Miaolin was so panicked for a moment, but then she became more stable: "teacher, I really don't know what you mean!"

"OK, good one, I don't know what I mean."

Then, Li picked up her mobile phone from the table, just a little bit, the video inside the phone, and then began to perform.

When she saw something in the video, Miao Lin could not sit down in a moment. She looked at the teacher in front of her in shock, bit her lips, and her tears were shaking back and forth in her eyes. As if she had been wronged, the teacher in the past didn't put his expression in her eyes, only felt that she had really seen her eyes in the past four years.

Actually, I think a girl who can perform like this is a good girl. Miss Li can't say she has some regrets, but he thinks that she should also practice her ability to see people.

After watching all the videos, Miao Lin found that the video was the whole video of their court.

She stared at her eyes in shock: "teacher, how can you have such a video?"

"Don't mind how I have such a video, I just want to ask you, you really have nothing to hide from me?"

At this time, Miaolin had just so angry appearance, looked at the mobile phone with dementia in her eyes, and then heard the ground clanging.

Mr. Li looked down and looked down. The student he had always liked knelt on the ground. He hurriedly walked over: "what are you doing? Get up! "

The girl kneeling on the ground, tears in her eyes were like no money, and she dripped on the ground with a strong energy: "please, teacher, please help me. I don't know how it happened. I was really haunted at that time."

"Teacher, I really know the wrong, really know the wrong, I will never dare again."

When she saw the video, Miaolin knew that she was really over, went to university for four years, and when she finally got her graduation certificate, she actually broke out such a thing. The University was a white school.

Li looked at the open door, and then the girl kneeling on the ground. She quickly closed the door. After being afraid of being seen by the outside people, he pointed to the child again.

He came to sue twilight and helped the girl on her knees on the ground: "what are you doing, boy? You can't do that. "

"Teacher, I really can't do it. What do you say I should do?"

After thinking for a while, Miss Li patted the woman's hand and took a deep breath: "boy, this is really something I can't help you."

"Teacher, you can help me. Please. Help me quickly."

"Well, you tell me, how can I help you."

After feeling his teacher relaxed, Miao Lin Lin was relieved.

"Teacher, you can help me to hide it. If you don't let the school know this, I think I will do well and never happen again."

At this time, Miss Li was embarrassed: "boy, I don't help you, because this time, it really has a bad effect."

Miaolin quickly nodded her head, and tears fell down with a drop in her eyes: "I know, I know that this time because my affairs have a very serious impact, but the teacher must help me, and I will graduate soon. If I am exposed to the attack at this time, they will go to College these years and go to the white."

After Miaolin repeatedly pleaded, their head teacher Li nodded and agreed: "this event has a serious impact, I can't guarantee you anything, but you believe me, I will give the school a good chance."

"Thank you, Mr. Li, thank you!"

Miaolin thanked her for her kindness, and then she got up.

When Miaolin left, Miss Li stood up, sorted out her clothes, went to the principal's office of the school, and discussed it. What should I do about this?

Su twilight has been in that aunt's house since that day, many things have happened, and they have been in the rain and sick. They just met each other well these two days. She also felt that she stayed here for too long. Su twilight was a little embarrassed.

"Xiao Jing, you don't have to go in a hurry. It doesn't matter if you stay here for two more days."

Then the aunt looked at her empty house, although not very small, but the number of people inside was very few: "you also see, our family is my own old lady, you can live here for long."

Xiaojing - this name is Su twilight came to Aunt here and then chaos.

Su Twilight smiled sweetly: "I know aunt, you don't dislike me, but, I am a college student, don't you know?"

She put her things in her hand on the bed beside her and came to her aunt: "and, you can rest assured. I don't work in other places like my sister. My place of study is our city, and it is not far from us. I will come to see you sometime."After living here for a few days, Su muying found that she not only missed her own children, but also was very warm to her stranger because she was an empty nest old man. Sometimes when she was good, she felt like she was the old man's child.

