"Don't you think you can't tell the teacher?" Lu Haoting said in a warm voice, "it doesn't matter. I'll explain your teacher's ideological work to him."

"Forget it." Su Twilight shadow waved her hand, "really don't have to bother. I think I can handle it myself. In fact, Meijuan is not a bad person, she is just a little uncomfortable in her heart. Let her be quiet for a while, and I'm sure she'll figure it out

"Really?" Lu Haoting is still a little worried. But since Su twilight has said so, he can't say anything more. He can only respect her decision.

"That's it. I'll take your advice." Lu Haoting's clear-cut big hand, for Su twilight to sort out the air bangs, "just, if you are bullied, you must not tolerate, to tell me in time, you know?"

"Well." Su Twilight shadow buried her head deeply.

After the two finished their meal, Lu Haoting drove Su Twilight shadow back to the dormitory building. He wanted to stay in the car with Su muying for a while, but considering the influence of the students around him, he didn't do so in the end.

"Oh, how romantic." Not far away, a sharp and mean female voice came, so that Su evening shadow immediately turned around.

It was Xi Meijuan who was walking towards her. She had a big bag in her hand, and it seemed that she had just come back from crazy shopping. She wore delicate make-up and combed her hair just right. However, the heart of such a beautiful girl is extremely sinister, which makes people feel sad.

"I just sent it back last night. What's the matter? I have a date at noon today?" Seeing Su Twilight shadow does not speak, Xi Meijuan continues to speak bitterly, "the skin is really thicker than the city wall. I really can't learn this skill."

Su Twilight shadow naturally ignored, but went straight to the dormitory stairs. She is not afraid of her, but disdain to quarrel with such a big chest girl. After all, there are more important things for her to accomplish.

Looking at Su twilight's far away figure, Xi Meijuan's mind still can't erase her long hair and white skirt.

"Bitches, don't think I can't take you if you don't talk. You wait and see what I do with you. " Xi Meijuan said, taking out the mobile phone from the bag.

After selecting the top photos of the album, Xi Meijuan hesitated for a moment, but finally she click publish and spread them to the school's forum.

And this is the photo of Lu Haoting and Su Twilight kissing in the car last night.

It's another Monday.

Tidy up a good mood, Su evening shadow took a few books and walked out of the dormitory. Towards the end of the term, she decided to put aside all the trivia in front of her and devote herself to the coming exam.

Walking on the road, Su muying felt that the weather was much cooler than yesterday. Gusts of wind blowing leaves rustle, like Su Twilight shadow at this time the heart of the same.

"Hello, Hello, is that Su muying?" "Oh, it's true that she still has the face to come out to class. If I were her, I would like to rot in the dormitory and not want to come out..." "Usually, she is very clever. She can do such a thing. She has a thick skin than the city wall."

See Su Twilight shadow, a few girls seem to have found something wonderful, get together to chatter about. Although the voice is small, but some words still wear into the ears of Su Twilight shadow.

What's wrong with them? Su muying doesn't understand. Maybe she didn't sleep well last night. Her head feels a little dull. After she reaches out and rubs her temple, she sees Liu Xuan, who is also in the same experimental group.

"Liu Xuan, I'll give you the report of yesterday's experiment..." Su muying takes the initiative to talk to her, but Liu Xuan seems to be deliberately hiding from her. She shakes her hand in a hurry, and then walks away around her, leaving Su muying standing there awkwardly, staring at her far away back and those female classmates.

Coming face to face is a thin girl, familiar shoes, familiar clothes, familiar hair

It's Miao Linlin. Su Twilight slightly squinted, and soon recognized his roommate. She stepped forward quickly, trying to find out.

"Miao Linlin, since this morning, everyone has been indifferent to me. What's going on?" Su evening shadow brows lock, nose wing also ran out if there is no sweat. I can see she's really worried.

"This..." Due to the surrounding forces, Miao Linlin hesitated. But see Su evening shadow anxious appearance, Miao Linlin or instant soft hearted down, pull her to the corner of the teaching building corridor, "come with me."

"Do you know that the picture of you and Lu Shao kissing each other in the car has been posted on the Internet, and now the whole forum has exploded!" Miao Linlin began to worry about Su twilight, "now, the whole school knows about you and major Lu."

"Who sent it?" Su muying takes a deep breath and stares at Miao Linlin seriously. She knew that, in fact, Miao Linlin already had the answer.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Miao Linlin hesitated for a moment, but finally did not betray Xi Meijuan. "What you want to think about now is how to face these girls. There will be an experimental class soon. You should have a psychological preparation."

