Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 122 The kind of being beaten by a ghost (15)

"What...what do you mean?" Mu Yuan asked in a daze. The changes in Shen Wan over the past year have been so big that he can't understand it.

Of course, they didn't spend much time together. Later, because of Xiaoxue, the two fell out and broke the marriage contract by the way.Mu Yuan didn't think too much, thinking that this was the real bend, after all, they didn't grow up since childhood.

Shen Wan just said that she didn't work in vain, he was really dumbfounded at first, and he reacted in just twenty seconds.

Is this asking him for compensation?

"What do you mean." Shen Wan saw that Mu Yuan reacted, showing a strange look in his eyes to know that he understood.

Mu Yuan asked in a complicated mood: "How much do you want?"

"Then it depends on how much the female ghost is worth in your heart." Shen Wan still held Qin Ying's hand, and said slowly with a smile on his face, "Look at it, give it more, give less, anyway. The price of is the importance of the female ghost in your heart. Of course, give more, I must find someone faster, give less, it means you don’t care much about her, then let’s look for her slowly, you Don't worry, I'm not even worried."

Qin Ying was amused, her family Wanwan is really bad!

However, this statement makes a lot of sense.

If you give too much money, don’t you have to do things seriously and quickly?With less money, who wants to work hard to find ghosts?

Wanwan's words are rough but very reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with them.

188, who just came back from watching the movie with her sister system, happened to hear Shen Wan's words and almost squirted out.

Because of the special nature of this world, Shen Wan is another ghost hunter.Even though the person possessed was a rookie ghost hunter, the mysterious host who couldn't stand him had those mysterious things in his own right, and basically nothing happened to him.Besides, there is also a ghost king Qin Ying next to Shen Wan. He watched the video before, and his powerful host has been on line with Yan Wangye, so this world really doesn't need him.

It just so happened that a new system came in the department, which was still a sister system.This is the first sister system, of course it is very popular with everyone, vying to express themselves in front of the sister system.

In the end, with his Geely code name and the skin that was about to accumulate, 188 successfully won the sister system's special treatment. Recently, they have all made appointments to watch movies and play games.After watching the movie today, he thought that he hadn't showed up for a long time, lest his host was dissatisfied, showed up, brushed up on her presence, and saw if she needed anything, and he saw that Shen Wan was digging for Mu Yuan. Pit, this pit, a male protagonist like Mu Yuan's urine surname really had to jump in.

Thinking of this, 188 seemed to feel that he was useless for fear of being abandoned, and quickly checked Mu Yuan.

[188 who found some news said: "Wanwan, Mu Yuan’s account has about five million."] At any rate, he is a rich second-generation, a little money 188 is not surprising, even though the other party is just a high school student , Judging by the degree of doting on him by Mu Yuan's family, as well as his own ability.

The sudden voice of 188 surprised Shen Wan, "I have already died in the arms of the sister system."

[188: "Hey, Wanwan, no matter how the world changes, we will always be the best friends."]

Shen Wan didn't care when he heard the words of 188 greasy tune and vaguely complacent.

Xiao Tongzi is only in love. If he is in love, he will not stare at her and her daughter-in-law every day. If he has one, he will stare at his daughter-in-law.Looking at him like this, the relationship between the two reunifications should be progressing well.

Shen Wan was curious: "Have you chased the girl?"

[188] squeezed and said: "Where it is so easy, Nine Sisters are very reserved, how could it be agreed at once. Recently, we often go to watch movies, and then play games and so on. Nine Sisters’ hobbies are particularly compatible with me. , I like watching exciting movies, and she likes it too. I prefer competitive games, and she likes it too. Moreover, Wanwan my original gameplay skills are okay. I didn’t expect the 9 girls to play any games especially slippery. She took me to lie down. Fortunately, I am older than her, know more than her, and follow you to so many worlds. I have a wide range of knowledge, so I can still talk about it. In fact, getting along like this is still very good."]

"Then you continue to work hard and strive to bring the sister system home as soon as possible. When you confirm the relationship, I will give you some money when the mission is over, and let you buy new skins for your sister."

The reward for the system's auxiliary host to complete the task is not money, but the opening of various small functions of the system, as well as some special abilities, obtaining more information, and upgrading.The reason for setting up things like various skins is to promote the cooperation between the host and the system. Of course, it is also in a disguised form to get some money from the host.

