Su twilight, with a cup of coffee in her slender hand, walks to Lu Haoting's office.

Her heart is full of contradictions, thinking that Lu Haoting just scolded himself to help himself.

The staff didn't chew their tongue any more. Su muying was very grateful to Lu Haoting.

"He was just helping me. Why do you yell at me if you help me Su muying is grateful to Lu Haoting, but also feels aggrieved.

"Dong Dong." Su Twilight shadow with coffee in his left hand and knocking on the door with his right hand. She knew that he didn't like others to enter his field without permission. Only when he got permission could he.

Lu Haoting, who was looking at the document, heard a knock on the door. He did not lift his head. He saw his sexy thin lips and said, "come in." He guessed it was su twilight in the morning, so he didn't even look at it.

Su twilight comes in primly. Hands to Lu Haoting coffee, face with a sincere smile, said: "Mr. Lu, this is your coffee." During the company, Su Twilight had to call Lu Haoting "general manager Lu". It's an agreement between them.

Su twilight's cherry mouth is ready to open, and thanks to Lu Haoting, he just let those employees shut up.

However, before her words came out, Lu Haoting preempted her.

I saw the man sitting on the office chair, eyebrows slightly frown, eyes with disdain, words are also sharp.

"If you don't speak slowly, I didn't expect that you could not do a simple thing like making a coffee. Do you want to poison me with this coffee? It's so hard to drink Lu Haoting was not in the mood to read the documents, and he threw his coffee cup on the ground angrily.

"Crackling!" Coffee spilled all over the floor, the cup also fell, the debris at the foot of Su twilight.

With the sound of the broken cup, Su twilight's heart shivers. She complains in her heart that Lu Haoting's temper is becoming more and more irritable.

She squatted down and picked up the glass fragments with her delicate white hands. She was afraid that he would prick his leg accidentally, and his hand was also injured.

Lu Haoting looks at Su twilight's wronged appearance. His heart doesn't know why it hurts.

"Hiss." Su Twilight shadow a light stuffy, damned, even pierced his mobile phone. The bright red blood immediately flowed out, dyed the white tender finger red.

When Lu Haoting heard the little woman's murmur, he immediately squatted down beside her, took her hand, wiped the water on the surface with a paper towel and blew it gently.

Su Twilight shadow only felt a chill in that finger spread, and gradually did not hurt.

After that, Hao carefully finds out Lu Ting's bandage.

Su Twilight shadow quietly watched Lu Haoting fiddling with his hand, staring at his eyes, becoming hot.

"Are you stupid or something? When the glass falls on the ground, you pick it up by hand. Do you think your skin is thick? " Lu Haoting's tone is extremely bad.

"Ha ha." Su Twilight shadow can't help laughing. "Lu Haoting, this is my hand hurt. Why are you so anxious to be like this?" she asked

I don't have time to play with you. I'll have someone come in and deal with it Lu Haoting returned to his serious expression.

Su Twilight shadow curled her lips, and in her heart she didn't want to say, "I know! Your honor. "

Lu Haoting didn't want to argue with her and threw her a pile of documents. With a serious expression on his face and his thin lips, he said, "I've finished reading this document today! This is your task today. This is the latest document of the company. Get to know it. " With that said, Lu Haoting was immersed in the company's affairs.

Su evening shadow is not reconciled. She asks Lu Haoting, "what do you mean? I'm not your slave. Why should I listen to you?" Her little face was blown red.

"Oh? Do you want to stay here Lu Haoting hums coldly. Deep eyes can't make people see the real thoughts in his heart.

Su Twilight shadow had no choice but to curl her lips.

However, no matter how to complain, you have to read the documents. His big eyes squinted at Lu Haoting.

Lu Haoting seems to have noticed that his anger is shooting at him. He looks at the source of the anger.

"Have you seen enough? If you are staring at me in the face, then please do your own job and read your papers carefully. I know I'm handsome. I don't have to stare at my face all the time! " Lu Haoting said without shame.

Su Twilight shadow can't listen anymore. She covers her ears and glances at Lu Haoting helplessly. Sitting in the office, he carefully looked at the documents Lu Haoting gave him.

Su muying's big eyes carefully look at his documents, long eyelashes constantly waving up and down, high nose for this already very beautiful face, add a unique scenery.

"You've finished reading these documents. After reading them, I'll check you out later." Lu Haoting said solemnly to Su twilight.

