Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 46: Cut off the wings!

Taron City.

In a dark temple, a group of women with exposed clothes gathered near the altar.


A dark-skinned woman hurriedly walked in from the outside of the temple, hurriedly said: "Trena died. She was attacked by a group of rogues while crossing the bottom of the lake, and everyone who was accompanying died. When we rushed over, only the bodies of the land were left."

Her voice just fell, and the women near the altar were stunned and then looked at each other with incomprehension.

Many of these women are darker in skin, but most of them look very beautiful. They are not humans, but the mixed half-elves of drow and humans. The belief in the flogging girl is also spread in the dark areas. As one of the gods of feminist supremacy, she also has a small number of believers in the dark areas. Because all the members of the church are high in women (this is the same as the spider behind the spider), so a small number of drow women, and some of the mixed-race drows are high-level priests inside her church, currently responsible It is these mixed-race drow spirits that corrupt Coral City.

"Isn't the trail of those assassins tracked?"

The woman named Tini is a flat-faced half-elves, but it seems that it is not a drow from the skin color.

"No." The woman who came in shook her head.

Tenny couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile. He randomly closed the door with a wave of his hand, and then looked seriously toward the other people present: "Sisters."

"The situation is very critical now."

"The true God who controls the shadows, the rogues, the half-elves, the theft and the tracking [Sorren] attacked our church!"

"It is very difficult to resist the strength of our church."

"And the gods we serve are now slow to show up! If you continue to do so, I am afraid that everyone present will die in the hands of the assassins! The enemy rogues and assassins are too many, they are pervasive and omnipresent. There have been too many sisters leaving us during this time."

"This time."

"We have to make a choice!"

When I heard the female priest named Tini, the other women present were puzzled, and some smart women were scared.

"I think the people in your heart have already discovered it."

Tini waved his hand gently. I don't know when there was a strange shadow in the dark. It looked like a fuzzy human figure. She slowly said: "This time all the sisters I invited were half-elves."

"The Lauttata we used to serve cannot defeat the mighty Lord Sauron."

"She has abandoned us."

"At this time we can only save ourselves, I have chosen to serve the great Sauron!"

"He is a shelter for the half-elf!"

"Being kind, he is willing to accept us half-elf, as long as you change your faith and serve him devoutly, then you can retain your current status and identity."

The voice just fell.

A sudden whistling sound suddenly came from the air, followed by a vicious snake's first whip, which was drawn toward Tini. At the same time, there was a sharp and angry female voice: "Damn traitor! You actually turned away The faith of my Lord!"

"Laughetta won't fail!"

"You all these betrayers will die in torture!"

There is no shortage of mad believers in any church. Tini did not feel any surprise for the sudden attack. She also waved her long whip and then evacuated her figure.

at this time.

The assassins who sneaked in the shadows also moved. Along with the cold cold, the three rogues rushed toward the drow who attacked. The next moment was the blood splash. The Lavetta's madman was killed.

The rich **** smell is pervasive.

Everyone’s mood has sunk into the trough because they realize that if they don’t surrender to the Shadow Church today, they are afraid that one of them will not be able to leave.

Tini is one of the bishop-level pastors in Taron.

Even if she betrayed the faith of Lauvita, can the torture church really defeat the powerful shadow church that has the backing of Modo City and the overseas islands?

"I am willing to serve the great shadow master!"


Along with the sound of the long whip, a beautiful woman with darker skin put down her weapon. She is a mixed-race drow. As a half-elf, it is easier for her to accept the belief of Sauron than to accept the beliefs of other gods. Because Sauron originally used the half-elf priesthood to seal the gods.

Although the core priesthood is now [shadow], the half-elf is still in his shelter.

If the church in Sauron really expressed their willingness to accept them, then they should have the opportunity to integrate into it.

Some things just have to start, and then it is much easier.

Whether they are willing or not, after seeing the bodies lying on the ground, these female-dominated half-elf priests have expressed their desire to change their faith to serve Sauron. Whether they are genuine or false, as long as people first surrender to the church in Sauron, the situation will move in a direction that is more powerful against the shadow church.

They are just a group of mortals.

This is a collision between the gods and the church. Although Lauvita has a lot of strength in the surface world, there are still some believers gathered in the dark areas.

It is impossible to rely on the church in Taron City to resist the shadow church.

"His priest!"

After all the half-elf priests gave up the resistance, Tini came to a prayer room in the back. The woman who was hiding in the shadows in front of her eyes humbly lowered her head and carefully said: "The half-elves priests in the temple area have basically surrendered. It is."

"If you agree."

"I will try to persuade other half-elf priests to give up resistance!"

The figure of the high priest came out~www.readwn.com~ She heard a faint smile on her face and said slowly: "My Lord is kind."

"As long as they are willing to return to our Lord."

"So no matter if they are half-elf, they will be forgiven!"

"The demise of Lauvita is only a matter of time! She has lost her original intention as a true God! Indulge in the desire of **** and abuse! Only by faith in my Lord Sauron can you be redeemed!"

"The shadow will shelter you!"

The action against the flogging girl Lavetta is comprehensive. The assassination of the central center is only superficial. The differentiation and conquest of the high priest is the key. As a psychic with a professional level of 30 or above, she is easy to grasp. The enemy's soul is loopholes, and these half-elves who serve Lauvita are just the beginning.

Since he decided to deal with Lavetta, Sauron had to do nothing more than kill the other party. He wanted to annex the entire church of Lauvita!

.................. (To be continued.)

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