After finishing his mood, Lu Haoting wants to comfort Su twilight. Although he did that to him yesterday, he still wanted her to be good.

But when he returned to the ward, Su twilight was no longer there.

Lu Haoting, who had a lot to say in his heart, looked at the empty room and was very disappointed. At this time, the little nurse came in. She had never seen such a handsome person in the hospital.

Immediately, Hua Chi got up and went to Lu Haoting attentively: "who are you looking for? Oh, you must also come to see the patients here. She went out with her daughter. It seems that you have gone out for a walk. Wait here first. "

Lu Haoting looked at the little nurse impatiently. He often saw her like this. Now he saw it in the hospital. He was very upset.

I just want to see Su Twilight shadow immediately, so I just nodded to the nurse politely and sat down and waited.

Although he didn't say anything, just sitting there was a beautiful scenery. The little nurse couldn't control the excitement in her heart and walked over again.

Continue to look for the topic: "you must be very worried about her, but you don't have to worry. The doctor has said that as long as you receive good treatment, the disease will still be good."

"Well, does Su Twilight come here every day?" Lu Haoting didn't know what was wrong with him. He asked such a question.

This excited the little nurse. He even talked to him, and immediately replied, "yes, the patient's daughter comes here every day. I can see that she is very filial. Only when she was free, she would try to make her mother happy. I'm so moved. "

Lu Haoting's heart became more complicated, but he didn't say anything. Sit there quietly and say nothing.

The little nurse originally wanted to say something, but as soon as Lu Haoting looked serious, she didn't say anything.

After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Su Twilight coming back, which made him worried. There were a lot of things to deal with in the company, so he didn't have much time.

So she plans to leave, but when Lu Haoting is ready to leave, she meets Su Twilight shadow and pulls Su Ru. It seems that mother and daughter are having a good time. There's talk and laugh.

But at the moment when she saw him, her smile suddenly solidified. Lu Haoting was very dissatisfied with her move. Did she just want to see herself? It's like this now.

Last night he was coquettish and asked himself to forgive. Now he has changed. With this idea, Lu Haoting's face is not happy.

"Why did you come?" Su muying is very surprised. How can Lu Haoting appear in the hospital? If Su Ru knows the relationship between them, it will be unacceptable.

So she quickly reacted and rushed to pull Lu Haoting out of the ward.

"What are you doing here? What do you want to do? " Su Twilight shadow does not know that her tone is full of questioning flavor, which makes Lu Haoting very dissatisfied.

"What? Is the hospital your home? Why can't I come? " Lu Haoting is just like being angry.

This makes Su muying very speechless. Of course, she knows that he can come to the hospital at will, but she absolutely does not believe that he appeared in her mother's ward unintentionally. That's why she lost her mind.

Now she only left Su Ru, she can't accept Su Ru to receive any blow, she is now suffering from a serious illness, Su Twilight shadow can't give her any psychological pressure. She won't be able to stand that.

"Well, I don't care how you came here. You can see that my mother is there. I beg you. Can't you let her know about our relationship?" Su evening shadow softened her tone.

Because she knows that every time she talks to Lu Haoting properly, he will promise. I hope this time is the same.

But this time it was different. This sentence of hers hit Lu Haoting very hard. It made him feel that he was not valued. He could not even speak out. Could he not be on the stage?

In particular, Xiao Yin and Miao Linlin can come here to have a fair and aboveboard relationship. Why can't he? What does Su WANYING want to express?

"Why should I promise you that you should not forget your own identity, and why do you give me directions?" Lu Haoting's face was livid. He looked at Su twilight's eyes as if he wanted to eat people.

Su twilight is really afraid of this. She knows that Lu Haoting always says what he says. If he really offends him, he can do anything.

"Please, my mother is very weak. If she knows about my relationship with you, it is likely to aggravate her illness. She will not be able to survive." Su Twilight shadow is very flustered, but she still goes over and grabs Lu Haoting's hand and pleads not to let Su Ru know about their relationship.

When Lu Haoting heard such a plea, he was agitated, but he didn't want to agree so easily. So he said, "what does your mother's disease have to do with me? It's not my mother."

His words made Su muying's heart cold. How can Lu Haoting be such a cruel person? No matter how to say that her mother is also an elder, his indifference is really chilling.But she still resisted the impulse to lose her temper and squeezed out a smile, even though the smile was awkward.

