Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 90: Fallen abyss! [鞠躬Thank you]

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Shadow **** country.

After Sauron sent the Golem into the Kingdom of God, the speed of the prayers grew tremendously!

Almost half a month, a city has stood near the reincarnation pool. This speed is almost comparable to the accumulation of the past year in Modo City. The important reason for this is that there is a steady stream of population supplements in Sauron. As long as the captives of the original half-elf **** and the shadow **** are captured, Sauron can turn them into their own prayers. The prayers are not as weak as mortals, and many prayers can work continuously for a very long time, which greatly enhances the efficiency of construction and allows the army to expand rapidly.


In a city with a land area of ​​about five kilometers, nearly 50,000 prayers have completed the assembly.

There are only a very small number of these prayers who have died from the city of Modo, most of them from a tough battle some time ago. Soren's newly promoted priest of the Holy Spirit captured the great shrine of the original shadow god, and then converted all the shadows of the gathering into a new life form.

This expansion is very efficient!

In a short period of time, Sauron’s army in God reached more than 10,000 people.

This is a **** process. The more prayers follow Sauron, the faster the evangelist who destroys the Lord of Shadows and the God of the Half Elves. At the end of the day, a large number of prayers are transformed almost every day.

The Lord of Shadows has existed for more than a thousand years.

The time of the **** of the half-elf is about five or six hundred years.

Although it has experienced the catastrophe of the fall of the Holy Ghost due to the fall of the gods, the Kingdom of God has not been completely destroyed, and there are still many survivors of the survivors. The accumulation of thousands of years has almost led to the traces of the activities of the prayers throughout the country. Soren has now controlled about one-third of the land in God.

In addition to the central city itself established, the followers of Sauron also occupied three great temples.

The three great shrines were quickly transformed into the residences of Sauron, while the other two reincarnation pools were discovered and occupied. One is the [shadow reincarnation pool], which is used by the **** of shadows to convert believers into shadow form life. The other one is [semi-elf reincarnation pool], and the transformed form is a half-elves.

These two reincarnation pools are currently not useful.

It is necessary for Sauron to transform it after entering the Kingdom of God. At the same time, it is necessary to be responsible for the operation.

After this period of buffering.

It turns out that the half-elf **** country and the shadow **** country have almost merged.

After the structure of the Kingdom of God was stabilized, the pastor of the Holy Spirit also spread the size of the entire kingdom to Sauron through prayer.

The fusion of the Kingdom of God does not have much sea area. The vast majority of God's domestic land is land, rich in minerals and forest resources, the former is from the shadow plane, while the latter is from the wilderness.

According to Sauron's calculation, the entire Shenguo area is about 1.2 million square kilometers after the completion of the fusion.

This is already a big country.

Although the gods can create an independent kingdom of God, it is very remarkable that the people who have just sealed the gods can have 10,000 square kilometers of land. The half-plane created by Gloria has only expanded to an area of ​​about one hundred square kilometers until now, and it is conceivable that there is still an amazing gap with the gods!

The half-face of the North Wall Witch Council has been cultivated for hundreds of years, and so far it is thousands of square kilometers, which is equivalent to a large meteorite.

The area of ​​the Kingdom of Sauron is already equal to an independent country, a separate world, with more than 1.2 million square kilometers of land enough for him to easily accommodate millions of peacemakers, if he has such a prayer now.


Modo City.

After completing the third test of the battle flag plane, Sauron got a lot of important gains.

During this time, with the accumulation of divine power, Sauron finally made a very important decision! That is to drop the shadow **** country to the bottomless abyss!

This is a very big decision.

The impact is not only the current strength of Sauron, but also the core area of ​​his future priesthood.

If Sauron uses [shadow] as the core priesthood, then it is best for the kingdom of God to remain in the shadow plane. But if he drops the kingdom of God to the bottomless abyss, then [shadow] the priesthood is now the main priesthood, but the future will become a deputy priesthood.

The kingdom of God fell to the bottomless abyss.

The core priesthood of Sauron must be transformed into [killing] and [death]!

It is precisely because of the power of [killing] that Sauron will not worry about the rejection of the power of the abyss.


Shadow plane.

The new moon era July 3, 1677.

Today is an impressive day for all creatures in the entire shadow plane.

Because from the early morning, the whole plane began to tremble slightly, feeling like an earthquake, but it did not cause any terrible disaster.

this moment.

All the gods associated with the shadow plane have been inspired to look at the direction of the overseas islands. Sauron stood in the clouds and looked down at everything silently, then mobilized the power to let the kingdom of God continue to fall.

