Two people's lips slowly drink into a line, and then, the man actively kisses the woman in front of her. After a while, Su twilight's hands also unconsciously hook up the man's neck, and slowly respond.

I don't know that in ordinary times, it's Lu Haoting's strong kiss on a girl. Su's response is never the same. It's her gentle response that makes the man crazy and kiss the girl in front of him with his mouth wide open. He wants to eat this girl into his stomach.

After two people kiss for a while, the man is no longer satisfied with such a simple kiss. His body is like a fire. The man knows his desire and is hooked up by the little girl in front of him.

Two people kiss, Lu Haoting slightly bent down, and then, a girl standing opposite him was picked up, suddenly left the ground, so that the girl suddenly woke up.

Lips also use the fastest speed, left the man's lips: "you don't want to."

Lu Haoting looked at the girl in front of him. His face turned red. He said no to her. He gave her a gentle smile and gently coaxed him: "OK, No

Su Twilight shadow's heart just breathed a sigh of relief, and then, the man took the girl out of this small study, and ran directly to a room next to the study. At this time, the woman found that the man did not say no, which was clearly to seduce himself.

Looking at the room getting closer and closer to him, he heard a clang, and the luxurious door was kicked open. Looking at the big double bed in the room, Su Twilight shadow did not know what to do. Was it true that she was so obedient? But this is not what she thinks in her mind. Su Twilight shadow knows that if two people have a relationship now, their relationship will change qualitatively.

At that time, she really can't guarantee that she can manage her beating heart.

She kicked her legs and looked at the man in front of her: "didn't you say no? What are you bringing me here for? You put me down quickly, come on... "

Su Twilight shadow's words have not finished, was suddenly thrown on the soft big bed, followed by a Weian figure on the pressure down, hard kiss, live her chattering lips.

Su Twilight shadow wanted to say something, but her lips couldn't make a sound. She could only make a whine.

When Su twilight is about to be kissed, the man just kind of let her go, looking at the woman who was gasping for breath by his kiss: "you don't want to compensate me? You can't afford this shirt anyway. It's better to pay for it with meat! "

This serious appearance, so that the girl does not know what to do, but also do not understand what meat compensation means.

Then he asked the question in his heart: "what does meat compensation mean?"

Looking at the young girl under him, Lu Haoting showed a fox like smile: "don't you understand what it means?"

Su Twilight shadow unconsciously nodded: "OK, I'll tell you."

At this time, the woman seemed to think of something. She was embarrassed to look at the dissatisfied man in front of her: "that, that, me, that came."

Lu Haoting took a deep breath: "why didn't you say it earlier?"

Nothing is more irritating than this time. It's like watching a plate of delicious meat in front of your eyes. Just as you are holding chopsticks and trying to put them in your mouth, someone comes out and tells himself that there is a fly in that pot of meat.

It's really to let yourself eat, not to eat or not to eat.

Although Su Twilight shadow does not know how hard men feel at this time, but looking at him like this, she also knows that the men who want to be dissatisfied are really unable to be provoked. She murmured in a low voice, which is smaller than the sound of mosquitoes and flies: "I just remember it."

It's OK for a woman not to speak. This speech really makes a man angry. It's really irritating to tear him up.

However, he has no way to lie directly on the woman's body.

Being pressed by a tall man, she felt as if she was about to suffocate. Su muying wanted to push the man aside immediately. However, she listened to the man's gnashing teeth and wished she could not bite herself. Su muying did not dare to move. She could only bear to let the man press on her.

After a while, the man took the initiative to get up, looked at the woman in bed fiercely, as if Su Twilight owed him something, and then ran into the bathroom. After a while, Su Twilight heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom. After a long time, no man came out of the bed. Someone quietly sat up from the bed, bit by bit It's near the bathroom.

Listen to the sound of the water inside for a while to stop, then open again, she was very puzzled, whispered to the inside and said: "are you ok?"

Because just two people in the bed of the big noise, this moment, the woman's voice also with a trace of lust, listening to the men in the bathroom, secretly scolded a: "goblin."

