Chang zhanbai looked at Lu Haoting's uncomfortable appearance, and was also very worried. "Mr. Lu, please sit here first, and I'll go to queue up to register." Chang zhanbai immediately ran to the line. Today's people are not many, Chang zhanbai soon got the number.

"Mr. Lu, let me help you up to the second floor." Confused, Chang zhanbai's voice reached Lu Haoting's ears, and Lu Haoting nodded subconsciously.

Chang zhanbai helped Lu Haoting up and put his hand on his shoulder. On the second floor, Chang zhanbai takes Lu Haoting to the attending doctor.

"Doctor, take a look at our president. He seems to be very upset." He said in a hurry, but politely.

As soon as the doctor heard that the president was the word, he immediately put down the matter in his hands and examined it for him. He was a little doctor, but he could not provoke any big president. He listens to Lu Haoting.

"Is he often overworked? He is often overworked and caused by, in the future pay attention to, not too tired, such as often stay up late The doctor said to Chang zhanbai after checking.

Lu Haoting was very relieved and often white, so he fell asleep in a daze.

Chang Zhan nodded, "it's true. He has been staying up late recently. Basically, I go to bed at three or four o'clock in the evening. " He said to the doctor.

"He needs infusion. He has a rest in the hospital for a period of time. When he leaves the hospital, don't let him stay up late. Don't be too tired." The doctor suggested.

Chang zhanbai helped Lu Haoting to ward 213 that the doctor said, and went to the porch. He said to the doctor, "yes, thank you for reminding me." Then he helped Lu Haoting to the ward.

Lu Haoting has been sleeping, even during the injection. Chang zhanbai is always at his bedside. Almost finished two bottles of medicine, Lu Haoting finally woke up. But the head is still a little dizzy.

"What? Where is this? " Just wake up, vaguely looking at the white room, he found that this is not his home. Zhanbai often asked.

"You often stay up late to work, too hard, so tired, and admitted to the hospital, your hands do not move, still have an injection!" Chang zhanbai explained, and immediately reminded.

Lu Haoting looked at his hand with a dropper, and he stopped immediately.

"Oh." Waking up for a while, the memory became clear and he nodded.

"Am I going to stay in the hospital for a few days?"

"Yes." Chang zhanbai sits on the chair beside the bed. Tell him the truth. Lu Haoting's face is getting better. He is not as pale as he was when he first arrived at the hospital. He has a normal skin color on his face, and the whole person looks more than half awake.

"I'll leave it to you. I'm in hospital. And I'm in hospital. Don't tell Su muying. " Lu Haoting warns Chang zhanbai.

Chang zhanbai nodded, but he thought in his heart: "it's not that you don't want Su twilight to worry about you. When can the proud president realize that he likes Su twilight?" Even Chang zhanbai, a wooden man, can see that Lu Haoting likes Su Twilight shadow. Lu Haoting, the proud president, has not found out where his heart belongs.

"Well, it's not suitable for you to stay in the hospital alone. Someone has to take care of you. I have to be busy with the affairs of the company, and I can't often come to see you. I'd better take care of you by your Aunt Li." Lu Haoting nodded, thinking that it would be better to have someone in the hospital nearby.

"Aunt Li, you brought some food this afternoon. The president was ill and was in the hospital. From today on, we should take care of the President alone. " Seeing Lu Haoting nodding, Chang zhanbai immediately called Aunt Li.

"is the president sick?" Aunt Li was a little shocked, and then came worry.

"I'll cook some tonic Soup for the president now." After that, Aunt Li is preparing the ingredients.

Lu Haoting's four bottles of medicine were soon finished.

"Mr. Lu, when your medicine is finished, I'll leave first. The company has a lot of things to deal with." Chang zhanbai sees that the needle is finished and stands up to say to Lu Haoting.

Lu Haoting nodded and reclined in the hospital bed. He went to sleep again because he was not feeling well.

"Young master? a young master? Get up quickly. I'll make you some soup Aunt Li arrived at the hospital in the afternoon. Chang zhanbai told her about Lu Haoting's ward. She came immediately. Seeing Lu Haoting sleeping, she woke him up.

"I see. Put it there. " Lu Haoting did not sleep very dead, and soon woke up. Aunt Li personally filled Lu Haoting with a bowl of soup and brought it to Lu Haoting.

"Drink while it's hot." You want to face has been with a kind and kind smile, the corner of the eye wrinkles a few more.

"Don't tell Su muying about my hospitalization." Lu Haoting asked Aunt Li when he finished the soup and handed the bowl to Aunt Li. Aunt Li was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

"Young master, do you still drink it?" Aunt Li inquired.