Mu Yuan sighed in place and took out a card from his pocket, "My money is in this card, the password is ******, can you find Xiaoxue for me now?"

In Mu Yuan's mind, Ruan Xue is of course much more important than the five million.

After searching for a week without finding a trace, he was already in a state of anxiety.

Although he understood that Shen Ben was pitting him, this time he was quite willing.It's worthwhile to find Xiaoxue with a loss of five million.

"how many?"

"About five million, I don't remember the exact number." Mu Yuan said very calmly, staring at her, "You promised not to swear, these five million are enough for you to save in three days. Did Xiaoxue find it?" Mu Yuan has been able to determine that Shen Wan should not have acted on Xiaoxue. Although he doesn't know the real Shen Wan, he still believes in his own judgment with the contact over the past year.

Shen Wan took the card, put it in his schoolbag, and glanced at him, "Do you really like that female ghost like this?"

"I think the behavior I expressed has fully proved how important Xiaoxue is in my mind." Mu Yuan said very cautiously. Maybe he did that before, and he was indeed a little sorry for Shen Wan. He also had something in his heart. Sorry.Because of Xiaoxue, he angered her in many things.She may not be that bad, but Xiaoxue is more important in his heart. If he focuses on one, he of course chooses to stand beside the girl he likes.

Shen Wan nodded, and said casually, "If she wants your life, do you still like her?"

"Xiaoxue has promised me to live and die together," Mu Yuan looked relaxed, and replied with some gratefulness, "She gave birth to me, she died and died, do you think she will kill me?"

"What she signed with you is a life and death contract, but this life and death contract is bound to your positive life, and her life is a negative life. When your positive life expires, she will also end her life and death. The life and death contract cannot be reversed. Ghost Once you die, you will die forever, and your soul will be dissipated. A ninety-nine percent chance is irreversible. Unless there is a unique opportunity, you will never encounter such an opportunity."

Hearing this, Mu Yuan's expression changed slightly, and his brows soon opened again, "It doesn't matter, if she doesn't exist in this world, I won't exist."

"When will you find Xiaoxue for me?"

Shen Wan glanced at him faintly, and said casually, "I hope that at the end, you can still choose to be with her so calmly."

"As for Ruan Xue's whereabouts, I will ask someone to check it for you right away."

After she finished speaking, she pulled Qin Ying beside her, "You call Chen Darong and the others and ask if they have seen Ruan Xue. If you have any whereabouts, bring her over. If not, let them stay idle. The ghost went looking for it and found a handsome reward."

Qin Ying did the same. She called Chen Darong first. Chen Darong said that he hadn't seen a female ghost recently, let alone Ruan Xue, but he would let it go.Those little ghosts who were idly playing cards and fighting landlords, heard that they wanted to help Shen Wan find a female ghost, and there was still a reward. They stopped playing cards and went to find ghosts in groups.

The second call was for Yu Shuang, because she just remembered the last time Yu Shuang was too cool.Of course, there was no news in the end.

The last one is naturally Lu Feng.

"Who's whereabouts?" Lu Feng was already at home now. Recently, his wife had a heat stroke. He would come to accompany her more every day, and even stabilized his body, taking advantage of his son's carelessness to do housework.He was mopping the floor when he received the call, and his wife was sitting on the side talking to him.

"Ruan Xue, you have seen the female ghost next to Mu Yuan."

"I haven't seen a female ghost, but I'll pay attention to it for you, and I will notify you when I have news." Lu Feng also said with certainty that he had forgotten the ghost of Ruan Xue a long time ago. Clean.

And his wife sitting on the sofa was stunned. Female ghost?She seemed to remember something. A week ago, there seemed to be a noisy female ghost in her husband's ID card?But seeing Lu Feng look like he had never seen a female ghost really made her laugh.

When she was about to say something, Lu Feng hung up the phone.

Lu Feng, returning to his senses, suddenly felt the strange look in his wife's eyes, and asked, "What's the matter? Is it something uncomfortable? Should I go to the hospital?"

