Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 142 Are You A Star? The big guys grabbed the kind (18)

When Pan Yue knew that the man behind this incident was Jing Ming, he couldn't believe it.

Jingming wouldn't want to do this for a woman, right?

Didn’t the matter of Jingming’s overbearing president chasing his boss, Shen Wan, a little white flower raging on the Internet?

Why didn't he want to hurt Shen Wan, Jing Ming accidentally found a substitute, so how could he deal with Shen Wan?

"Have you heard of hatred because of love?" Shen Wan glanced at him and said, "Now everyone knows that he likes me, but he can't get me, and I'm angry when I know that he has a substitute. Now his liking for me has turned into hatred, and he wants to destroy my reputation in this circle."

"Actually, I guess that he was planning to frame me first, and then lend a hand to me, let me understand the cruelty of this circle, and rely on him."

Pan Yue was said in a daze, and it sounded like that.

He still knows a little bit about Jing Ming, knowing that this person is indeed very uncompromising for his own purposes.

If he was really attracted to Shen Wan, he couldn't get it now, and the secret was exposed again.He had a stand-in, and Shen Wan knew, then there was probably no chance between the two of them.

Now Jing Ming had to use other methods to get Shen Wan to return to his side obediently. Although this method was very extreme, it must be said that it was very practical.

"Then boss, what do you want to do?"

Pan Yue is a straightforward person. He has never beaten Shen Wan twice in drinking. Even though he feels a little regretful, he is willing to admit that Shen Wan is the boss.

He knows a lot about Jingming.

This person is cruel and can use all means for the purpose, but he is still careful.Another point is that his Pan family really can't provoke Jing Ming, and it's a dead word to confront him.

"Jing Ming is black now, I am very distressed." Shen Wan held a small face, and said this kind of shamelessly, making Pan Yue and Fu Qingman not know what to do.

"If he is allowed to continue, he will definitely do more excessive things, brother, what do you think?"

Pan Yue nodded, "Indeed, if he fails to achieve his goal, he will definitely not give up, boss, how did you provoke him?"

"What can it be? It's not the fault of this face," Shen Wan sighed, "It's strange, I'm so good-looking."

Pan Yue: Is this... so?

Fu Qingman pondered for a while in silence, "Are you sure it is Jing Ming who is dealing with you?"

"Yes, Qing Man, do you think I'm lying?"

Fu Qingman shook his head quickly, facing Shenwan's big eyes, "No, if Jingming is really dealing with you, maybe he is really blackened as you said. Now in order to get you, he will exhaust everything. Kind of means. I'm just worried, what will he think of to deal with you next."

What else can you think of?

If it weren't for her 188, Jing Ming wouldn't know how many methods she had used to fix her.This man was really the most prudent one she had ever seen, he didn't look like a man.

After Leng Jiatong's incident before, the director also told her that he received a call from Jing Ming the next day, stating that if he wanted Jing's investment, he would just expel Shen Wan from the crew.It can be seen that this man really wants to block all her ways.

But in the eyes of uninformed people, they would think that Jing Ming liked her too much, that would break her wings and plan to put her in a cage and raise her.

Shen Wan was about to say something when the phone rang suddenly.

I figured it out, and it was her agent Su Jiali who called her, "Sister Jiali, what's the matter?"

"Did you offend someone?" Su Jiali asked when she came up. "The company notified me that it wanted to arrange a special agent for you. I feel wrong. I have already fought for it, but the company is not accommodating. Must arrange you to the other party."

"Who arranged it?" Shen Wan gave Fu Qingman and Pan Yue a small look. Look, it should be Jing Ming who came to deal with her.

She turned on the PA, and both Fu Qingman and Pan Yue could clearly hear the voice on the phone.

"An old agent of the company, Song Xi. Now they have already decided, Shen Wan, I have tried hard, but they just don’t let go, I can’t help it. Be careful, Song Xi, this old woman, not so Simply, who is she, you have been in the industry for one or two years, and you should hear some wind."

"Thank you sister Carrie for telling me this, don't worry, I will be fine."

Su Jiali is not so optimistic, she is really good-looking Shen Wan.But this circle is a quagmire, not what she wants.Even the artists who fall into her hands have developed well, but the right to speak has not yet been able to do whatever they want.

She can only pray in her heart for what will happen to Shen Wan in the future.Now that she has been forcibly arranged, she is also panicked, but there is no way she can regenerate her breath, and her arms can't twist her thighs, so she can only give up.

"Song Xi is a snob. It seems that someone is really going to deal with you." Fu Qingman worried, "How many years have you signed before, or terminate the contract with them. If the money is not enough, I have it here." "

With Shen Wan's worth at the time, no matter how much the liquidated damages are, there shouldn't be much.

Generally, small artists are paid several million in liquidated damages, not to mention Shen Wan at the time. Even Shen Wan now is not a big star, and the liquidated damages will not be hundreds of millions.

She mentioned that she was rich, because she thought that Shen Wan didn't have long invested hundreds of millions in the crew, thinking that she should not be able to spend so much money for a while.

"Little brother, now there is a chance to rise," Shen Wan beckoned to Pan Yue, "Come here, I will tell you."

Pan Yue approached the suspicion, Fu Qingman was very curious, and he wanted to listen, but felt embarrassed.

Shen Wan saw it, hooked her neck directly, and brought her over, "My plan is like this..."

Pan Yue and Fu Qingman looked at Shen Wan in shock.

"Do you still have so much money?" Fu Qingman couldn't help but be surprised, "There are even shares in the company you are currently in?"

Shen Wan revealed a mouthful of white teeth, which she had expected a long time ago. When she came before, she asked 188 to do this for her.

After a year, 188 has already owned a lot of shares in this company, and she should be the small boss of this company.

