Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 23: Cat and the goddess of joy!

The morning sun shone in the city of Modo.

Last night, there was a storm in the overseas islands, and many fishing boats were forced to return in advance. However, it is strange to say that the storms are raging outside the city of Modo. Once they reach the location of the island of Modo, a terrible storm has turned into a downpour, and the degree of violentness has been weakened by at least half. . This represents the beginning of Sauron's preparations. The temples in the city of Modo and the arcane towers as the center have begun to influence and balance the climatic conditions of the city.

An invisible energy barrier has surrounded the island of Modo, creating an artificial field effect.

The city of Modo after the heavy rain is like a pearl.

However, when people got up early to prepare for work, there was a riot in the street. Even as the guards of the city of Modo rushed over, many curious people followed and went onlookers.

It didn't take long for the riots to calm down.

And many of the city people who came to watch the lively city of Moto saw the high-spirited rope holding a two-legged pterosaur with a wingspan of fifteen meters. At this moment, it seems to be a little girl when shopping for a dog. . Many newcomers have doubts about their expressions. I don’t know who this little girl is, and many of the old residents of Modo City are smiling and looking at the cute little girl. A huge bipedal pterosaur passed by in front of him.

The little princess of Modo City!

His wife, Vivienne.

I haven’t shown up for so long, and I thought that where Vivien went down!

Such a scene for the old residents of the city of Modo, they have already seen habits. Very early, Vivian will go out for a walk with the pterosaurs of the former, but the little princess has not appeared for so long, it seems that people have become more beautiful, and the pterodactyl is more and more behind him. Big.

The guards consciously maintained order on both sides of the street.

Vivian was accustomed to the curious eyes of the people. She held the huge bipedal pterosaur in one hand, and the other hand held Lulu, who was already almost as tall as her, and walked towards the beach with pleasure. In order to fuse the gods, she has not gone out for a long time. Today, she sneaked out and raised her own black. By the way, Lulu, who had just returned from the task, went out to play for a while. The little girl is only 11 years old this year. Even if the heart is mature again, it is inevitable that a little child likes to play.

In front is Vivienne. Behind it is a small pair of Lulu, followed by a huge bipedal.

In this case, many people will gradually get used to it, because the little girl likes to go out and go out early. As the jewel of the city of Modo, Vivienne is usually low-key. That is to say, when you go out for a walk, it is more eye-catching.


Vivienne's awakening gave Soren a feeling of life returning to the right track.

Everything looks great.

If there is no threat of the **** of fear and the **** of murder, I am afraid that Sauron will be willing to enjoy the easy days. He has nothing to manage the city of Modo. Study the battle chess plane and let the city of Modo become the most dazzling city in the material plane. Gloria has nothing to do with researching alchemy techniques, trying to understand the core mysteries of the Arcane Empire as soon as possible. Strive to become a witch with a professional level of 30 or above, so that she can accompany Soren for a long time.

As for Vivian, he grew up with peace of mind. Enjoy the childhood that she really should have at this age.


Now is the time of the Holy Holocaust, everything is just an imagination.

Soren just relaxed for a while and began to face everything again. Conceive how to help Vivienne to obtain the priesthood, and how to deal with the **** of fear and the **** of murder.

The Vampire Son is a good example.

have to say. This opponent still gave Sauron a lot of inspiration.

He himself has gained a lot of experience from the vampire god, and now Vivienne wants to seal the word, the vampire son is also a good contrast target.

The vampire **** is to protect the gods with ethnic priesthood.

His field extensions are very informative. If Vivienne wants to successfully integrate the priesthood, he still needs to compare it with the vampire god.

The church of the painful girl is already known to Soren.

As for Lavetta's own whereabouts, the gods were more cautious in this era, and unless they had a base camp like Sauron, they would not easily reveal their own traces.

But as long as you know that the church can slowly find her, Vivienne does not need to be eager for a moment.


at dusk.

After completing the study of the legendary spell 'Forbidden Skull', Sauron began to look at the information about the gods sent back by the rogue. His recent attention to the gods has increased a lot. Basically, both the gods of the good camp and the gods of the evil camp, Sauron maintains a certain degree of attention and keeps abreast of their movements.


I sent back a very interesting piece of information.

There is also an emblem in the message, which is a ‘female's delicate lips’, looking at the entire multiverse, and the gods' emblems are also so swaying.

It seems that there is only one so far!

That was mentioned earlier in the day - "[Cat and Dance Goddess] - Xia Weisi!"

Xia Weisi is also known as the 'cat and joy goddess'. Her camp used to be chaotic and kind. Later, because of the influence of the lady of the night, she tried various kinds of forbidden and jealous pleasures. The result was once degraded to chaos and evil, now because of love. The help of the goddess returned to chaotic neutrality. She is the famous goddess who was almost broken by the night lady.

Xia Weisi is the goddess of [Weak God Power].

She is in charge of hedonism, sensual pleasures, large-scale celebrations, and the priesthood of cats.

The goddess has a more general combat power, but is a little stronger than most ordinary weak fascination, because she has a field of chaos, charm, travel and sorcerer.

Under normal circumstances!

As long as the master of the field of [诡术] is not too weak.

Xia Weisi is a beautiful and beautiful goddess, her appearance is only comparable to Shu Ni (Love Goddess)! She is a frivolous and fickle god, so few people can really touch her true inner thoughts. Her personality is as independent and enjoyable as a cat, and she always keeps looking at her appearance to maintain a beautiful appearance.

This is a fickle goddess.

She is also a famous goddess in the gods, because her followers also have a preference, that is, always find various reasons to hold a variety of celebrations to satisfy the senses and pleasures.

This goddess is like a cat.

She is also a goddess who likes to roam, and she was once considered by the gods to be [wandering].

However, it was because of the wreckage that Xia Weisi directly broke into the trap of Ms. Night, and began to experience the joy of various dark faces, and was controlled by the dark power of Shah.


Although the goddess learned a little, but the wandering problem has not been changed.

Because the information in the hands of Sauron recorded the information related to her, her trace appeared in Arundel, and there are signs that she seems to be taking the floating boat to the port of Tyrol.

The goddess is obviously roaming again.

The lady of the night has never forgotten that she escaped from her own palm, and the secret agents of Sauron’s majesty discovered the trace of the goddess, and other churches of the gods must be discovered.

Looking at her posture is to go to the city of Modo to play.

Sauron didn't have much rejection of the goddess, but when the chaotic goddess encountered any trouble.

He does not know if he should shoot!

At present ~www.readwn.com~ cat and dance goddess - Xia Weisi is the **** of love goddess, although the goddess of love is not very powerful, but how to say is a **** of powerful power.

Sauron thought about it, but decided to give the message to the love temple.

The goddess of love - Shu Ni, and her god, plus all kinds of good ally, their goddess in this series are mostly a little funny.

The Holy Holocaust made these goddesses all fall now.

With Sauron's understanding of them, I only hope that in the middle and late stages of the Holy Holocaust, this series of goddesses can die a few less.


(PS: It’s even more today. Hemorrhoids are committed, don’t talk, Buddhism needs a person to be quiet.) (To be continued.) Search this site, please search for “” or enter the URL:

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