However, she is still a new person. Many things are supported by her imagination and the data on the computer. In this case, it will appear very virtual. There are problems in the several places she asked herself just now. She knew that, but she would not solve them, she came to ask herself.

"Sand and sand." The pencil made a slight sound on the paper, because the room was quiet, it showed up.

After seeing the prototype of Su's design, Lu Haoting is still very interested. He marked out the problems on the design drawing, and then helped her make some minor adjustments.

Looking at the annotated manuscript, Lu Haoting took out a piece of white paper and drew his roughly revised design drawing again. Then he took those things and went to Su muying's room.

"Not here. It should break down soon." Just arrived at the door of her room, Lu Haoting heard her murmuring to herself.

"Kowtow, kowtow." Lu Haoting made a symbolic knock on the door and went straight in. Su evening shadow surprised to look at the past, looking at him with his own design drawing came.

"Oh, I forgot. It's inconvenient to put it in your place." Su Twilight shadow quickly got up to take the design drawing in his hand, completely unaware of the change of his expression.

When she said this, he seemed to be very unreasonable. It's just the feeling that her things are in the way. This kind of feeling, let his face brush once black.

Su Twilight shadow, whose whole mind is on the design drawing, doesn't notice the change of his expression. She runs straight past, ready to take back the "hindrance" thing.

As a result, Lu Haoting turned his body aside. Did not expect that he would be like this, Su Twilight shadow did not stop the car for a moment, so straight into the past, see her face is about to land, she closed her eyes, in the end or can't help but cry out.

"Ah, pain." Su Twilight shadow closed her eyes and touched her nose pitifully.

"If it hurts, it hurts me too." Lu Haoting looked at the woman in his arms who suffered from pain and restrained his absurdity and said helplessly.

Su evening shadow raised his head to see that it was him, and his face did not greet the earth. He immediately glared at him and said, "why do you hide?"

Seeing Su Twilight shadow falling down just now, Lu Haoting quickly grabbed her, hit her a little, and directly pulled her into his arms. She would cry out pain, most of her nose hit her chest.

"I feel like I'm going to have a nosebleed." Looking at her painful expression, Lu Haoting could not help but frown and looked at her small nose with worry.

"Let me see." Breaking off her hand, Lu Haoting looked at it carefully.

The nose is a little red, I can't rule out that she rubbed it herself just now. Because the bridge of the nose is more sensitive, by such a collision, tears subconsciously came out a little, hanging in the eye socket, not pitiful.

"There won't be nosebleed. Don't worry." After taking a serious look at it, Lu Haoting released her and dropped the design plan for catching her.

May be feel aggrieved, Su evening shadow so stood for two or three seconds, just squat down, and he picked up together.

Lu Haoting has just taken a bath and still has a little fragrance on his body. That kind of fragrance is the kind of smell that Su twilight is familiar with. Just now holding it, that flavor has already run into her nose, where can you care whether there is nosebleed. But she didn't show it. She didn't let the atmosphere just now be particularly embarrassing.

"This is..." Su Twilight shadow carefully picked up their own design drawings, and soon saw some differences. There are some marks on those design drawings. Regardless of the font, Su muying has never made such marks. Obviously, these are obviously written by the person in front of you.

It's easy to see that Lu Haoting has practiced the script. The words are good-looking, but they can't be written by calligraphers, but they can't be seen clearly.

"You wrote it all?" Su evening shadow surprise looking at him that has been looking down to pick up things, said with a smile.

"Or who else?" Lu Haoting didn't change his expression because of her words, just like he was expounding a fact that can't be obvious any more.

"Wow..." Su Twilight couldn't help but utter such childish exclamation. Then he sat down and looked at it carefully. After reading this one, he picked up another one and looked at it. His serious expression was like that of a child reading an animated book.

Seeing her like this, Lu Haoting's vanity belonging to men in his heart was quickly satisfied. He sat on the ground like her, with one hand on his raised leg. Su Twilight shadow did not notice, with a little smile on his face.

"This place is not clear enough. We have to write it clearly so that the post-processing will not be flustered because of the ambiguity." Probably aware of her doubts, Lu Haoting moved in front of her, then leaned forward slightly, pointed to the place and said.

"Well." Su muying nodded his head and continued to look at those things carefully. After seeing the place marked by Lu Haoting, he went to see his new draft and exclaimed that it was too beautiful.Too absorbed, Su Twilight shadow did not notice how close they were now. He didn't notice the breath of Lu Haoting hitting his face.

