Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 69: Falling floating city!

Exploring the mechanical environment is full of unpredictable accidents. >

Because the gears that make up the machine are all huge gears, these gears will move slowly.

Sauron’s trip was for the knowledge left over from the Arcane Empire and the ancient gods that floated around the machine, so he didn’t want to deal with the Fermi ants, and he didn’t want to encounter the legendary mother of the ants. .

The ant family is very difficult to entangle in the zerg, more dangerous than the bottom worm of the bottomless abyss.


Just over a decade ago, Sauron met the Fermi ant.

This time I was not a worker, but a fighter of the Fermi ant. There are more than a dozen fighters. This is impossible to solve with a spell. Soren directly took out the scimitar and smashed it in one second. kill.

"what happened!"

“Is the place where I came to be the gathering place of the Fermi ants?”

Sauron clearly felt a bit wrong, and the wild was rarely seen in groups of Fermi ants, unless they used it as a new colony. Fermi ants like to expand the site, they will occupy a gear, and then turn it into their own colony. If there are no other ethnic temperance, I am afraid that the Fermi ants can occupy the entire mechanical environment.


"what is this?"

Sauron suddenly showed a small emblem next to the bodies of these Fermi ants. This emblem looks very special and is a bit like the Wushu sect. But Sauron knows that this is not a military sect. It is another genre of creatures, and they seem to have some of them living in machinery.

Sauron has stepped up.

Sure enough, there are many traces of battle in front!

Soon he saw the bodies of many Fermi ants and another slimmer race.


Sauron bent over and looked at the body. The Gisere people were a bit like the Gis Yankees, but they were a race that advocated the monk's doctrine. There were a lot of monks in the Gisese, and they still owned The martial arts of spiritual power.

The Gisese people are born spiritual martial arts.

"It seems to be a gathering place for the Gisese people!"

Just to distinguish the situation around, Sauron vaguely guessed something, because there are buildings destroyed by Fermi ants. It is clear that the expansion of the Fermi ant colony affected the home of the Gisele people, and then the conflict inevitably exploded. The strength of the Gisese is very strong. Basically, there are at least a dozen bodies of Fermi ants on the side of a Gisser. However, the number of Fermi ants is very large. According to the traces of the battle, the Giesser people should be forced to abandon their homes and retreat to the north.

Sauron stood in the same place and thought about it, and also headed north.

The Gisese is a relatively rare race, and he has never seen the living Gisele people with his own eyes.

The footprints on the ground became more and more confusing. It seemed that the retreating Gisele was pursued by the Fermi ants. Sauron could not help but speed up, and then simply used the flight.


After marching for dozens of kilometers, Sauron finally saw the figure of the Gisese, but the battle is nearing the end.

More than a dozen Gisele people are surrounded by hundreds of Fermi ants, and hundreds of people have fallen on the ground, and more Fermi ants. The Gisese people fight in a very similar way to the monks, but they use the psionics to fight and have some of the astral capabilities and ability to transmit.

If there are no accidents, these Gisese people will eventually be killed by the Fermi ants.

Sauron thought about it, and finally decided to take the shot. He quietly broke into the shadow, and then lurked close to the general of the Fermi ant. This kind of ant is very obvious, just like the ant colony, body and head in a group of ants. Be big and big.

- "Shadow kills!"

There was no fancy in the battle, and Sauron just took a knife and took down the head of the ant general.

Then, the unstoppable Fermi ants were confused. At this time, Sauron also appeared, almost one knife and one. In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen Fermi ants falling under his knife.

The Fermi ants are confused.

The invincible strong enemies made them fearful. When hundreds of Fermi ants died under Solon's knife, they finally began to retreat.

On the other side, the surviving Gisele people have been staring at Sauron, as if they were watching a monster, so they watched Sauron knocking back hundreds of Fermi ants.

"Thank you for your help!"

After repelling all the Fermi ants, an old Gissere came to Sauron, and his hands clasped together: "Thank you for saving my people."

Sure enough, it is the style of the monk.

The interior of the Gisese is made up of sects, just like the astral fortress of the Gisyanki. The Gisele people are composed of the martial arts styles of different factions.

"Hands over."

Sauron smiled slightly and nodded, then looked at them and said: "This should be regarded as a new colony by the Fermi ants. They will not give up easily, they should soon be ruined. You are better. Migrate to other places."

The old Gisser, who nodded, then looked at the body of the tribe with sorrow.

However, after all, he believed in the monk's doctrine, and soon he packed up his emotions and said: "Does you seem to be from other planes? Don't know if I can serve you?"

