Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 58: Resurrection of death!

The sacred counterattack made the Lord of the Storm more angry.

With a roar, the lightning that He summoned became golden, and the body turned into a giant of the storm, waving a spear and stabbing it directly. This is his artifact (the bundle of lightning), a weapon made by the Thunder, and the special legendary occupational storm lord of the Amazon is formed by his power.

The unreserved storm master suddenly showed great strength!

The speed of the regeneration of the gods was completely suppressed by the attack of the Lord of the Storm. When the **** of the storm waved the artifact to fight, the flesh and blood of the gods were almost completely evaporated.

As a powerful **** in charge of the battle of the gods, the power of the Storm God is amazing at this moment!

at last.

The speed of the regeneration of the gods could not keep up. With the roar of the **** of the storm, he directly pierced the lightning spear into the brain of the god.

God died.

The last blow of the God of the Storm completely erased the life of the gods, and even the entire body evaporated half.

The battle seems to be over.

Sauron was just preparing to breathe a sigh of relief, but what happened to other gods did not happen.

The moment before the death of the **** of the storm, the gods that had no life at all, suddenly resurrected at this moment, the broken body regenerated at an alarming rate, and soon became the first appearance.

"Death resurrection?"

Sauron looked at the other gods in surprise and muttered: "It has just been dead."

This time he answered that he was a goddess of wealth watching silently. She whispered: "This **** seems to have swallowed up a lot of souls. It just died. But it seems to be resurrected soon."

The resurrection of the gods suddenly hesitated the **** of the storm.

He had already spent a lot of divine power, but after killing the gods, it actually came back to life.

In the long history, this kind of **** is the most difficult to deal with, and often there is no way for the gods to finally seal it.

This kind of **** that will resurrect is more terrible than the ancient evils!

The gods left by a powerful power are obviously not so easy to be killed. With the retreat of the **** of the storm, the original glory of the visual warfare has also acted.


The glory of the Lord frowned and looked at the resurrection of the gods, raising his hand and pointing it is the dazzling glory of the glory, this radiance has a fatal damage to evil, even Sauron feels a serious threat.

The body of the gods dissipated in the light.

It is as if it has been directly disintegrated, and the radiance of the Glorious Lord has an amazingly high temperature, which directly evaporates the gods.

The gods are hit hard in an instant.

Then, soon his body became less and less, and finally almost the entire existence was erased.

"Is this supposed to be dead?"

Not only is Soren thinking, but even the other two goddesses are similar ideas. Although the Lord of the Storm killed the gods, he did not completely destroy him. But the Lord of Glory has even broken down the body of the other party. In this case, even the gods should be difficult to survive.


Everything is beyond their expectations.

When the Lord of Glory regained his divine power, the gods that had been completely destroyed suddenly began to be madly reborn. At first, they were just a twist of flesh and blood, and then quickly became a smashing meat mass, which eventually became The original appearance.

A group of dead flesh and blood turned into a body.

Then, the **** that has been killed is once again resurrected!

The goddess of the sea is also a distressed expression at this moment, facing other gods: "This **** seems to be hard to kill! We are not in the country at the moment! Or else seal it first!"

Can't kill at all.

No one knows how many times this **** can be resurrected.

If you can always be resurrected, then it is impossible to kill it, and in the end it will only be able to seal it.

The Lord of Glory frowned and fell into meditation.

He seems to be looking for ways to completely eliminate this god, but he doesn't have much thought. If you can't kill him, I'm afraid you can only seal it or exile it into the turbulent stream of time and space. But if you do that, the **** will come out one day sooner or later.

Just as the Lord of Glory is ready to use His power to seal the gods with a 12-level ban. (Note: Only middle-aged spirits can be used.)

Sauron suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

"Trouble to kill it again! Let me try it at the end!"

When I heard Sauron's words, the other gods couldn't help but look at him. The Glorious Lord looked at Sauron deeply, as if he had found something in him, and nodded silently.

The glory of holiness reappeared.

This time, the speed is much slower, as if to take care of Sauron to fill the knife.

Under the divine power of the Glorious Lord, the deity was once again decomposed and purified, and it quickly entered a state of serious injury, and immediately approached the edge of death.

"Killing the field!"

"Death field!"