"Miao Linlin, what are you doing?" The shadow of a girl in the evening is not friendly to Miao Lin, and she sees a good thing in the distance. "Miao Linlin, come here quickly. They are Lu Haoting's lover now. How can we have time to talk to such a nobody like us?""You go over." Su twilight, who is understanding, purses her lips and gently pushes the hesitant Miao Linlin. She didn't want her roommate to be ostracized by other girls because of her private affairs.

After watching Miao Linlin leave, Su Twilight immediately finds her mobile phone from her bag and boards the school forum.

"Shocked! 2015 grade girls and Master Lu will kiss each other at night

Just opened the forum, a few bold bold characters suddenly came into view, so that Su Twilight almost did not stand firm, but fortunately her back was close to the wall, so she did not fall.

Sitting on the cold floor, Su twilight's scallion fingers gently move down the screen. Here are some photos of her and Lu Haoting kissing each other in the car. Although it was a rainy night and the definition was not too high, it can be seen from their side faces and clothes that these are Lu Haoting and Su muying, no doubt.

Who on earth did this? Su Twilight shadow tries to calm down and her brain runs fast. A gentle character, she admitted that she did not offend anyone in school, who would be so excessive, took such a private photo and sent it online.

"Xi Meijuan?" This name appears in Su twilight's mind.

"Ding Ling ~" the rapid and high pitched bell rings at this time. Su twilight is just like being awakened from sleep. She has no time to think about it and trots all the way to the classroom.

This is an experimental course. The lecturer is a 70 year old professor from a famous university. In his classroom, as long as he says one, no one dares to say two.

"We have several experiments to do in this class. I believe you have previewed the textbook." The professor stretched out his hand full of age spots and pushed up the glasses on the nose willow. "Next, we are divided into six groups. Each group has a group leader. Come to me to get the experimental equipment."

As soon as the professor's voice dropped, the classroom suddenly burst into a pot. A group of girls have been chattering, ganging to find their friends to form an experimental group.

Only Su Twilight shadow did not say a word and buried her head deeply. She gazed at the dark green experimental table in front of her, and her eyes were filled with tears unconsciously.

"Twilight, come with us." Miao Linlin saw her sadness and took the initiative to comfort her.

"No! We don't want to be with her. " Several girls in the same group immediately showed disgusting eyes, "if you pity her, you two will form a seventh group alone, and the professor has no objection."

"Ha ha ha ha..." In the laboratory, several girls' uncontrollable howling laughter spread.

"You guys, what are you laughing at?" The professor couldn't bear to bear it, and finally scolded them. He looked around the laboratory, and his eyes finally fell on Su twilight. "What's the matter with you? Who is the group with? "

Su evening shadow raised his head, eyes clear and some red, curled eyelashes stained with tears. She looked around her classmates and found that none of the groups wanted to accept her.

"Ask you, which group are you from?" The professor raised his voice and said, "you are wasting everyone's time. If someone fails in the experimental examination, can you bear the responsibility? Let me ask you again, which group is it? "

Dozens of malicious and sarcastic eyes focused on Su twilight, let her heart at the last line of defense collapse at this moment. She made a deep bow to the professor, whispered "I'm sorry," and ran out of the laboratory with her mouth covered.

She thought she could relax a little after leaving the sad laboratory, but there were so many people in the corridor that she had no chance to breathe.

Walking along the shady path of the campus, Su WANYING has no intention to observe the flowers and plants on the road. In the past, when she saw these beautiful flowers and plants, she would take out her camera to take pictures, and then send them to the mother in the hospital to enjoy them together. But today, she had no interest at all.

At this moment, Su muying wants to go back to the dormitory immediately, hide in the quilt and cry, and vent all the dissatisfaction and negative emotions. But with the final exam coming, she had to find a quiet place to review.

Hurry back to the classroom to take the student card, Su Twilight quickly walked to the library. After entering the examination week, many students came back here to review, and the library became an ocean of knowledge.

Su Twilight shadow shuttles among the bookshelves, and the faint smell of ink rushes into her nose. Calm her down a little. After hesitating for a moment, she finally reached out to the book "elderly service and management". This is a required course for them in the new semester, and also the subject with the highest credit.

"I took it first." With a sharp female voice came, a hand quickly inserted in front of Su Twilight shadow, mercilessly seized the book.

Su Twilight looks at each other side: curly long black hair spread over her shoulders, the base make-up failed miserably, the heavy eye make-up makes people feel a bit pompous, sexy red lips delicate.

The girl stares at Su twilight with a defiant gesture, which exudes unfriendliness and bitterness from the inside out.

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