After watching Miao Linlin go far away, Su evening shadow leans against the wall again and squats down on the cold floor outside the door. The cell phone is dead. Automatic shutdown, she had to bury her head in her arm, take this opportunity to take a little rest.

On the other side, Lu Haoting's office.

"Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has no answer for the time being. Please dial again later. sorry……”

I called several times, and the cold and mechanical voice came from the opposite side. This makes Lu Haoting completely out of his mind to work, and he wants to know Su twilight's whereabouts as soon as possible.

"Help me cancel the afternoon meeting. I have something to do now." Lu Haoting sat on his feet and finally left such a sentence to his assistant. Ran out of the office.

Before the assistant could answer, Lu Haoting disappeared in her sight. At this time, she saw Lu Shaowei as a woman so crazy for the first time. many a time.

The sky gradually began to become gloomy, Su evening shadow sitting on the roof, looking at the closed iron gate, some want to cry without tears.

Maybe she shouldn't have been here in the first place. In this way, people will not be locked here, and this embarrassing situation of not going out.

It looks more gloomy. The dark clouds fall on the top of the head, giving people a very depressing feeling. His clothes have been drenched by the sultry weather. The hair sticks tightly to the scalp. There's an indescribable sticky feeling.

Su Twilight shadow mobile phone tightly hold that no power mobile phone, feel oneself bored to sleep in the past.

Originally has been closed iron door gradually has a trace of sound, although very light, but Su Twilight shadow is still aware of. She was suddenly awakened from that vague state of sleep.

At first Su Twilight thought it was an illusion. But as the noise of the iron door was getting louder and louder. She knew that someone had come to save her.

Is it Miao Linlin? Su Twilight shadow at the beginning of the idea, but she was denied, Miao Linlin should still be in class at this time, how could she come back again.

Was it the one who locked her up in the first place? Su Twilight shadow think of here in the heart can not help some fear, if it is really who locked her here at the beginning, then no matter what he does to Su twilight, she has no ability to resist. Su Twilight shadow in the heart of all sorts of speculation disappeared when the door was opened.

Outside the door was a handsome boy. He held the door in one hand and a brush in the other. Still keeping the appearance of opening the door just now, he seemed surprised when he saw Su Twilight shadow.

He didn't understand why the door was locked before anyone else came out.

"Who are you?" Su Twilight shadow leans back. Some looked at Xiao Yin with fear. When Xiao Yin heard her talk, her mind was finally pulled back.

"I haven't asked why you're here yet." Xiao Yin let go of the doorknob. Walk to the middle of the roof. Take out the things in your painting box one by one.

He always paints here, so it's no surprise that he has the key to the roof. Speaking of it, he is still more concerned about why Su muying appears here.

Su Twilight took a few steps forward. Looking at his skillful gesture of holding the brush, it seemed that he understood something.

"So you can draw?" Xiao Yin compared with the dark clouds. Did not answer Su muying's words.

Su Twilight shadow follows his sight to see past. Can't help but ask.

"It's going to rain. Why do you come to sketch at this time?" Xiao Yin was a little agitated and couldn't help turning her head and saying to her.

"The rain won't fall for a while. Besides, since the door is open, if you have nothing to do, go back first." Xiao Yin finished these words in one breath, then turned his head and continued to draw on the paper. From the angle of Su Twilight shadow, he could only see the corners of his mouth tightly pursed.

His speech speed is very fast, the whole process does not smile, with a trace of alienation.

Su Twilight shadow looked at him for a while and saw that he did not really have any meaning to continue talking. Just turned around and left.

She looked up at the sky and saw that the dark clouds in the sky had begun to disperse.

That boy is right. The rain did not come down.

Su WANYING lowered her head and sighed. She was about to go to the classroom when her feet suddenly stopped in front of her. Su Twilight shadow did not look up. Ready to go around. But the owner of the feet did not give her the chance.

"You Su Twilight shadow suddenly froze at the moment when she looked up. The person in front of him is as beautiful as a jade, wearing a tailored suit. Who is not Lu Haoting.

"How do you know I'm here?" In the face of Lu Haoting's chilly vision, Su Twilight obviously lacks some confidence. Her voice was getting lower and lower. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear what she said.

"I called you did not answer, Miao Linlin told me." As he spoke, he took off his coat and put it on her. Su muying is wearing a white dress today. Sweat wet clothes are tightly attached to the body. You can see the scenery inside."Do you know who did it?"

Su evening shadow suddenly raised his head and saw Lu Haoting standing in front of her. His eyes were fixed on her.

