Lu Haoting's car finally stopped at the bottom of apartment 5. He opened the car door, the moment the shoes landed, surrounded by high pitched cheers of girls.

"Wow! I can't believe I saw Lu Shao himself! " "It's really Lu Shao! How handsome! My God "It's really a pity to see Lu Shao."

An endless stream of people attracted the crowd, including Xi Meijuan and Miao Linlin. They crowded through layers of people and stood on tiptoe to find Lu Haoting's figure.

"You don't have to be crazy about flowers here. This is Su muying's boyfriend. If it wasn't for the blessing of Su twilight, we wouldn't have a chance to meet such a person."

A voice rings in Xi Meijuan's ear, like pouring a basin of cold water on her from top to bottom, which makes her originally good mood become uncomfortable.

"What's the matter? It's just a young master." Xi Meijuan curled her lips and glared at the girl who said that sentence, "she won't be proud for long. I'll wait for the day when they break up."

Xi Meijuan's tone was sharp, and a few words were passed into Lu Haoting's ears. He took off his sunglasses and looked sideways at the rude, uneducated stranger.

As if seeing the seriousness of Lu Haoting's expression, Xi Meijuan was a little flustered and wanted to find a place to drill down as soon as possible.

For the first time, she realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said and offended those who shouldn't have offended. She immediately buried her head deeply, hoping that Lu Haoting would not come to her trouble.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here The aunt of the housing management department saw a group of people gathered here. She was very puzzled. When she approached, she found that Lu Haoting, the male god of the whole people, was standing in the middle of the crowd.

"Lu Lu Shao. " Aunt Su Guan smiles awkwardly, licks her lips, and says hello to Lu Haoting in a low voice.

Lu Haoting didn't pay attention to her. The dark pupil was full of indifference. He raised his head slightly and gazed at the window on the third floor. Everyone in the room knows that twilight is on the floor.

"In this way, let's all go. Don't disturb Lu Shao's interest." Auntie SuGuan is a very sensible woman. She can see through Lu Haoting's mind at a glance. In addition, she has been stir fried in recent days. She dare not say anything to Lu Haoting.

The girls in the crowd sighed with disappointment. Just met the male god of their dreams, it was not long before they were to be cleared, which made them feel very unhappy. They all went back to their dormitories.

"Meijuan, you are really brave." Meng Xiaorong of the next dormitory saw Xi Meijuan and cast a look of admiration. "Just when you said those words, Lu Shao's face turned green. Fortunately, he didn't care about you."

I don't know Xi Meijuan shrugged her shoulders, expressing helplessness.

Miao Linlin stood beside them, her eyes fixed on one side of the corner of the corridor, thinking about the next countermeasures. As Su muying's roommate, she felt that it was necessary for her to tell Lu Haoting about Su's injury. After all, her real boyfriend was at this time. But Xi Meijuan was right next to her, which made her very embarrassed.

"Meijuan, you remember a book you forgot to bring back. I'll go back to the classroom to get it." Leaving such a sentence, Miao Linlin quickly ran downstairs. She felt that if she didn't tell Lu Haoting about Su twilight's injury, her conscience would be condemned.

Lu Haoting, wearing a plaid suit, is still waiting downstairs. He leaned against the black Lamborghini, his dark cut pupils exuding a faint melancholy, his angular face full of handsome, bony big hands gently tapping on the window glass.

"Hello, Lu Shao. I'm Su muying's roommate. My name is Miao Linlin." Miao Linlin stepped forward and said hello carefully. In front of such a God, she said it was impossible not to be nervous.

"Hello." Lu Haoting gently tugged at the corners of his lips and looked at Miao Linlin slightly. This was the first time he met Su's roommate.

"Lu Shao, Su Twilight Su twilight is not in the dormitory. " Miao Linlin licked her dry lips and continued, "she's injured. Now she's bandaging in the hospital."

"She was hurt?" Hearing this, Lu Haoting frowned and looked at Miao Linlin seriously, "what's going on? Where is she now? "

"I'm not sure about the details." Miao Linlin waved her hand and eagerly explained to Lu Haoting, "when I saw her in the morning, her whole body was injured. I said I would take her to the hospital, and she said she could do it herself. Don't tell me who bullied me

Sure enough, she was bullied. Lu Haoting took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. Then he turned his eyes back to Miao Linlin. "Did she tell you which hospital she was in?"

Miao Linlin stopped making a sound, but clenched her lower lip and shook her head. Although it's just a few words of conversation, Miao Linlin can still see that Lu Haoting is a good boyfriend. He really cares about Su twilight.

