Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 37: Star battle

The floating tower is actually very fragile.

At least until the core energy protection field of the floating city in the Arcane Empire was discovered, the protection level of the floating tower is about the same as a large-scale six-ring energy protection force field spell. This level of protection is probably a full blow that can only support the Sauron form of the gods. It is probably a matter of several attacks against the Gisyanki people. The next damage will be to the tower itself. This process will damage those parts, it is something that no one can say, as for the cost of maintenance is naturally high and staggering.

The earth element pool affects the gravity inside the floating tower.

The wind element pool affects the air inside the floating tower.

The pool of fire elements maintains the temperature of the floating tower itself.

The current role of the water element pool is not very obvious, at least until the Gloria and the fallen witch are ready to expand, the water element pool does not play much.

The four element pools maintain the normal operation of the floating tower in the astral world.

In the face of the plundering of the Jisyan people, in addition to defeating them, Sauron has to ensure that the element pool will not be attacked, otherwise the consequences will most likely be disastrous.


The huge astral fortress is getting closer.

After seeing this huge shovel in front of her eyes, Gloria and Sauron couldn’t help but shine, but the first thing to talk about was the fallen witch. She only saw her seriously: “Modo City is currently preparing to make steel magic. image."

"At present, the steel reserves of Modo City are not enough, and it is impossible to maintain the consumption of a steel magic army."

"And now."

“It seems that there is a huge iron shovel approaching us. Judging from the material, these steels are all simple steel wares that have been incorporated into the astral material.”

"If you have the ability to make a steel golem, the strength should be increased by one level!"

Modo City lacks steel.

No matter how Sauron struggles to strengthen the foundation of Moto City, there are still things that take time to accumulate.

Originally, Sauron’s plan was to purchase a batch of enchanted forged steel from the North Witch, and then think about it. However, as far as the situation is concerned, it seems that he does not need to think of another way. If you can remove the steel fortress in front of you, it is absolutely more than enough for Modo City to create a group of steel magic army. The Gisyanki people have a very good forging process. They are plundering other creatures all the year round in the astral world. The materials used to make the steel fortress are naturally excellent.

There must be a point mentioned here.

The steel fortress of the Gisyanki is similar to a half-plane. They live in the interior with militarized management. In addition to the daily plunder, the Gisyanki people will also cultivate food.

That's right!

They cultivated in huge steel fortresses.

What does this mean?

It represents a good balance of elements inside the steel fortress, even reaching the requirements of farming crops. With the simplest logical reasoning, it can be concluded that the gravity inside the steel fortress is very stable. The balance between earth and water is sufficient for plant growth, and the fire element maintains a temperature very close to the material plane. The balance of the four elements directly transforms the steel fortress into a private country that can live in the astrology for a long time, and also meets the requirements of all parties in the Gisyanki.

of course.

This also means that the entire steel fortress is very huge!

A steel fortress represents a group of Gisyanki people, which may be the place of residence that they have spent decades or even hundreds of years to complete.

As the distance gets closer, it gets closer.

Sauron also estimated the diameter of the steel fortress. The height is about one hundred meters and the diameter should be close to two kilometers.

It looks like a semi-permanent interstellar fortress.

“How many tons of steel does this have?”

According to Sauron's judgment. The interior of the Astral Fortress must be stratified, residential, military, storage, and farming areas, plus the role of psionic energy. The interior space is definitely bigger than what you see outside. If you judge this, if you remove the steel fortress. The consumption of the Golem Corps by Sauron is absolutely high.

"Be careful."

"They seem to be attacking!"

As a **** of medium power, Sauron is acutely aware of the sacred atmosphere. The birth of the Astral Fortress is inseparable from the [Creator] (Psychic Creation) in the Psychic faction. Because the Creator has a legendary level of psionic spells called [Creation].

simply put. It is to create a new half plane directly in the astral world.

- "Genesis, X [Nine-level Psionics]: Create a new half-plane in the astral world."


The steel fortress in the distance is getting closer and closer.

And when a spiritual field began to cover the floating tower, some of the Gisyanki soul warriors appeared above the steel fortress. The racial characteristics allowed them to adapt to the astral environment, and the psionic shield protected them. Can live independently in the astrology for a long time. As they emerged, there was a strong energy radiance above the Astral Fortress, followed by a psionic shock wave that directly hit the protective field of the floating tower.

These Gisyan people are very smart.

They understand that the power field protection spells are so amazing that they can directly understand the AT force field shields that become invisible, and they will suffer huge losses before they break the energy protection field.

The energy field can block most physical damage, at least until they break.

The high-order wizard's skewed energy field can even be a positive impact against a stormy shooting attack. The Gisyanki people use a psychic shock wave. They want to directly break the energy tower of the floating tower. Shield ~www.readwn.com~Taling No.1! ”

"Start [Elemental Furnace]! Turn on the lock! Start the lock protection field!"

Gloria's reaction speed is also very fast. In an instant she ordered the opening of the elemental furnace, and then the lock connected to the arcane tower was activated, accompanied by a surging arcane energy, surrounded by the sand of the astral world. Directly because of the energy surge, a silvery white vortex is formed, and the invisible lock energy shield becomes a sleek silver-white vortex because it is a very beautiful dreamy nebula. All around.

The psionic impact from the Gisyanki people directly seems to sink into the sea. As one of the peak achievements of the Arcane, the protection of the lock is more than ten times that of the Arcane Tower itself.


It is too energy-consuming.

With the energy supply of the current floating tower, the full operation of the lock will soon take the stored arcane energy.

..................(To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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