Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 60: The Waste Slave Act!

The third wave of the Holy Holocaust is getting worse.

However, Modo City, which is far away from overseas, seems to have avoided this crisis, because during this time, in addition to the capture of a disguised bone demon, the city of Modo never found other devils.

No doubt at all!

The devils are a group of very clever and deceitful guys, and these clever guys will definitely avoid the very obvious danger zone. For example, Modo City, which is operated by Sauron, is like an iron bucket. From the southern plains to the wilderness of the north, the devil's whereabouts began to become more and more common. They provoked people to provoke war, and even the devil's trail appeared in the Port of Tyrol, Shipwreck Bay, and Rage Island on the south coast. But in Modo City, there are very few signs of devil activity. They seem to be afraid of this, and the increasingly perfect control system of the city of Modo will not give them a chance.

This gave the city of Modo a valuable breathing space.

In other places, it was a mess. Even when the City of Glory and Allendale began to have problems frequently, the growth of the city of Modo became more and more obvious.

The speed of the migrant population is starting to accelerate!

The number of refugees accepted by Modo City is increasing. Almost every day, a caravan full of migrants arrives at Port Domodado.

Now, in the west of Modo City, the results of the third large-scale expansion have come out. Rows of neat brick houses all the way to the port, these houses are all in a unified system, so they look very neat, all are two-story small buildings, each house is three to five family. It is similar to the interior planning of Modo City, with a unified drainage channel, and a clean and tidy gravel road, which is very different from the dirty and messy residential areas of other cities. This newly built residential area also inherits the good traditions of Modo City.

It is a felony to squat in the city of Modo, and it may be caught and closed for several days.

At present, the main areas of the residential area are artisans and technicians who are allocated accommodation free of charge, but if they want to obtain the property rights of the residence, they need sufficient wealth and contribution.

Today, the foreign population of Moto City is keen to get the property certificate of the Moto City Hall as soon as possible. This means that he has really integrated into the city of Modo and has achieved a corresponding position in Modo City and become a real Citizen class.

Follow this progress.

It is estimated that the population of Moto City can reach more than 300,000 this year, and the entire material plane belongs to a city with a relatively large population density.

The City Hall has recently been in the process of logistics and distribution. When the population is highly concentrated, the demand for materials has increased. Although the products of Modo City can still be satisfied at present, in the future, according to the plan of the City Hall, Modo City is definitely a metropolis with a population of more than one million. So recently, with the increase of the number of migrants, the officials of the City Hall are considering preliminary Colonial plan.

There are still many places in the overseas islands that can be opened up.

The City Hall is not only to ensure adequate food, but also to keep up with other household items, and even vegetables must be guaranteed.

Maybe there is still a little bit of it, but officials in the city of Modo can proudly tell others that the city has become the most civilized and most prosperous city in terms of material planes through their efforts!

The sense of honor from Modo City has taken shape.

Even the most unruly drow warriors, try their best to get the recognition of others and become the real Moldo urban people. It is as if a dwarf warrior and a half-elf girl have been married recently, and their wedding has even been blessed by a bishop.

The pirates were violently ordered, and they learned a little courtesy.

Although they will still be arrogant when dealing with outsiders, when they treat the urban residents of Modo, they know that they should show certain cultivation.

A stable life can change a lot of people.

Old Pete is one of them!

He is used to reporting to the military camp every day, going to the pub for a few drinks in the evening, and then taking care of his wife and children sleeping. This stable day did not kill the suffocation brought by his wandering and killing days for more than a decade, but it greatly eased the temper in his heart, especially after bringing the old phase of Shipwreck Bay.

When the first child was born, the old Pete's hand was trembling.

For the first time, he devoutly prayed in the temple, praying for the blessing of the priest of my Lord Sauron, and baptizing the little life he held in his rough hands.

A man will not become weak because of his family.

The temper of the old Pete disappeared, and his transformation was like a reef on the sea, because the birth of the child became more solid and heavy. And when Modo City needs him, he will not hesitate to dedicate his life, because of honor, because of faith, because he has come all the way for the city, for his homeland.

Everything is worth guarding!

He believes and firmly believes that even if one day he will die for the city of Modo, his family and his children will be properly placed.

Once the order is formed.

