Su muying thought that no one knew the secret between her and Lu Haoting. However, when the frivolous words came from the mouth of someone with a clear face, it made her feel a little hard to accept being humiliated by people in the public.

For a time, Su Twilight secretly clenched her teeth, tightly pursed her lips, and was silent, with a splash of water in her bright eyes.

Lu Haoting frowned and looked at Bai fan coldly. Even if he didn't speak, the other side could feel the killing intention attacking him.

"You don't go away..." Lu Haoting's thin and cool lips were raised, and he exclaimed in a cold voice.

Bai fan stepped back and slipped away quickly.

"Order..." Lu Haoting's Phoenix eyes raised slightly, but he glanced at the silent Su Twilight shadow without explaining anything.

As a matter of fact, he seems to be possessed and wants to step into Su twilight's life.

Su Twilight shadow bowed his head, a face of indifference, even Lu Haoting has spoken to her as if did not hear the same.

"Hello, woman, eat..." Lu Haoting's cold voice reminds him that he has begun to enjoy the delicious food slowly.

Su Twilight Wan Wan raised her head and looked at the delicious food that made people want to drop. She only felt tasteless and had no appetite. Even her mood was absent-minded.

"Well..." Su evening shadow squeezed out a few words from his teeth and looked at Lu Haoting, who was opposite him, with a cold look in his eyes.

Lu Haoting was also aware of Su twilight's lost look. He was surprised at the cold handsome face and said in a cold voice, "why don't you eat?"

"No appetite..." Su evening shadow tone cold response, also enjoy the impulse of delicious food.

Lu Haoting's Phoenix eyes glanced at Su twilight, and her mouth was full of sarcasm. She was really a stubborn woman, but her kindness was unkind in the other party's eyes.

"Then you are hungry..." Lu Haoting is not angry and continues to eat slowly.

I don't know how long after, Lu Haoting's tableware is empty, but Su twilight is still.

The beauty of Lu Ting's face is not full of pity.

At the moment, Lu Haoting pays the money, and people stand up, and Su Twilight follows. They are sitting in the car, and they are relatively speechless.

"I'm going back to the hospital to see my mother..." Su Twilight shadow in the heart of some worries, Su Ru will be more than heart.

Hearing this, Lu Haoting's cold and handsome face lifted up a smile and said in a dark voice, "why should I listen to you?"

This words a, let Su evening shadow some surprised extremely, open big beautiful eyes, a pair of bewildered staring at Lu Haoting.

His handsome face had a look of irony, which hurt Su's eyes.

"Who was indifferent to me just now?" Lu Haoting sneers coldly, looking at Su twilight's stubborn look, a face of fun.

Su evening shadow heard Lu Haoting's words, and his face changed slightly. He squeezed a few words out of his teeth: "Lu Haoting, what do you want?"

Now she is going to the hospital to see her mother. What is Lu Haoting doing?

Lu Haoting raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and looked at Su Twilight shadow with his Phoenix eyes disdainfully. He said in a cold voice, "you are my lover. You can only obey me unconditionally."

This is like the thunder in the blue sky, and the self-esteem in Su twilight's heart is heavily hit.

Su Twilight shadow's delicate face showed a wry smile and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lu, it's just me that's not good. Please forgive me."

In the past, Su Twilight called Lu Haoting's name without any politeness and straightforwardness. This time, she was very polite and respectful, which made them estranged a lot.

Lu Haoting's eyebrows were tight. When he saw Su twilight's defeat, his heart was very happy, but his heart was inexplicably lost.

Two people sat in Ferrari, speechless, Lu Haoting under the foot of the gas pedal to drive toward the hospital.

Su Twilight shadow lowered her eyes, glanced at the exquisite gift box, just in the heart of the joy all dissipated, quietly put the gift box under the car seat.

At the moment, the hospital arrived, Su evening shadow escaped from the car, and the tears just squeezed in the bottom of my eyes also flowed down like a breakwater at this moment.

Su muying wants to cry from the bottom of her heart. She doesn't want to be affectionate. But she just wants to save her mother. But Lu Haoting's contempt and disdain for her makes Su muying secretly determined to be strong.

Su Ru is still sitting on the hospital bed. There are women on the side of the bed talking to each other. The atmosphere is very pleasant.

Su Twilight shadow walked into the ward and called out: "Mom, why don't you sleep?"

Su Ru came back to her mind and saw the smile in Su twilight's eyes more and more brilliant. She asked her to sit down.

"Why did you come so late?" Su Ru said in a soft voice, her face haggard, but her love could not be covered by her eyes.

"Filial piety is your daughter..." Another woman on the bed said with envy.

Hearing this, Su evening shadow politely responds: "Auntie is good.""Look at your girl's sweet mouth and filial piety, not like my son..." The woman praised Su Twilight shadow.

Su evening shadow, with a smile on her pretty face, sat down beside Su Ru.

"Mom, are you much better?" Su Twilight shadow a face worried to say, long feather eyelashes cover the bottom of the eye that wipe darken.

"Mom is much better, thanks to the tonic you sent..." Su Ru said happily.

In fact, Su Ru's condition is very serious, but in order not to drag Su twilight, she once wanted to give up treatment for many times, but under Su twilight's insistence, her body is gradually getting better.

Hearing this, Su Mu Ying Xiu frowns and is curious. She doesn't understand why Lu Haoting will help her. Is it to investigate her.

"Mom, take these tonics first, and your body is the most important..." Su evening shadow holds Su Ru's hand tightly.

"How much money do you have to work for a doctor?" Su Ru asked in surprise.

Hearing this, Su evening shadow has a moment of trance, angry strange way: "Mom, you know I work study, then you should take good care of the body."

Su Ru's face was gratified, patted the back of Su's evening shadow's hand, and said lovingly, "good, my good daughter."

Looking at the warm scene of the two, the woman in the hospital bed on her side said: "twilight, you are in a university, how can you have much time to work study?"

There is something about Su Twilight shadow. When she talks with Su Ru, the woman knows.

"I usually find time to work part-time outside school..." Su evening shadow low said, eyes across a touch of heart.

"Twilight, do you know my son Huo Chen? He is also from your school... " The woman said in a twist.

Hear this, Su evening shadow whole body trembles, Huo Chen? Is this woman aunt Huo.

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