Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 135 Are You A Star? The big guys grabbed the kind (11)

The crowd of melon-eating people on Weibo swallowed saliva while looking at the Weibo that Jing Ge sent, almost screaming for melon-eating.

Does this little artist named Shen Wan have anything to do with King Ying?

Jingge: Shen Wan [Love][][][]

Jing Ge didn't follow Jing Ming's words, and posted something late, busy, and didn't see an excuse for something wrong on the Internet.

Instead, he directly clicked on four expressions, one love heart and three roses.

Say nothing, sometimes the effect may be better.

Such an obvious way of expression is not afraid that the audience on the Internet will not understand it.Not only did they understand, but they also instantly understood the meaning of these simple expressions.

The actor Jing Ge is expressing that he and Shen Wan are in love.

When Shen Wan was criticized and scolded by the entire Internet, he posted this Weibo to prove that the photos were not real.

Otherwise, why would he stand up at this time?

Since Jingge mixed in this circle, he has talked about many girlfriends.Although the love experience is very rich, no girlfriend will say that he is not a half after breaking up, but will say that his person is very good.

His fans also support him very much. Even in this case, Shen Wan was hacked into the bottom of the pot, Jingge fans all stood up and said that since Jingge is the person that Jingge likes, it must not be the kind of mess. of.

At the same time, Jing Ge quickly issued a statement stating that he would fully hold the rumors accountable, and that they would be innocent at that time, and that Ms. Shen Wan could not be the person in the photo.

Very fast, as if rehearsed.

It was indeed rehearsed. Not long after that, Jing Ge will help Shen Wan to prove her innocence, and find the heroine who took the photo, and let the other party admit that the protagonist in the photo is her, not Shen Wan.As for why it was revealed, she would only say that she didn't know.

Anyway, these are not important anymore. As long as the person in the photo is not Shen Wan, everyone who eats melon will only guess that someone must have accidentally taken these photos, looking a bit like Shen Wan, and intending to frame her.

But these have not yet started, after all, Jing Ge has just posted on Weibo.

When everyone was puzzled, knowing that there must be something bigger in it, Shen Wan logged on to his Weibo, commented and reposted Jingge's Weibo.

Shen Wan:???Jingge.

People who eat melon: Nani?

Fu Qingman, who was sitting in front of Shen Wan, had a question mark on her head, and she couldn't understand why this wave of operations was.

However, Jing Ge directly publicly stated her relationship with Shen Wan on Weibo, and she felt a little unhappy because she didn't know what happened.

"Are you familiar with Jing Ge?"

"Not very familiar, isn't it just the previous filming collaboration?"

Fu Qingman fiddled with the phone and asked inadvertently, "I think he seems to be helping you. He intends to use this method to divert his attention first, and then make everyone question the truth of the previous incident. Now they are reacting quickly, maybe You know what you know, whether you know it or not, you can feel it. Jing Ge is helping you. If he doesn't mean you, he will definitely not wade in the muddy water."

Fu Qingman frowned slightly, and she also asked someone to check it.

But she didn't have much energy in this aspect. The opponent started quickly and accurately, and there was basically no trace. It was like a professional navy team, and she couldn't find anything at all.Now that Jing Ge is involved again, I don't know what will happen.

But the repost of Shen Wan's Weibo made things even more messy.

Jing Ge and everyone indicated that he and Shen Wan have an ambiguous relationship, and it is not difficult to guess that they are a romantic relationship.He stood up without hesitation and stood up for his girlfriend, who can be regarded as a man in any way. Similarly, this is also a pit of muddy water. If it is not done, it must be mud.

This can show that there may have been some evidence on Jing Ge's side that the person in the photo is not Shen Wan, otherwise he would not dare to directly indicate this way.

When the photo came out, Jing Ge didn't respond much, and only now did it. Could it be that Jing Ge used Jing's resources.Jing Ge and Jing Ming are brothers, and Fu Qingman certainly knows it. It's not a secret that they have been in the circle for a long time. It's just that everyone will avoid this topic without subconsciously not mentioning the relationship between the two.

In any case, what she cares most about is that Jing Ge looks awkward.

Her family is not as good as the Jing family, and her family's industry does not involve the entertainment industry, so Jing family is different.Because of the existence of Jingge, Jingjia is involved in the entertainment industry, there are really many.

"Jing Ge should like you very much, so he helped you at this time." Fu Qingman pretended to gossip, "You really don't have anything?"

"I have reposted all my Weibo, what else can I have?"

Not only did Fu Qingman be puzzled by the operation of Shen Ben, but also the crowd of onlookers who were eating melons were very puzzled.

Jing Ge, hiding behind the screen, watched Shen Wan's forwarding with three "?", and wondered if she had a bad head and couldn't see that he was helping her?

Now the onlookers who eat melons are all talking about their operations.

Fu Qingman thought for a while and asked, "Did you ask someone to find out something that didn't take advantage of this opportunity to get out?" In this circle, especially at this time, the opportunity is actually rare and precious.It suddenly occurred to her that Shen Wan itself does not seem simple, and she does not necessarily need Jing Ge's help.

In fact, from the perspective of her heart, she does not agree with the kind of relationship between Shen Wan and Jing Ge.

"There are already eyebrows." Shen Wan replied.

Fu Qingman was still a little worried. It might be Jing Ge's operation that caused her to awaken something. She returned to the sofa and didn't know who called. She kept talking for a long time.Anyway, to the effect of asking someone to help suppress those rumors about Shen Wan, especially photos, must be deleted as soon as possible.

As for money, she will come out.

In the latter case, she secretly went upstairs to say.

Shen Wan was delighted to see Fu Qingman secretly calling someone to help her withdraw hot searches.

