After Lu Haoting dealt with these things, he returned to the small home where he lived with Su twilight.

Su muying is watching a love movie at home, and now there are fierce action movies about men and women in this love movie. Hearing the sound of the door open, Su Twilight knows that Lu Haoting has come back. She is afraid that after being seen by Lu Haoting, she will say something about her. Moreover, Lu Haoting may think that her mind is not pure.

Aware of this problem, Su Twilight went to the TV and wanted to turn it off, but it seemed a little late.

Su Twilight shadow just went to a little distance from the TV set when Lu Haoting just came in.

As soon as Lu Haoting came in, he heard a woman's panting voice. Moreover, the voice sounded familiar. It seemed that Su WANYING was carrying him

Lu Haoting opens the door in a hurry. Seeing Su twilight in front of the TV in her pajamas, Lu Haoting is relieved. Fortunately, his idea was wrong, but he really heard the woman's panting voice just now.

Su evening shadow sees Lu Haoting come in, blinks at Lu Haoting, and tries not to let Lu Haoting find out that she is looking at this.

In fact, Su Twilight did not watch this kind of TV drama, but just happened to be in the bridge, and Lu Haoting just came back at this time. Su Twilight shadow thought, how can there be so many coincidences in this world?

When Lu Haoting sees Su twilight, his eyes are a little flustered and evasive, and listening to the sound, it seems that it is from the TV.

Suspiciously took a look at Su Twilight shadow, while Su Twilight did not pay attention to the Su Twilight shadow to push away.

Seeing the contents on TV, Lu Haoting was amused.

Su Twilight shadow saw Lu Haoting see the picture in the TV, small face red, drooping head, small hands kept rubbing pajamas.

Su Twilight shadow, now in the mind is thinking, how to do? What to do? Lu Haoting must have misunderstood her.

Lu Haoting looked at Su twilight's appearance and found it amusing. He reached out his hand, touched Su's long hair and said, "I didn't expect that you like watching this kind of film. Can't you see it?"

Seeing Lu Haoting really misunderstood, Su muying explained anxiously: "no, this TV is not the kind of pornographic film you imagine. It just happens to be put here. I didn't know there was such a story in it at the beginning. I didn't expect to be seen by you. "

Lu Haoting looked at Su twilight with a smile, picked his eyebrows and said, "if you are interested in this, you can come to me! I can give you a real feeling. "

After listening to Su twilight, she glared and landed and said, "I said it all. I didn't watch that TV. Why do you still misunderstand me

See Su twilight,. In this way, Lu Haoting knows that Su muying is angry. He actually believes Su muying's words. He just wants to tease Su muying. Who knows, Su muying is so easily angry.

Take Su evening shadow's hand and say: "OK, you don't sulk, I believe you."

Hearing Lu Haoting say believe her, Su Twilight shadow's face just improved a little.

"By the way, I have suppressed that public opinion for you. You don't have to worry about what others say about you." Lu Haoting said this to let Su muying praise him. For him, Su muying's praise is his motivation.

"Ah? Really? Thank you Su muying feels very happy and guilty when she hears that the public opinion has been suppressed. Lu Haoting has helped her so much that she doesn't know how to repay him.

Now Su Twilight film noticed that Lu Haoting's eyes were bloodshot. She should be dealing with this matter for her. Think about it, I feel more guilty. He said, "look at you, it should be that you didn't have a rest yesterday, OK? Or you can go and have a rest now? "

Lu Haoting was so said by Su Twilight shadow that he did not feel very comfortable and nodded.

Su Twilight shadow helped Lu Haoting to his room. After covering Lu Haoting with quilts, he picked up his backpack and said, "well, you can have a good rest at home, and I'll go out first."

Hearing that Su twilight was about to go out, he opened his eyes and asked, "go out? Where are you going? "

Just about to go out, Su Twilight hears Lu Haoting's voice and turns around. Seeing Lu Haoting's worried face, Su twilight is amused. Is he so afraid of her leaving here?

He went to Lu Haoting's side and said, "don't worry. I'm not leaving here. I'm going to school."

Lu Haoting immediately jumped out of bed, stopped in front of Su twilight and said, "no, you have to stay at home with me. I've asked for leave for you. I need to accompany you these days. You can also have a good rest at home for a few days."

