Lu Haoting's face streaked a trace of ferocity, sexy thin lips moved.

"Su Twilight shadow, come and beat my back for me!" The tone of the command was unyielding. Su evening shadow sighed and thought, this guy is really not finished.

But she had to bite her teeth and buy the living room instead of Lu Haoting beating her back.

"Well, it's almost the same. Put more effort here. Didn't you eat?" Before or a face to enjoy, the latter's attitude on the irritable. Su muying thought that this guy was too difficult to serve. He punched him hard, as if he wanted to revenge.

"Hiss ~" Lu Haoting only felt a pain in his back. I didn't expect Su twilight to be so powerful. He immediately turned around and crushed Su Twilight shadow on the sofa. Su Twilight shadow is below, Lu Haoting is above. Their two postures are extremely ambiguous, and the air in the living room is rapidly becoming hot and dry.

The face of the little girl lying below turned red quickly, just like a ripe apple. Zhang Haoting is still holding an ambiguous posture.

"Girl, dare you have another time?" Extremely ambiguous voice rings in Su evening shadow's ear. She shook her head hard, and three words came out of her mouth.

"I dare not."

"Get up quickly. You're too heavy. It hurts me." Su Twilight shadow tried to close her eyes. She did not dare to face Lu Haoting's evil eyes. She was afraid that she would fall into it deeply.

Two people so entangled together, Lu Haoting thought there was nothing interesting, so he let go of the woman under him.

"I I My friends and I have made an appointment to go out to play today. It's almost time. I'll go first. " Su Twilight shadow's face is still red, has not been completely out of line from the scene just now, she said embarrassed. The voice was so small that she couldn't hear herself. But Lu Haoting heard it clearly. I'm going to say something. The little woman ran out of sight. Zhang Haoting's face had a happy smile, but then he was gloomy. Are you so terrible? Still running that fast.

Su evening shadow finally found an excuse to leave, she rushed to the hospital.

It was already noon when she came to the hospital. Su Ru sat alone in the ward, her needle has not finished, she has been looking out the window, hoping to wait for her daughter Su twilight.

"Hoo ~ Hoo ~" Su evening shadow gasped heavily at the door of the ward.

At last. Don't be angry, mom. I really have something to do today, so I've been delayed for so long. " Su muying apologized with a good attitude.

She cursed Lu Haoting ten thousand times in her heart. If it wasn't for Lu Haoting, the black man, she would have arrived.

Su Ru has a smile on her face.

"It's good that you're here. How could mom be angry with you?" She smiles like a loving mother. Su Ru expresses understanding.

Su Twilight shadow see mother not angry, also did not blame, immediately opened chicken soup, will make their own lunch, put out one by one.

"Look, mom, I spent the whole morning making it for you." Su WANYING tries to please her mother.

After Su Ru finished eating, Su evening shadow cleaned up. I talked with her.

"Mom, I have something to do with the company today, so I left first. I'll come to see you early tomorrow." Su Twilight shadow is afraid to be discovered by Lu Haoting, so she talks with her mother in a hurry and leaves.

Su Ru said goodbye to Su Twilight shadow with a smile. Su Twilight shadow told not to run out of the hospital. I went downstairs to the door of the hospital, took a taxi and immediately returned to the villa.

Open the door of the villa, Su Twilight shadow thought that Lu Haoting went to work, did not expect to see the familiar figure lying on the sofa.

"Back?" Lu Haoting asked.

"Well." Su Twilight shadow nods in confusion. She looked at Lu Haoting's cold face and thought he was angry.

"Didn't you go to work today?" She changed the subject and asked Lu Haoting suspiciously.

"No Some male gloomy evil spirit voice thought.

Su Twilight shadow doesn't intend to say anything more. She is about to go upstairs and call Lu Haoting to a halt.

"What did you do in the hospital today?" With a magnetic and charming voice sounded behind, straight into the ears of Su twilight.

Suddenly, Su was stunned. How could he know he had gone to the hospital?

"I, I..." She hesitated for a long time, but still could say a word. Because he didn't know how to face Lu Haoting, and he didn't know whether to say the real reason.

Su Twilight did not answer for a long time. She thought that Lu Haoting had already known something. Ah, she could not hide it. She simply told the truth.

"In fact, I just went to see my mother. She was alone in the hospital. I wanted to spend more time with her." Su Twilight tells Lu Haoting truthfully. Lu Haoting didn't say anything. He didn't blame Su muying.

"Take me with you next time you have time." Lu Haoting said intentionally or unintentionally. Su Twilight shadow is a little flustered, she did not answer, quickly turned around and went upstairs.

