Abused Female Lead And Beautiful Villainess

Chapter 144: Are You A Star? The big guys grabbed the kind (20)

When Shen Wan said, she likes something bigger and more beautiful. When you are like you, Fu Qingman has no control over herself.

The water glass in her hand shook and almost fell directly.

Shen Benyan quickly stretched out his hand to hold the glass of water. The small hand happened to hold her hand. Fu Qingman looked at the white, small, very slender hand holding her, and his heart beat faster. Time does not know what to do.

She was at a loss, even if she denied some feelings before.

At this time, she couldn't deceive herself anymore. In fact, a long time ago, she had vaguely guessed, but she didn't believe that she was actually crooked and would be tempted by a woman.

Perhaps, she was not curved, but after this woman appeared, she invisibly changed from a straight pencil to a curved mosquito coil.

"What's the matter, the water cup can't be held securely. Do you want to rest today?" Shen Wan was full of concern. "Although it's a bit unkind, I guess the whole crew is looking forward to your two days off."

Because every time Fu Qingman was uncomfortable to rest, Shen Wan would pay the entire crew to play, and they were very happy.

Even the director didn't have any opinion. Anyway, it was Shen Wan who paid the money. When the funds were insufficient, Shen Wan would make up for it.Shen Wan did what she said. She said that filming must be happy. She just likes filming. If she is not happy, what is the point?

Although many people in the crew don't understand, they know that the local tyrants think differently from them.Since all losses are borne by local tyrants, what are they worried about?And now there is a little local tyrant, Shen Wan, who seems to be using the best in everything, and has never been called poor.

The director has done every detail very well for the perfection of the show. It is not regarded as money at all. All this is the blessing of Shen Wan.No, it is the blessing of Fu Qingman's monthly menstrual period and occasional headaches.

Hearing Shen Wan's words, Fu Qingman subconsciously looked at the crowd eating the popsicles in the distance. Seeing them eating, he glanced at her from time to time, and his eyes seemed to say, why the local tyrants didn't kill Fu Yinghou. Take it home?

Fu Qingman let out a long sigh and drank the hot water in his cup.

Shen Wan's hand did not release the water glass, which was equivalent to her holding Shen Wan's hand with her other hand.

Shen Wan was a little excited, and hurriedly called 188 in his heart, "Eight brother, I have a hunch that my daughter-in-law is coming to my bowl, what do you think?"

However, she didn't get a response from 188. Wei Wei guessed that she knew that 188 would definitely go to watch movies and play games with the subject.

Fu Qingman did not let go after drinking the water.

Under Shen Wan's small eyes, she leaned in her ears, "If you are like me, you shouldn't find the second one, so it's basically wishful thinking." After speaking, she chuckled softly. Said, "Or, just choose me, how about it?"

Huh, is it so direct?

Shen Wan's eyes kept blinking, and the expressions in his eyes were getting brighter and brighter. Fu Qingman, who showed his intentions, couldn't control himself.

When she expressed her thoughts, she felt that the whole body was relaxed.It turned out that after revealing his thoughts, it turned out to be so good.How could she not feel that Shen Wan was also interested in her.After living for more than 20 years, she hasn't seen anyone treat her sister, girlfriend, to the extent that Shen Wan treats her.

If there is Ruuowu's affection and concern, how could she not realize it.

It's just that she didn't believe it before, and subconsciously denied it.

She said that like her, Shen Wan couldn't find the second one, and like Shen Wan to her, why couldn't she find the second one?

"Since you like this one of mine, it's best to choose me." Fu Qingman's voice floated in Shen Wan's ears, "Don't you think?"

"Yes, you are too right." Shen Wan quickly replied, "Man, you are right," Shen Wan said in a low voice, "Are you true?"

"Of course it is true. I won't be joking about this kind of thing. If you don't believe me, you can officially live in my house today." After speaking, Fu Qingman also took out his cell phone and called her assistant. After a while, her assistant came over.

"Sister Qingman, what's the matter?"

It's not that the assistant is lazy, but when Shen Wan is there, she really can't help much.

In this local tyrant, I have helped Qingman think about everything, she stayed aside, just like a fool.

Fu Qingman stretched out his white palm, "Give me my key."

Although the assistant was very strange, he honestly gave the key to Fu Qingman, "Okay, you can go to the activities by yourself. The weather is very hot, but don't eat too much popsicles, which will cause diarrhea."

The assistant nodded quickly and ran away quickly. Sister Qingman must have seen her eat four popsicles earlier.Although she still wanted to eat, she didn't dare anymore. If she was ill, it would be a bad idea to ask for leave. There was no local tyrant around her.

Fu Qingman put the key in the heart of Shenwan's palm, "Here, I have given you all the keys. Now if you don't follow me back, I won't be able to enter the house."

Shen Wan is still a bit dumbfounded, and forget it when he is not resuscitated, why is it such a virtue after resuscitation.Sure enough, she deserves to be that old woman, no matter how she changes, it is this virtue.I thought it was a pretty lotus. It was not pink, but black.

"Why, I don't want it?" Fu Qingman snorted, "If you don't want to, it won't work. You came to provoke me first. I was bent by you. It is impossible to like men and other women in this life. If you don’t want me, I will be alone for a lifetime."

