Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 16: Death - Jekyll

How come suddenly came to the underworld?

At the moment, Sauron’s heart is also a bit puzzled, because he still remembers what happened at the last minute. At that time, he had already suppressed the power of the fearful demon. A dead **** could not turn over the waves. The last moment of fear of the devil's failure was already doomed, so he simply launched an attack directly toward Sauron, trying to use it. Len absorbed the relationship of fear and divinity to occupy his spirit.

How could this be successful! ?

Sauron’s will is as strong as steel. On the spot, he is directly incarnate in the form of the gods, and the spirit of the fearful devil is broken.

As an ancient powerful demon god, the fearful demon preserves the essence of his soul after fear of being in the fearful throne within the fear of the kingdom of God. In other words, as long as the fearful throne is not destroyed, his spirit and soul can be repaired continuously. Even if the divine will is suppressed and killed by Sauron, it will only make him weak and cannot Really kill the fear god.

In the simple metaphor, the fearful demon is now like a lich, and now the fear of the throne is his life.

"It's a bit wrong."

After defeating the spirit entity that the fear demon launched the first attack, Sauron positioned the transmission guide in Modo City before the space was broken, ready to return directly to the direct body.

Under normal circumstances, the transmission of the gods by the power of the plane transmitted by the plane is almost impossible to accident.

Therefore, it is very likely that Sauron appears in the underworld as ‘human.’

Those who can interfere with his plane transmission and position it in the underworld must have a much higher power than Soren, and there is not much even in the entire multiverse.

As for the relationship with the underworld, it seems that there is only one!

- "The ancient death of Jesus!"

Sauron had just met this, and he heard a calm voice. Slowly said: "The **** of the new shadow, the person outside the fate, welcome to the underworld."

"I just thought about when you would think of me!"

Jehovah of death.

Although Sauron has not seen each other. But the sound that sounded directly proved the identity of the other party, and the last sentence that Yee said. It also proves Himself. Because some unusually powerful gods are inductive, they don't say anything about their names, but only the sound inside their heads will produce a sense of the gods. Soren’s thought of the death of Jesus, the inspiration for convenience, is far beyond Sauron’s understanding of the gods.

The fog in front is gradually spreading.

A pair of death servants in a gray-black cloaked cloak appeared in front of Sauron, in front of it was a boat of the Styx, with books and pens on both sides, these are the aborigines of the underworld.

Death rarely touches the soul personally.

For the gods who are in charge of the gods of death. Their duty is to maintain the law of the death of the multiverse and the operation of the soul, and the mortal gods who are inadvertently seen and truly responsible for the soul are actually the attendants whom they have chosen from the believers. It is as if Sauron is ready to help him manage the sacred gods of the kingdom of God. The obedience of the gods is another form of alienation. The existence of these similar prayers will not be trapped in the underworld. They do not endow a little bit of death deity and shuttle between many planes.

"The Lord of Shadows. Please come with me."

A hoarse voice, the necromancer whose face was dry, made an invitation gesture to Sauron, slowly saying: "My Lord **** wants to meet you."

This Necromancer does not know how long it has existed, and the soul is full of decaying breath.

The ancient **** of death, Jesus, likes to record death. Many of his followers have recorded various deaths since the time of the Thorium. The necromancer in front of me is afraid that the occupation level will exceed 35. Although his name may not be transmitted within the multiverse, Sauron knows that this necromancer is not much weaker than some of the famous lichs left over from the Nesera era.

This is the essence of time.

As the oldest **** of death in the entire multiverse, there may be many such servants under His Majesty.


Sauron did not have the slightest fear. It was a little curious, and immediately followed the other side to the position of the boat of the Styx.

Jehovah is not a **** who needs to be afraid.

Because to some extent, He is the **** that least likes to pay attention to the things of the gods. Even if it was the murderous **** of madness, then Jehovah was only with a slight ridicule, and he did not even intervene at all. Thoughts. Before the death of the Three Gods, Jehovah was tired of his priesthood. He almost sent away all his core priesthoods, but kept a part of the relationship with the death record. Most of the tasks of Jekyll in the years that followed were the tasks of assisting the king of the dead to become acquainted with the ministry.

After **** gave up his priesthood, he always lived like this.

In a near-returning way, he first assisted the king of the bones, Mir寇~www.readwn.com~ and then the king of the deceased, Ke Lanwo, to help them maintain the law of death. Jehova is almost no longer involved in the struggle of any gods.

Today, Jehovah is a weak power.

There is almost no faith in the mortal world, only a part of the oldest text will be recorded. In the Eastern Kingdom, there is an inscription that records such a short passage.

"Ege, the ancient **** of death, was tired of fulfilling his duties. When he was almost forgotten and forgotten by the world, he gave most of his priesthood to the tyrannical **** Bann, the **** of killing, and the king of the bones. ”

"After the annihilation of these gods, he continued to serve the murderous **** of the murderer, Hirsch and the king of the deceased. He was only loyal to the post of the king of the deceased, so if the incumbent could not properly perform the duties of the **** of death, he It will be secretly subverted in secret. Jehovah and his predecessor, Mir, have maintained cooperation and are in harmony with the current death of Klanga, and still have a scornful attitude towards Siric."

There is an abandoned relic in the Eastern Kingdom, which records such a short passage.

Why should Jesus, the **** of death, see himself?

The first thought in Sauron’s mind was ‘people outside destiny’, and Gloria also said that he was a person beyond the fate of the river. According to the divination of the Witches of the North, the people outside of destiny are full of infinite variables, the most representative of which is the inheritance of the death priests of Shirik and Kranwo.

Although Jerich is strong, Sauron is not afraid.

The source of his power is from the **** of death, Jehovah, and this existence is almost no longer involved in mortals and gods.

(ps: first. Today is three more.) (

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