Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 88: News of the banned prison!

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Everything in the city of Modo is piled up with money.

Sauron personally has never pursued any luxury enjoyment. All his accumulated wealth is not used to enhance strength or subsidize the consumption of Modo City. Otherwise, Sauron can definitely live a more luxurious life than the king, but as a high-spirited god, the enjoyment of matter is not in his eyes. As long as the future enters the Kingdom of the Spirit, then Soren wants to do whatever, because there is a country's resources for him to squander.

Three days later.

This is a very calm day.

But for the residents of Modo City, there are still many novelties today, such as a ship docked in the air on the dock. At this moment, the port of Modo has surrounded many people, not only the residents of Modo City, but also many businessmen from the South Coast and other places. At this moment, they are all shocked to see the floating boat in front of them. They are not very strange to this thing, because from the perspective of the layman, there is a boat under the entire floating boat, but the sail is replaced by a balloon, and then a propeller-like thing is added to the tail. .

Businessmen are born with a keen vision of chasing profits.

So when they saw the floating boat, they realized the huge hidden business opportunities, and then they each explored the high-level of the city of Modo through their respective relations. The officials of the city hall have already encountered several calls today. The person who gave the gift to the news. In particular, some old-fashioned aristocrat-controlled chambers of commerce on the South Coast directly asked the floating tower to sell and not sell. If it is willing to sell, the price is not a problem.

Business opportunities are just one aspect.

On the other hand, the forces behind the merchants are aware of the strategic value of the floating boat.

Although this thing is far less than the floating tower of Modo City, but a battlefield can fly, and there are several cannons on it, it is also amazing combat power!

At the very least, you can hang a lot of enemies in the sky.

The situation is better than Sauron's imagination, because many people expressed interest in the first day of the floating boat.

The Chamber of Commerce from Allendale also has a nobles who secretly stated that they can spend a lot of money to buy.

at this time.

Soren and Gloria, who have been short of money recently, are not very polite. Seeing that the response is good, they have doubled the price. A standard configuration of a floating boat will require 60,000 Kindlers.

The net profit is about 45,000 Kindler!

Even Soren opened up such a high price, but the transformation of the floating tower is still sold out quickly.

The Northland Witch Council has a ship. The Wizarding League wanted one (estimated to buy back to study), followed by Aaron Dell's nobility to customize three (a wealthy Allendale has a lot of veteran aristocrats accumulated a lot of wealth), followed by an order from the Southern Principality And the Eastern Chamber of Commerce has two orders.

even. Even the Chamber of Commerce, which is under the control of the Principality of Rosade, has sneaked a number of orders.

Soren naturally will not be able to withstand the money, the technical content of the floating boat is not high, the core is still in the application of energy and floating ring, the technology of the floating ring has been traded out. However, the core material is still in the hands of [Seiling]. That is to say, even now the Wizarding League and the North Witch Council know how to make a floating ring, but the material still needs to be purchased from Modo City.

Don't worry about this thing, because the production of [Silver] requires the synthesis of things in the astral world, and the output of the city is not very high.

At last.

It is the big head from the Fortune Church. Ms. Fortune is not the most rich god, it is directly a dozen orders. Twelve floating boats are 720,000 Kindlers, and Soren earns nearly 540,000 Kindlers.

Have to say that high-end alchemy technology is really very profitable!

On the same day, Sauron reached the order sent by the city hall officials, as well as the deposits paid by many chambers of commerce. The amount reached a total of more than 300,000 Kindlers of terror.

As long as all the current orders are completed, Sauron earns nearly 800,000 Kindlers in one breath!

It has far exceeded the tax on maritime trade.

"This is simply stealing money!"

Sorenmei looked at the order statistics in front of him, and went to the side of Gloria. "According to this progress, we can quickly get the funds needed for the second phase of expansion."

Gloria’s expression was rather calm, and she slowly said: “The alchemy technique required by the floating boat is not high.”

"The Northland Witch Council and the Wizarding Alliance will definitely be copied. At most, it will take a month or two. They have the ability to make their own floating boats."

"Our future orders are probably only the South Coast."

"The future focus should be on the "Silver" aspect. The production of floating rings is absolutely inseparable from Thorium. Even if they understand the technology, they must purchase Thorium from Modo City."

Sauron nodded and said: "It makes sense."

"But by then the number of floating boats should have been quite a lot. At that time trade should have recovered."

Conservative estimates.

The study of floating boats can bring about three million Kindler's wealth to Modo City, and these are still cash, and the tax on trade recovery in Modo City has also begun to increase, all the benefits are A steady stream of sources. Greatly make up for the huge capital consumption of Moto City.

In fact, the Fortune Church always wanted to send money to Sauron.

It’s just that Sauron didn’t want it. He took the money of the Fortune Church. Many aspects of the city of Modo must be given up. Sauron absolutely does not want the Church of Fortune to touch everything inside the city of Modo.

Letting them develop at the port is already the limit of Sauron. The interior of Modo City must be absolutely in his hands.


Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Soren received news from the high priest after they defeated a group of marine behemoths. Successfully approached the location of the pirate island. However, there is no island yet, because it has become a habitat for the fishermen.

This is a large fisherman~www.readwn.com~ Some tall fishermen stand up to a height of more than two meters, and they are far more difficult to deal with than the dark scale fishermen or other fishermen.

Looking at the entire sea area, that is, the sharks can fight against it.

There was a message from the high priest that made Sauron very interested. It was written like this: "My Lord. In the vicinity of Pirate Island, I feel the magical power of chaos."

"This is not a dead zone, but I can feel a ban."

"It's a bit like a lock, but it's still unclear, but low-level casters can easily fail to cast spells here, as if there is a force that blocks the energy here."

"I suspect that it is the reason for the banned prison, but it will not be confirmed until we enter."


(PS: The second is more. WeChat pays attention to [Zhusheng Futu] can make up the knot!) (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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