"I've called Su muying several times, but she hasn't answered. I'm worried and want to find her." Miao Linlin knew that he could guess his intention, so she said it directly.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yin listened to her tone and felt that the problem was not small, so she frowned and looked at her and asked.

"I hope it's OK." Originally, Miao Linlin just thought that it had just rained and it was so cool outside that she wanted to ask her out to play. However, the other party didn't answer the phone, which made her worried. One time she didn't answer the phone may be because the other party didn't hear it. Even if she was too busy to answer the phone twice, what about the three times and four times?

Because of concerns, she called each other after a while. Later, I found something wrong, and then I called her again and again.

Without much to say, Xiao Yin picked up his things and said, "let's go. Let's find her."

It's so dark that a girl's family is not safe. No matter what kind of idea Miao Linlin wants to go with her, he can't get rid of it now. He is also worried about Su twilight, so it is impossible for him to sit here and wait for news.

I thought he should have no time to go with him when I saw his posture. But I didn't expect that he agreed to him so soon. Miao Linlin was really stunned for half a second. Then in his reminder, and he went to the home of Su muying.

As soon as the rain stopped, there were more pedestrians on the road. But fortunately, those people are walking, not many people driving, so they go to the road, but there is no traffic jam. Except for a few red lights that stopped them for a moment, the road was almost smooth.

After arriving at Su's home, Aunt Li immediately went out to greet them. First, they made tea, and then fruit snacks. They were warmly received.

"Aunt Li, is Su twilight at home?" Miao Linlin first said hello to Aunt Li politely, and then directly explained their purpose this time.

After entertaining them for a while, Miao Linlin quickly explained her intention. Of course, Aunt Li didn't think that they came to chat with her and drink tea.

"Yes." Aunt Li took a look at the direction of her room, hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Aunt Li like this, Miao Linlin and Xiao Yin looked at each other, and their worries became more and more intense. But he didn't dare to ask directly, so he hesitated for a long time.

The rain has stopped for a long time. The freshness after the rain makes people feel very comfortable. Many people came out for a walk to cool off when the rain stopped.

"I bought it in the market this morning to see if it tastes good." Aunt Li motioned to the fruits on the table and said with a smile.

Seeing that Aunt Li was so warm, they were very polite and agreed there. Xiao Yin looked at the whole house carelessly. Of course, he was not visiting the villa, but looking for Su Twilight shadow.

This villa is still the same exquisite, a small accessories can see the wealth of the owner of the house. Not to mention the antique calligraphy and painting, it is the small cup of tea in front of me. I'm afraid it will be more than ten thousand sets. When holding it in hand, it makes people feel a little nervous.

Xiao Yin didn't feel much about these things, so he swept through the priceless things and found a figure. Although his action of looking at the whole house is not obvious, others don't see it. Can Miao Linlin still not see it.

After a polite sip of tea, Miao Linlin saw that the person they were looking for had not appeared, and Aunt Li did not mean to call Su muying out. She asked, "what is she doing now?"

After all, they are looking for Su Twilight shadow, she can't come out, so it doesn't make sense. Aunt Li hesitated how to tell them, and then heard Miao Linlin say, "I have called her several times, but she didn't answer. I was worried, wondering if something was wrong

Finally speaking of this topic, Xiao Yin's attention also shifted to them.

After entering the room, Su Twilight did not come out. Aunt Li tried to make her open the door several times in the name of delivering tea. She just perfunctorily. And Lu Haoting also said, let her not to tube, as long as manage Su Twilight three meals can, she did not go to say more.

"It's OK. Don't worry. She's just working now. Maybe she's in a bottleneck, so she didn't answer the phone. " Although Lu Haoting did not say that, but combined with the events of her time earlier, Aunt Li might have guessed.

"In such a hurry? I'm worried about her because I don't answer the phone. " Miao Linlin frowns and complains with Aunt Li, but she doesn't have much resentment. She just cares about her good friends.

"Let you worry, she is nothing, in fact, I am particularly worried, but the young master said, do not disturb, so we did not go up to say anything." Aunt Li looked at her with a smile.

Xiaolin and Miaolin are not relieved when they hear about it. Xiao Yin said politely, "in this case, we will not disturb."

