the dormitory, just hanging on the tree outside, found a perfect location, and you can see the room when you look up.She was just in the moonlight, holding her chin, staring at the Shenwan bunk without blinking, her lips curled.

The author has something to say: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Let’s send a festive red envelope in this chapter to be happy (two points are required and will be issued at 8 o’clock tomorrow night)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 branch;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: blank, the state official wants to light one lamp;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

︶ㄣ Walk around 40 bottles; 30 bottles; don’t do it, I will recruit 18 bottles; Gu Nian 16 bottles; Orange Cheng, 10 bottles of katherine; 9 bottles of Jiuyi; cp to, Huai Xu, 28th morning of the whole network 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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