He was fascinated by her body. What else could they do alone?

At this time, Lu haozheng has a red eyes, and the cold handsome face has a bad look, easily breaks the body of Su twilight, forcing the other party to look directly at him.

"Lu Haoting, you let go of me," Su Twilight tried to struggle, but in the eyes of each other, it was not words.

"Let go? You fire the woman. " Lu Hao Zheng evil spirit a smile, ambiguous said.

At this moment, Su twilight was completely pressed by Lu haozheng, raising his face and staring at Lu Haoting, slightly opening his mouth, and more and more touching the soul.

She also does not want to light up the desire fire in Lu haozheng's heart. It must be the excuse that this beast with big hair wants to force her, and then he will find out the excuse.

"Women, be serious." Lu Haoting saw Su Twilight eyes turning in his eyes, as if looking for a chance to escape.

Just as Su Twilight wants to talk and scold Lu haozheng, he opens his mouth slightly, but gives the other party a chance to take advantage of.

"Well, mix the ball." Su Twilight only felt the cold ice on the lip, which was comfortable and wanted to refuse.

Su twilight at this moment is shy in Lu haozheng's body struggling, she struggles in the other side of the eye but like a different temptation.

"Goblin, I am obedient." Lu Hao Zheng ambiguitously said, accompanied by the low moan of Su twilight.

Invisible in the more exciting Lu Hao Zheng nerve.

Su twilight was shy and uncomfortable, because she could hear clearly someone talking next door, and the apartment was not sound-proof.

Lu haozheng looked at Su Twilight biting the lip petal, bent down, at this time, Su Twilight did not hesitate to bite the strong muscles.

I don't know how long, Lu haozheng gradually stopped, each other's two people are still sweat.

At this time, Su Twilight may be tired and lying in bed drowsy.

Lu haozheng, after bathing in the bathroom, lay in bed, holding Su Twilight together and fell asleep.

The next day.

This day, Lu Hao Zheng got up very early, and prepared breakfast for Su twilight.

Su Twilight looked at her eyes with his lost eyes. The figure on the side of her body had disappeared.

"Lu haozheng." Su Twilight tried to shout, trembling and walking out of bed.

Four silent.

Su Twilight just walked out of the living room, and the fragrance from the face was a pleasant smell.

At the moment, Lu haozheng came out of the kitchen and saw Su Twilight standing there in his white shirt.

"Come over and eat." Lu Hao Zheng whispered, pushing the meal to Su twilight.

"You did all this?" Su murmuring questioned face, had to admit that Lu Haoting's cooking was very good.

"Or?" Lu haozheng said with no good spirit, and he took a careful hand to help Su Twilight sit down.

Su Twilight sat down and said politely, "I haven't seen it yet. A president can cook."

If who became luhaoting's girlfriend, how lucky it should be.

Somehow, Su Twilight thought of these, and lost her heart. After all, she only had the mistress of Lu Haoting's bag.

Lu haozheng also sat down, ignoring the tease of Su twilight.

"I am so happy that you can cook for me." Su murmured, enjoying the delicious food.

"If you get well, you won't bother me." Lu haozheng did not have a good connection, while sending a chicken leg to Su Twilight bowl.

"Thank you." Su murmuring said politely, the atmosphere between each other became ambiguous.

"I am your duty to serve you well." Lu Hao Zheng was cold and unremitting, and his tone was ambiguous.

Su Twilight thought of last night, Lu haozheng's madness made her difficult to parry, at this moment, it is also let Su Twilight feel the pain of being torn apart.

"Lu haozheng, you are shameless." Su murmured in a low voice, and a complex look was on her delicate face.

Lu Hao Zheng eyes a heavy, swept to the eyes of Su twilight, no good airway: "I don't know who bit me yesterday."

Hearing this, Su twilight was red, her hands stagnated, and I didn't know what to say for a while.

Thinking of the last night's events will make su Twilight feel very angry.

After a moment.

Su Twilight saw Lu haozheng, and asked curiously, "don't you go to work today?"

When this is said, she knew that she was wrong. Lu Haoting was the president, and of course he didn't work.

"Stay with you at home." Lu Hao Zheng whispered and sat down beside Su twilight.

With her?

Just as they were talking, a quick ring rang.

"Hello, twilight, how are you doing when you don't come to the hospital some days?" Asked Sura worried.

Su Twilight body has been injured. In order to avoid Su Ru's worry, she has never been to the hospital, but has also been calling Dr. Li to condone her.Hearing this, Su Mu Ying Xiu frowned and pressed down her doubts. She said in a soft voice, "Mom, I'm staying at school these days and I don't have time."

"Then you should pay attention to yourself and have a rest on time." Su Ru said with concern.

"Well, I see. Mom, I won't tell you more about anything else." Su Twilight shadow whispered, waiting for Su Ru to hang up the phone, this just took a deep breath.

Su Twilight film carefully took down the mobile phone, showing panic, she was expelled from school, has been her heart's nightmare.

Lu Haoting looked down at Su Twilight shadow and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with you?"

Su evening shadow a face uneasy mood, let a person look at special heartache unceasingly.

"Lu Haoting, I was expelled from school. Please help me and let me go back to school." Su murmured, looking forward to Lu Haoting.

Now only Lu Haoting can help her.

Hearing this, Lu Haoting's cold and handsome face crossed with a complex look. Evil spirit said with a smile: "is that how you ask for help?"

Su evening shadow heard, a face slightly Leng, gnash teeth way: "Lu Haoting, please help me."

Lu Haoting lowered his eyes and looked at Su twilight's unwilling appearance. He was more relaxed in his heart.

"Now that I help you now, you can't go back to school for a while." Lu Haoting's cold voice reminds Su twilight.

Now Su twilight has injuries, even if it is back to school is also a whole body of trouble.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Twilight shadow said: "well, before I get well, you must help me."

Lu Haoting looked at Su Twilight shadow's eager face and said with a smile: "no two."

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