She immediately cleaned up, changed her clothes, and went into the bathroom to wash. In a hurry, he ran into Aunt Li, a servant.

"Miss, where are you going? You don't work today. " Aunt Li tells Su muying. There was a kind expression on her face, with a smile on her face.

Su Twilight shadow has a trace of surprise, "ah? Who said not to go to work? "

Although she had already guessed that Lu Haoting would let herself take a vacation. But there is still a little uncertainty, after all, Lu Haoting did not agree yesterday.

"So you didn't call me this morning because I didn't have to work?" Su Twilight shadow asked again.

The smile on Aunt Li's face remained unchanged, still so kind.

"Yes, the young master said today that you don't have to go to work today and let you have a holiday. So I didn't call you. The young master said that you should sleep more."

Su muying was moved by Aunt Li's words. He thought that Lu Haoting was like this. He always said yes, but he said no.

She has changed her clothes, and now she has no appetite to eat, so she cooks some soup, carries people out of the villa in thermos bottles, and takes a taxi to the hospital.

Aunt Li is a responsible person. She never cares about the master's affairs, so she doesn't ask where Su muying goes after she goes out. She does the cleaning at home honestly.

In the car, Su muying asked the taxi driver to hurry up because it was about to noon. She had not visited her mother for so many days. She wondered whether her mother would be angry? She thought again how her mother was angry with her.

The taxi driver saw Su muying so worried that she had something urgent to do, so he accelerated the speed. Taxis gallop in the endless street, the speed is extremely fast.

Soon arrived at the hospital, Su evening shadow get off, thank the taxi driver to speed up to pay the fare, then ran to the door of the hospital. She knew her mother's ward, so she came to the hospital, took the elevator, pressed her mother's floor, and immediately went to the hospital.

Came to the fourth floor of the hospital, Su evening shadow with memory, into the fourth ward. As soon as she went in, she saw her mother sitting alone in front of the ward with a sling, looking helplessly out of the window. There was only her mother in the ward, so her mother had no one to talk to, often to herself.

Su evening shadow left hand holding her own soup, she saw her mother pale. Looking out of the window helplessly, there is a trace of sadness in my heart. But she still tried to hold back the tears in her eyes, and a smile broke out on her small face.

"Mother! I'll show you what you like best Su evening shadow is very obedient to say, she will soon shed tears back. She didn't want to put any pressure on her mother.

Looking out of the window, the woman turned her face. He is really beautiful. Although he is 34 years old, he is still so beautiful, but his face looks pale because he is often weak and sick. There was a childlike smile on her face.

"It's Yueyue, Yueyue. You've come to see your mother at last. My mother misses you so much." The woman with the sling needle said to Su Twilight shadow. Her voice is a little hoarse.

"Mom, didn't I come here?" Looking at the woman's pale face, Su Twilight only felt a tingling pain in her heart, all because she could not often see her mother, but also left her alone in the hospital, so lonely. She tried to smile, trying to make her mother happy.

She went to the woman's bed and sat on it. She opened her own chicken soup and said to Su Ru with a smile: "this is the chicken soup that I specially cooked for you this morning. It's my daughter's efforts in the early morning. You should have a good taste." Su muying has a smile on her face and a soft voice. Since she entered the ward, she has been talking, because she knows that Su Ru has autism. Even if she talks, she is talking to herself. She wants to drive Su Ru to speak together and take her out of the lonely world.

Su Ru, has been looking at Su Twilight shadow, finally extremely dry lips slightly open, "moon, do you know that mother these days miss you very much! I was sitting alone in the ward, very lonely, sometimes looking up at the sky, even the birds flying by me, they are in pairs, flying in front of my window, at that time I really miss you. I thought you would never come to see me again. I didn't expect you to come today. " Su Ru's voice is a little weeping.

Su evening shadow looked at the woman, listening to her self-report, she was alone in the hospital, so lonely, so think of themselves.

Su Twilight shadow feel a trace of guilt, his mother was ill in hospital, not only did not come to see, but also take care of their own enjoyment.

"Not in the future, mom. Don't worry. My daughter will come to see you often and cook chicken soup for you in the future." Su Mu image of a child like tone and Su Ru talk, looking at Su Ru gradually see old face, she just feel his heart gradually pumping up.

She took out the chicken soup and gave it to Su Ru in a small bowl. Su Ru looked at the chicken soup, happy in her heart, and drank the chicken soup in one breath.

