"I was taking a bath when you called. I went out as soon as I received the call. However, the bus had to wait for a long time to come. There were red lights on the road, so I got off the bus and took a taxi."

Before he had finished speaking, Lu Haoting lowered his head and grabbed her soft lips with lightning speed. He didn't give her any chance to speak or breathe. He kissed Su WANYING fiercely and forcefully, and gradually moved up

Su twilight was a little dizzy by his kiss, but Lu Haoting suddenly took back his hand, looked at Su twilight with red eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "this dress is so ugly!"


Just said a word, only heard a "crash" sound, that cotton T-shirt has been torn alive by Lu Haoting, Su Twilight red face, quickly stretched out his hand to protect his body.

Lu Haoting, however, sneered: "I still remember how much you enjoyed that night."

The voice fell down, had quickly turned over the body, Su Twilight shadow pressed under the body, two hands to tear, Su Twilight can only sadly watch his clothes torn into pieces by him and throw them on the side of the ground.

"You're my lover now, and you've got the contract. Your body, your people, are all mine!" Lu Haoting said in a domineering way that he began to attack the city skillfully.

Every time he saw her tearful eyes and her shameful and pitiful appearance, he would have an impulse to crush her hard.

Su twilight's murmuring at this time made Lu Haoting feel his whole body boiling with blood.

Lu Haoting picked up her left leg hanging out of the sofa with one hand, lifted it up and put it on his shoulder. The other hand tightly clasped her weak shoulder

Every time I hit, I used all my strength.

Su Twilight gradually couldn't even shout out his voice. He could only stare at Lu Haoting above with blurred eyes

"Speak up!" Lu Haoting couldn't hear her voice, so he always felt uncomfortable.

"Lu Shao..." Su evening shadow's voice is soft, with a bit of weakness, sounds crisp, numb, like a warm breeze blowing over the body.

"No, don't..." Su evening shadow can't help but cry out, nails once again embedded in his back.

She came back home without even having dinner, and now she's already out of strength, and she can't hold on.

After the end, Su twilight's whole body is soft lying on the sofa, even push Lu Haoting's strength is not enough, so let his sweating body stick close to his body.

Lu Haoting suddenly stands up. Su Twilight opens her eyes and sees the embarrassing part again. She screams and covers her eyes.

The next second, only feel his arm around his body, and then is hanging away from the sofa.

Lu Haoting picked up da Heng and went upstairs directly. Su twilight, worried that he would suddenly fall down, stretched out his hand and tightly encircled his neck.

"Woman, let go of your hand!" Lu Haoting's neck was strangled too tightly, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"No! What will you do if you drop me? " Su Twilight shadow did not care about the posture of the two people at this time. At the same time, she was still attached to each other without a piece of thread. She thought that she had been bitten by him. She was bitten by a dog. She thought that she had bitten again.

Lu Haoting lowered his face and looked at the woman in his arms. Without saying a word, he suddenly walked upstairs.

He put out his long foot and kicked open the door of the bathroom. Lu Haoting, holding Su muying, walked directly into the bath. After entering the water, he immediately let go of Su muying and went directly to the other side of the bath.

Su evening shadow looks up at the decoration here, can't help but secretly surprised.

Sure enough, rich people like to burn money! The bathroom is much larger than her room, and the ground around is covered with pebbles of the same color and pattern. The wall is embossed and painted. Under the dim light, the water in the bathroom rises curling vapor. The water temperature is very suitable. It is not cold or hot, and it is very comfortable.

"Come and wipe your back!" Lu Haoting said in a low voice and turned to lie down. Su Twilight hesitated for a second and did not dare to hesitate. He walked through the water with the fastest speed.

But I didn't want to slip, I fell straight forward, "puff" a huge noise, hit the huge splash spread. Su Twilight shadow just exclaimed half a sound, has not entered the water.

Warm water choked directly from the nose and mouth, and breathing became extremely difficult. Although the water was not deep enough, she could not swim. In addition, she had consumed too much just now. After falling into the water, she always wanted to stand up in vain.

Looking back, Lu Haoting only saw the splash. He said in a low voice, "what a fool!" But already hold one's breath in the water, find already choked not light Su evening shadow directly to pick up.

He put Su muying on the ground beside the bath, and suddenly remembered that it was covered with pebbles. The girl's skin was so delicate that she couldn't bear it. Lu Hao Ting stopped, picked up Su muying and went directly to the bed outside and gently put her on it."Hello! Wake up Lu Haoting stood by the bed, looking at the already unconscious Su Twilight shadow, with a cold eyebrow.

Su Twilight shadow has no reaction. Lu Haoting raises his foot and gently kicks her twice, but still doesn't open his eyes. Lu Haoting suddenly gets a little flustered.

"Damned woman, can't you just die like this?" Lu Haoting frowned and hesitated for two seconds. He stepped on the bed directly, put his hands on her side, and lowered his head to give her artificial respiration.

Lu Haoting tried to suppress the heat in her body and continued to press her chest. At last, Su muying shivered and coughed a few times. Suddenly, she turned her head and spat out a few saliva. Then she opened her eyes slightly.

"Are you willing to wake up? Waste my time Lu Haoting stood up and moved his hands away from her chest.

"You pervert! You are not a man! You take advantage of the danger! " Haomu thinks that Su Zhaoying will catch Lu Zhaoying's pillow again.

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