Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 84: Killing power!

George led an army in progress. Oh,

This road is quite calm. He did not encounter any battles and did not encounter any enemies. This gorge looks very large, and there are endless peaks in the distance. It seems that he seems to hear the scream of the Wyvern, but he does not know which direction he came from. However, this leisure has not been maintained for too long. The long-term training has made him extremely alert. Soon he discovered some traces of enemies and couldn't help but scream: "There are enemies approaching! Ready to fight!"


A horrible scream of laughter sounded, and even some embarrassing creatures that looked awkward appeared. They look a bit like women, but they are very ugly, wearing worn robes and a stalked bone in their hands.

"not good!"

George glanced at the bottom of his heart and muttered, "It’s a ghost! Damn!"

"All the troops raided! Charge with me!"


A kind of demon in the lower plane, there is a ghost in the last invasion of the enemy in the city of Modo. This is a very difficult enemy to deal with, and there are also various strange spells. There are some ordinary soldiers around him. If you let the ghosts cast spells, you can fall down most of the rounds. Now it’s not the where these ghosts come from, but they want to do everything they can to get to them, don’t give them Any chance to cast a spell. As a melee-family professional, George knew how terrible the consequences would be to the casters.

The battle broke out in an instant.

George rushed to the charge in an instant, then rushed into the head of the ghost, and the sword was smashed. Behind him is a soldier who has been ordered to charge. Their strength is roughly equivalent to the ordinary army of Modo City. The ghost who is casting a spell is rushing over. I have to say that George's time is still very good. Ghosts are casting spells as soon as they see them, and he does not have any hesitation of the charge to directly interrupt some of them, and then drag these ghosts into the abyss of close combat.

As long as they have no chance to cast spells. Victory is only a matter of time for George.


At this time, a cold metal sound suddenly shocked him.

"Trial failed!"

"Haruk died!...transfer from the battlefield!..."

This sound was not just for George to shake, but even the other side of the dwarf warrior shocked.

at the same time.

In the left position of the canyon, there is still a piece of corpse on the ground.

Surrounded by a poisonous atmosphere, the black-pressed soldiers died in it, and Haruk was half-squatting in the center, even if he was already dead, he would stand up. There are many demon corpses around his body. There are also a lot of night witches. It is obvious that he was killed by the enemy. Although he died at the last moment, he still could not change the whole ending.

"Dead cloud!"

It can be judged from the traces of the battle. The human side is almost a one-sided slaughter.

the reason is simple.

At the back of the night witch, a leader casts a five-ring spell 'Dead Cloud', a spell that is completely crushed for low-level existence. Any creature that cannot pass the death exemption will be killed in the dead cloud. . Into these ordinary soldiers is no way to resist the power of the dead cloud, human soldiers are almost so slaughtered. In the end, Haruk was able to defeat so many enemies by relying on his personal strength, even if he had survived the damage of the dead cloud. He was finally killed by the enemy.

The first loser appeared.

The sky overlooking the entire canyon shook his head and slowly said: "The tactical thinking is too bad!"

"There is no experience in dealing with high-level casters."

"The personal combat experience is okay, but unfortunately such a person can only be a striker. Can not be trained as a good officer in the city of Modo!"

Soren looked at it all silently.

Haruk's mistakes are very stupid to him. As a high-ranking warrior, he let the enemy cast a dead cloud. He can only say that he does not have enough knowledge of the caster, and his IQ is not very high.

Everything has just begun.

The three trials died one. As a result, of course, Sauron could not be satisfied.

However, this is his first test of the chess plane, so the performance of the trial is not a big deal. He is more concerned with the operation of the entire battle plane.

Haruk died!

As he dies in trials, his spirit will gradually detach from the war chess trial. And one of the soul energy is also stripped off at the time of death, gradually integrated into the entire canyon.

Not just that!

What surprised Sauron was that these soul energies actually had a glimpse of connection to him. This value is very rare. There may even be less than 100 killing experiences, but Sauron can be sure that it is really like a connection to the network, and it is even more peculiar in the process of fighting Haruk.

Sauron actually got a killing power!

Very rare.

The power of this killing is negligible. If it is not Sauron's perception of the level of the gods, I am afraid that this increase in power is not realized at all.


He can be sure that this power is real.

And the power that has been transformed through the "killing" field that Soren has mastered is like the power of the half-elves, the shadows, and the beliefs that govern the transformation of the priesthood.

The power of this killing is a low percentage of conversions made by the [killing] field during the battle of Haruk.

Far less than the power provided by other believers in Modo City, but it is certain that this power is somewhat similar to the power of faith.

"How is this going?"

Sauron couldn't help but fall into meditation and seemed to be a bit surprised.

“Is it because of the cause of the priesthood?”

“Does the field of killing not completely require the killing in reality? The killing in this trial can also be transformed into the power of faith?”

"Haruk's willingness to fight before death is very strong!"

"Is it because of this?"

Sauron was a bit confused at the moment, but he had been sacred for a while, and he still analyzed a little. For example, [God of War], the "war" of God's possession can provide power for Him. If it is a peaceful age, then the power of the **** of war may even decline to moderate power, but once it enters the period of turmoil, even The believers who are the gods of war have not increased much, and his power can easily reach powerful power.

This is the influence of the priesthood!

Sauron holds the field of [killing] and has also received a message to kill the priest.

In the final analysis.

The trial of the entire war chess plane is for killing. Sauron wants to let these trials break through themselves in battle and killing. The killing power of this birth may have a direct relationship with this.

just now!

What Solon needs is to wait for the results of the trials of the other two people to see if the power of killing will continue to increase!


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