The entire city of Modo was in a state of alert.

Because most of Sauron's pastors have lost their ability to cast spells today, many believers who are no longer in the city of Modo can't even connect with Sauron.

This is the price of the decline of the kingdom of God.

In the process of descending the Kingdom of God to the bottomless abyss, most of Soren's energy will be consumed, so this time he could not respond to the prayers of believers. In the long history, there are not many gods that have actually done this. Spider-God-Ross is one of them.

In the process of the fall of the kingdom of God, the gods will be a little weak.

Under normal circumstances, it is safer to stay in the Kingdom of God at this time, but now Sauron is unlikely to enter the Kingdom of God, so it is safest to stay in Modo City.

The tremor of the shadow plane continued throughout the day.

However, as Sauron's kingdom of God broke away from the shadow plane, this tremor that affected the entire plane gradually ceased.

- "The form of the saints!"

- "Position lock!"

After shackling the kingdom of God from the shadow plane, Sauron locked all his spirits on the third floor of the bottomless abyss.

With the constant consumption of his power, Sauron's Kingdom of God began to gradually approach the lower level. This process may take three days, and in these three days, Sauron is weaker. Continue until Soren completes the fall of the Kingdom of God.

first day.

The Kingdom of God is close to the spiritual world, and Sauron feels a traction.

This means that the priesthood held by Sauron is accepted by the spiritual world. If he can, he can put the kingdom of God in the spiritual world, then Sauron will be in harmony with [death].

the next day.

The Kingdom of God is close to the underworld, and Sauron feels a strong attraction.

This is [killing] and [death] accepted by the underworld, and the whole underworld is faintly welcoming the arrival of the kingdom of Sauron. If you choose to put the Kingdom of God in the underworld, Sauron can be surely integrated and attached to the underworld without any rejection.

The third day.

The Kingdom of God finally reached the lower plane.

But in front of Sauron there was a mouthful, one to the [Bato Hell], and the other to the [Bottom Abyss].

Barto Hell is welcome to Sauron.

Although this kind of welcome has nothing to do with the devils, only the law of planes fits into the kingdom of Sauron, but Sauron is still impossible to enter the **** of Barto. Compared to the welcome of Barto's hell, the bottomless abyss has a little rejection of Sauron's kingdom of God.

This is the exclusion of the camp.

But this rejection is not strong enough, because Sauron still holds the power of [killing] and [death].

The Death Three Gods have long left their mark on the bottomless abyss, which makes the bottomless abyss easier to accept in the Kingdom of Sauron.

Sauron finally chose the bottomless abyss.

His kingdom of God began to move closer to the bottomless abyss, and along the trajectory of the Styx began to approach the third [forgotten land] from the outermost layer of the bottomless abyss.


Bottomless abyss. the third floor. Forgotten place.

This day is not a good day for most demons.

Because there was a major earthquake in the forgotten place today, then an ‘evil’ power came to the land.

Let the demons feel evil, then there is only evil spirits!

That's right.

Today's forgotten land ushered in a terrible evil god!

He brought his kingdom of God to the land of forgotten, and directly attached to the third floor of the bottomless abyss.

In the past, there was no evil **** to put the kingdom of God in the bottomless abyss, but there were not many in front of it, because the first few layers of the bottomless abyss were too close to **** battles. The kingdom of a sacred **** is here, and it is easy to influence the variables of the **** battle.

The Kingdom of God began to merge after a simple collision with the plane.

Just as the moon rotates around the earth, Soren’s Kingdom of God is attached to the third floor of the bottomless abyss, but it does not rotate like the moon. (Note: Most of the relationship between the kingdom and the plane can be understood as the earth and the moon, but this moon can leave the earth and go to Mars or other planets.)

A evil spirit has arrived!

Not only the third layer of the bottomless abyss [www.readwn.com~ all the demon lords near the top ten abyss of the bottomless abyss have produced a touch of induction.

They felt a terrible evil power!

A sacred god, at least [medium power], descended its **** country to the bottomless abyss and attached it to the southwest of the third layer of the abyss.

They felt the breath of killing and death.

This is the terrible evil **** who is proclaiming his existence to other demon lords and telling them that there is nothing to provoke themselves, otherwise they will face a terrible existence that controls killing and death!

this day.

Sauron arrives as a "evil god"! Formally entered the bottomless abyss!


(PS: Because some things involve the criminal part. Buddhism is busy until today, there is time code. Thank you all!) (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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