He still understands the design. If inspiration is good, if not inspiration, it has to be blocked there all the time. The more you think about it, the more you think about it, the more you can't work.Now it's not convenient for Su twilight to come out to see the guests. It's not good for them to stay here all the time. They talked to Aunt Li and were ready to leave.

"Won't you sit for a while?" When Aunt Li saw the two people standing up, she also stood up and said.

"It's all right, Aunt Li. Are you busy? We won't disturb you." Miao Linlin said this kind of official words very well. Politely said a few words, and Xiao Yin ready to leave.

In the bedroom, Su Twilight tried to recover her wandering thoughts, but after a while, she couldn't control her mind. Whether it's the design or the mother's business, let her some of the heart can't be calm.

Out of the window happened to be an elderly couple walking with each other. They didn't have much communication. They just walked along the road. Don't know why, looking at them, Su Twilight shadow's heart produced a lot of thoughts.

Envy, fantasy, disappointment For a while, she couldn't tell whether there were more positive emotions or more negative emotions at this time.

"If Mom and that man are the same..." This abrupt idea suddenly appeared in her mind, scared her immediately excited for a moment, and then forced to shake the head, not to let themselves continue to think.

Now my mother's condition is aggravating, I hope she can be happy thinking more and more strong. She shouldn't have lived such a life without that man.

In fact, she had fantasized that if her mother did not meet him, but met another one, she loved and loved her, and only loved her, she would be very happy. With her beauty, her character and her ability, she will be a good wife who cares for her family.

Maybe in this way, they would not have given birth to her daughter. But even so, give her a chance to make it all over again. She still hopes her mother can have a good life.

But what should Lu Haoting do if he doesn't have his own?

At this moment, Su Twilight realized why she envied the couple. It was not the envy of her mother, but she hoped that when she was old, she could be with him, like them, holding hands and walking leisurely on the path.

Unconsciously, Lu Haoting has left an indelible position in her heart. So that she can no longer despise his existence.

"Grandparents, we must live a long and happy life." Looking at the far away couple, Su Twilight shadow whispered, seriously said.

With a sigh, Su Twilight went to the studio. Now she is not here to worry about the time, as soon as possible to come up with a set of design, is what she should do.

When she went to the studio, Su Twilight heard the movement outside. Although she couldn't hear it very clearly, she still heard their conversation and voice.

"Aunt Li, don't give it away." Seeing Aunt Li standing up to send them off, Miao Linlin quickly stopped her and said with a smile.

"It's OK." It's the basic etiquette to send the guests out of the house. Aunt Li dare not slack off. Although the other side said they didn't care about these things, Aunt Li insisted on sending them.

When Aunt Li insisted, they said nothing more.

"Miao Linlin, Xiao Yin, why are you here?" Su muying, who came out of the room, looked at them in surprise, then came over and said, "why don't you call me when you come? I left in such a hurry. "

"We don't want to disturb you because you are busy." Miao Linlin and they did not expect Su Twilight shadow will suddenly come out, surprised to see her, said.

"If you're busy, sit down for a while." She didn't know what Lu Haoting ordered to go down. It's all because they're telling the truth and don't think much about it.

They looked at each other and nodded. They followed Su Twilight shadow and went back to her room.

After sitting down, Miao Linlin immediately took Su twilight's hand and said, "do you know that I'm worried about you. No one answers your mobile phone all the time. I'm worried about death."

Miao Linlin slightly flat mouth, a little bit angry in. Su evening shadow heard, on the special surprise, and then said, "you called me ah, I didn't hear, I'm sorry."

I don't know if Su twilight is too absorbed in thinking about things and has not heard it at all. After that, she knew that it was when she entered the bedroom that she put her mobile phone at the head of the bed, while she was sitting by the bed, and her mobile phone was muted, so she didn't hear it.

"It's OK." Xiao Yin looked at her sorry look and said.

"I'm sorry to have worried you." Su twilight or sorry to look at them. I didn't expect that when I was worried about others, some people were worried about myself, which made her more self reproach. Obviously, I am worried about others, but I am irresponsible to let others try this feeling.

"It doesn't matter. Don't do that again, you know?" Miao Linlin shook her head and patted the back of her hand with a smile. There was a faint threat in her voice.

"Well, I see." Su evening shadow smiles and nods.

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