Vocal music drooped his head and said, "I know." Su muying's memory is extraordinary. She has the ability to see ten lines at a glance. Even at a glance, she can remember clearly and her thinking ability is very active.Su Dushu looks at the documents carefully, so that she doesn't find a hot light source staring at her.

The corner of Lu Haoting's mouth rose slightly. He looked at the cute appearance of the little woman in front of him. He couldn't help but smile.

"Although I have not been exposed to these documents, I feel that these documents are easy to understand. Even if I am a student, I can see the defects in these documents." Su evening shadow's small face is full of proud smile.

Lu Haoting quietly watched the little woman smiling.

"Some things are very simple in nature, but it depends on the seriousness of the matter." Lu Haoting said to Su muying.

Su Twilight shadow small face raised to look at Lu Haoting, "so you mean I do things very seriously!" Women want to be praised by Lu Haoting. After all, Lu Haoting doesn't boast about others. If you can say good words from other people in his mouth, that means that person is really very good.

"Don't expect what you can't get. Do you think I'll praise you?" Lu Haoting jokingly said to Su muying.

Su Twilight shadow does not care about Lu Haoting in general and looks at his own documents.

Chang zhanbai, on the other side, has assembled the shareholders of the board.

"Mr. Lu, I have already been together with the shareholders of the board of directors. Now I am sending you to the meeting." Chang zhanbai said respectfully to Lu Haoting.

"Well, you can go now. Spare the car. " Lu Haoting's expression is still cold, and there seems to be no expression on his face.

"I don't want you to go to this meeting. Let Su Twilight go with me." Lu Haoting has a serious expression and deep eyes. I don't know what he is thinking.

As soon as Lu Haoting finished, Chang zhanbai's pupil shrank suddenly, and immediately stopped him: "this is definitely not possible. Mr. Lu, you go to a meeting, and you take a little girl to the meeting. What's the system?" Chang zhanbai's voice is a little strong.

"What? Translator and I have been together for a long time, even I don't understand the rules? Now you dare to go against what I said, eh? " His face was gloomy. Voice, there is no emotion. Like a thousand year old demon, he has no worries about anything.

Chang zhanbai knew what Lu Haoting was and didn't persuade him. He knew that as long as Lu Haoting decided what to do, no one could shake his mind.

Su muying is still looking at her papers. When she hears that Lu Haoting is going to take herself to the board meeting, her heart suddenly shrinks. Unexpectedly, Lu Haoting wants to take herself to such a large meeting.

Hearing Chang zhanbai's words, she felt a sense of loss. She knew she was just an ordinary student. It is said that large-scale meetings are not qualified.

"It's just that President Lu's meeting is related to whether you will be suspended this time? If you take Su muying, a little girl, you can't resist the cunning of the old shareholders of the board of directors. " Chang zhanbai reminds Lu Haoting.

Lu Haoting knows Chang zhanbai's worries. In fact, he doesn't have much confidence in his own mind. He just tries to fight with him.

He believes in Su twilight. Whether or not he will be suspended this time, he is willing to.

"What? This meeting will be related to the suspension of Lu Haoting? No, it's a big misunderstanding. Let him take me? Does he trust me so much and leave his own destiny to himself Su Twilight shadow heard Chang zhanbai's words and thought in his heart. Her pupils constricted, and then she was moved by the infinite. She didn't expect Lu Haoting to believe in herself so much.

Since sincere Hao Ting believes in himself so much, he must not let him down.

Su muying cheers himself up in his heart, and must let Lu Haoting continue to accept his post.

Chang zhanbai did not follow Lu Haoting to the general meeting of shareholders, but stayed in the company to deal with affairs.

At the shareholders' meeting.

Su Twilight shadow looks at some old shareholders whispering in the below, you a me. As for what he said, it was about whether Lu Haoting should be suspended from his post for this injury.

"Mr. Lu, we also know your ability. But this time, I think you have paid so much for this company. Now you should suspend work and go back to take a rest. You can't let yourself tired any more." Said a young man. Although he said that, but the heart must not think so, because his face is cunning.

As soon as the young man's words came out, other people also put forward their own views. In any case, they all said that Lu Haoting must be suspended.

Su Twilight looking at all this, did not expect a company's most senior shareholders are fighting openly and secretly. On the surface, it looks very harmonious, but in fact, you and I stab each other secretly.

"Ho Ting, you really should take a rest for a while and come back to the company as president. This position is always yours. When your wound is healed, you can return to the company. This position is still yours." A kind old man spoke.

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