Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 137 Are You A Star? The big guys grabbed the kind (13)

"Brother, her explanation should be to thank me for supporting her on Weibo last time. It doesn't mean anything else. Really, brother, you believe me. I haven't done anything except do what you said."

Jing Ming frowned tightly, still staring at Jing Ge with suspicion, "You have always been interested in her."

"Brother, even if I am interested in her, I can't fight my brother for a woman, right?"

Jing Ming sneered, "That's not necessarily true. Who knows if you will be dazzled by a certain woman and start with my brother." Jing Ming doubts this brother very much, of course he suspects more than Jing Ge because A woman dealt with him, but Jing Ge is also Jing family, do you want to be the actor, want to come back to inherit the family property

Even if it didn't, Jing Ge might not be able to deal with his brother in order to please a woman.In case, his younger brother moved his heart, he really said not necessarily.

Mainly, his suspicion is not indiscriminate. It is the news he got that Jing Ge has not been in love for a long time because of this woman.

Even the women in the circle who wanted to approach him, he avoided it.

Instead, when filming a movie, which is currently the hit TV series, I secretly went out for dinner with Shen Wan several times.As for Fu Qingman at the time, he was directly ignored by Jingming.A woman, right there, might be helping Shen Wan cover.

"Brother, it's really not me, I don't have that great ability." Jing Ge was about to cry, it's really not him, who it is, he wants to know who it is, he actually made his brother so miserable, he admires it very much this person.

Jing Ming said with a cold face, "Whether it is you or not, it's best not to let me find out that it is you. Okay, you can go back."

When Jing Ge turned and left, he was stopped again. He turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Brother, is there anything else?"

"That Shen Wan..." Jing Ming frowned, "Do you have any thoughts about her?"

Jing Ge shook his head quickly, as if shaking a rattle, "No, brother, I don't have any thoughts about her anymore, really, I swear, if I still have a little thought about her, I won't find it in my life. Girlfriend, be a single dog for a lifetime."

Jing Ge's words of such swearing, but Jing Mingxin's words.

He planned something in his heart, and looked up, "This matter can't be forgotten. Since you are not interested in her, it is better to stay away from her."

"I know." Jing Ge understood in his heart, Jing Ming was afraid that he was really angry, and planned to deal with Shen Wan.

His brother has always been a careful eye since he was a child. Whoever bites him, he must bite off a piece of meat.To be honest, he came to play in the entertainment industry, the first reason was that he liked it, and the second reason was that he was afraid that the two brothers would compete against each other. That was a scene he didn't want to see.

Take a look, a Weibo, an interview, his brother suspected him casually.

After wiping his sweat, Jing Ge left home quickly.As for Shen Wan, he dare not have any ideas.Between his own brother and a woman, he must have chosen his own brother, although this brother is a bit cautious and a little bit mean.

Shen Wan's new play is a line created by Fu Qingman.Similarly, Fu Qingman is also in this drama. She mentioned to Shen Wan the role of a female second. This role is very eye-catching and a very complete role. As long as the actor's acting skills can keep up, with this role, It will definitely make Shen Wan more prominent in this circle.

The current Shen Wan can only take the shots from the current broadcast.

There are quite a lot of scenes in this drama, but it is a female third, and most of the scenes are still in the main body.Moreover, every time she shows up, it is more about playing, and the character's life experience is not full of emotions.Even at the end, there is a certain tragic orientation, which arouses a little sympathy, and it cannot last for too long, and can only attract a small number of fans.

If you want to rely on this female third to have a status in the circle, then other actors work hard to shoot the heroine, the female second, then why bother?Since she is the female third, it means that no matter how good and outstanding she is, she is still the female third. As long as the female lead and the second female are not stupid, the appearance and acting skills are on the horizontal line, it is not easy to grab the limelight.

What Fu Qingman thinks is that with Shen Wan's current fame, everyone knows her and shoots two high-level plays so that the director can see her potential.Shen Wan is very rich, but she thinks Shen Wan wants to use money to smash the heroine role, so she has done so long ago.

Since I'm not doing that much, I still want to take the acting route step by step and be a down-to-earth actor.

That’s right, working hard to be an actor is not just to be famous, what does being famous do, isn’t it just for profit?Shen Wan is not short of money, and he doesn't seem to care much about his name.

After analyzing many things, when Fu Qingman received the new play, she got the script in advance. It was just before the director casts the cast. At that time, she saw the role of the second female and thought it was very suitable for Shen Wan. Go try.Now let's shoot the role of the second female first. After a certain heat, there will naturally be a good script willing to come to her.

Later, she took Shen Wan to audition, and it went smoothly. The directors who invited her were all very famous, and they were all very standard in filming.Even if you want to use some traffic stars, you still need a certain amount of acting. It is impossible to be famous without acting.

The director was very satisfied with Shen Wan's audition.

After returning to China, she and Shen Wan shrank in the room every day to play against each other.Because she plays the heroine and Shen Wan is the second female, there are still many rivals between them.

In the play, they are a pair of sisters, who were very good at the beginning, and then turned against each other. It must be the second female Shen Wan who has turned black.Her female is mainly blackened, so it won't work.In the end, the second female will be awakened to her conscience for various reasons, and she will return to her innocent and lovely look before she dies.

