Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 125 Are You A Star? Big guys grabbed the kind (1)

"Wanwan, I'll open the room for you. Let’s live here tonight. It’s already eleven o’clock. It’s impossible for you to take a taxi and go back alone. How dangerous a girl is at night, and you look like this. I can't go by myself, can I?"

Mullins sat on the side of the bed, looking at the woman who was already lying on the bed almost unconsciously drunk. Seeing that she had said such a big sentence, the woman did not respond, and she couldn't help showing a trace of pride.

She tentatively patted Shen Wan's face gently, and when she touched the tender skin, a touch of jealousy rose in her heart.His eyes gradually became cold, and the voice was still as good as before, "Wanwan, then I am leaving?"

Seeing that Shen Wan was still unresponsive, Mullin's smile became more and more open, with a successful look in his eyes, "Then you can sleep well, tonight will surely make you memorable."

Mullins turned and walked away without closing the door, just concealing it.

"188, take out one of my sober pills." Shen Wan moved his soft fingers, "By the way, as before, I will also have a Dali pills."

[188: "Wanwan, you cheated again."]

"What is it that I cheated again? This is all bought with my money. Did my money come from a strong wind? 188, you forget the host when you have an object, don't you? How long is this, you still complain about me? Get up, are your wings stiff? I remember going out of print skin next month..."

[188 quickly pleased and said: "Wanwan, sober pills and Dali pills have been taken out, you can eat them while they are hot."]

After taking the hangover pill, Shen Wan was no longer drunk, and then ate the Dali pill. She sat cross-legged on the bed and took a sip of water from the water cup next to her. She didn’t mean to put the cup back, but kept playing. With this glass that looks pretty good.

"This time I am a little star who just debuted. Not only is the star journey bumpy, but the relationship is also quite bumpy." Shen Wan was playing with the glass in one hand and his chin in the other, with a different kind of light in his eyes. A role that was snatched by various big bosses. To be honest, I haven't had this experience yet."

[188 Curiosity: "Your body looks perfect outside. Isn’t it true that no one pursues you and snatches you?"] Although the space they live in should be an advanced civilization in the universe, there is something between humans These laws will not change.For example, there must be a lot of good-looking people who pursue them. If you attract some people with good backgrounds and strong strength, it is really normal to be robbed.


[188 is depressed, why not, "Why? Is it because their aesthetics are different, or Wanwan you are not beautiful enough?"]

"You dare to say that I am not beautiful enough?"

[188: "Is it the first beauty in your universe? Don't brag, there are people outside the world, there are heaven outside the sky."]

"188, since you have a target, your speech has become more and more unpleasant. If you talk like this, why haven't you been killed by your target?"

[188: "Wanwan, you are the best, can you tell me why you have not been snatched, and there are no suitors?"]

"Okay, depending on your well-behaved appearance, then I will just reluctantly talk to you." Shen Wan cleared his throat and said solemnly, "This is going to be from where I met when I was only ten years old. Speaking of the bluffing old woman, if I hadn’t met that old woman at such a young age, it would have depended on my outward appearance, tusk...Even if it’s not the most beautiful in the universe, it should be ranked second. People are rushing around frantically, and the suitor must be chasing me in a battleship with flowers."

188: "..." Daydreaming?

[188 suddenly remembered something and asked weakly, "So, you guys were together at that time?"]

"No, I'm going to be together, what am I doing here. Besides, I was only ten years old that year. What do you know?"

[188: "So what are you doing here?"]

"Are you the undercover agent sent by the other side?"

[188 quickly denied, "No, I am not, I am just curious to ask, Wanwan, don't doubt me, we are on the same boat."]

When the two continued to say something, there was a sudden movement at the door.Immediately after the door was pushed open, a somewhat drunk figure swayed into the room.Soon he walked in front of Shen Wan and fell down on the bed. Shen Wan quickly avoided, but the other hand still touched her shoulder.


The man’s somewhat magnetic and slightly drunken voice sounded, and then he let out a cold voice, "Woman, do you want to be in my bed that way? Then give you a chance to show tonight." Then the man turned over and planned to do something. I thought it would be a wonderful night, but I never expected that Shen Wan raised his leg to greet him!

This heavy bend took a lot of effort to directly kick the half-drunk man next to the door, hitting the wall with a bang and then falling off.Shen Wan didn't know if he hurts or not, anyway, she kicked it quite well.

Of course she knows who the person who broke into this room accidentally is, is one of the big guys who snatched her role, the Merry President Jing Ming.Basically, I don't reject women who come, but since I have a relationship with her role, I have only greed for her.

Well, it was really bloody, her money was not wasted.

Jing Ming was kicked and hit the wall, and his mind became clearer. He rubbed the bumped waist, he raised his head and glanced at the bed.At this time, the light has been turned on by Shen Ben.He happened to see a little girl sitting on the bed. She looked twenty years old, with white cheeks and a little blush. She looked like a ripe peach, which was very eye-catching. Want to kiss Fangze.

Shen Wan got off the bed, poured a glass of water into the glass, and walked to Jing Ming's face, "Is the wine still awake?" After speaking, she poured a glass directly on Jing Ming's face, making his eyes wide open. , It's totally unbelievable. This woman is so bold that she dared to splash his face with water. He has never been treated like this before when Jing Ming grew up.

Angry, and a little fresh.

Is this woman trying to use this method to attract his attention?Jing Ming thought of it this way.

But when he watched Shen Wan's white and slender fingers pinching the glass, the glass split instantly, dispelling the idea.

He looked at the broken glass, and his body trembled subconsciously.Looking at Shen Wan's cute and beautiful face, there are no more thoughts.He could not squeeze a wine glass in a hotel into this kind of slag with his bare hands.