"No, I'm fine, Brother Lu, I just heard you talking about a female ghost, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it was Qin Ying who said he was looking for a female ghost named Ruan Xue, and asked if I had seen it." Lu Feng continued to mop the floor, forgetting that the female ghost was placed by him and sent in the identity card. The space inside warms the soul.If Ruan Xue heard this, I'm afraid she would be stunned.

Lu Feng's wife burst into laughter before she said what she had remembered, and then Lu Feng muttered, "It turned out to be her. I have forgotten about it."

Lu Feng's wife couldn't hold back her smile, no matter why the female ghost came to approach her husband, but meeting someone like her husband would be considered unlucky for the female ghost.

Qin Ying had just put away the phone and received another call. After answering the call, her expression was slightly strange. She glanced at Mu Yuan, and finally said to Shen Wan, "Ruan Xue found it."

Shen Wan heard Qin Ying's report and almost laughed.

That Ruan Xue really didn't give up, couldn't hook up with that single dog Yu Shuang, and actually attacked the infatuated man Lu Feng.Didn't she understand that a lover like Lu Feng is only infatuated with his wife, and that other people in his eyes, whether men or women are all human, makes no difference.Was locked up in the identity card space for a week, I don't know if he was shocked.

Mu Yuan couldn't hear Qin Ying's words, and Shen Wan couldn't tell him the truth, but said, "Your female ghost has been found."

"Where is Xiaoxue now, is she safe? When will she be able to come back, what happened to her and haven't come back for a week?"

Shen Wan suffocated a smile, and said with a serious expression, "My family Yingying told me that your female ghost ran out in the middle of the night and met the evil ghost. In the end, she was almost beaten to death. Finally, she met Lu Feng fortunately. She asked Lu Feng for help. , Lu Feng put her in a space to warm her soul. Don't worry, it will be delivered in a while."

Mu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Who is Lu Feng?" His expression was a little nervous, he didn't like Xiaoxue.

"Lu Feng is a bad guy who walks in the human world. Don't worry, he has a living wife and children in the human world. He is not interested in your ghosts. He was also an honest police officer who served the people. ."

After listening, Mu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer doubted anything.

Soon Lu Feng came, and when he reached Shen Wan's side, he released Ruan Xue.After Ruan Xue handed it over to Mu Yuan, Shen Wan took Qin Ying away. Of course, Lu Feng had to rush back to continue mopping the ground. The ground was not finished yet.

Ruan Xue was saved and cried to Mu Yuan. The two signed a life and death contract, and she was able to reach Mu Yuan.She cried for a while, and when she wanted to say something, Mu Yuan spoke.

"It's so dangerous outside, why did you run out alone?"

"I want to go out and call me, no matter how late I will stay with you."

Ruan Xue was still a little moved. When she wanted to say her grievance, Mu Yuan interrupted her again.

"This time you were attacked by evil spirits and you almost died. Fortunately, you met Lu Feng who was so kind and willing to provide you with a place to warm your soul, Xiaoxue, if you encounter another wave of evil spirits with evil intentions, what should I do? do?"

What Ruan Xue originally wanted to say got stuck in her throat.

Yes, she came to Lu Feng on this excuse. Who knew that the dead man was serious, thinking that she was really going to be gone, so she was put in that ghost place, and she almost screamed hoarse.

As for encountering evil spirits, this world doesn't know what's wrong, and even a stray ghost can't see it. Last time she actually saw some stray ghost's temporary dwelling place, which shocked her to death.

"Don't run around in the future, Xiaoxue, don't worry me."

Ruan Xue was not moved at all, only that Mu Yuan was ignorant, like a fool.

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to make up the nine thousand words today, but I can only make up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

I was asked to play games last night. I haven't played for two months. I played one night and half a morning.

Oh my god, my hands hurt!!!After every crazy game, I regret why I stayed up late.Saying that I will not fight in the future, the next time I am asked, it seems to automatically forget this.

In addition, this world should be over in three or two days.

The complete outline of the book has been healed, and there are two planes, one in the entertainment industry and one in immortality.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Rocket Launcher]: 1 Lingyun;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 Lingyun;

Thank you for the little angels who cast [land mines]: Yue Yuya, Brother Se Hyun, Haze 0.01;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Time gg 50 bottles; Haze 0.0 23 bottles; Muluo 11 bottles;?5 bottles; Muyun 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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