Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 90: The secret of Jenogu!

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The Duchess of Red Dragon, Saulon, feels refreshed!

However, he still needs to think about the things of the ancient gods, because anything related to the ancient gods is really too much. The average challenge level is above 25, and it is possible to reach the horror level of 30 or above. Even the true gods were planted in matters related to the ancient gods. Although there are dead ancient corpses in the astral world, even if these ancient gods die, they are not allowed to be careless, because they are the oldest beings in the multiverse.

Here must first mention [Lord of Hell] - Asmotels!

Because He is the creation of the ancient gods, Asmodiers is older than many of the old gods of today. Perhaps it is the past life of Luo Shanda, which was once the ancient **** [Sun God]. The sun **** fell down because of a catastrophe, and the soul of the **** turned into the [Morning Lord]-Loshanda, and then Luoshanda was promoted to become the "Glory Lord" after the destruction of the Arcane Empire. In fact, if you look carefully, this All the sources of power of the gods are connected.

An inscription was left in the era of Thorium.

The above is the description of Asmotels:

"In the early stages of the universe, chaos is everywhere. The demons are unsolicited - they represent chaos. Time has not yet appeared, stemming from the chaotic nature, the demons kill each other in every part of the universe."

"This chaotic situation makes the whole universe unbearable, so another force against it has emerged - order. The war between order and demons began."

"These gods of the new order are dressed in armor made of pure order, and they have taken up weapons for their ideas. Then they launched a fierce attack on the devil. This war lasted for an endless century. God created the Holy Scriptures to record their records; they created time again because they wanted to know how long it would take to win the final victory.

Gradually, the gods of order feel that the devil seems to be inexhaustible. They are tired of war and they want to focus on other places, such as creating the world and intelligent creatures. They first created warriors with beautiful wings as servants and gave them the magic. These glorious creatures are called angels. ”

"Asmothys is the most brave and most beautiful of all angels."

"The devil he killed is more than any other angel, even more than any god! But the infinite age has passed, and Astomiers and other angels have gradually become tainted with some of their enemies. Gradually. They were beautiful. The appearance is ugly, the **** of order and other angels are afraid of them."


This inscription ends here.

The **** of order recorded in the inscription is the oldest group of gods in the multiverse.

Strictly speaking, Sauron’s current form of gods belongs to the third generation of gods, and the first generation of gods is the order of ancient gods. They don't need the power of faith and they have terrible power. The second generation of the gods is the ancient **** of the plane. The representative figure is the mother of the earth, the master of the storm, the father of the oak, etc. These ancient gods did not need faith, but now some of them need faith. And some who give up the priesthood, such as the mother of the earth, do not need the existence of faith.

This is a transformation of the laws of the universe, the universe is balancing the power of the gods.

Therefore, the rules of the gods are also changing. Until the emergence of the third generation of gods in Sauron, faith has been closely related to the power of the gods. Unless it reaches the level of [great power], faith can measure the root of a god.

The huge body of the starry world is the first generation of the ancient god!

They have many names, and if they want, they can even call them 'Titans'. Of course, this is just a special name. Because in the multi-universe [the wilderness]. There is a quiet country of God called [Olympus Mount]!

Here you must mention the full name of the wilderness, its full name is called [the wilderness of the Olympia Woodland]!

Just like the mechanical mirror of the watch Nirvana, these planes are fully named. The name "Titan" is derived from this plane and is a unique name for the ancient gods.

This is the ancient god.

It has long since disappeared into the long river of history, and only a few large bodies are still floating in the astral world.

They are all in the hands of the devil.

But it is not the present demon, but the more ancient chaotic species that are older than the Obis!

The full name of the plane represents history and has a special meaning.

The full names of the planes that Solon knows are: the Joseph Park in the heroic field, the chaotic sea of ​​eternal chaos, the sinister tunnel of the whistling abyss, the bottomless abyss of the infinite layer, the Kaseli of the abyss, the gray wilderness Hades, Eternal Desolation, Heilongjiang Hell, Nine Hell's Barto Hell, Hell Battlefield's Shura Field, Watch Nirvana's Mechanical Environment, Peaceful Kingdom's Arcadia, Seven Hills Paradise's Paradise Hill, Twins Eden's Twins Heaven, the blessing of the region, the endless wilderness of the beasts, the wilderness of the Olympia forest, and the field of harmony!

This is the multiverse.

Countless large or small planes make up everything in the multiverse, and Sauron is now only the tip of the iceberg, even as a god.

It is like the Pantheon, even if the gods see it, it is just an area within the pattern.

The age of the ancient gods has passed away.

The gods of their power are hard to guess now. It is only certain that they are the ones that originally created many planes.

Nowadays, there are very few gods who have the ability to create planes. Even this has become one of the benchmarks of [Powerful Power]! The seventeen planes above were all created during the ancient times!


Sauron gradually woke up from his meditation.

Soon, he seemed to think of something, took a picture of his head: "How to forget this! The **** of the werewolf - the secret of Jenogu!"

It seems to be awakening. Soren quickly rushed to the study, and then opened many old books.

He is looking for something!

Look for a very old record about the God of the Ghosts - Jenogu.

"On the 422th floor of the Abyss, here is the lord of the storm, the field of Obiris Devil Bachard. Although the betrayal and betrayal of the Tanaly demon eventually cut off Barchad's connection with this layer and took vitality from him. It was dried up in a huge, lifeless shell, but the pain of the death of the Obiris demon has continued in endless years.

Now, this huge and weird demon is like a twisted stranded whale that can't move on its own and can only be exposed to the hot sun on this layer. Time and time again, the coastal rock that supported his semi-dead body was broken by violent hurricanes or treacherous winds and acid rains. Barchad inadvertently caused the weather to be impeccably controlled by the unbearable pain of slow death.

Although he was unable to speak, Barchard retained some of the fragments of the once vast and vast consciousness. If he is connected through telepathy, he will talk in a slow, melancholy tone about the rise and decline of the oldest demon in an era far before the birth of Tanah. And a trusted frequent visitor may even hear that Bachard tells that the devil did not originate from the bottomless abyss, but moved from somewhere else, abandoning an evil creator who has disappeared from the long river of history. After the race. ”


Sauron’s fingers stopped on the page on the old book, and then he seemed to think of something, and his body was a little trembling.

"Obis Devil!"

"There is information about the first generation of demons!..."

"Now there is no need to think about the body of the ancient **** ~www.readwn.com~ This seal is in the Orbis demon in the territory of the Ghostwolf, and at least has [middle deity], and may even be [powerful **** Sex]!"

"If you can take away the power of His participation!"

"Then you can have the ability to independently explore the bodies of ancient gods!..."

This ancient, close to the dead Orbis demon lord is the greatest secret of the **** of the wolf, Yenogu, and one of the most common visitors. If not today, the Souls almost forgot this huge An ancient demon stranded in the bottomless abyss. This is also a very ancient existence in the Orbis demon, and even He has a direct connection with the first generation of demons.

And the bodies of ancient gods floating in the stars are in the hands of the first generation of demons!


(PS: Second. This volume is almost over. The next volume is the content of the ancient **** line.) (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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