Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 76: miracle!

Time is getting closer to July.

I don't know what it is because the recent climate has become more abnormal.

There was a flood in the Amazon tropical jungle, which is said to have brought a lot of casualties to the female warriors. The gusty winds of the South Coast region, a terrible tornado even directly destroyed a town. Although many people pray like the goddess of the ocean, the occasional typhoon and tsunami is still no reduction, as if the power of the ocean goddess is no longer useful. Even the calm Allendale had a disaster. A terrible earthquake was born near Wangdu. Although Aaron Dell was not seriously affected, there were thousands of casualties in another city.

The unusual climate makes the gods feel uneasy.

However, there is no way, even the gods can only find ways to make an early warning, and then reduce the casualties as much as possible.

This time has been.

Even the drows are a lot more honest, because the dark areas are always earthquakes, and one city is directly buried. After the spider god, there is no way to sneak around at this time, only to turn to God to deal with other crises.

In spite of it, the trace of the devil has been reduced a lot during this time.

No doubt at all!

The third wave of the Holy Holocaust has ended.

But the fourth wave of impact [elemental turmoil] has begun. This unusual climate can only prove that the four elements of ancient gods may have come to the mortal world.

The power of the gods when they fell interfered with the elemental composition of the material plane, which eventually led to anomalous weather conditions throughout the material plane!


This is a calm day.

But it was only limited to the morning session. At noon, the clear skies turned into dark clouds, and the winds and waves of the ports kept shaking. The fleet that sailed to the sea today quickly turned around and returned to the port, while the captains were sipping them to let the sailors run the anchor and tied them to the pillars with strong cables.

The high priest stood outside the temple and watched the distant sky. As a powerful psychic warrior, she seemed to feel something and told her to her side: "Let the believers gather to the temple. We may need to make a large prayer."

at the same time.

Sauron’s figure also appeared at the top of the Arcane Tower.

Gloria soon appeared through the portal, as a legendary witch in the prophetic system, and she had innate sense of something that might be born.

"what happened?"

Gloria gently picked up and stood side by side with Sauron, muttering: "I felt a bit uneasy at the beginning of this morning, as if something terrible would happen."

Sauron shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"But I also have a feeling that there will be something to be born today."

The induction of the gods tells the city of Sorenmo that there is a big crisis today. This crisis is likely to destroy the city of Modo, so he can only stand here waiting for everything to come.

The wind and rain are getting amazing!

The raging wind has passed through the protective barrier of the city of Modo, and even if there is shelter in the temple, some roofs are still picked up. The power of the sea goddess seems to have lost its role at this moment. The sea was originally controlled by her, but today, no matter how her pastor prayed, the sea near the port of Modo City was still a big wind and there was no sign of calming down.


Some terrible shock came from afar.

It should be a hundred kilometers away from the city of Modo, but after passing to the city of Modo, it is still a while.


Vivienne looked up and appeared next to the Arcane Tower. The little girl was recently learning how to become a god. She also studied with her. At present, Vivienne's promotion to the gods is only the last step, but she needs to learn a lot, far more than Sauron needs to master.

"You stay here!"

Sauron did not pay attention to the other at this time, his figure turned into golden glory, and then appeared in the sky above the city of Modo.

- "The form of the saints!"

Along with a golden pillar of light that was made up of divine power, the sky above the city of Modo was shrouded in a layer of transparent energy.

Gloria also stood up, facing the next Wei Wei'an: "Wei Wei'an! Come and help me to start the lock! This storm is amazing! I am afraid it will cause great damage to the city of Modo!"

The Arcane Tower rises!

In the glory of lavender, Gloria launched the elemental furnace, and at the same time an invisible protective force flew and expanded, and soon covered the entire city of Modo, against the increasingly terrible storms outside, reducing the tolerance of the city. s damage.

"This is not the power of natural formation!"

Saruman’s expression was dignified and flew to the temple area to see if he could help.

at this time.

In the vicinity of the port of Modo City, just ten meters away, the huge waves that have been picked up are already seven or eight meters high, and some boats that are too late to return are directly sunk. In the energy shield, countless people watched it with trepidation and looked at it as if it were a doomsday scene. Someone turned to look at the golden figure over the city of Modo, and they were glad that they had the sanctuary of the gods at the moment.