Gisese people don't like owing to humanity.

It seems that people in the orderly camp do not like the affiliation of others.

Sauron thought for a moment and said: "I was commissioned by a friend and hoped to find some relics related to the Arcane Empire in the mechanical environment. I don't know where you know where?"

During the Arcane Empire, there was a floating city in the mechanical environment.

The elders of the Gisserre heard the words and hesitated, slowly saying: "Is the ruins of the Arcane Empire? Are you looking for the floating city?"

“The floating city falls in a city south of the Fermi ant.”

"There has now become the base camp of the Fermi ants. I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of Fermi ants in it. I don't recommend you to go alone."


It is a hassle for these ants to be everywhere.

After hearing the news, Sauron couldn't help but frown, and nodded. "I understand. You should leave soon. Fermi ants should come back soon."

After that, he turned and walked to the other side.

If the floating city really falls into the city of Fermi Ant, then it is a very unwise choice for Sauron to go alone, because he can't bring back anything at all. However, he has already left his own foreshadowing in the mechanical environment very early. It is very difficult to clean up tens of thousands of Fermi ants, but if you can borrow, it should not be a big problem.

"Looks like looking for those towers!"

Taling is a very high-level construction life, and the most mechanical parts are all kinds of metals and parts. There are many construction life and special sanctioners. If these towers want to stand firm in the mechanical environment, If you do, you will definitely be integrated into the life of the building, and with their ability to create a batch of structures in the mechanical environment quickly enough.

There must be a queen in the city of an ant.

What Solon had to do was to solve the Queen, and then the other bugs thought of another way. It was really impossible to send the Golem Army from Modo City.

Just don't know how to transfer the battle across the plane to the alchemy tree in the city of Modo can not be completed!

Sauron seriously thought about it. I thought it would be necessary to see if there were any other inhabitants nearby. If you can provoke them to counterattack the Fermi ants, you must be able to greatly reduce the input force. Because in the mechanical environment is the existence of other plane creatures, angels, devils, blue dragons, green dragons, hunters, etc., are likely to live in a mechanical environment.

However, according to Sauron's habits, he still has to prepare for the back.

So he transferred his spirit to the third floor of the bottomless abyss, the demon avatar - the location of Sauron, although the mechanical environment is very unfriendly to the demons of the chaotic camp, but if you can summon a demon army, you should be able to solve a lot of trouble.


The bottomless abyss, the third layer, the land of forgotten.

After a slow accumulation and a blessing of power from the frenzied expansion of the territory, Sauron finally gave birth to a qualitative change.

"Name: Sauron.

Race: Devil.

Form: Barlow inflammation [sixth order] [large alien creatures] [cross-plane] [evil]

Level: Biological level 27.

Attributes: Strength 37, Agility 25, Constitution 31, Intelligence 24, Perception 25, Charisma 3o.

Faction: lawful evil. (Note: Other demons will be slightly hostile to your actions.)

Life: 545/545.

Devil's power: 3oo6/1oooo.

Field: violent, evil.

Skills: Sneak 285, Fraud 325, Negotiation 315, Knowledge 275, Intimidation 37o, Spell Recognition 22o, Use Magic Device 18o, Listen to 245, Scout 275, Search 19o, Viewing 3oo.

Features: damage reduction 15, dark vision 6o feet, flame body, immune shock, flame and toxin, strong acid, freezing cold resistance 1o, spell resistance 3o, telepathy 1oo feet, true knowledge

Ability: Burning, Fear, Fear, Aura, Flame, Whip, Winding, Devil's Claw (+1 Heavenly Magical Weapon), Demon Skin (Injury Reduction +1o), Devil Resistance (All Resistance) +1o).

Expertise: proficient in double weapon battle, proficient in first attack, multiple attacks, weapon specialization: 斩 sword, heterogeneous weapon specialization: long whip, proficient violent attack ~ www.readwn.com ~ spell-like ability: demento, mind remote control,亵渎 言, high transmission, panic (freely cast), fireball (7 times a day, instant), dominating the demon (once a day), summoning the demon army, telepathy. ”


As a demon lord, the Baloyan demon.

The strength of Sauron is stronger than that of other Baloflame. Even the average attribute is higher than 2 o'clock. He is now the route of the Lord of Balochic, and the future must be advanced.

From the very beginning to the promotion, the devil's incarnation has passed most of the demigods.

Sauron now equals a constant avatar of more than half a god, and may even reach a level above the weak power in the future!

..................(To be continued.)8

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