In fact, the hot search was taken down before, and it was not her who did it. Fu Qingman left midway, she guessed it was Fu Qingman.It is estimated that the other party saw that she was not moving, and might not know how to operate these things, and secretly helped her.As for why she didn't talk to her in person, she guessed that the daughter-in-law might be shy.

188: Are you sure you are shy?

"Brother 8, how is the post editing?"

[188: "It's almost done, do you want to post it now?"]

"Send it, that guy Jing Ming actually came to yin me with Jing Ge, and he played the domineering president's set, to see if I didn't kill him." Shen Wan's expression became a little sordid, and it turned out that these two brothers are not good things.

Just when everyone was confused, a new post appeared on major social platforms and Weibo.

The name of the post is: "The Overlord Who Chased the Depression in Those Years".

Now about the word Shen Ben, it is very urge to click in.So the moment the post appeared, it was followed by countless people.It may be the experience of eating melons. Posts like this kind of hot content will definitely be deleted in no time.

Therefore, the people who eat melons first saved a copy quickly, and then they held their mobile phones and looked at the content of the post cheerfully.

Fu Qingman saw it for the first time, and quickly sat down and clicked on the post. The more we looked at it, her eyes became more weird, and at the same time she was a little angry.

Shen Wan smiled and flipped his cell phone, and saw that there was already noisy on the Internet. Didn't that Jing Ming think he was an overbearing president?This time she called 188 to take Jingming as the protagonist and made up a short story that looked very lifelike.Of course, no matter how realistic the edited story is, it is only a story.

If it is accompanied by some clear and impressive pictures, it is not a fabricated story, but just clarifying the truth.

The overall story of this story is that a young artist named Shen Wan who has just entered the entertainment industry is suddenly attracted by a domineering president named Jing Ming.

The overbearing president Jing Ming originally thought that a small artist like this would be able to get it.After all, how many of the big dye tanks in the entertainment industry can maintain their original heart and not be tempted?Unexpectedly, this little artist named Shen Wan would not follow.He tried every means, and she ignored him.With such a beautiful and refined appearance, Jingming, the overbearing president, loves and hates and is reluctant to really hurt her.

So even if I have been pursuing her, I never thought about forcing her to do something she didn't want to do.

Originally, he wanted to give her resources, but this beautiful and refined little white flower artist named Shen Wan was actually unwilling. He insisted on doing it himself and rejected his kindness.

Because of this, Jing Ming liked her more.

Day by day, no matter what he did, he couldn't get her likes.However, she didn't want to force her to do things she didn't want to do.

The overbearing president Jing Ming felt very painful in his heart, and then went to get drunk, and he accidentally met a woman who looked like a penis.He was drunk at the time. Maybe he really loved Shen Wan too much. That night, he took away the woman who looked like Shen Wan.

When he woke up the next day, although he regretted a little bit, but seeing such a similar face, he left her behind and used her as a stand-in for the little artist Shen Wan.

Then the overbearing president couldn't bear to force the beloved woman, and finally found a substitute article and wrote a big article like this.

Everyone after watching it all made a sound, fucking, really fucking bloody, who wrote this story, is that too untrue?

But they still held back and continued to watch. The following is the clarification for Shen Wan.

It is said that those photos were accidentally taken when the overbearing president Jing Ming was with the woman who looked like a small artist Shen Wan.

As for why it was so coincidentally filmed, it was because this woman was jealous and Shen Wan was jealous, because when the domineering president Jing Ming was with her, he actually called Shen Wan by name.She was jealous, knew that he couldn't forget Shen Wan, and used her as a substitute.After knowing who Shen Wan was, she planned to darken Shen Wan, so that the other party's reputation would be discredited, and she would never be able to raise her head.

These photos were all taken by her, and they were blurred in the end.

Seeing this, everyone is confused, really?Who is Jingming?The president of Jing's?It's really the kind of persona described in the article. I can't help but find a substitute, but in the end it is the substitute who is jealous, blackened, and wants to frame Shen Wan?

When Jing Ming was told that the protagonist of this overbearing CEO story was him, after reading it, he was almost mad, whether the brain of the person who made the story was flooded.

Jing Ge also finished reading this story with a dazed expression. Why does he think that the story is even decent?

Although everyone is questioning, but did not believe the truth of this story.Because the evidence was not sufficient, they did not believe that Shen Wan would be pursued by the dignified Jing's president, and it was the result of such a request that he could not find a substitute.

After reading it, Fu Qingman stared at Shen Wan weirdly, "Did you ask someone to post this post?"

"Yes." Shen Wan admitted.

Fu Qingman paused and said, "Although you can divert your attention, you can't prove your innocence unless..."

"It's not over yet. I'll ask someone to release evidence later. Without sufficient evidence, how could I let someone post this post."

Seeing what she said so swearingly, Fu Qingman couldn't help but relax a little, and showed the story of the overbearing president Jing Ge pursuing Shen Wan again. After reading it, she commented, "I always feel a little bit of sand sculpture."

"Where is the sand sculpture?"

"Shen Wan is a beautiful and refined little white flower artist."

Shen Wan: "Isn't I a beautiful and refined person? Little white flowers grow very beautiful and refined."

Fu Qingman's lips twitched, speechless.

Five minutes later, the best news came again.

Soon it came to the hot search: #CEOHD#

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you for the little angel who cast []: Brother Shixian, Mu Yu, Gu Lin Jushi, 1 ;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles of Lingyun; 45 bottles of Banyuanjun; 18 bottles of sleeppy; 10 bottles of Mu Yu; 3 bottles of Mu Yun; 2 bottles of Yu Ah;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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