Su muying was glad to hear that. Lu Haoting even asked for a few days' leave for her, but it was OK. She could have a rest at home for a few days and said, "thank you, or I'll cook for you next time? Didn't I say I was going to cook for you the other day? But at that time, you said you had something to do, so you didn't eat it. Now it happens that we all have time. Otherwise, I'll cook for you and show you my craft? "Lu Haoting was very excited when he heard that Su muying was going to cook for him. Last time she said she would cook for him, but he didn't eat it. He always felt that he had some regrets. Now Su muying has offered to cook for him. How could he disagree? "Well, well, I'll see if the dishes you make are suitable for my appetite. I tell you, I'm very difficult to satisfy. You should know that?" Lu Haoting refers to what happened to them

but Su muying is not a worm in Lu Haoting's stomach. How can he know what Lu Haoting is thinking? Even if Lu Haoting doesn't say so, Su muying knows that it is difficult for him to be satisfied because Lu Haoting eats big fish and meat outside every day, and he may despise the ordinary dishes.

Su Twilight shadow comes to the kitchen, she wants to see what ingredients are in the refrigerator to decide what to cook.

As soon as I open the refrigerator, Su Twilight looks silly. Is this really Lu Haoting's home? Or is Lu Haoting not eating at home? Why don't you have any ingredients?

Turning around, he asked, "why don't you have any food in your house?"

Lu Haoting looked at the empty refrigerator. He scratched his head and said, "I forget that I don't usually buy vegetables because I usually eat out."

Su evening shadow powerless rolled a big white eye, said: "that looks, this time can't give you to cook again."

Lu Haoting felt a little annoyed. He ruined such a good opportunity. He once again lost the chance to taste Su twilight's cooking.

Su evening shadow looked at Lu Haoting's annoyed appearance and comforted him: "it's OK. Next time we'll go shopping together, and next time I'll cook for you."

Lu Haoting listened to Su twilight's words and went back to the unruly Lu Haoting and nodded.

After looking at Su muying's clothes, he still wears his clothes. Because Su muying has just moved here, and has not brought any clothes, Lu Haoting has to let Su muying wear his clothes.

"You can move all your things to me these two days. Anyway, you will live here in the future." His clothes on Su Twilight show that Su twilight has some comical.

Because Su Twilight shadow is only about 1.67 meters, and his height is more than 1.87 meters, his shirt is worn on Su twilight's body to the knee. It looks like some cute and some sexy.

Su Twilight after listening to, dull, Lu Haoting why so urgent to let her move things over is to do to her? Su Twilight shadow inexplicably in the heart feel worried, she is now regarded as a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

But she had promised Lu Haoting that he would live with him in the future, and Lu Haoting had helped her with those things, so she couldn't go back on her regrets. He said, "OK, I'll go to school tomorrow and move everything over."

"Do you want me to help you?" Lu Haoting saw that Su muying was so thin and small that it might be a little laborious to move those things, so he wanted to help Su muying carry some things.

"No, no, no, no, I'll go alone." Su muying resolutely refused Lu Haoting's request. If he went to their school, it must have attracted people's attention. Because Lu Haoting is so handsome and drives her to school in a luxury car, then her days in the back of school must have been spent in other people's gossip. Su muying doesn't want to be like this.

Lu Haoting saw Su Twilight shadow so quickly refused his request. He was surprised. He took a suspicious look at Su twilight and said, "what's the matter? Do you think I'm going to school with you to lose your face

Su Twilight shadow saw Lu Haoting understand her wrong meaning, repeatedly waved his hand and said: "no, no, no, I don't mean that. Think about it, you look so handsome. If you follow me to school, you will be misunderstood by others."

After hearing this, Lu Haoting felt very comfortable. He liked to hear others say that he was handsome, especially when he heard Su muying say he was handsome. If you say that, it makes sense.

The haze on his face disappeared and said, "you can go alone. If those things are heavy, please call me to pick you up."

"Good, good." Su muying would never let Lu Haoting pick her up, no matter how many things he had, but in order not to let Lu Haoting think more, Su Twilight still accepted Lu Haoting's words on the surface.

Su Twilight shadow picked up her backpack and then hopped away.

Lu Haoting looked at Su twilight's bouncing back, smiling and shaking his head. He thought, what would she do if she didn't have him?

Su Twilight shadow to the school, came to the dormitory, opened the door of the dormitory, saw Li Xiaoyan and Miao Linlin in it, Su Twilight shadow's appearance immediately changed.

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