This is just finished, before sister-in-law Li said some words to comfort Su twilight, a strong and light voice sounded: "sister-in-law, I am hungry."

Lu Xuan said loudly, sitting lazily on the sofa, looking at the dusk of Su in the seat disdainfully.

This woman is not simple enough to live in their land.

"Miss Su, I'm busy first." Sister Li said politely, and the man turned back to the kitchen.

Su Twilight watched Lu haozheng sitting lazily on the sofa, and looked at her funny appearance of wheelchair, and made a mockery on her face.

"Lu Haoting, I want to go to the bathroom." Su Twilight said low, she wanted to trouble sister-in-law Li, but Lu haozheng did not give her a chance to speak.

Lu haozheng standing behind, the eyebrows of the sword frown, some want to stop, men and women are different, he a man a little embarrassed.

"Cough," luhaoting coughed unnaturally.

Su twilight is also a face of embarrassment, if not she is really anxious, she will not to Lu Hao Zheng.

At this time, Lu Hao Zheng Feng eyes slightly raised, the sight of the eyes swept Lu Haoting, Lu Haoting also reacted.

Before waiting for luhaoting to speak, Lu Xuan immediately said, "I don't go to serve her, and you have skin relatives with her, are you shy?"

With a strong flirt in the discourse, the atmosphere between the two people becomes ambiguous.

Lu Haoting mouth of the skin of the relatives, even if not said, everyone will understand the meaning of it.

Su twilight's face was red and her eyes were full of shyness. This matter was related to the private affairs of others, but Lu Haoting was told by the light of the clouds.

“··。” Su twilight and Lu Hao Zheng were shocked.

Lu Xuan looked at the embarrassed look of the two people and joked happily: "brother, you are still shy? "

shy? He Lu haozheng is a loose, reckless man, how can he use the true feelings to a woman?

"I'd better go by myself." Su murmured, trying to push her wheelchair with her hand, but found that she had no strength.

A cold voice hit Su twilight's head, "Lu haozheng, come here."

Only then, looking at Lu Xuan, who was proud of the embarrassing situation between Lu Haoting and Su twilight, heard Lu Xuan speak in cold voice, which would also come along with some reluctance.

"Lu Haoting, I'm not her nanny." Lu Xuan took luhaozheng's wheelchair and said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Su Twilight face embarrassed, feel she is useless, sitting in a wheelchair, all need to be taken care of.

Lu haozheng, with a deep face, also took Lu Xuan no way, he has always regarded her as the palm treasure, never blame her anything.

For a while, the air was like condensation.

Lu Xuan, in the abuse, looked up and looked disdainful, and it was difficult to pretend to be invisible, pushing Su Twilight towards the toilet.

Su Twilight leg with some plaster, can not move, sitting in a wheelchair, it is very inconvenient, the two people together in the bathroom, some unnatural.

Su Twilight wants to try to stand up, but in Lu Xuan's eyes is to beg for hardship.

"Shall I help you?" Lu Xuan said angrily, did not wait for Su twilight to open, bent over to hold up the dusk.

"No more." Su twilight was not pushed off before the whole body was picked up.

I don't know how long, Su twilight is convenient and late. Lu Xuan put Su twilight in his wheelchair.

"Thank you very much, Xiaoxuan." Su murmuring said gratefully, she didn't expect Lu Xuan to help her.

However, Lu Xuan did not appreciate the feelings, and returned with no good spirit: "thanks, I will be free, so you can do it without trouble."

Cold words let Su Twilight tremble, and also swallow the words in her mouth.

"Here, your lover." Lu Xuan pushed Su twilight's wheelchair to luhaozheng's face with no politeness, and said in a cold voice.

This is like sharp stab, stabbing Su Twilight heart.

Lu Xuan is more and more not to put Su twilight on the bottom of his eyes, which is very distressing to Lu haozheng, but Lu haozheng is only upset, and he will not hurt Lu Xuan's heart because of Su twilight.

Su Twilight immediately blushed, she became Lu Haoting's secret lover is no longer privacy, everyone knows.

"Lu Xuan, what are you talking about?" Lu Hao Zheng, with a deep face, was cold and yelled.

"Isn't it?" Lu Xuan said in a cold voice, and he was disdainful. It was true that Su twilight was wrapped by Lu haozheng.

Lu Hao Zheng's face was getting darker and looked at Lu Xuan, who was always spoiled, and he took no way for her.

However, Lu Xuan ignored the warning of his face and sat down at the table.

"Sister Li is all right. I am starving." Lu Xuan was a child in a delicate manner.

At this time, sister-in-law Li came out of the kitchen and brought up the delicious dishes.

"Miss, you eat it first. I've made tonic medicine for Miss Su." "Said Sister Li, she turned and folded back into the kitchen.Hearing this, Lu Xuan's eyes were cold, and she disdained to glance at Su twilight, who was sitting in the wheelchair, and snorted.

Hao and Lu muying are close to each other, but they think they will do something together.

"Twilight, are you hungry, too? Let's go to dinner. Lu Haoting said hoarsely, pushing Su twilight's wheelchair to the dining table.

"Su Twilight shadow wing payment is pushed out by Lu Xuan, and her head is low, and her face is embarrassed.

Lu Xuan looks at Su twilight with disgust on her face. Lu Haoting is so quick to let Lu Haoting go to the gate of the Lu family. I'm afraid that before long, this woman will enter the house.

"I won't eat any more." Lu Xuan was not angry. She pushed the dishes and chopsticks and got up to leave.

Lu Haoting looks at Lu Xuan indifferently, his eyebrows frown tightly, and his mouth is silent.

"To the twilight shadow." Lu Haoting said in a soft voice and put the bowl in front of Su Twilight shadow.

"I'd better go home." Su evening shadow hesitated for a long time, whispered, she did not want to be white eyed again.

"You forget what I said?" Lu Haoting asked coldly. Now that Su twilight is injured and has a sick mother to take care of, it is impossible to take good care of herself.

Su Twilight shadow lowered her eyes and looked at her injuries. She nodded slightly and said in a low voice, "then I'd better go back to the hospital."

"Miss Su, why do you want to go?" As soon as Sister Li came out of the kitchen, she heard this.

For a moment Su Twilight did not know what to say.

At this time, sister-in-law Li spoke and presented the chicken soup to Su muying.

"Thank you, Sister Li." Su Twilight shadow next, grateful to say, even if her relationship with Lu Haoting is complex, but sister-in-law Li has always been very respectful of her.

At this time, Lu Haoting also sat down and began to enjoy the dinner.

A moment later, Lu Haoting pushes Su Twilight shadow and walks in the pictures of Lu's family.

"Lu Haoting, your family is really big." Su Twilight shadow realized that Lu's villa was very spacious.

Su and her mother live in the small house of tens of square meters. Not only is the place very small, but also the sound insulation is not good, but they are always very warm.

"The environment is good, too." Su Twilight closed her eyes and enjoyed the gentle breeze.

Looking at the white face of Lu Ting, he looked down.

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