Then, angry and angry, he called out to the door: "go away."This irritating woman wants to play with the dead. Lu Haoting used to take a cold bath in the bathroom, and it will soon be better. However, the woman just said a simple word, which aroused the evil fire that the man had just suppressed.

She pouted and glanced at the bathroom door. The stingy man said, "if you don't say it, don't say it. Am I worried about you? If a dog bites LV Dongbin, he doesn't know how to be a good man

Su Twilight shadow said, directly turned around, strode backward, out of the door, and then, into the bedroom next to a, lying on the big soft bed.

Although the decoration of this room is not as luxurious and grand as Lu Haoting's, for girls, here is already a place like paradise.

She lay on the bed, stretched out her hand to touch her abdomen, as long as a thought just a man that a discontented look, Su evening shadow secretly smile.

"You deserve it. You want to take advantage of me."

Su Twilight shadow is still here to get her, did not expect that she will be tragic for a while.

Lu Haoting, who was about to come out, stayed in it for half an hour more by the girl's voice.

He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Looking at the empty bed, Lu Haoting knew that the girl had already left.

He looked down at his beautiful figure, then nodded. He turned around and walked out of the bedroom. It was already late. It was already time for him to go to bed. However, the man was not sleepy at this time. He just wanted to revenge his embarrassing incident.

Looking at the closed door, Lu Haoting gave an evil smile. He reached for the door handle and tried to push the door in. However, he pushed and pushed the door again and again. The door in front of him was as stable as Mount Tai, and there was no movement at all.

"Stinky girl, she has a lot of heart and knows to close the door."

Then he turned around and went downstairs. After a while, he came back with a key in his hand. He searched and searched in it. Soon, he said, "smelly girl, don't think about where this is, and dare to play this kind of careful thinking for me."

Lu Haoting opened the door to himself. When he heard the door, he opened it with a click. Lu Haoting put the key away.

Then he tried to push the door open. At this time, he found that no matter how hard he tried to open the door, he could only open a small crack, as if something was blocking it.

Who is Lu Haoting? Exercise since childhood, the martial arts of self-defense is not comparable to ordinary people.

He stepped back, stretched out his arms and pushed the door in front of him. He could only hear the room peep, but the door slowly opened.

In fact, when the door rings, the girl who has been staying in the room has already known, but she has been sitting complacently on the bed, looking at the door funny.

Just when she wanted to laugh a few times, she didn't expect that the closed door opened in response to the sound, and also made a harsh sound. She opened her mouth wide and just wanted to get out of bed and push the door, but such a tall figure had already appeared at the door.

Lu Haoting's eyes were teasing and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked. He looked at the girl sitting on the bed who was trying to put on shoes.

"Why, is this to come down to meet me?"

She raised her head and looked at the man standing at the door. For a moment, Su Mu Ying was stunned. TMD, why are men so evil? Is this the so-called beautiful man out of the bath, my God.

Su muying, a young and valiant young girl, is crying in her heart. However, Su muying suddenly wakes up, biting her lips and frowning. She thinks with regret that when have you become a rotten girl? Oh, my God.

She suddenly raised her head, with a flattering smile on her face: "yes, I just want to meet you. Why did you come by yourself? Don't I want to open the door for you

When Su Twilight shadow said this, she seemed to have guests coming to their house. She was so elated and welcomed from afar. I don't know how happy she is now.

Lu Haoting slowly turned around and looked at the sofa behind the door and the small stools one by one. Unexpectedly, he found Su twilight's schoolbag on the stool. He really had nothing to say about the man who found him.

He put down his anger and looked at the woman in front of him without expression: "I think, if you want to open the door to welcome me in, you should also make great efforts?"

Of course, the girl knew what Lu Haoting meant, but this moment she really refused to admit it. She choked her neck: "Oh, I heard something outside, and I was afraid. So, I blocked the door for fear of thieves coming in."

This is also a disguised explanation, but this explanation, for Lu Haoting, is more angry.

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