At this time did not wait for Su twilight to respond, this group of small thugs seems to have been very impatient.

"What are you two talking about there

"Brother, don't pay attention to the two of them. They must have been counselled. Let's fight directly. You see, those two people beat our brothers to the ground and can't get up. We must avenge them."

Said a little gangster behind the man who was called big brother, in a very bad tone.

"Yes, big brother, you must help us two revenge. We were beaten to death by him, and now we can't get up at all." One of the people lying on the ground, covering his abdomen, look painful said.

"Don't worry, brother. We will avenge you." So the elder brother took his stick to the ground and made a dull noise.

"Come on, brothers!"

Just after the big brother said this, Lu Haoting suddenly raised a hand. They didn't know why. It was clear that Lu Haoting was not their boss, but they seemed to listen to Lu Haoting very much. Generally, when his hand was lifted up, everyone stopped moving.

"Wait a minute. If you want to fight, it's OK. If you want to fight, you don't want to rely on a woman to win a fight between men."

No matter how much he was beaten, Su muying was the bottom line that he could not touch. So he put forward this request before the fight. He knew that these people valued face, and beating women was not good for them. So he said this condition first, and then they would agree.

After listening to Lu Haoting's words, the eldest brother exchanged his eyes with several other brothers, and then nodded one after another. They all felt that Lu Haoting's words were very reasonable. It was a duel between men. Why should a woman be involved? Isn't that damaging to a man's dignity?

"Yes, you are very reasonable. Women should not be involved in the war between men. Listen to you, it seems that you are also a man with great commitment. OK, let the little girl hide away."

When this farce arrives here, they seem to have forgotten who they quarreled for at first. In fact, it is for Su Twilight shadow. So what reason do they have to fight now? However, there seems to be no reason between these people.

So Lu Haoting gives Su muying a look and asks her to move aside. Su shakes her head and refuses to go. Lu Haoting is a little angry and gives her a look. Su muying shrinks her shoulders and slowly retreats. She knows that she should not be capricious and should not be like the heroine in the bloody TV series In the end, neither of them will come to a good end in the end.

Su Twilight shadow in slowly back when, accidentally encountered what? She looked down and saw that the two men who had just been knocked down on the ground were still lying on the ground.

Then he stood aside.

Looking at Lu Haoting very worried.

"Can we start now?"

Lu Haoting nodded. Although he didn't have a chance to win in his heart, he could only fight like a man.

Seeing that he nodded, the old stool made a gesture. People on both sides rushed up with sticks. Lu Haoting also began to show his fists. He was trained by his father since he was a child. He practiced various martial arts moves and learned Taekwondo.

As a teenager, he trained in the army for two years.

His physical fitness is very good. He once won various Sanda competitions. Now, even though his company is busy with business, he still insists on exercising. Therefore, there are still eight abdominal muscles and some big long legs.

Those punks came up with sticks and hit Lu Haoting on his head.

This move is the easiest to crack, so Lu Haoting smashed all the sticks with his feet and hands, and then with a beautiful whirl kick, he kicked all two or three punks to the ground.

For the moment, Lu Haoting still has the upper hand, because other punks dare not rush forward after seeing Lu Haoting's skill is so powerful.

Su muying, on the other side, is afraid that Lu Haoting can win, but he is afraid that Lu Haoting will be injured.

The elder brother on one side saw that all his subordinates were so scared and timid that they did not dare to move forward. They were very angry.

"What are you two doing? You're here to see handsome guys, right? Go up and hit him. What is he afraid of! There are so many of us that we can't attack him even if we attack him from the left to the right? "

After listening to his words, the other gangsters all got up their courage and roared forward with sticks.

Lu Haoting was not backward either. He picked up a stick on the ground, knocked down the two little thugs in front of him, and then he twisted the collar of the next man and threw him to the back one. As he wanted to beat the next one, the man who had just been thrown on the ground suddenly got up and returned it in his hand Take the stick to fight Lu Haoting.Su Twilight shadow sees it on one side and shouts loudly, ready to remind Lu Haoting.