"No, you can go back and make some light porridge for miss in the evening." Lu Haoting seemed to think of something. His thin lips moved. He was still concerned about Su twilight, but he didn't show it because he was too arrogant. What's more, Lu Haoting likes to help others behind his back, but he doesn't say it.He felt that since he had helped, he didn't need to ask for any benefits from others.

"OK." Aunt Li's kindly smile did not weaken by half a minute, and the fish's tail pattern was deeper. Su Twilight shadow did not go to school or go to the company these days. She found that she had not come back for several days at home. She could not help worrying about him.

She also found that Aunt Li has not been home recently. And it's back home and seems to be hiding from myself now. She just wanted to ask Aunt Li if she knew Lu Haoting's track.

One morning, Su evening shadow got up early and saw Aunt Li immediately stopped her.

"Your aunt, do you know where Lu Haoting has gone? Why hasn't he come back recently Su muying looks worried and worried, but she still asks Aunt Li politely.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because of work." Aunt Li prevaricated that she did not dare to violate Lu Haoting's orders. Lu Haoting respects herself completely because she is an elder. If she does something out of the ordinary, she will still be punished.

Su Twilight appearance reveals doubt, "but I went to the company yesterday, did not see him, asked Chang zhanbai, he said he did not know." There was a trace of anxiety in her eyes. Whispered: "can it be something?"

Aunt Li was afraid of Su Twilight shadow and asked herself what she wanted, so she ran away immediately. She ran to the kitchen to see if the soup she cooked was good. She prepared breakfast and let Su muying eat it.

"Miss, breakfast is ready. Come and eat it quickly." As soon as she put the dishes on the table in the living room, she called Su muying.

"Um ~" Su is brushing her teeth in the bathroom. She agreed, inarticulate.

After breakfast, Su Twilight shadow you are going to school, she has asked for several days off, today must go, or be criticized by the head teacher.

She took a taxi to school. Aunt Li saw that everything was going to school, and she immediately put the soup in a thermos. To the hospital.

Su Twilight shadow came to the school, a little trance, she thought about Lu Haoting in her heart, why did she drive herself out of the car and disappear? Where is he now? Su Twilight film actually found that he was a little worried about Lu Haoting. Don't know why, her heart inexplicably has a sense of loss.

"Ah. My head. " Su evening shadow touches her head. He immediately looked at the man he ran into. It's Xiao Yin.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Xiao Yin didn't see who the man he ran into was, so he said he was sorry.

"Xiao Yin, why are you here?" Su Twilight shadow looks puzzled. The boy in front of him laughed and said, "I'm going to class. What else do I come to school for? I just went to think about my painting. I didn't pay attention to people. I hit you. I'm sorry At first, he said in a casual way, and then he apologized awkwardly.

"It's OK. What kind of apology do we have Su evening shadow also cheerful smile out, also patted Xiao Yin's shoulder. Xiao Yin also relieved and laughed. When they laughed, they didn't notice that there were two people not far away from them. One was holding a mobile phone to them, and seemed to be taking pictures.

"At ordinary times, Su twilight is very reserved. I didn't expect to seduce men openly." A boy with zits on his face said so.

"Yes, such a person must send her to the forum, so that everyone can know his true face." The man with the cell phone said to the man next to him.

Xiao Yin and Su muying say goodbye. Su muying is afraid of being late. She looks at the watch in her hand.

"I'm going to class soon, so I'll go first." She said to Xiao Yin a little anxiously. If Xiao Yin smiles.

"Good." So he left.

In a hurry to film the classroom, a sigh of relief.

"Hoo ~ fortunately, I'm not late." She immediately returned to her seat. The first class passed safely.

After class, people in the classroom are very rampant, some play with mobile phones, some play noisy, and some lie prone to sleep.

"Hello! Come and have a look. Isn't this Su twilight in our class?! She's talking about it A female classmate brushed her mobile phone and saw an important news. She was immediately surprised.

This sound is very loud, the whole class all around the past, Su Twilight feel very confused, but she still lives in her own position, reviewing the textbook.

"The pure girl Su twilight is born a beautiful girl, but she likes to seduce men. I didn't expect to have such a hobby." The female student directly read out the text, with a picture of Su twilight and Xiao Yin colliding. Xiao Yin has been walking forward, Su Twilight shadow will shoulder slightly side, from this point of view, very similar to Su Twilight deliberately hit Xiao Yin.

Su Twilight shadow this innocent female classmate was thus buckled a seduced man's green hat son. This piece of news soon went crazy on the school forum, and received more favorable comments than ever before.

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