Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 82: Floating boat!

Money, wealth. ●⌒,.

This is a big problem!

After the floating city plan, Sauron suddenly felt that his wealthy finances were a little tight. Let's not say that the experimental progress of Gloria and the fallen witch is very expensive. It is only a huge cost of the renovation project of the first phase of the Floating City. If you use a metaphor, building a floating tower is equivalent to building an aircraft carrier. It is only a little difficult for a country. Building a floating city is a direct preparation of a space warship (space fortress) across the ages. The speed at which materials burn money is simply scary!

For example, it is Gloria and the fallen witch.

Even if they did not make any progress, the two of them would burn at least 30,000 Kindler materials in a month.

Looking at the entire material plane, that is, Sauron and Modo City can only survive, and the other forces immediately collapsed. One year is just an ordinary experiment. It is necessary to burn 360,000 Kindlers. If there is a breakthrough in experimental results, the cost will be doubled.

It was okay when Sauron did not open the Plan of the Floating City.

After opening it, I feel that even if he is a god, it is not easy to make money to raise these two burning money.


If the success of Gloria and the fallen witch is unimaginable, it can almost be said that the progress of the entire civilization has progressed.

in short.

What Sauron and Modo City are doing at the moment is almost the progress of civilization that advances the material plane by itself.

So the speed of spending money is naturally imaginable!

Maybe it's because it's too fast to spend money recently. Sauron has a little bit of want to pull the princess in. Allendale's wealth is still a lot, and it is also wasted in the national treasury. It is better to use it to climb the alchemy tree.

This idea has just emerged, and Sauron feels that it is feasible.

So, when he was in deep communication with Gloria at night, he gave a little mention of his idea.

I didn't expect Gloria to agree directly.

And as a specific technical school, Gloria wants more than Sauron thinks.


Gloria said this: "This idea is very good! But Alendale itself has its own aristocratic power. If there is no visible wealth, they may not be willing to come up with so much wealth."

Speaking of which.

Gloria climbed up from the bed with her naked body and slipped with the velvet quilt. The beautiful body is also exposed to the air. However, at present, neither of them has continued to be embarrassed. Gloria directly took out a drawing and immediately handed it to Sauron. He said: "This is what I saw when I read the book some time ago. thing."


"This is called a floating boat!"

"It used to be used early in the Arcane Empire for a long time! It looks a bit like a boat. It just replaced the sail with a balloon and then added a small floating ring at the bottom."

"At present, the entire sea area is not as safe as before."

"Whether it is the trade of the South Coast or the trade of Allendale, or the trade of the Eastern Kingdom, it is not an ordinary merchant ship today."

"So I want to not try to transform a batch of floating towers."

"If you can make a batch of samples, the trade between the South Coast and Allendale can be recovered. It may even be far beyond the previous one."

Floating boat?

When Sauron glanced at it, he couldn’t help but be in the same place, because this thing is not an airship for him?

Why didn't you think of yourself?

After seeing the drawings, Sauron’s mind suddenly became active. After thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth and said, “How much is it cost? Is it trouble?”

Gloria shook her head: "The cost is mainly concentrated on the floating ring."

“At the moment we have researched how to make Thor Silver, but the cost price is still above 15,000 Kindler.”

"For the specific implementation, we can quote more than 30,000 Kindlers."

"I believe that many chambers of commerce and nobility are willing to pay for this money, and the daily maintenance of the floating boat can also bring in a revenue. We still have a lot of witches who lack a daily job."

Maybe I feel that I am spending too much money.

Even Gloria began to think about how to earn some money to support her family. She had to say that she was still very good.

"There is a head!"

Sauron put down the drawings and placed his hand on the fullness of Gloria, and kissed her after a slap. Shen said: "If the floating boat appears, it can make up for the current sluggish commercial trade."

"And the trade of Modo City can no longer be limited."

"You think this idea is great!"

"Maybe we can also contact the Fortune Church, and Ms. Fortune must be interested in this thing that can enhance trade."

Modo City has a large number of warships and merchant ships.

However, because of the outbreak of the Holocaust, the current sea trade has not been as good as it used to be. If some of them can be converted into floating boats, then all trade can be restored and it is safer than before. Because there are fewer enemies in the sky, the only trouble is that the control requirements are much higher than before.

"This thing still needs to think about how to use it!"

When Sauron's thoughts were opened, he had a lot of ideas. The floating boat must still be in his own hands. He pondered for a moment and said: "You will start experimenting in these two days."

"If successful, I will go to Alandale in person later."

"At that time, we can first transform our own fleet of warship merchant ships. The trade of the Eastern Kingdom has shrunk by nearly 60%~www.readwn.com~ We must pull these back."

"Compared to the Northland Witch Council, this thing is also very interesting."

"When you come to contact the eyes of the Northland, the floating boat must be routinely maintained by the caster. If you want to expand the scale, you can't afford it alone."

Gloria heard a little nod, but the charming face had a faint blush. He raised his hand and took a picture of Sauron’s blame. He whispered: “The daily maintenance of the caster is a must.”

“And it’s best to have a caster in the same boat.”

"This thing we only need to firmly grasp the core floating ring and magic power drive part, other things can be handed over to the Northland Witch Council."


"This thing also has a drawback!"

"That is because the cost is too high. It is only suitable for transporting goods with higher value. Before the problem of supply of magic energy is not solved, the profits brought by ordinary goods trade may not be as high as consumption."

Sauron thought for a moment: "These can all come slowly. The most important thing about this thing at present is the ability to transport strategic materials and what is currently the most scarce."

"Let's take a look at Allendale's reaction and consider the next step."

After that, Sauron grabbed Gloria and she offered such a good idea today. Sauron felt that it was necessary to treat her well.


(ps: second. The public micro-signal of paying attention to Futuo is to support the author! All the things in this book are complementary, and many things have already been linked together. The transformation of the linguistic number has already predicted this. A chapter, just do not know if you have anyone thought of it?) (to be continued.) Mobile users please visit m.

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