"I beg you, Lu Haoting. As long as you promise me not to let my mother know, I will listen to you."

Lu Haoting's heart was suddenly aroused by her promise. He didn't know that Su Twilight had the ability to negotiate with him. Was he the kind of person who took advantage of others' danger in her eyes.

Well, since he thought like this, he could not fail him. So he pretended to be very helpful: "you are serious. You agree to any conditions. You can do whatever I want you to do?"

Su Twilight shadow in a very serious said that this time she agreed to any conditions, as long as do not hurt Su Ru. Because in his heart, there is nothing comparable to Su Ru, that is his favorite person, as long as she can live safely and healthily, and let her do anything he is willing to.

Lu Haoting was stunned. Such Su Twilight appeared again. She was so resolute, as if everything could not defeat her. She was so brave, all for her mother. She was really filial.

All of a sudden, he didn't have the mood to tease her just now. Maybe the one in his heart couldn't bear to do it again. He even felt that Su twilight was too pitiful. You need to be loved.

But she still held back what did not say did not do, so lenglengleng looked at Su Twilight shadow. Then he left early.

Su Twilight shadow doesn't know what Lu Haoting's attitude means, but he doesn't force her now. She didn't think much. Back to the ward.

Su Ru saw that she was in a bad mood. As soon as I entered the door, I sat there and said nothing. Worried and asked, "what's wrong with you? Who was that man just now

"I'm ok? Maybe I'm tired, mom. You don't have to worry about me. Now you just need to take good care of yourself. " Su muying listens to her mother's inquiry and quickly conceals it. She can't show her flaws.

Fortunately, Su Ru didn't have a lot of heart.

as like as two peas in a sofa, Su's shadow is very unstable. It looks like what she has dreamed of. Suddenly, she stares at her eyes and looks at the empty room. She turns around and looks at the door. It is the same as when she is sober.

Did he still not come back? Not until Lu Haoting, Su Twilight sighed helplessly. If you can't wait today, then tomorrow.

It's so late now. If Lu Haoting wanted to come back, he would have come back early. He didn't need to be wronged. He had been waiting here all night. Anyway, people would not come back. So I don't want to be wronged here.

However, it has been like this for several days. Su Twilight also knows that this is Lu Haoting. Now she doesn't want to see herself, but she is also helpless. Looking at the door, she sighs and says to the air, "does this damn know that I'm waiting for him Otherwise, why didn't he come back... "

"You say When can we have a holiday? I've been working here for several days. If I don't go back, my family will scold me Bai fan lies down on the table and says to Chang zhanbai, who is opposite him. He looks like he has nothing to love.

Holiday? Chang zhanbai takes a look at the closed door of the office. It's impossible for them to have a holiday. Unless Lu Haoting comes out by himself, he or she wants them to have a holiday. Dream about it.

At this time, Lu Haoting, who is being talked about by others, is working hard in his office. He also knows something about the situation at home. It's just that little girl has been waiting for him, but he just doesn't go back to see what she can do.

When he went out, he saw Bai fan crying for his father and mother. Chang zhanbai nodded from time to time, but Chang zhanbai was facing the door of the office, so when Lu Haoting came out, he just looked into Lu Haoting's eyes!

At this time, Bai fan was still chattering: "tell me, where does the boss sit like him and doesn't give the employees a holiday? This is just to squeeze me out."

Seeing Lu Haoting's good face, hearing these words, he suddenly changed his face. Chang zhanbai was very frustrated What is he going to do now No matter what you do, you must give the white sail in front of you to know that Lu Haoting has come out

Seeing that Chang zhanbai's face suddenly became bad, Bai fan still said: "what's wrong with you? Do you think I'm wrong?"

"It seems that you have a big opinion of me, Secretary white." Lu Haoting's voice sounded behind the white sail.

Suddenly, the hair on the back of Bai fan stood up. He turned his head and looked at Lu Haoting standing there. His face was cold. His smile was even worse than crying: "I How dare I Just joking with Chang zhanbai... "

Bai fan's performance in Lu Haoting's eyes can not be said to be satisfied, he said: "in this case, then the next work will be left to you. Chang zhanbai and I will go to the hospital to dismantle the bandage."

At this point, even if Bai fan is unreasonable, he will not be clever enough to say that he will go with Lu Haoting. Now Lu Haoting is giving himself faceHaving said this, Chang zhanbai won't interrupt anything, so he went to the hospital with Lu Haoting.

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