"Thank you for telling me that." Lu Haoting looks serious, nods to Miao Linlin, and then sits in the car. But after a while, the black Lamborghini rushed out like a shell."Hello, twilight, where are you now?" Lu Haoting calls Su muying.

"I I'm in the dorm. " Su Twilight shadow wants to prevaricate.

"Don't lie to me, your roommate has already told me." Lu Haoting raised his voice slightly, "you are injured, aren't you? Tell me which hospital I'm in

"People's Hospital of Mudan District." Su took a deep breath and had to tell the truth. At this time, she has been bandaged, with a prescription sheet ready to get medicine.

Within ten minutes, Lu Haoting drove to the door of the hospital. He couldn't stop the car, so he strode to the hospital hall.

Although there were a lot of people waiting to pay, Lu Haoting saw Su twilight at a glance. He rushed forward quickly and pulled Su Twilight out of the crowd.

"How's the wound? Have you examined them carefully? " Seeing Su muying, Lu Haoting doesn't want to ask more about the cause of the matter. Now he is most concerned about Su twilight's body.

"You come so fast!" Su evening shadow can not help but sigh, a pair of dark eyes embarrassed God, "I, I'm ok, just now the doctor has helped me bandage."

Lu Haoting gasped and looked at Su twilight from top to bottom: her long hair was messy, her face was a little pale, there was no blood color in the past, and the blood stains on the corners of her mouth were clearly visible. Her arms, knees, shoulders and many other places are wrapped in bandages, it seems that the injury is not light.

"How could it be like this, huh?" Lu Haoting took Su Twilight shadow into his arms, and stroked her long hair with a big hand with distinct bone joints. "It's all my fault. I'm late. Listen to me and have another check. "

Without enough time to refuse, Su twilight has been pulled back to the attending doctor's office by Lu Haoting. He asked the doctor to prescribe the prescription again and gave Su muying a comprehensive and detailed examination.

"Fortunately, the knee hit the ground first, rather than the head, or the consequences would be disastrous." The attending doctor pushed up his glasses and turned his eyes to Su muying. "This time is a blessing in misfortune. You should be more careful in the future."

"I know." Su Twilight shadow answers softly. She had heard the other person say it again.

"You're her boyfriend." The female doctor looked at Lu Haoting curiously, and then told him earnestly, "in the future, you should remember to protect your girlfriend. Although the wound is small, it still causes severe pain. When she came just now, she resisted the pain, which really impressed me

"I see. Thank you, doctor." Lu Haoting swallows his mouth and looks at Su twilight with reluctance and heartache. If he could, he really wanted to suffer for her. It was just his wishful thinking.

Su muying has never really accepted him from the beginning to the end

Walking out of the hospital gate, looking at the misty sky, Lu Haoting breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tell me, what is the matter with all your wounds?" Lu Haoting gazed at Su Twilight shadow with a serious tone. "Don't use any excuse to excuse me for falling down the stairs. Do you think I will believe it?"

Su evening shadow licks lip, feel a bit embarrassed. Indeed, Lu Haoting has a strong observation power, and he has so many wounds on his body. It is not realistic to cheat him by falling down the stairs.

"Today I went to the library to borrow books and had an argument with a girl." Su Twilight took a mouthful of saliva and explained in a low voice, "when I went out, a group of girls came to me for a theory. I said that they couldn't, just..."

"Why do they do this? This is intentional injury. You can report it to the police! " Listening to Su twilight's story, Lu Haoting's expression becomes extremely serious, and his anger is constantly stirring in his heart. If he could, he would like to tear up those girls by himself now.

"Maybe Maybe it's because of you and me. " At that time, Lu Ting's eyes turned red. She didn't want to tell Lu Haoting about this, but after all, it was her boyfriend. Even if it was driven by the interest relationship, that is, Su muying had always been able to give her mother money for treatment, but now she is still Lu Haoting's girlfriend.

"Come back with me." Lu Haoting's angular face was full of firmness, and he didn't want to cause more trouble. Let Su Twilight leave the dormitory, perhaps this is the best choice for everyone.

"No, don't do that." Su evening shadow quickly waved her hand, "this is undoubtedly to give them more space to exclude me. I have to go back to school for exams, right? When they see me, they will talk more and more about our relationship. "

"So you're going to put up with it all the time?" Lu Haoting began to worry deeply, "if you go on like this, you will collapse."

"Ho Ting, I'm much stronger than you think." Su Twilight shadow's mouth rose slightly, showing a firm smile, "since the first day I decided to associate with you, I have imagined countless consequences. They talk about them. I live my life. Anyway, it will not affect my love for you

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