Hearing this, Su Twilight immediately blushed and disdained to look at Lu Haoting. Some of them said, "goodbye..." With that, the man got out of the car.

Lu Haoting sitting in the car, eyes deep looking at Su twilight, a face angry left figure, that strong and stubborn figure, let him some pity.

At this time, Hao picked up the phone and went to the hospital to deliver some supplements

Bai fan looks surprised. Is Lu Haoting injured? How can a person with cleanliness like him go to such a small hospital.

"You should not be too hard, leading to lower body damage..." Bai fan exclaimed, full of surprise.

Lu Haoting has a special love for that pure cute new woman, and he disdains to spend a lot of money to buy her first y è.

Lu Haoting's black line on his face and his thin and cool lips revealed: "if you say it again, I will make you regret it."

He said, before waiting for Bai fan to finish, he quickly hung up the phone.

"I'm still a good foundation friend. I hung up without saying a few words..." Bai Fan said innocently, but he was very curious.

What does Lu Haoting want him to go to?

For Lu Haoting want to do what to her mother, Su Twilight does not know, she rushed back to call the classroom.

But as Su Twilight rushed past the doors of each classroom, it would attract many boys to watch.

"What are you looking at?" Roared the teacher, reprimanding the students who were looking around.

"Report..." Su evening shadow a face anxious rushed to the classroom, is panting for breath.

All of a sudden, the whole class's line of sight falls on Su Twilight shadow's body, a lovely and sweet suit skirt, appears fresh and natural, let a person's face in front of him.

The head teacher said politely, "come in."

Su Twilight shadow looked up at the seat, but found that there is no empty seat, she remember the computer class in the past is no one, today is how?

"Dusk shadow, sit here, I specially leave it for you..." A boy says hello to the twilight shadow.

However, Su twilight's vision falls on Huo Chen. In the past, Huo Xuechang would leave a seat for her. Today, she hung her head and did not look at him, and there were other girls around him.

With surprise in mind, Su evening shadow casually sat on a girl's seat, but the girl escaped in general.

What's wrong with everyone today? Why are they so hostile to her? Su muying doesn't understand.

The whole morning, however, was so full that Su took a deep breath.

It's getting late. It's time for her to eat in the dining hall.

"Dudu..." The phone has been ringing in a hurry, so Su muying answers it subconsciously,

"Hello, twilight, are you in school Su Ru on the phone, a face of concern asked.

"Mom, are you better? I was at school... " Su evening shadow a face clever response, her heart curious, in the past Su Ru morning will not call her.

"Twilight shadow, you child, how can you spend so much money? You can't give me all these supplements..." Su Ru said with great care, a face of love.

Supplements? Su evening shadow heart surprised, she did not buy tonic for her mother?

"I listen to my mother..." Su Mu shadow show frown, a face clever said.

"Well, you should pay more attention to your body..." Su Ru and Su Twilight shadow said a few words of sympathy, then hung up the phone.

At the moment Su Twilight just wanted to go, but saw Huo Chen walking in front,.

"Huo Xuechang..." Su evening shadow stepped forward and said hello with a smile. She didn't understand why Huo Chen didn't give her a strong seat today.

Hear this voice, Huo Chen a face startled, look at Su Twilight shadow complex one eye, low voice way: "find me something?"

Su Twilight shadow looks at the bright face of the past. Now she looks at her with doubt, which makes Twilight feel a little trance.

"Huo Chen, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Why don't you come yet..." A delicate voice sounded, with a coquettish tone.

Su muying looks at the girl, the girl looks at her eyes with a touch of irony, so that Su Twilight feel a bit unpredictable.

Huo Chen looked at the woman tenderly and turned to walk toward the girl, "let's go..." As he spoke, he took the woman's hand.

Su muying doesn't have to think about it. Huo Chen has found her girlfriend, but Su muying is more curious. Even if she has a girlfriend, she doesn't have to be so hostile to her.

She had no time to think about these problems. She went downstairs and went out of school. Today, she would go to make up for tutoring.

Su muying studied piano in her spare time, and also did some part-time jobs in her spare time. She could not only rely on the money from Lu Haoting, she only used it to cure her mother.

As for how to feed herself, she will eat by her own ability.

During the whole afternoon, Su muying stayed at the students' home, assisted the tutor and led him away. Many enthusiastic parents gave him some fruit."It seems that lunch is available..." Su Twilight shadow a face Happy said, in fact, she did not want to take, but the parents are too enthusiastic, mostly sympathize with her.

At the moment, Su muying is walking on the road, ready to rush back to school. The weather is a little hot, so Su Twilight sits down under an outdoor tent outside a coffee shop.

Su Twilight beautiful eyes swept to see the reflective glass, at the moment she is very funny in front of the coffee shop bare handed fruit, she side of the reflective glass to adjust her elegant sitting posture.

What she didn't know was that she was sitting in the window seat in the coffee shop.

"Hello, Lu Haoting. That woman seems to be stupid. What's stupid?" White sail through the glass window, looking at the opposite Su twilight, smiling at the reflective glass.

Lu Haoting's cold and handsome face, his eyebrows are tight and his eyes are indifferent. He looks out of the window at the twilight shadow and is eating fruit.

What the hell is this woman doing? Do you know the way she eats fruit? It's ugly.

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