What is influential is the structure of the whole society. All the rules that Sauron formulated from the beginning, in the beginning, the rules of power, blood and killing, gradually brought more of the city of Modo after the time. People began to understand the beginning of awe, and understood the importance of this order and the benefits that this order can bring.

They began to actively maintain this order.

Even the lower-level civilians who do not know one in the city of Modo, they also know the powers and obligations of a civilian in Moto City.


Sauron’s change to the world must have been more than that. After Modo City had formed the situation he wanted, he began to further test the reflection of the whole world.

That is the day.

The city hall of Modo City suddenly rioted, and a message spread out quickly from various channels, causing shocks to many people and panic among businessmen and nobles.

The Waste Slave Act!

When Gloria learned about this from Soren's mouth, this clever and wise witch could not help but stunned.

"Do you want to be clear?"

Gloria’s expression is very serious, more serious than against the gods, and earnestly said: “The existence of slaves has been in existence for countless years. Are you really planning to abolish slavery? If so, many aristocrats who support you with a large number of slaves And businessmen are likely to oppose you."

The fallen witch stood by without saying a word, but there was a strange glory in the shackles.

This is a charm that a woman can't resist when she is fighting against the order of the whole world!

Sauron’s expression was very calm.

He nodded. "Yes. I have planned this for a long time. Nowadays, the development of Modo City no longer needs slaves. Modo City needs the citizens and more motivated foreigners who are full of hope."

"The existence of slaves is a great waste of manpower."

"I am going to fully enact the Abolition Act in the territory of Moto City and cancel all slavery."

"As for the slaves of merchants and nobles, I will compensate them at a certain price."

There are many slaves in the city of Modo. From the beginning, the number of slaves in the city of Modo was very large, and the shipwreck bay was still a port for slave trade. Soren started out as a slave. It is estimated that no one can imagine that this slaughter, known as a **** slaughter, will completely abolish the existence of slaves at this time.

If Sauron’s decree is implemented.

The city of Modo itself will give tens of thousands of slaves free, and this loss is very amazing!

If you add the amount of compensation, then Modo City lost more than 500,000 Kindlers directly, and is likely to have far-reaching effects on other places.

"okay then."

Gloria heard a long smile and smiled. She tipped her toes and kissed Sauron's cheek. She whispered: "No matter what you do, I will support you."

"If you want to do it, do it."

"No matter what happens, I will always be with you."

The news of the abolition of slavery has just come out.

Modo City began to have merchants secretly transfer their slaves because they feared that their property would be lost.


Soon the next day, the city hall of Moduo City officially issued a decree, and at the same time spread to other places at a very fast speed, it is like casting a bomb in the already chaotic material plane, even far The long princess at Allendale sent a message.

"What do you want to do?" The princess seemed to be confused about Sauron's behavior.

The same doubt and surprise is the goddess of agriculture. The serf system has existed for a long time. She does not accept or reject this system. What she never imagined is that Sauron would do so.

For all this.

Sauron is still very calm, just saying to himself: "What do I want to do?"

"I want to change the whole world!"

"It's time now! When the material plane is broken and standing!"

The belief of three million holy warriors.

Something is no longer there~www.readwn.com~ Some beliefs have vanished, and Sauron’s darkness is evil, but there are things he still has to do.

this day.

The city of Modo is known throughout the world.

Because on a sunny afternoon, Modo City officially promulgated the Abolition Act, unconditionally granting all slave freedom, and purchased the personal freedom of all slaves in the territory at the price of 1-3 Kindlers per slave. Then, the City Hall began to register all the slaves, they will become the lower civilians of the city of Modo, have the right to freedom of life and property protection. Whether or not the future can become a formal citizen of Moto City depends on the efforts of these slaves. At least they now have a very high starting point relative to the past.

"Abolition Act" [Epic Event]: The New Moon Age in mid-May 1677, the Lord of the Modo City, the **** of the half-elf, the shadow dominates - Lord Sauron officially promulgated the abolition of slavery, completely abolished the city of Modo All slaves. This incident has had a tremendous impact on the material plane. Many areas where slavery prevailed were very shocked. Some gods were wary of this move! The rules and order of the whole world were shocked, Modo The city’s challenge to slavery has made many stubborn old-fashioned strengths and the Church of God feel a little dissatisfied. [Knowledge +100] (to be continued.)

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