Su WANYING suddenly raised his head, opened his eyes and looked at Lu Haoting in front of him. She really couldn't understand why Lu Haoting would bid such a high price for this gem.

Lu Haoting feels her gaze from Su twilight in the afterglow, but he does not pay attention to it, but poses a indifferent attitude.

"Lu Lu Shao. " Liu Yin had been determined to win, but she was interrupted by the sudden offer, which made her feel a little shameless, and some could not believe her ears. "Are you sure?"

Perhaps just seeing Liu Yin's unfriendly attitude towards Su twilight, Lu Haoting ignored it, but turned to the man hosting the auction, indicating that he could continue.

"Take a look at Lu Shao, and then look at you!" Next to the white sail continues to ridicule Xu Hui, "a mouth is 90 million, compared to your 13 million too humble people!"

"That's better than you didn't give a cent!" Xu Hui was angry, but he began to resent Baifan, "I don't have the ability to tell you about me!"

"Why are you still on the line..."

"All right, all right. Don't argue any more." On the other side, Yang Mei, Xu Hui's girlfriend, stopped the two people who were arguing. "Do you think Lu Shao is going to give this gem to her sweetheart for selling so much


It was like a few young masters who were awakened by a lot of laughter.

"I think it's probably the girl next to Lu Shao." Bai fan gathered several people together and whispered, "I saw that Lu Shao and she came together in the same car, and the girl was not far away from him, always following him."

"Is it?" Xu Hui smacked his lips and tried to look over there. However, he could only see a thin figure of Su twilight, "isn't Lu Haoting not close to women? When have you been so kind to your sister? I haven't heard any gossip about them before

"Don't say it. If you look at your back like this. They are really talented women. " Bai fan's big eyes blinked. "I just don't know how her face looks, but I think it's not bad. Lu Shao is such a picky person..."

Several people talked about the rise, and the voice reached Liu Yin's ears, which made Liu Yin's anger constantly stir. She never thought that Lu Haoting would be the one who got in the way. What's more, Lu Haoting would be in love with a woman one day.

"Shut up, all of you!" Liu Yin couldn't bear it. She roared at several people, and her sexy red lips were delicate and beautiful. "Do you have any evidence? Any evidence?! Don't talk nonsense without evidence! I don't think Mr. Lu is merciful to women like that! "

"Cut." A few people sneer from the nose, did not give Liu Yin good face to see. In their opinion, Liu Yin's wishful thinking is also too sick. Lu Haoting has never been kind to her, and she is so eager to get to the top, but she is really dissatisfied with her desire.

"Be quiet, everyone, and our auction continues." The person who presided over the auction cleared his throat and tried to stabilize everyone's mood. "Our young master Lu has just quoted a price of 90 million yuan for this gem, which is indeed beyond our expectation. I also want to gossip. Master Lu, are you going to give this gem to your sweetheart? "

Lu Haoting gently tugged at the corners of his lips and wanted to say something. But before he had time to speak, he felt the strong and rapid breath from his side. There is no doubt that this is from the mouth of Su twilight.

What is she thinking? Embarrassment or joy? Lu Haoting admitted that he didn't know her so well. With respect for each other's privacy, he still decided not to answer this question.

"It has nothing to do with you. Just do your part and bid for this gem." Lu Haoting's voice was deep and thick, and his dark pupils gave out an indescribable light. He looked at the auction host, as if telling him not to ask.

People around hold their breath, and we all realize that Lu Haoting's words are not only for the hosts, but also for the good people like them. Bai fan and others looked at each other and held their mouths.

"I'm sorry, Lu Shao. I'm a big talker." The host realized his rudeness, and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake We're bidding on. "

The host scratched his head and soon regained his composure, "90 million for the first time!"

The whole audience was silent and left the embarrassing experience of the host just now. No one continued to talk about it, nor did anyone dare to continue to bid a higher price.

"90 million second time!" Su twilight's breathing voice is more and more urgent, she does not understand what she is thinking, just feel the hot face, the surrounding atmosphere makes her suffocate. It was a feeling she had never experienced.

"90 million for the third time!" Su muying summoned up her courage and raised her head. Want to say something, but feel the throat dry hair astringent, as if there is a raging fire burning inside.

