He was fascinated by her body. What could they do alone?

At the moment, Lu Haoting's eyes are scarlet, and with a look of malice on his cold handsome face, he easily breaks off Su twilight's body and forces the other party to look at him directly.

"Lu Haoting, you let me go," Su Twilight tried to struggle, but in the other side's eyes, it was tiny.

"Let go?" Lu Haoting smiles and says vaguely.

Su Twilight shadow is shy and uncomfortable, because she can clearly hear someone talking next door. The sound insulation of this apartment is not good.

After taking a bath in the bathroom, Lu Haoting lies on the bed, holding Su Twilight shadow and falling asleep together.

The next day.

On this day, Lu Haoting got up very early and prepared breakfast for Su twilight.

Su Twilight shadow looked around with blurred eyes, and the shadow on his side had already disappeared.

"Lu Haoting." Su Twilight shadow tried to shout, and walked out of bed trembling.

There was no sound.

Su Twilight shadow just walked out of the living room, and the aroma from her face caught the taste buds.

At the moment, Lu Haoting came out of the kitchen and saw Su Twilight standing there in his white shirt.

"Come and eat." Lu Haoting said in a low voice, pushing the food to Su Twilight shadow.

"You did all this?" Su Twilight shadow looks suspicious and has to admit that Lu Haoting's cooking is very good.

"Otherwise?" Lu Haoting said in a bad mood, and then carefully helped Su Twilight shadow to sit down.

Su evening shadow sat down and politely said, "I haven't seen that a president can cook."

If anyone became Lu Haoting's girlfriend, how lucky he would be.

I don't know why, Su muying thinks of these things, and she is inexplicably lost. After all, she is only the mistress of Lu Haoting's bag.

Lu Haoting also sat down, ignoring Su twilight's ridicule.

"I'm so happy that you can cook for me." Su murmured, enjoying the delicious food.

"If you recover, you won't bother me." Lu Haoting angrily accepted a word and sent a chicken leg to Su twilight's bowl.

"Thank you." Su evening shadow politely said, the atmosphere between each other has become ambiguous.

"It's your duty to serve me well." Lu Haoting responded coldly with an ambiguous tone.

Su muying remembers last night that Lu Haoting's madness makes her hard to resist. At the moment, Su muying feels the pain of being torn apart.

"Lu Haoting, you are shameless." Su Twilight shadow murmured in a low voice, with a complex look on her pretty face.

Lu Haoting's eyes sank and swept to Su dusk shadow. He didn't have a good airway: "I don't know who bit me yesterday."

When she heard this, Su's face turned red.

Think of last night's things, will let Su evening shadow shame and indignation.

A moment later.

Su Twilight shadow looked at Lu Haoting and asked curiously, "don't you go to work today?"

As soon as she said this, she knew that she was wrong. Lu Haoting, the president, of course did not go to work.

"At home with you." Lu Haoting whispered and sat down beside Su twilight.

With her?

Just as they were talking, a quick cell phone ring rang.

"Hello, twilight, you haven't come to the hospital for a few days. What's the matter with you?" Su Ru asked anxiously.

Su evening shadow body injury, in order not to let Su Ru worry, has never been to the hospital, but also has been with Dr. Li call to comfort her.

Hearing this, Su Mu Ying Xiu frowned and pressed down her doubts. She said in a soft voice, "Mom, I'm staying at school these days and I don't have time."

"Then you should pay attention to yourself and have a rest on time." Su Ru said with concern.

"Well, I see. Mom, I won't tell you more about anything else." Su Twilight shadow whispered, waiting for Su Ru to hang up the phone, this just took a deep breath.

Su Twilight film carefully took down the mobile phone, showing panic, she was expelled from school, has been her heart's nightmare.

Lu Haoting looked down at Su Twilight shadow and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with you?"

Su evening shadow a face uneasy mood, let a person look at special heartache unceasingly.

"Lu Haoting, I was expelled from school. Please help me and let me go back to school." Su murmured, looking forward to Lu Haoting.

Now only Lu Haoting can help her.

Hearing this, Lu Haoting's cold and handsome face crossed with a complex look. Evil spirit said with a smile: "is that how you ask for help?"

Su evening shadow heard, a face slightly Leng, gnash teeth way: "Lu Haoting, please help me."

Lu Haoting lowered his eyes and looked at Su twilight's unwilling appearance. He was more relaxed in his heart.

"Now that I help you now, you can't go back to school for a while." Lu Haoting's cold voice reminds Su twilight.Now Su twilight has injuries, even if it is back to school is also a whole body of trouble.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Twilight shadow said: "well, before I get well, you must help me."

Lu Haoting looked at Su Twilight shadow's eager face and said with a smile: "no two."

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