Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 93: The **** of the mage is missing!

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The shadow of the evil spirit is shrouded in the third layer of the bottomless abyss.

However, the biggest threat of material planes at present is the main **** of the element that nobody cares about.

These four powerful gods are different from other gods. If they are evaluated by the standards of past life, it is that these gods do not have much ‘humanity'. They don’t care about the lives and deaths of mortals, or even care about the life and death of elemental life. For the gods that have existed for too long, they have become accustomed to disregarding life.

The war of the **** of the wind and the **** of earth elements has just ended.

Immediately there was news that someone saw a huge flame giant near an erupting volcano!

No one knows whether it is the **** of fire, but if it is really one of the two main gods of water and fire, then the battle of the elements of the second game is very likely to explode very quickly.

History is still in accordance with the original trajectory.

The war of the main **** of the element is like a fuse, which makes the gods become instigated.

The new moon era was July 10, 1677.

Modo City.

An important encrypted file was sent to Sauron's study.


A large number of rogues in the shadow temple were sent out, and the church that whipped the goddess sent the truth of the torturer's inquiry.

Inside the study.

Sauron stood in front of the window and looked into the distance. In front of him was a file with the highest encryption level. The content above was related to a god.

- [God of the Master] - Azus!

The thing happened in this two days or so, [God of the Master] - Azus suddenly lost contact, and all the priests who worshiped and served him lost their ability to cast spells. At the same time, the church of the goddess of magic has changed frequently, and it is said that there has been a sharp conflict with the church of Lady Night. At the end of the document is a copy of all the beliefs and churches and organizations that serve Ms. Yin Yue. Recently, there have been frequent mobilizations of faint wars.

If a **** loses contact, he can't hold others.

It is as if the priest of Sauron could not use his magical skills at all, then the news will be passed to his enemies and allies in one day.

The **** of the mage - Azus is a **** of "weakness and other power". He cares about the development and preservation of magical skills and is worshipped by all kinds of casters, especially the Master. This clever **** has long served as a consultant to the goddess of magic. He and Mistra share a kind of friendly relationship like a tutor with the most loved student. Azus is the most common image of a white beard in the old-fashioned costumes. He holds a strong, old-fashioned cane with a gemstone on the top.

The **** of the mage is the helper of the goddess of magic.

The priests that Azus has mastered are mages, wizards, and casters. His fields include illusions, knowledge, magic, law, and spells.

The **** of the mage is a special god.

Because He is also the existence of mortal gods, and has a close relationship with the ancient Thorium era. As a mortal, Azus longed for powerful power, and he studied the magical knowledge of many lost empire to promote his magical research. In the end, his dedication

Make him the first missionary mage, a position created by the earlier goddess of magic to recognize her most promising mortal student. Then, Azus tried to cut off some of the sacredness of Severus and combined with himself. This experiment failed. This led to a series of battles with Samfras, and finally the **** was confined to a staff.

This **** was promoted by the magic goddess of the previous generation, so his relationship with the current magic goddess is not very good.

Azus was the companion and student of the previous generation of the goddess of magic. Before the eruption of the Holy Holocaust, he had been trying to adapt to the new magic goddess and learn how to help her.


The problem is that it is on Azus.

As the gods in the gods who have little direct relationship with magic, after the mysterious loss of connection between Azus, some riots occurred in the church that served the goddess of magic.

Followed by!

A special assassination force emerged on the water.

Sauron turned and picked up a sign on the desk, which was engraved with a shadow of the black moon.

- [Black Moon Wushu Group]!

An evil organization most favored by the lady of the night, the elite of the elite in the church, most of the members are the powerful existence of the monk part-time warlock. They are the sharp blade of the lady of the night. With the power of the shadow magic net, the black moon monk group has been They are all performing the highest level of tasks for Lady Night.

They even assisted the Dark Lady to kill the elder brother Elbron, who was in charge of the cave and the dark area.

"Even the Black Moon Wushu Regiment was dispatched."

Soren silently put down the emblem in his hand and muttered: "It looks like the lady in the night is really ready to go!"

From the fall of the gods to the mortal world.

