Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 34: The blessing of the goddess of love!

[Broadcast] Pay attention to the "starting point reading", get the first hand news of the 515 red envelope, and the students who have not robbed the red envelope after the Chinese New Year, this time can show their skills.

After the joyous goddess landed, it turned into a beautiful girllike appearance.

Immediately after seeing the cat and the goddess of joy, she was taken aback and said: "Xia Yusi! How come you are here? When did you come to the city of Modo?"

Unlike the cat and the goddess of joy, the goddess of joy - Lierla is the **** of the true goddess of love.

When the goddess of joy saw Xia Weisi, she guessed the passing of the incident, and then she expressed her gratitude to Sauron's slight leaning, and then, like the sister who had a headache in her family, she felt uneasy. She shook her head: "I didn't think that Xia Weisi would actually run around at this time. I will inform Shunye now and let her take Xia Yusi back."

Although the goddess of joy appeared in front of him, Xia Weisi was still a little unhappy.

However, after hearing the name of the goddess of love - Shu Ni, it was finally a little scared, and the look became a lot more honest, but the eyes were still an idea. As a goddess with roaming and chaotic camp, Xia Weisi does not like to be disciplined, but she often has no temper in the face of the goddess of love, because the other party is indeed a very powerful god, and has been saved. Her life.

The joy goddess is extremely efficient.

About a few minutes later, the Hall of Joy emerged with a golden glow, even directly in front of Sauron.

The incarnation of the gods.

The goddess of love obviously will not come to the city of Modo, and it is the most convenient and safest thing to send an incarnation.

"May love be with you!"

"The shadow of esteem dominates the Lord! The instructor of the rogue! The shelter of the half-elf!"

The goddess of love - Shunyi is a beautiful woman with long red hair, mature, elegant, and full of enthusiasm enough to infect anyone. Like the ones recorded in the book, the goddess of love likes to show off the beautiful and long-haired female figure with a breathtaking look. She wants to come to her as well as the book, and likes the flattery and praise of others.

Many gods believe that the goddess of love is insignificant and unimpaired, just like most of her followers are regarded as frivolous and admired by the superficial generation of vain (but this is not dangerous!).

Although it is not the battle of the gods.

But Sauron is very clear, that is, any **** with a powerful power is not easy to be serious.

If the goddess of love really breaks out, I am afraid of gods like the goddess of the sea, the goddess of agriculture and the goddess of wealth. It is impossible to be her opponent at all.

How to say that she is also a powerful power that has existed for a long time.

The goddess of love - Shuny first met with Sauron to be officially called. So Sauron’s return was very formal, and he leaned over and said: “Welcome to your arrival.”

"The embodiment of love and beauty! Lord Shuni!"

The official name of the goddess of love is ‘love and beauty goddess’, and the core priesthood is beauty, love and enthusiasm.

She likes anything beautiful.

Sauron called her the embodiment of love and beauty, in fact, holding her invisibly.

The same as Sauron estimated. The goddess of love is very satisfied with Saulon’s homage, and the beautiful face immediately shows a warm smile. Slowly said: "This time thank you Lord Sauron."

"Otherwise, this summer will definitely have to be big and troublesome!"

At this moment, the goddess of love is like a mother or a long sister who feels helpless to her rebellious little girl, with a hint of favor, a trace of worry and a trace of helplessness.

She also rules part of the [protection] priesthood.

The goddess of love is a passionate and kind goddess. Regardless of her private life, it is simply from the point of view of people. Shuni is a **** ally worthy of getting along.

Because she is always happy to lend a helping hand to her allies.

This is not exaggerated!

In the long history, Ms. Yin Yue also had a worst thing, when she weakened to weak power. Because it was not the opponent of the night lady, she even once sheltered under the door of the goddess of love. As a half her **** to seek refuge. Later, Ms. Yin Yue’s strength recovered and she began to search for her own path, and the goddess of love did not hesitate to let her go. And she has always been her strong ally.

The cat is the same as the goddess of pleasure.

In order to save her, the goddess of love is completely offended by the lady of the night, and the gods of two powerful gods have secretly contested.

In order to counter the revenge of the Lady of the Night, the goddess of love has secretly supported the goddess of magic and the goddess of silver moon. She is now quite friendly to Sauron, and on the other hand is also related to this.

This is the alliance of a faction goddess in the Pantheon.

The goddess's faction includes the goddess of magic, the goddess of love, the lady of silver moon, the goddess of joy, the goddess of cats and dances, the goddess of music and so on.

Even Ms. Fortune used to be one of them, but it slowly faded.

It is worth mentioning that the weapon used by the goddess of love is also a whip, a whip called [soft silk belt]. Sauron always thought that it was called 'whip of love', but did not expect that it would be such a common name.

do not know why.

Many of the goddesses of the Pantheon like to use long whip as a weapon.

The goddess of love is an object that can be drawn. She has basically no threat to Sauron, but she has the power of powerful power.

For Shuny’s goodwill, Sauron responded adequately.

However, the goddess apparently did not intend to delay in the city of Modo for too long, after catching the cat and the goddess of joy to his side, it was to Sauron Road: "Mosetra is now missing. (Magic The name of the goddess)"

"Lord Sauron must be more careful now!"

"It is said that the lady of the night has returned. I am worried that she has any plot against other people!"


The incarnation of the night, the axis of evil.

The reminder of the goddess of love is obviously related to Sauron's mastery of the "shadow" priesthood, because these night ladies have always wanted the priesthood.

The goddess of magic is still missing.

But looking at the voice of the goddess of love, the lady of the night seems to have shown signs of return.

This is not a good news. According to the current situation, the biggest enemy of Ms. Night is undoubtedly Ms. Yin Yue, but because of the shadow of the task, Sauron will certainly enter the forefront of the night of Ms.

It is necessary to win the goddess of love.

Sauron is very clear that when confronted with one of the oldest powerful powers, he must have some other powerful allies.

"I understand."

Sauron nodded and said to the goddess of love: "I will be very careful."

Shuni smiled and smiled. It was still so enthusiastic. Maybe it was because of the priesthood, or it might be a natural character. The goddess can maintain a good attitude even in the turbulent years. Leng smiled: "I saw the glory of love in your body!"

"And it seems that more than one lady is in love with you."

"I will send you a blessing!"

"Wanting to be a **** does not make you lose your yearning for love! Who should say that the gods should not have these sincere feelings?"

The sweet laughter sounded.

The figure of the goddess of love gradually turned into a radiance, and the cat and the goddess of joy, which had been sullen and unhappy, were also taken back by her. This goddess is indeed not the same as other gods, her emotions are much richer than other gods.

With the departure of the goddess of love.

The goddess of joy also leaned slightly toward Sauron, and then the avatar dissipated back into the temple.

Sauron stayed in the spot and fell into meditation. To some extent, seeing the goddess of love today gave him some enlightenment. He always learns how to become a **** according to what he thinks, but the true gods have their own path.

The goddess of the sea ruled the sea with cruelty~www.readwn.com~ Ms. Fortune used the interests to win over the merchants.

The goddess of agriculture gathers believers with compassion.

Every **** has its own way of doing things, and these are the paths that belong to them.

As a new god, Sauron did not join any gods, so he naturally did not have any gods as a guide, and everything needed to find his own way.


He also needs to start thinking about his future as a true god.


(PS: Come here. Give you a group BUFF. [Blessings of the goddess of love], and [whip of love]!...)

Ps. Chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (To be continued.) Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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