Lu Haoting slightly side of the head, in the eye light has not touched Su Twilight shadow's face, then quickly shifted the line of sight. In fact, he wanted to know the expression on Su twilight's face at this moment, but when he was just bidding, he didn't want to pay attention to other things."Deal

With the host's hammer, Lu Haoting breathed a sigh of relief, and finally turned to look at Su Twilight shadow beside him. However, Su Twilight shows an indescribable expression, which makes Lu Haoting somewhat unpredictable.

Embarrassment? Or forbearance? Lu Haoting felt that he could not see through her, but it was definitely not a positive emotion.

"Sorry, I'll leave for a moment." Su Twilight shadow whispered these words and ran to the bathroom on the other side of the hall.

Standing in front of the mirror, Su Twilight shadow silently asks herself what is wrong. She didn't know what kind of mood she felt at the moment. She only knew that Lu Haoting did not make herself happy. Instead, she learned from the auction. I feel the gap between myself and these young masters and ladies.

Maybe they will look down on themselves. It doesn't matter. What about Lu Haoting. What is his attitude towards himself? Su Twilight shadow in the heart desperately ask themselves, but can not get the answer.

Lu Haoting chases to the bathroom door and stops. A thick door will completely separate the two people, they are trying to guess each other's mind.

"Lu Shao." A sharp female voice came into Lu Haoting's ears. Liu Yin, who had just participated in the auction, came slowly to Lu Haoting's ear. "Lu Shao is so generous that we really admire her. But I wonder if that woman is really worthy of this gem? "

Lu Haoting slowly turned to his side. His dark, dark pupil like eyes were staring at Liu Yin coldly. He was disgusted with women who liked to chew their tongue, and even more hated women with strong jealousy.

Just to answer Liu Yin's question, Su Twilight shadow comes out of the bathroom. Today, she wore a pair of ten centimeter hateful sky high. Her heel has been worn to pain due to maladjustment, and she can only bear it.

Seeing Liu Yin and Lu Haoting outside the door, Su twilight is stunned. For their relationship, Su Mu Ying Si does not know, she stares back and forth at their faces, trying to read something from their looks.

"Go, twilight, I'll take you back." Lu Haoting's eyes fell on Su twilight's slightly hot cheek, and then he always moved away. It seemed that Lu Haoting told Liu Yin in this simple and clear way to let her stay away from her life in the future.


When the black Lamborghini came downstairs to apartment 5, it was already 10:30 p.m. I don't know when it began to rain outside. The rain patterned on the window glass, making a clattering sound.

"Well I went up first. " Su twilight, sitting in the co pilot's seat, glanced at Lu Haoting and murmured.

"At today's auction, I was too bold." Lu Haoting's voice is deep and thick, which is very magnetic in this quiet car. "I'm sorry to make you feel embarrassed."

"No way..." Su evening shadow stretched out the white tender hand, and gathered the redundant broken hair in front of the forehead behind the ear, and said with a faint smile, "no, it's you who want more."

"Take this jewel." Lu Haoting took Su twilight's hand and held it tightly with a big hand with distinct joints. He took out that shining precious gem from his suit pocket.

"No, I can't..." Su Twilight wanted to break free, but it didn't help. The jewel had already fallen steadily in her hand. "Hao Ting, it's too expensive..."

"It's because the gem is so valuable that I think it's the only one worth you." Lu Haoting looks at Su Twilight shadow seriously. Their sight collides at this moment, which produces ambiguous and exciting sparks.

"Gee, look, there's a Lamborghini parked downstairs in our dormitory!"

"Wow, it's true. Who's that girl sitting inside..."

"I don't know. I don't know. Who is the master of gold

Several girls were attracted by the Lamborghini downstairs in their dormitories. They all got together in low voices, eager to know the identity of the girl in the front passenger seat. In their opinion, the girl who can be picked up by a Lamborghini must not be a simple role.

"What are you doing?" A delicate girl's voice disturbed the lively female students. They turned their heads in a hurry as if they had done something bad and found Xi Meijuan and Miao Linlin coming face to face.

"Shh!" A girl immediately raised her index finger to her mouth. "You see, someone has sent the girl back from her classmate

"Why? Really? " Xi Meijuan instant interest, even take out is not in a hurry to get, "can you see who it is?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I can't see clearly." Miao Linlin shrugged her shoulders. She didn't seem to be very interested in it. "OK, let's get the takeout quickly."

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