Why do you like running so much Lu Haoting's voice is full of anger. His face darkened at once. He sat down on the sofa and whispered something in his mouth. His face was smothered with anger.Su Twilight shadow immediately ran into his room, closed the door, leaning against the door, sliding down with the door. Her small hands gently on the chest, breathing big mouth, because the chest ran quickly, up and down the ups and downs.

"Finally ran away, if you continue to stay there, maybe my life will be gone." Su twilight is happy. All of a sudden, there was a sense of injustice in her heart. She followed in front of the door, holding her legs in her hands and lying in ambush between her legs. Tears fell unconsciously, and she sobbed gently.

If it was not for the fact that her mother was ill and needed a lot of money, she would not have stayed at Lu Haoting's home. In order to let her mother continue to live in the hospital, Su Twilight film on the same tie marriage, married Lu Haoting. Lu Haoting is extremely overbearing. In fact, how many times did Su Twilight film want to leave him, but he had no choice but to leave him, so he could not afford to pay the medical expenses. His mother's hospitalization expenses were not what she could afford as a little girl in her 20s.

It's getting dark. The night is very quiet.

It was dark in the room. Su Twilight shadow didn't turn on the light. She curled up and sobbed quietly. Tears ran across her white face, full of crystal tears.

Her heart is very aggrieved, suddenly, she has always been strong, also shed tears, she has really worked hard, if not for her mother, she would not have wronged herself, in this place, obey others.

She was the only one in the night. She was always afraid of the night. Today, she stayed alone in the night for so long.

Su muying is really afraid now. She has been worried. If she took Lu Haoting into the hospital and her mother saw it, what would she say? She was really afraid that her mother knew that she was holding back for her medical expenses.

She didn't want her mother to worry about herself with her illness alone.

I don't know how long after, Su Twilight finally got up. She slowly stood up, left the door, and went into the bathroom. No matter what, talent is the most important thing, or sleep first, and then think about tomorrow's things.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I drenched myself. And curled up in the bed. Now she has decided to let go of all her troubles and take a serious sleep. When she wakes up, everything is OK.

When she got up the next morning, Su Twilight had been hiding from Lu Haoting. She was afraid to see Lu Haoting's evil eyes. However, human beings were not as good as heaven's, but when she got up, she ran into Lu Haoting.

"You You Hello Su Twilight shadow's face with an embarrassed smile, hand movements are extremely unnatural, she wants to hide from him now. Her hands shook in front of Lu Haoting like chicken feet.

Lu Haoting was in a good mood, but he was stunned by Su twilight's unusual action, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"Why did you get up so early today? Didn't you sleep like a pig until noon There was still no expression on his face, and his voice had the charm of rare men. Before Su Twilight reaction, he went on. "What? Are you going to see your mother today? "

"No, no, no more." Su Twilight stutters out, she is so afraid that Lu Haoting will go with him. "I just didn't eat last night. I'm hungry today. I want to make my own breakfast." She lied immediately. She's so skilled at lying that she doesn't blink.

A man did not speak, a gloomy face went down to the first floor. He is in a very bad mood now.

"If the company is not busy today, I'll stay at home." Su Twilight shadow does not know where the courage, and Lu Haoting talk about the conditions.

"Stay at home?" I saw a man getting closer and closer to the corner. Long legs step by step, Sun Yue's white and slender big white legs. Suddenly! Lu Haoting put his hand on the wall behind Su's head. Their action is extremely ambiguous, two people are very close, about one centimeter away from each other.

Lu Haoting's masculinity is sprayed on Su's ears. Su's ears are extremely sensitive. "Honey, if you think you stay at home all day and play, you don't do your wife's duty. Do you think it's possible?" Lu Haoting's tone has a trace of unconstrained, but it gives people a sense of depression.

Su Twilight shadow on the forehead of dense sweat revealed. "Lu Haoting, can you speak well? Don't do that. " Su Twilight shadow is really out of breath, and finally said this sentence.

"Go to the company with me today." The exit of this sentence, with the disappearance of the voice, Lu Haoting also disappeared in front of Su Twilight shadow.

She is still in the same place stupefied, has not responded from the situation just now.

They came to the company. Bai fan sees Lu Haoting with Su Twilight shadow. "Since my sister-in-law is here, should I go back?" White sail's face rippled with sunshine smile. Finally, he thought, he was free.

"No way." Lu Haoting has a chill on his body today, which seems to announce that no one can enter him three feet, or it will freeze into ice.

White sail trembled, the sunshine smile disappeared, his face was full of complaints, "you have a girlfriend, you have assistants, why do you still leave me here? Watching you two show love There is a trace of catharsis in the tone.

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