"Are you awake?" Shen Wan squatted down and asked with a smile.

Jing Ming is the president of the company, his brows wrinkled, "Why are you in my room?"

"Are you sure it's your room?" Shen Wan pointed to the location of the door and motioned him to look up. Jing Ming looked up and found that this is not his room. His room should be on the upper floor, facing this. Embarrassed, he didn't know what to do.If it was an ordinary woman, even if he put her to sleep, the other party was afraid that she would be anxious.But this woman who crushed the water glass into slag with his bare hands, he swallowed the saliva secretly and went to the wrong room, so be polite.


"It seems that the wine has sobered up, so go away!"

Jing Ming was on fire in his heart. When he wanted to say something, Shen Wan couldn't bear it. He directly picked up his back collar and lifted a man weighing more than 100 kilograms and walked outside.Jing Ming almost yelled and struggled a bit, but Shen Wan directly pinched his neck and threatened, "Do you mean the neck is hard or the cup is hard?"

This kind of awkwardness was something Jing Ming hadn't experienced after living 30 years old, it was too difficult!He stopped squeaking, thinking about keeping the green hills without firewood. One day, he will figure out her identity and come back with revenge. Wait and see, woman.

When Shen Wan carried the person out of the room, the door to the opposite room just opened, and a beautiful woman came out from inside, just facing Shen Wan's eyes.The other party only fell on Shen Wan’s face for a moment, and then turned to Jing Ming in Shen Wan’s hand in the next second. A big man in a crumpled suit was carried out by a petite woman. It's really interesting.

Therefore, this beautiful woman couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered where she had seen Shen Wan.She glanced carefully again and realized who it was.Isn't this the little actor who played the role of the close-knit maid in her last play?

She blinked her nice eyes, and she didn't understand why Shen Wan would carry a man out of the room at night.

Shen Yan tugged at the corner of his mouth, what a coincidence?

She cleared her throat, "Fu Yinghou, did you live across from my room?"

Fu Qingman pursed his lips and smiled, "It's a coincidence, Miss Shen, what are you doing?"

"I slept well. I didn't expect a drunk to come in in the middle of the night. Fortunately, I still have the skills I learned before. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen. This drunk came in and wanted to take advantage of me, but I was instantly subdued. "While speaking, Shen Wan seemed to be still proving her own ability, carrying Jing Ming and shaking it, as if she was carrying a bag and swaying from side to side, looking relaxed, then what she said Naturally it is very credible.

Even if Shen Wan didn't say that, Fu Qingman believed it.After all, there are very few women, still such a small and thin woman, who can casually carry a big man of more than a hundred catties standing at the door of the room and chat with her freely without changing his face and hands, as if Carrying a plastic person.

Jing Ming was angry!!

He grinds his teeth and wants to raise his head, but Shen Ben directly pinches his neck, and the pain is terrible at the slightest movement, he can't sit still like an octopus with its teeth and claws.And Fu Qingman was on the opposite side. The other party knew him. Fortunately, he had his head down, otherwise it would be really shameful.Wait a minute, is this woman's last name Shen?Very good, let him know another message.

"Did you not lock the door when you were asleep? How could anyone come in casually?" Perhaps Shen Wan's way of appearance was so different, which made Fu Qingman more interested and curious about her.

Shen Wan freed up a hand and rubbed his head, "Tonight I accompany the investors to dinner with the crew, but I was too drunk to drink. My good sister Mulin Shi helped me open the room. It may be when she left. , The door is not closed firmly, she is so careless."

188: I don't know who learned Wanwan's eye drops skills. This Fu Qingman should be the old woman in her mouth.This kind of beautiful and good-looking old woman, in fact, is pretty happy in her heart, otherwise she would be willing to spend a lot of money and pretend to be a fart every day.

Fu Qingman naturally understood the meaning, and she glanced at Jingming lightly, "Do you want to send this person to the police station?"

Jing Ming: "..."

"It's just a drunk, it's useless to send it over, just throw it out of the hotel." Shen Wan glanced at the long corridor, "Fu Yinghou, can I ask you for a favor? Can you accompany me He threw it out. I was a little scared. It's almost twelve o'clock now."

Fu Qingman stared at Shen Wan, so much strength, is he still scared?The ghost is afraid of her.But surprisingly, she did not refuse.

The two went downstairs side by side. Jing Ming was afraid of being humiliated by being hit, so he just hung his head without saying a word.After arriving outside the hotel, Shen Wan really threw him out casually, smashing his ass, and hurting him to death.

The two turned back to the hotel. Fu Qingman wanted to say something to Shen Wan, but suddenly found that her cheeks were red and her eyes were not as clear as before. He subconsciously grabbed Shen Wan's arm and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Maybe the stamina of the wine is coming up, and my head is a little dizzy." Then Shen Wan leaned on Fu Qingman's arm, "Fu Yinghou, please help me up."

Fu Qingman didn't doubt anything, because Shen Wan looked really drunk.

When she sent Shen Wan to the door of the room, she suddenly remembered what Shen Wan had said before. This room was opened by Mulin Shi, and she didn't know if the woman had any purpose.So she turned around and brought Shen Wan into her room.

Shen Ben: On the road.

188: Hehehe, this woman is still as bad as ever, and she dismisses her as an old woman, so what is it to keep close to her?

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Grenade]: Haze 0.0, Mozhu, and Moqianyun 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: the night falls in the dust, Li Mo, Xiong Naochao, and Mu Yu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Floating like a dream, 20 bottles of Xiao Ran; 10 bottles of Orange, Dovek, and Ishihara Rimi while sleeping;?5 bottles; 33900610 4 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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