It seems that he already knows. Su muying sighs in her heart. But it's no surprise that Lu Haoting knows these things. Who is he. It's not easy to know.

"I don't know." Su evening shadow slightly pursed her lips, and some sour feelings poured out of her heart. Since she came to this school. I thought I didn't apologize to anyone, but I was treated unfairly again and again here.

Su Twilight shadow in fact does not understand why this is, and what she did wrong.

"Go and change." Lu Haoting also feels the change of Su twilight's mood. Before she answers, Lu Haoting pushes her into his car.

In fact, Su twilight has no chance to refuse.

"Don't bother." In fact, she can go back to her dormitory and change it.

Lu Haoting looked at him without saying anything. He turned around, picked up his cell phone and called the assistant. Ask him to send a new suit. He drew a cigarette from the box and lit it. The smoke soon spread through the enclosed compartment. He was in a hurry. It's like venting something.

From the light of Mars at his fingertips. You can see his gloomy face and tight eyebrows.

Is he angry? But what are you angry about?

Su Twilight does not understand.

After a cigarette, the assistant arrived. Lu Haoting gets out of the driver's seat and throws in the clothes brought by his assistant.

"Change it!" Su Twilight just wanted to say something. The door was slammed shut in front of him.

This dress is not cheap. Su Twilight shadow will know when she looks at the packing bag. Such a valuable thing. Especially Lu Haoting gave it to her. She shouldn't have asked for love or reason.

Lu Haoting waited outside for a while, but he didn't hear anything inside. She opened the door and thought that Su Twilight should have changed her clothes for such a long time.

But when the door opens. Su Twilight shadow is still sitting there, and she is still wearing that dirty white skirt.

"Mr. Lu." She raised her eyes when she heard the news and looked at it wrongly. "It's too expensive. I can't take it."

Lu Haoting looked at her for a moment and did not speak. But the hand slowly clenched.

"Su Twilight shadow, you don't have to think you owe me." He bowed his head and laughed. "Just think I don't want you to dirty my car. I'll lend you this dress once. Come back next time. "

Su Twilight shadow did not speak again, she knew that no matter what she said now, she could not let the man in front of her change her mind. He is always more reasonable than himself.

Lu Haoting looked at her and said nothing more. Turn around and close the door.

It's hot and sticky. Lu Haoting hates this feeling. I don't feel comfortable all over.

Again, the feeling of irritability. Lu Haoting couldn't help touching the cigarette case. But there was nothing empty in the pocket. He remembered that he had left his cigarette case in the car just now.

Just as she was about to let Su Twilight out, the door suddenly opened from inside. Su Twilight shadow pokes out his head. The whole man got out of the car.

The assistant brought a light blue dress. The skirt just reached the knee. The clothes of appropriate material set off her good figure, so that Su Mu image is changed into a person.

She seems to be a little nervous, her face is always red. I dare not look up at him.

I have to say. The assistant has a really good eye.

Even Lu Haoting, who thinks that there are countless female readers, has been there for a while.

"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with it? " Su evening shadow noticed Lu Haoting's line of sight and pulled the skirt awkwardly. The clothes she will wear tomorrow are loose type, and she has never deliberately matched with anything. So I don't really know what I'm wearing.

Lu Haoting recovered after hearing her voice. Some annoyed why he was so abnormal just now.

His sight from Su twilight's clothes to her face. Su twilight is not comfortable with him. Just wanted to turn his head, I heard him say it very sincerely.

"It's beautiful."

Su evening shadow has some doubts and raises her head. I don't seem to hear what he said just now. Su Twilight shadow has not responded. I heard his voice from Lu Haoting again.

"It's really beautiful." Su evening shadow's face can't help but red.

"Thank you." She held it for a long time, and didn't know what to say now. You can only use this old-fashioned expression. Su muying thinks that Lu Haoting only praises himself out of politeness. But I didn't think of what kind of scenery he was like in other people's eyes.

"You're welcome." Lu Haoting's eyes still did not move from her. He naturally walked over and took Su twilight's hand.

"I'll take you back." Su evening shadow for a time some do not adapt to such intimate action, she step back, to avoid Lu Haoting's touch."No, I, I have to go to class later. Don't go back now, "Su Twilight explained in a hurry. Lu Haoting didn't listen to him. He just looked at his empty palm and felt a bit dazed. Su Twilight shadow did not notice Lu Haoting's gloomy face.

"I'll see you off." Lu Haoting still did not give in.

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