Just as the gods approached death, Sauron's figure turned into a golden giant. He directly rushed to the gods in front of him, and the Lord of Glory stopped the attack in an instant.

"Divine Shockwave!"

The forces from killing and dying shrouded the space nearby, and the golden giant of Sauron's incarnation waved his hand as a final blow on the gods.


The gods turned into ashes under the shock of the power.

The forces of death and killing were also madly shrouded in it, accompanied by a strange wave of energy, and suddenly the body of the **** disappeared.

Countless dazzling brilliance.

It is not an entity visible to the naked eye, but if there is substantial divine power and soul power, many souls are like a flood, and thousands of souls flock directly to Sauron’s position, in his golden body. The giants gathered in the palm of their hand.

This is the fleet that was swallowed up by the gods.

The warriors of the city of Modo, the souls who died in the mouth of God, were trapped in the body of the gods until the gods were killed and escaped.

"Really dead?"

The expression of the goddess of the sea is very surprised, because the souls scattered at this moment are the gods killed by the gods, and the scattered divine light, most of which flocked to Sauron, while others fell on the gods. On the body, the soul gathers the most, the Lord of glory, more than half of the souls automatically flock to his position, and then these souls are purified at the moment of approaching the body of the Glorious Lord, directly turning into a pure white soul. The body then disappeared into the shadow of Heaven Mountain behind him. The Lord of the Storm received the second most souls, many of whom were the shadows of the Amazon female warriors, who were directly held by the Lord of the Storm in the palm of their hand and then sent to God.

The third is Sauron.

His side probably gathered three or four thousand souls, and he was handed into the country by his palm.

The soul of the ocean goddess harvested a little less, only a thousand more, most of them are marine wisdom creatures. Only the goddess of wealth harvested the least soul, at most three or five hundred, but she did not have much power.

"The power of killing?"

"Is the successor of the Death Three Gods?"

When Sauron’s last blow completely killed the gods, the other gods did not look at him with a complicated expression. The death gods have always been the axis of the evil camp gods, although they have disappeared for a long time, but Sauron has just The power of display is obviously from the **** of killing, Bal.

No wonder he can kill the gods and prevent the other party from resurrecting.

The power of every **** has its own strengths, just like the fighting power of the Lord of the Storm, the source of the Holy Light of the Glorious Lord, and the power of the three gods of Sauron from the other gods.

That is to be killed by him and he is really dead.

With the divine glory of the death of the gods, Sauron’s eyes also showed a row of data:

"Kill the gods [the son of the dinosaur god!]"

"Extract the target soul energy!... You have gained 1500000 killing experience!..."

"The goal has a divine value!"

"Extract the target divine value!... You get 20 divine values!..."

"The target has a heavy sigh!"

"Extract the target godhead value!... You get 25 godhead values!..."


The power of the gods spread to the gods.

Because this time the gods have two powerful powers, Soren's killing experience and divine value are not many, especially the harvest of the killing experience, and finally turned into a soul body gathered around the gods. But what surprised Sauron was that the gods actually gave Sauron a 25-point godhead value, almost higher than the acquired divine value.

This is extremely rare!

I am afraid that these godpowers are really the gods of dinosaurs from powerful powers, and the key to the constant resurrection of this god.

The **** is dead.

The gods will end here.

The glorious Lord looked at Sauron deeply before he left, and then disappeared directly into the sky.

The **** of the storm talked a few words with the goddess of the sea, and then returned to the tropical jungle of the Amazon. The goddess of wealth was here to fight for the soy sauce. After killing the gods, they quickly left. Only the goddess of the sea stayed for a while, and then said a few words with Sauron~www.readwn.com~ The gods are all temporary.

Only when there is a serious threat to the existence of the gods can they cooperate for a short time.

Now that the gods are dead, they naturally have to leave. Otherwise, Sauron doubts whether the Lord of Light and the God of the Storm will fight on the spot. After all, one is a kind and good one is chaotic evil.


Soren quickly returned to the city of Modo.

The power he gained from the gods is not in a hurry to transform and upgrade his career. The most important thing at the moment is to settle these souls.

They can be transformed into the peacemakers of Sauron!

There are thousands of people killed in Modo City, and 70% of Soulen’s souls are professional. These excellent souls can make Sauron’s godland the first high-quality prayers.


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