When Fu Qingman was reading the script, he raised his head and glanced down, and saw that she actually showed the blackened look in the play, let alone, it was really scary.If you change into costumes and dress up to match the image, she thinks it is more suitable.

There is no problem with Shen Wan's acting skills, which Fu Qingman is very confident.What she cares about is how to make Shen Wan perform better.Before she knew it, she didn't even think about her role as the protagonist. She helped Shen Wan perform the whole process, and what she needed to pay attention to when facing the scene.

Even though Shen Wan had some experience, he listened very carefully.

The daughter-in-law taught her so seriously, can she not listen?

"I think that when darkening, you don't actually need to dress up too much. The change in appearance is only in form. The real darkening. If you want to play this role well, you have to reveal it from your heart and your eyes. For example, at this time, you have encountered all of this, and at this time, you have integrated into this role."

When Fu Qingman spoke, she was very gentle, and she kept helping Shen Wan to get her hair down and pinched her face, "Your face is already pure and lovely, if you draw another darkened thick one. Makeup, I think it’s too much. Then we will talk to the stylist and make-up artist and mention my thoughts."

"Can you understand?"

"Qing Man means that even if I am darkened, I don’t need heavy makeup to express, but to make me darken from the inside out. Even if the outside is pure and unpretentious, like a little white flower. Anyone who can see will understand from my eyes, expression and smile that I am actually blackened. I am not the little white flower I used to be, but a big pervert, right?"

Although it is right, don't use such words as a metaphor.

It's really strange that what little white flower has become a big pervert.

Fu Qingman was still very satisfied with Shen Wan's understanding, and nodded and said, "Then you show me the most innocent smile now."

Shen Wan: If your wife wants her to smile and show her, then she laughs.

Then, Shen Wan showed a happy smile, which was indeed brilliant and innocent, and it almost blinded Fu Qingman's eyes. She didn't know how to describe that smile.One kind of bend is a little sun. The light of this little sun only shines on her body at that moment, and only she can feel all the temperature.

"how about it?"

Fu Qingman was soberly waved by Shen Wan's hand, and quickly withdrew his mind, "It's so beautiful, but it's so beautiful to smile."

"Then I will show you another smile, and watch more if you like." Shen Wan smiled again after finishing speaking.

Fu Qingman watched her smile without saying a word, her heart beating unconsciously, as if it was because of the sentence before Shen Wan.Show her another smile, and watch more if you like.Between the girls, why do you have to talk so vaguely?

She didn't understand Shen Wan's words as other meanings.Maybe she just avoided it subconsciously, letting herself not go in that direction.

"Okay, don't laugh."

Shen Wan closed his smile and waited for Fu Qingman to speak.

Fu Qingman thought for a while, "A bleak smile must fit into the bleak smile of the character."

When the words fell, she saw Shen Wan covering her face with her hands, and when she moved her palms, a different smile appeared.The white and beautiful face didn't seem to have changed, but when he saw those eyes, even Fu Qingman was startled.The faint smile was really bleak and desperate. On the corner of her lips, she seemed to see a bit of bitterness.It is unimaginable that Shen Wan would laugh like this.

But when Fu Qingman saw this smile, she felt real, she was also caught in it, and wanted to ask clearly what happened to her and why she was sad.

At this moment, Shen Wanpu laughed out and pulled her out of the whole scene.

"Another crazy laugh, that's the kind of laugh that won't be at odds with each other."

Shen Wan did it, still perfect.

Moreover, Fu Qingman felt that when Shen Wan laughed into a pervert, it seemed perfect.Is it true that Xiao Baihua has become a big pervert, is she particularly good at it?

"The last smile is very complicated, smile relieved."

A simple smile that can be explained in four words, but it is not that simple to make.

Although Shen Wan did a good job, she always felt that something was missing and something was wrong.

Shen Wan noticed it herself, and smiled relievedly. She laughed that there was a problem.Then, she consulted the excellent system 188 and asked her to help analyze it.

[188 After analyzing for a long time, I finally spoke, "Wanwan, if you think about it, you originally had a lot of money, but as a result, your money was all spent. You are going to die of anger, especially wanting to spend it all on you. The person with money killed him and chased him down for most of his life. When you finally found him and wanted to kill her, you suddenly found out that she was your daughter-in-law. Then you were relieved and felt very happy. Take a look. Unlike your character, although you failed in the end, you also learned the truth, everything is different from what you thought, and your sister is relieved and finally relieved.]

Shen Wan: "Although your expression is a bit strange, I can try it."

The daughter-in-law spent all her money, and then she chased him down for most of her life.Why is it so painful that after spending all her money, she still has to hunt down most of her life to find someone.

Shen Wan gave Fu Qingman a bitter look, making Fu Qingman inexplicable, "What's wrong, isn't it a bit difficult? Should we analyze this character again and find some inspiration?"

"No, I will show you a smile now." This old woman!

If you dare to spend all of her money and ask her to look for it for most of her life, see if she doesn't take care of her.

Throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shen Wan smiled at Fu Qingman relievedly. This time it was perfect. Fu Qingman said, "You have to remember this feeling when you shoot this one in the future."

Shen Wan's eyes became more resentful, remember the feeling that this old woman spent her money and was chased by her for most of her life?Such a bad request.

Fu Qingman:?

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