"This screen draft, let's make a new draft." Su evening shadow after watching, happy to look up at him, two people are unprepared, almost hit.

"I'm sorry." Su muying quickly leans back, so that the distance between them can be further. This makes Lu Haoting very dissatisfied. Instead of showing it, he stands up with a cold expression, so that Su twilight's defensive posture can not appear again.

"It's cold on the ground. Get up and do it." Lu Haoting didn't say anything. As if nothing had happened, he pointed to the direction of the table and said.

Seeing that he didn't say anything more, Su Twilight shadow no longer showed any difference. Pretending to be OK, she moved the things to the table with a smile and began to draw up the preliminary shape.

With Lu Haoting there, Su twilight is much easier. Two people overnight will screen draft of the initial shape began to determine.

The next day, Su Twilight naturally got up late. When he woke up, Lu Haoting was already on the sofa, drinking coffee and reading leisurely.

"Good morning." Su Twilight shadow is not surprised because he got up so early, and goes to the kitchen as usual.

"There's breakfast on the table. It should still be hot." Lu Haoting just looked up at her, and then went on reading. He couldn't be ordinary any more.

After hearing this, Aunt Li covered her face and sniggered. How can that thing not be hot? Their young master asked them to warm up after a while, or directly asked them to do it again. This is for, should want to let Su evening shadow come together, can have hot breakfast.

Sure enough, when Su twilight came to the table, breakfast was still smoking, and the delicious food with all kinds of color and flavor immediately aroused her taste buds. She had been hungry for a long time since she had nothing to eat. It's mostly hungry to get up so early this morning.

"It's delicious." Su evening shadow had a mouthful of porridge, narrowed her eyes happily and said.

Don't look, Lu Haoting can guess what her expression looks like now. In Su Twilight shadow can not see the place, the corner of his mouth hook up the appropriate arc.

After eating and drinking enough, Su evening shadow sits next to Lu Haoting with a little swollen stomach. She reclines comfortably and enjoys the pleasure with her eyes closed.

"We've already worked out the initial shape. But there are still some details that need to be worked out by yourself. " He didn't say so.

As soon as he heard that it was work, Su Twilight immediately opened his eyes and looked at him seriously. Hao Ting said, "Lu Ting likes to look at her eyes during the day, and then you will be treated naturally. In the evening, if I have time, I will give you some advice. "

"Really?" After hearing this, Su twilight is very happy and automatically ignores the premise of "having time".

Shen jiuer says everything he wants to ask. Yan Zixi is speechless for a moment, but he doesn't want to let Shen jiuer go on the old road. He holds the door of the house with one hand and doesn't let Shen jiuer close it.

They were relatively silent for a while. Yan Zixi said with some difficulty: "after seeing that tangdou is in such a mess, I know that this matter will definitely affect your previous decisions and ideas. I also know that everything you do is for tangdou. I I can't persuade you any more, because this matter is a dead circle. You have no other way to go except promise junmu. "

He said softly, "wine son, I just hope you can keep your heart in the future. No matter what happens in the future, don't let yourself get hurt. "

Shen jiuer's eyes turned red. She blinked and did not answer.

Yan Zixi also had nothing to say. He reached out his hand into the crack of the door and touched Shen jiuer's head. He said softly: "don't put too much pressure on yourself. No matter what happens, we always accompany you. Go to bed early and good night."

Shen jiuer's back against the door, looking at the sweet sleeping sugar beans on the bed, his heart is like a typhoon crossing, in a mess.

Those past events intertwined and interwoven into a big net, which covered Shen jiuer's whole person firmly, making her feel a little difficult to breathe.

She took a few deep breaths, then squinted at the bedside light and said with a wry smile, "that's it."

No more struggle, no more escape.

Let it be and he entangled endlessly, until those can not put down also forget the feelings gradually dissipated.

That's it.

The busy days passed quickly, and in a twinkling of an eye, it was the day to ask for the answer for Jun mu.

There was nothing special that day. It was still the moon and the stars were sparse, and the breeze was blowing on my face.

Jun Mu was still waiting at the Yanjia's downstairs. A little different from that day, there were several cigarette butts under the window, and there was a burning one between the slender fingers of junmu.

In this dim street lamp, junmu's cigarette butts are on and off with his breath, just like his unsteady heartbeat.

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