Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 19: Take advantage of your strength!


Siric is a different kind of aboriginal.

Looking at the history of the entire multiverse, no one is faster than he has risen. Even the adventurer who is directly lucky enough to sacred the sacred sacred thing, I am afraid there is too much difference compared with him. If you only look at the biography of the first half of Cherik, then he is the proper aura of the protagonist, from one mortal to one of the most powerful gods of the time. However, if you add the record of the second half of the game, the whole story has an illusion that it has changed from the protagonist to the villain.

It can be said that Sirrick finally forced the gods to join hands to seal it, simply because he was too ambitious and too fond of death.

And after all, he was the one who had collected all the priesthoods of the three gods of death. Even the gods of the gods in the gods did not dare to despise him. For a long time, Cheric has been acting alone, with only temporary allies and no gods.

Sauron fell into silence.

His grasp of Sirrick is not very high, because every time he mentions that he is thinking that this guy is like a protagonist, to deal with him, Sauron feels it necessary to hold a goddess of luck. Big white legs. Don't look at the bad luck behind Sirrick, but that is also the role of the protagonist's aura, and if it is replaced by another god, it is already not as simple as being sealed. I am afraid that it is already dead and can no longer die.

The conspiracy of almost death in other gods is only sealed on Heroic.

And in the turbulent year he actually ran out again!

It is more difficult to deal with Sirrick than to deal with the Lord of Shadows. Although the current strength of Cheric has been greatly reduced, even the priests in charge still have [murder], [lie], [fraud] and [illusion].

His fields are [Confusion], [Destruction], [Killing], [Evil], [Phantom] and [诡术].

That's right!

Shirek’s body also has the field of [诡术], and the ability of one body is almost always the field of combat.

Just as Soron meditated, the **** of death, Jeremiah, once again said: "It is not easy to deal with Siric."

"But I can give you some help here."

"In any case, this power does not have much effect on me! Since this is the foundation for your death priesthood!"


The ancient death - Jekyll swayed toward Sauron, and it was a golden glow, and a strong death rushed into Sauron's body.

A row of bundle data emerges:

"Get the gift of death - Jehovah!"

"You have gained the power of death!... You have obtained some information about the [death] priesthood!..."


Information message about the second death priesthood.

Death - Jehova directly gave part of the death power to Sauron, and helped him get closer to the death priesthood.

"The priesthood in me is not for you."

After the death of Jesus, after doing this, he slowly said: "So the power to master the death priest is up to you."


The **** of death has only retained three death-related priesthoods, namely, fatalism, death recorder, and grave guard.

These three are insignificant priesthoods.

And these priesthoods are not at all compatible with Sauron, and Jehovah retains these priesthoods only to facilitate his record of death.

As the existence of great divinity. He almost gave up most of the gods and divine power.

"All right."

After the death of Jesus, after doing all this. Waving: "You should go back now. Don't stay in the underworld for too long. The gods of the turbulent years are very weak. It is just that the form of the saints cannot resist the erosion of the underworld."

The underworld is a very special place.

In general, even the non-Saints catastrophe. The gods also don't like to enter the underworld.

Sauron returned.

He expressed his gratitude to Yemen, who leaned forward slightly, and turned and walked outside. Anyway. Jehovah is a step closer to helping him get to the death priest, who has been searching for a suitable agent. The last generation of the death of the three gods is the first agent of his choice, and now is the king of the dead - Klanwo. It was the second agent of his choice. This existence is beyond any **** in the field of death, and even Sauron does not know what He wants.


After leaving the boat of the Styx. Sauron sent it directly back to Modo City.

There is nothing to stop in the underworld, and the king of the deceased - Ke Lanwo may not be very friendly to Sauron. After all, his relationship with the goddess of magic is more complicated, and he still has a certain competitive relationship with him.

Return to the city of Modo.

Sauron saw Vivian standing nervously beside him. In front of him, Sauron closed his eyes as if he were contemplative.

The separation of souls is very simple for Sauron.

A blink of an eye.

Sauron returned to his body, and at this moment he saw the little girl he had awakened and rushed up. Hold his hand tightly: "Brother! You finally woke up! Worried about killing me!"

Sauron smiled and touched the little girl's head, suddenly seemed to think of something, and snorted: "Are you Vivian or Lilyan?"

The little girl smelled her expression. Just whispered: "I am Vivienne."

"Lilyan rarely comes out. It is usually in the afternoon or evening that she will control her body."



As if I felt that I had done something wrong, Vivienne apologized if she did not agree.

Soren had wanted to train her, but after seeing the **** of death - Jerich, the presence of Siric was like a mountain pressed against him, making him feel a little nervous and upset. The fear of the devil has not been resolved, and when Sirrick is running out, Sauron is really a bit of an illusion. Compared with these things, Lilian's existence is not so important. As long as you can solve the fear of the devil and the sherike, then it is easier to reshape the body or separate the soul.

Sirrick must also kill!

Because even if the fear **** is killed, if you don't kill Cherik, he will definitely pay attention to Vivienne, who just inherited the power of the fear god. www.readwn.com~ A new **** who has just inherited power!


What a good little lamb to deal with!

If Sirrick is not dead, he must be woven all day to plot **** Vivienne to take her priesthood.

Lilian is still within the scope of Sauron’s acceptance.

However, Cherik is the one who must die. Soren feels that he must think about it, especially the rationale, and recall the gods who are most hostile to Sirik!

Dealing with Shireke, who has the atmosphere, can only find ways to use his strength.


(PS: First. There is still a chapter today.)

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