Aunt is not willing to take Su Twilight shadow's hand: "good, you go, that aunt will not leave you, but you must speak your word, you must come to see me this old woman when you have time."

Looking at the gray haired old man in front of her, Su Twilight firmly nodded and told herself secretly in her heart that from now on, as long as you don't leave the city, you must come to see this miserable aunt when you have time.

And because of this experience, Su muying also told herself in her heart that when she had time, she must go home to see her parents. She could not let her parents become like the aunt now. She didn't do anything every day and only thought about when her children would come back.

In this way, Su Twilight shadow or left, in the time of walking, aunt Su Twilight shadow can not see the place quietly shed tears.

In fact, Su muying really didn't want to leave because she didn't have any money when she came out. So after meeting with this aunt, all the food she ate was from this aunt. Moreover, she found that the aunt's family was not rich in the past few days. In order to lighten the burden on the aunt, she had to leave and face herself All the things.

Su Twilight shadow doesn't know at all. When she goes back, everything has been settled. I don't know if she will be very happy to see the news.

Su muying swayed back and forth in the street, like a homeless little girl. When she was about to have lunch, Su muying had not gone back. She sat on the reclining chair in the park, reached out and touched her stomach. When she felt that she was too hungry, she stood up and ran to her school.

She didn't know if there would be something to eat in the school at this time, and whether she would look at the faces of those students, but she knew that she didn't want to see the man. After going out, she chose the school between the villa and the school.

In the president's office of Anning company, looking at the tall woman standing in front of him, Lu Haoting remembered what Su Twilight said that day.

When assistant Chen handed over all the things, he looked at the man in front of him frankly: "president, is there anything else?"

Lu Haoting fixed his eyes on this clean and open-minded woman standing in front of him. Lu Haoting can't believe that this person will give that little thing is also angry.

After thinking about it for a while, although he did not believe the woman in front of him. He might be a man of different appearances, but as soon as he thought of Su twilight, who had not yet fallen, the man looked firmly at the woman in front of him.


"Well? What do you want from the president? "

Although Anna was his assistant, the whole company knew that the woman had known him since she was a child.

Lu Haoting's mouth slightly a hook: "nothing, you go out first."

Anyway, if you don't believe it, don't ask. It won't hurt your friend's heart. That's what Lu Haoting thinks.

Looking at the tangled man, assistant Chen of course knows what he wants to say, but when he looks at the man who wants to ask and doesn't open his mouth, she knows that this man still believes in her. With a smile in his heart, she says, fight with me, you are still tender, and go back to practice for ten years and 20 years!

Assistant Chen stood still, as if there was something to say, and the fingers of his hands were entangled in his abdomen.

"Say what you want, and when you're going to be like that."

After all, she grew up together as a child. As long as assistant Chen acts, Lu Haoting knows what she wants to do.

At this time, Su evening shadow suddenly smile, what I think in my heart always can't escape your eyes.

However, assistant Chen thought bitterly in his heart that my heart is in you, but you have not known for so many years.

You are still the same as when you were a child, as long as you want to say something, do not say it, or nervous, you will intertwine your hands like a rope.

Looking at Lu Haoting or knowing himself as a child, assistant Chen seemed to see hope again and gave him a sweet smile: "it's not easy for you to remember my fault after so many years."

Lu Haoting gave a helpless smile to the woman in front of her: "well, don't be so glib here. If you look at my work here, you won't really crush me to death. Please tell me what you have!"

Looking at his good friend who was laughing like a flower in front of him, Lu Haoting suddenly felt that he had not spoken well with his good friend for a long time.

"Well, can't I say it quickly?"

Assistant Chen then blushed, raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. He was tall and handsome. Sitting there had a king's temperament, as if all things were under his control.At the beginning, someone asked assistant Chen what kind of man she liked. She said she didn't know, but only she knew that she liked the man sitting on the throne.

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