Most of the company's pressure was Jingming. How could a small entertainment company be the opponent of a big guy like Jingming?

Pan Yue swallowed. His boss is really rich and amazing. It's really not a loss to recognize her as the boss.

Now the boss wants him to take care of the company, saying that he would simply buy it over. His carelessness is pounding.

In the end, Pan Yue couldn't stand the temptation and agreed.

The next day, the company signed by Shen Wan had changed people. It is said that this company was acquired by a mysterious shareholder. When the new director appeared, it was actually the Pan Dashao who likes to eat, drink and play. Everyone was surprised.Could it be that this company was acquired by the Pan family and played for Pan Shao?

Similarly, Shen Wan was called to the company by a new agent that day.

Now, standing in front of her is the new agent Song Xi, "I have arranged for you to shoot several advertisements." Song Xi handed the information to Shen Wan, "Look for yourself first, what's the problem."

Shen Wan looked through it, and it was a bit bad. Isn't this an underwear advertisement?Although she does not discriminate against underwear advertisements, how can she accept this kind of advertisement with a pure white flower.

"Why, do you have any comments? According to your current reputation, it is already very good to be able to receive this kind of big-name underwear advertisement. This is a good opportunity. You have to take it well."

"What if you don't shoot?"

Song Xi was waiting for this sentence, "If you don’t shoot, then I’ll give it to someone else. Other people don’t dislike this and that like you do. As for when the next resource falls on you, there will be Waited."

This means that she may not have the resources if she doesn't shoot this advertisement.

If the company doesn't praise or give her resources, it will indeed be cut off for ordinary artists.

"Sister Song, you should know the route I took. It's not appropriate to shoot this kind of commercial. Moreover, I don't think I need to accept any commercials now. I still have two films in my hand."

"How long have you just debuted, and you're so arrogant? No ads, no other announcements, and when the two films are finished, who will remember you?" Song Siren said with a face, "I will pick this for you, but for Hello, if you are not rare, I will not pick you up again in the future."

"I don't think you are suitable to be an agent. Your vision is so bad that you can't discover my potential. You also tried to use underwear ads to confine me."

Song Xi thought that Shen Wan was crazy, so he dared to speak to her like this.

She sneered in her heart. There is no such simple thing in this circle. Now that some people don't want to develop, she can't develop.

Even if Shen Wan wanted to solve it, she couldn't afford the high liquidated damages.

Song Xi glanced at Shen Wan, "I'm very busy now, you can think about it, and you can figure it out by yourself." After that, she turned and left.

When Shen Wan saw Song Xi again, it was when she was holding a cardboard box and carrying her own things.

She doesn't understand why, she knows that today is the time for the new boss to take office.She just went up and reported her work, but she was relieved by the new boss.

The reason was that she was too tacky and ugly, and the smell on her body made him feel disgusted.

The anger in Song Xi's heart is still only able to leave.

She felt a look behind her, and when she turned her head, she saw Shen Wan holding a cone and chewing, almost fainting.

"Sister Song, where are you holding so many things?"

"She was fired by the new boss." Su Jiali walked out from behind, glanced weirdly, and whispered, "The new boss is Pan Shao, you know?"

After all, we all know the lace news about Shen Wan and Pan Shao.

"I know."

Su Jiali paused before saying, "You and Pan Shaozhen..." Is that kind of relationship really?

"Your guess is correct, Pan Shao and I are really brothers." Shen Wan raised his head triumphantly and patted Su Jiali on the shoulder, "Sister Jiali, now you are my agent again, now the boss of this company It's my brother, don't worry, right?"

Su Jiali: "..."

"Qing Man came to pick me up to the crew, Sister Jiali, don’t pick me up for ads, you know, the last person to pick up ads for me has been fired by my brother. Just be my agent. Just give me a good PR."

When Fu Qingman's car drove over, Shen Wan quickly trot over and opened the co-pilot's door and got in, looking very anxious.

Su Jiali was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses and couldn't help but smile, "I was actually threatened by this girl."

"Brother? It's incredible that Shen Wan and Pan Shao became brothers."

"Has the matter been resolved?" Fu Qingman just asked Shen Wan for the cone she bought before, and found that she was holding one in her hand, "So you have, then this..."

"Give me together, I can eat two."

Shen Wan directly took the cone into her hand, opened it and licked it, half-squinted, looked at Fu Qingman and said, "Why do I find the cone you bought is sweeter?"

"Really?" Fu Qingman didn't believe it, and Shen Wan handed the cone to her. "If you don't believe it, you can lick it and see which one is sweeter."

[188: "Wanwan, you are not doing this well."] 188, who has just finished a few investments, heard that Mrs. Shen Wan was teasing her, and she couldn't bear it.

He has been too busy recently. In order to get more skins for the subject, he has been busy investing in Wanwan every day, and he spends less time with him.He will explain in a moment, and then spend two days with each other.You can't just ignore the object because of investment and become single again.

To his horror, Fu Qingman glanced at Shen Wan, then drove the car to the side and stopped, looked at Shen Wan for a while, then lowered her head and licked both of her cones.

"How about, which one is sweeter?"

Fu Qingming pursed his lips, wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and then started the car again.

It wasn't that she didn't want to talk, but just now after the ghost and god did what Shen Wan had said, her heart beat so hard, as if she was about to jump out of her heart.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, only that she was abnormal.

This abnormality is that it is abnormal when encountering a heavy bend.Therefore, this is not normal, it is really abnormal.

"Qingman, which is sweeter?"

Fu Qingman exhaled gently and silently suppressed the beating heart, before he said, "I feel the same sweetness, no difference."

They were all licked by her, so they are the same sweetness.

This sentence suddenly popped into his mind, causing Fu Qingman to brake violently.

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