All the gods are preparing for both hands, and the lady of the night chooses to start at this time, apparently ready to do a full-scale war. At the same time, the church of the goddess of magic and the church of Ms. Yinyue were frequently mobilized, all of which showed that the infighting between them was already on the table.

The frontal touch between the two gods!

This obviously affects the two camps of good and evil.

The evil camp headed by Ms. Black Night, and the good camp headed by Ms. Silvermoon and the goddess of magic. Although there are other powerful gods that are not involved, some things will not stop so easily once they start.

"Come on!"

Accompanied by the sound of Sauron, a half-elf female shrouded in a black cloak suddenly appeared. She kneeled in front of Sauron on one knee: "My Lord! What is the command?"

Sauron looked down at the young half-elf in front of him.

Although he is less than 20 years old, the half-elves in front of him are already legendary rogues.

Of course, this power is not solely obtained by her own exercise, but by the power of Sauron.

- Gods!

That's right.

This is one of the forces created by Soren’s secret.

After the gods he had given to the divinity, after becoming more familiar with the power of the gods, Sauron discovered a little secret, that is, he can not only give divinity, but even the killing experience can be given to his own mad believers. Used to boost their power.

of course.

This is limited to mad believers!

Thus, a group of legendary rogues promoted by Soren appeared.

They are able to mobilize the shadow power, the top assassin and rogue, responsible for dealing with important things that Sauron does not face, independent of the church's system, directly controlled by Sauron.


There are twelve such oracles.

Sauron paused and said: "I will immediately send people to investigate the movements of the Black Moon Monk Corps, and pay close attention to the movements of the [Mystery Knights]."

The **** of the mage is missing.

Most likely it is a serious injury or a fall.

This **** is in charge of a very important priesthood.

Whether it is magic or magical duties, Sauron is very interested! Even if he finally chose death and killing, as a part-time arcane he can also exist as a deputy priest, or even leave it to Gloria or a fallen witch.


The most important point.

That is the **** of the Master - Azus has a part of the magic net authority, one of his priest mission is to assist the magic goddess to manage the magic net. At the same time, Azus also monitors most of the magical nets of the material plane, responsible for repairing and perfecting the coverage of the magic net, which means that he owns a very important part of the magic net.

The trace of the goddess of magic is still unknown to anyone.

However, the location of the missing **** of the Master has been revealed in the intelligence. Sauron is in charge of [tracking] the priesthood. As long as there is a clue, it is very possible to find the **** of the wizard.

"Magic, magic, magic, illusion, battle flag plane, trial!..."

Sauron’s brain flashed a vocabulary, and the eruption of the wizard’s **** filled out a crucial part of his plan.


Sauron must find a way to obtain the same priesthood as the **** of the Master. Whether it is [magic], [illusion] or [spell] priesthood, it is very important for Sauron.

Because so far, most of Soren's priesthood is for the rogue profession, Sauron lacks a priest who can make his or her arcane master and wizard professional level to exert the greatest power! This is also a shortcoming of his strength, so many times he is not like a real caster compared to Gloria and the fallen witch.

"It seems that these two days have to talk to the fallen witch."

Soren quickly thought of the fallen witch, and the other person's body also has divinity, and Sauron is one of the few people who can be trusted!

He can't transfer the main priest to the magic, so he will eventually need to be in charge of the magic-related **** to help him. The fallen witch has already integrated part of the divine power, she is currently the most suitable candidate.

Modo City is still accumulating power~www.readwn.com~ The bottomless abyss can't have much action recently, preventing the demon lords from rejecting the counterattack on a large scale.

The demon hunter created by Sauron is accumulating little by little. At present, the size of the demon hunter has been expanded to more than 300 people. With the connection between the kingdom of God and the bottomless abyss, the efficiency of demon hunter transformation is gradually increasing. Soren’s time to attack the throne of fear is scheduled to be around September.

In other words, Soren still has about two months to do something else.

The war between Ms. Black Night and Ms. Silvermoon seems inevitable. Sauron does not want to join any of them, but he wants to get some benefits from it.

He needs more priesthood!

Because Sauron does not intend to strip the priesthood of his own to give to God, then he needs to take the priesthood from other gods.

.................. (To be continued.) Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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