Countless believers gathered automatically.

Many believers who were not from Soren also came to the temple and prayed with enthusiasm under the guidance of the pastor.

This is a disaster!

A terrible disaster like the end of the world!

At this moment, as mortal people, they do not have any resistance. They can only pray piously that the gods can shelter them from this crisis!

"My Lord Sauron!"

"You are the master of the shadow!...you are the master of Modo!...you are the shelter of the half-elf!..."

"My Lord Sauron!"

"You are the defender of order!... You are the only true God of the rogue!... Your enemies will be invisible!..."

"My Lord Sauron!"

"Your name will be sacred in the mortal world!... You lead us through the crisis!... You give us a life of order and stability!... You are the master of the shadow!... You are the wise ruler!... You are the savior of the half-elf!! Killing will make you stronger!... The death of the enemy spreads your glory!... Your kingdom will bless our souls!... When death comes to serve your servant will be Get a new life in your country!..."

"My Lord Sauron!"

"You will be your country's high class!... Turn into the stars of the sky!..."


The mighty prayers come together!

The magical power that eventually turned into pale gold shrouded the top of the temple and was transferred to Sauron's golden body, which was used to confront the terrible storm of the outside world.

The vibration gradually stopped.

It seems that the earthquake in the distance is over, but Sauron does not feel a sigh of relief, but his face is more dignified. Because he felt that the crisis that destroyed the city of Modo was getting closer and closer, he frantically extracted the power stored in the temple, and then directly turned himself into a [spirit form]!

A golden giant of up to hundreds of meters appeared in the sky above the city of Modo.

At this moment, Gloria could not help but tremble, because she felt the gap between herself and Sauron at the moment, a huge gap between a mortal and the true God!

Sauron has never been so madly mobilized.

However, he knew that he had no retreat at the moment, because in the farther places, he saw a wave of hundreds of kilometers rising from the seaside skyline.


Sauron finally knows where the root cause of the disaster that Modo City will destroy is always coming!

The four elements of the Lord God fall into the mortal world, and their divine power directly changes the climate of the material plane. The earthquake just happened is either a volcanic spurt or a big six movement, because Moto City is located in an overseas island, so it is such a disaster. At the time, the consequences of the introduction are even more horrible.

Time passes by little by little.

The power of countless beliefs has gathered on Sauron's body, and the situation at the moment is something that no legendary professional can change.

The only thing that can change this is the gods!

The terrible tsunami is getting closer.

As if the end of the world is coming, the entire skyline of Modo City is dim!

This time the tsunami wavelength reached hundreds of kilometers of terror!

I am afraid that not only the city of Modo, the entire south coast, the entire overseas islands, but the entire Amazon rainforest is within the scope of this tsunami!

But at this time Sauron had no energy to manage other places.

Modo City is the foundation of everything.

And according to the location of the tsunami explosion, Modo City should be the most severely affected area.

The terror tsunami is approaching with amazing degrees!

When it appeared in the sight of the residents of Modo City, countless people made a terrified cry.

A huge wave of more than 100 meters approached the coastline. This height is enough to easily destroy everything. The energy it contains can level the entire city of Modo, and all the efforts of Sauron for a long time will disappear into nothing!

this moment.

Sauron couldn't help but be thankful that he was lucky to be in Modo City at the moment.

In the face of such a terrible natural disaster, the power of any mortal is useless. Only the gods who can resist it, only the power that the gods can exert - "miracle!"

- "The form of the gods!"

Sauron’s figure stepped forward and turned into a golden giant of more than 300 meters in the blink of an eye~www.readwn.com~ It looks like the ancient Titans of ancient times.

- "Change the space [the power of God]!"

- "Change the reality [the power of God]!"

- "Change the form [the power of God]!"

- "Regional Power Shield!"

Sauron’s figure appeared above the port of Modo, and he opened his arms as if to prop up the entire sky!

A substantial golden power shield is opened with him as the center, and the whole island of Mondo is covered in the twinkling of an instant, and the huge waves of hundreds of meters in front of it are coming!

The life and death of the city of Modo is in the moment of this collision!


(ps: the first more. Ask for the recommended ticket!) (to be continued.) 8

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