Shen Wan: Damn, how could this woman be so shameless.

She really wanted to say that this old woman didn't go straight from the inside out. She was clearly bent by the other party, and she actually blamed her for bending the other party.

"The stomach is still a little uncomfortable."

Fu Qingman might have felt Shen Wan's thoughts, and quickly said, "Wan Wan, you can help me pour another cup of hot water."


Even if she knew that Fu Qingman was pretending, but she was really in her menstrual period, and she had learned shamelessly, what could she do?

Fu Qingman watched Shen Wan walking away while holding the cup, and the corners of her lips hooked and bend her. Then he would be responsible, the kind that would last a lifetime.

From this day on, the crew found that Shen Ben and Fu Qingman were a little different.

Because the two are relatively restrained in the outside world, they basically maintain a normal distance.Besides, between girls, get closer, and no one will doubt anything.

So the strangeness they felt was that they did not guess that they had officially lived together someday.

But because Shen Wan always lived in Fu Qingman's house before, everyone thought it was normal.

Although Shen Wan is very popular in the crew, it is different on the Internet.

Many people now speculate that there is someone behind Shen Wan.

The previous incident between her and Pan Yue was because Pan Yue became the new boss of her company and temporarily diverted people's attention.Being able to be distracted by others is also Pan Yue's effort, and he can't ask people to slander his boss online.

Now there are two people who don't want to let Shen Wan go, one is Leng Jiatong, and the other is Jing Ming.

If Jing Ming wants to make things worse, he will certainly not be upright, and if he is spread out, his reputation will not be good.

Leng Jiatong didn't dare to be upright. It was known that many fans must have turned black. Maybe an opponent would take the opportunity to suppress her.

However, her funder was unable to help her expel Shen Wan from the previous crew. She was very annoyed. Now I heard that Shen Wan’s new boss takes her very seriously. There were many topics before, and the company helped to suppress them. .Leng Jiatong hated it, so he secretly bought the Shui Jun Hei Shen Wan.

Because Shen Wan’s newly filmed drama is about to start again, Leng Jiatong wants to blacken her opponent once, so that fans can understand that she is not clean and not a little white flower.

Jing Ming also discovered that Shen Wan was being promoted everywhere, especially the posters of Shen Wan and Fu Qingman carrying swords together, all over the street.

Knowing that someone can bend in the dark, he also helped.

Now the whole network is in the dark, saying that she hyped up the persona of the little white flower, and rejected the pursuit of the overbearing president, obviously she had already hugged her thighs, and said that she was inconsistent with each other, and she was obviously dirty. Actually relying on King Ying and the overbearing president Jing Ming to hype himself.

"This is too random." Fu Qingman looked at these irritated, she looked at Shen Wan, and her heart was particularly upset, "How on earth did you get Jingming entangled, so that he has been obsessed with you? Don’t forget, people are black now."

Shen Wan almost laughed when she heard this.

"You still laugh, there are so many rotten peach blossoms. Look, Jing Ge also posted a Weibo, saying that you are not such a person, and said that I believe you."

Shen Wan rolled his eyes, "Do you think he is helping me or pretending to be loyal? I suspect that Jing Ge is also blackened."

"In short, the current situation is not good for you, even if you don't care about fame, but in this circle, fame is still important."

"Man, you honestly confess, are you really angry because your reputation is important?"

Fu Qingman gave her a blank look, "I admit, it's the story that everyone on the Internet now has to tell you and the three big guys, saying that you are a socialite, walking around the three big guys, obviously not like that. Yes, am I anxious?"

Even though she spent money to withdraw the hot search countless times, and asked people to suppress those news, it was Jing Ming who had a professional public relations team, status, and strength. There really is no good solution now.

"Actually, Jing Ming doesn't like me." Shen Wan cupped his face, "He hates me, he hates me killing me. Remember the time we met at the hotel? That time was when I and Jing Ming had a grudge."

Shen Wan told Fu Qingman what had happened before.

After Fu Qingman heard it, he couldn't believe it. It turned out that the man who was beaten by Shen Ben and thrown out of the hotel with her back collar was actually the famous Jing Ming.

Fu Qingman's expression didn't know what to do, and finally said, "Then you are really...no wonder you will be hated by him. Anyone who encounters such a thing will bear hate. But he actually wants to invade you, that is what he deserves. Ah, I think it is really light to throw it out after a fight, so I should expose him at that time!!"

"Don't worry, I have already figured out how to solve these problems. Let Jingming get busy, and he won't have time to fix me."

"It works? Do you need money?" When Fu Qingman spoke, he already took out his cards and handed them to Shen Wan. "If you don't have enough money, you can use it directly, the password..." Fu Qingman's lips were bent. Wan, "I changed it to your birthday."

Shen Wan was not polite, took the cards in his hands, and kissed Fu Qingman on the cheek, "Man is so good, he actually took the initiative to hand in his salary. Although I am rich, I don’t need yours, but you give me money. , How could I refuse?"

"Wanwan, I suddenly became a little angry." Fu Qingman didn't know what to say with such a little lover, so he sternly said, "You can kiss me again to coax me."

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