"Lu Haoting, get out of the way. Someone in the back wants to hurt you."

Hearing Su twilight's words, Lu Haoting did not stop his movements, but turned a direction. In this way, the stick of the man behind him hit the head of the little gangster in front of him, and Lu Haoting successfully escaped the disaster.

But Lu Haoting's strength is also constantly disappearing. There are people attacking him from behind. He can avoid one, but he can't avoid the second and the third.

His back has been hit by those sticks several times, he is wearing a black shirt, can not see how the back injury, but Su twilight is very sad, in the side are about to cry out.

She wanted to call for help, but she found that her mobile phone was missing when she was entangled with those little gangsters.

And now it's dark all over the night, and she can't find it anywhere.

She clenched Lu Haoting's windbreaker.

Yes, she has Lu Haoting's clothes here. Maybe there is a mobile phone in the clothes.

Su Twilight shadow is like to see the dawn of victory in general, will Lu Haoting's bag all over, finally found his mobile phone inside the inner bag.

She was so happy that she would cry. When she saw the people there were busy fighting, there was no chance to talk to her. So, she covered her clothes and called the police.

The police said it would take five minutes at the earliest for them to arrive, so Su hopes Lu Haoting can survive the five minutes.

Although Lu Haoting's physical strength was gradually exhausted, he still slowly stood up to fight against the two or eighty thugs of the other side. Almost all of the people in the opposite side had fallen to the ground. However, they still had the strength to stand up. However, Lu Haoting had no strength to fight them any more.

When Lu Haoting squatted on the ground to rest, there were two little gangsters who approached Lu Haoting with sticks.

Lu Haoting squatted on the ground, gasping for breath. He realized that someone was behind him. However, he had no way to avoid them. He was really tired.

Seeing this scene, Su Twilight immediately rushed up. When the sticks of the two little thugs were going to hit Lu Haoting's back, she covered Lu Haoting with her own body, so the two thugs with such great strength hit Su muying.

Lu Haoting felt a trace of warm body covering his body, and also felt all kinds of sounds of knocking twice. He knew that Su muying had been hurt for him.

He is very angry, his woman has not been willing to fight, but was hit by these two little thugs.

So he quickly turned around and hugged Su Twilight shadow.

Those two little thugs didn't show mercy, so Su Twilight knew that her back must be blue and blue, and she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Lu Haoting held her whole body in his arms.

Then, she keeps asking Su muying some questions. Su muying doesn't listen very clearly. Now she feels that she has some tinnitus.

After a few seconds, her consciousness recovered, and then she realized how scared and worried Lu Haoting was in front of her. Her whole body was shaking. Her voice, which had always been calm in the past, began to change. There were some fear emotions inside, which made Su muying feel heartbroken.

"Su twilight, how are you? Are you all right? Do they hurt you? Do you have any other problems besides your back? Su Twilight shadow, don't be dazzled and answer me quickly. "

Seeing Su twilight's eyes empty and motionless and not answering his questions, Lu Haoting felt that he was going crazy at that moment.

"Lu Haoting, don't worry. I'm fine. It just hurt a little bit. I've just called the police. The police will be here soon. We'll have to go for a while." Su Twilight shadow comes back to her mind and says this to Lu Haoting's ear.

Although Lu Haoting is very much in love with Su twilight's injury, it's not the time to lament. He knows that his physical strength is not enough to support him to fight any more, so he can only delay his time until the police come.

However, those punks were stunned. When they saw that Su muying and Lu Haoting were in a weak position, their desire became stronger. They picked up their sticks and stood up close to Lu Haoting and Su muying.

Adhering to the principle of not deliberately hitting women, they drag Su twilight to one side and all of them kick and punch Lu Haoting. Lu Haoting can resist one or two people at the beginning, and then he can only be beaten by others.

Xiaohong is crying and calling Lu Haoting's name.

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