"I didn't expect that the daughter's is getting better and better. The technology of making chicken soup is better than your mother's!" Su Ru was unconventional.Su Twilight shadow see their mother still have the mind to make fun of, then laugh, after all, heart disease is not.

She chatted with Su Ru for a long time for about an hour. She looked out of the window and thought it was time to go back and say goodbye to her mother.

"Mom, it's very late, so I'll go back first. I'll come to see you again when I have time. You can rest assured that I will come to see you often." Su evening shadow is packing up chicken soup, while to his mother. In fact, your eyes have scratched some sadness, but you still have a smile on your face.

"Well, you go back. Remember to visit mom often." Su Ru's voice is weak, but full of doting.

She left the ward with her bag, got out of the elevator and went to the first floor, where she sold medicine and checked out. I took a look at the pharmacy and went straight to the pharmacy. My long legs and high-heeled shoes "Deng Deng Deng" passed by.

"Hello, doctor, do you have any medicine for fracture, which is especially good for fracture treatment. I want the best! " Su Mu Ying, with a sweet smile, said to the doctor in the pharmacy. The doctor was studying medicine. When he heard the sound, he raised his head and took a look at Su twilight.

"Yes, this is the best. Here you are. " The doctor took out a small green box from the pharmacy with some liquid medicine in it.

"Sooner or later, apply the lotion to the injured area, and the bones will be better and faster. There are instructions on it. If you don't understand anything, you can refer to the manual. " The doctor told Su muying how to use it and where to apply it for the best effect. Su Twilight shadow nodded and said thanks to the doctor, then stepped on high heels.

Su muying returns to the villa with the broken medicine, waiting for Lu Haoting to come back in the living room. Unconsciously, she fell asleep on the sofa. Lu Haoting was busy in the company until midnight. Before that, it was because Su muying was also in the company, so he came back so early. He didn't want Su muying to suffer with him.

With a tired body back to the villa, just walked into the living room, saw a small woman lying on the sofa, that sleep like a child, hit the small mouth. Lu Haoting looks at Su Twilight shadow who is asleep on the sofa, and can't help but flash a trace of heartache in his heart.

He thought to himself: what is this little woman doing? So late, unexpectedly stay in the living room to fall asleep, is waiting for oneself?

This is just Lu Haoting's guess. Even if he thinks so, there is still a warm current in his heart. His eyes become gentle, doting at Su evening shadow lying on the sofa. Su Twilight shadow does not know about all this, he still sleeps like a dead pig.

When Aunt Li heard the news and knew that the young master was back, she went to the living room and was about to speak. Lu Haoting made a gesture of "Shhh". Aunt Li was very clever to shut up. He waved to Aunt Li and motioned her to go back to bed.

Aunt Li looked at Lu Haoting, then turned around and went back to her room to sleep. Her steps are very light. She knows that Lu Haoting is afraid of disturbing Su Twilight shadow, so she also lightens her steps to avoid disturbing the little woman lying on the sofa. Lu Haoting waited until you entered your room and closed the door. Then he went to the sofa and looked at Su twilight.

His steps were light and there was no sound. He's still sleeping on the sofa with his eyes closed. She will turn her back to Lu Haoting.

"Lu Haoting, don't go, you come back." Su Twilight shadow immediately grabs Lu Haoting's hand and does not allow him to leave. Lu Haoting's expression is very rich, his pupil shrinks.

Did you dream about him? Lu Haoting thought in his heart, but soon this idea was thrown away by him. How could it be possible!? Su Twilight shadow so hate oneself, how can you dream of yourself in a dream? He wanted to release Su muying's hand, but she held it too tightly.

"Obviously, she is a woman who has no strength to bind a chicken, but her strength is so strong. Su Twilight shadow, I really can't understand you more and more." Lu Haoting simply sat on the sofa. Deep eyes seriously looking at Su Twilight shadow, another broad hand is ready to touch Su twilight's cheek.

Su Twilight shadow, who has been sleeping, turned her head around at this time. Her eyes are still closed and her mouth is smashed. Cherry mouth is very tempting. Even though Hao has seen a lot of beautiful women on Lu Ting's mouth, she can't help thinking about it.

Lu Haoting looks at Su Twilight shadow carefully, pays attention to her eyes, looks at the facial features on her small face. His movement was a little big. Su WANYING, who was asleep, blinked his eyes and opened his big eyes like black grapes. He was stunned immediately. Lu Haoting's handsome face reflected his eyes at night.

She swallowed her saliva and quickly screamed, "ah! You rascal, what are you doing

Su evening shadow covers his chest and looks at Lu Haoting like a hooligan.

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