Abyss Domination

Vol 2 Chapter 96: Halfling!


Aladdin took a deep breath and opened a fist-like smoke ring. His expression was extremely rich. He said: "There were twenty horrible ogre surrounded me. Their arms all have my waist. So thick, holding such a big mace in his hand, the wind blowing in the wind is very scary, and when I accidentally hit my head, I have to be smashed by them."

He took the pipe and reached out to draw a big mace. He also touched a cold sweat, and the voice suddenly lowered: "The situation at the time was really dangerous. I was desperately dodging under their attack, several times. It’s rubbing my clothes. But thanks to the goddess of luck, this group of slow guys didn’t hit me at all. Instead, I scratched their thighs with a short sword.... I found out that there was A wooden barrel...so I ran desperately..."

"This difficult battle lasted for a long time!... Finally these stupid guys were physically weak and I was knocked down one by one.... Well. Then I left the Ogre's lair very calmly..."

I have to say that his level of storytelling is very high.

Although he knew that he was bragging, but Sauron couldn’t help but feel very interesting, even Gloria, who was on the side, leaned over and listened very interested to him bragging. The number of twenty ogre deducted the water, at most four or five heads, probably because of the small size, the halflings like to use exaggerated metaphor to describe. Vivian on the side is listening very seriously, the little girl likes to hear people tell stories, especially the height of a halfling is similar to her. It sounds especially a sense of substitution. The story of a halfling is very popular among human children because they can imagine themselves as halflings in battle.

Time has passed so quickly.

It may be because there is a very lively halfling, and it seems to be a lot of joy along the way. From time to time, he will tell his own adventure story to Vivienne. Although the content of the story is exaggerated, it can be seen that he does I have traveled through many places and have encountered many difficult roles. Sauron could not judge the professional level of the other party. However, it seems that Aladdin should be a third-order rogue, and seems to be good at organ production and alchemy, because he also gave Vivienne several fine gadgets.

They are all things that are made with alchemy and organ skills. at dusk.

Solon untied the horses to let them graze and began preparing dinner.

Aladdin volunteered to stand up and said that they would let them taste the craftsmanship of the world's gourmets. Sauron missed the food made by the halflings a bit, and looked at the expression that Wei Wei'an longed, even if he nodded. There is a river next to the foothold. The halfling quickly touched out a few sticks from the bag, and assembled a fishing rod in the blink of an eye. He first set up a campfire and took out a small pot into the clear water. He also picked up some mushrooms and spices.

"This is picked up in the woods today. I tasted it very delicious."

Aladdin poured the fine salt of the packet into it. Then I took the fishing rod and walked to the river. I walked and said: "When I wait for a while, I will catch the fish when I roll the soup. I am a fishing master in my hometown."...

Vivian was very curious to follow him, and Gloria came to the side with great interest.

Aladdin looked at the little girl next to her. Smiled and said: "Do you want to try? I have a fish here!"

"Yeah." Vivian quickly pointed to a small head.

Then the halfling took out a few other sticks and reassembled a fish to hand to the little girl. Vivian held the fishing rod with the little white hand and learned the Aladdin’s appearance. Into Hanoi.

The halfling looked back at the bonfire and sat down by the river to continue to brag: "In my hometown of Shire, a fishing competition is held every autumn. The first place is able to get very good prizes. Basically, as long as I am at home. The champion of the fishing competition is definitely me. So when the group of guys heard that I was going out for a trip, I was happy and broke, and I was ready to win this year’s fishing competition."

Sauron has no idea how many half-length people have heard that he is the champion of the fishing competition.

He is estimated to have won the championship of the fishing competition. As for whether it is difficult for him to say it every year, the fishing competition is a part of the autumn celebration of the halfling, and every half-person village will hold such a competition.

Half-length Aladdin is still talking about his most brilliant record. In the end, he caught most of the fish. Vivian's fish float has moved a bit. The excited girl immediately clenched the fish, whispered: "Goliya Sister! Come over! The fish is hooked!"

Gloria didn't seem to have caught the fish very much. She walked behind her with great interest and whispered: "Don't worry, wait a moment, not hooked yet."

The noble Northland witch is rarely prepared to prepare food by hand. If she needs to eat fish, someone must be sent in the first place.

"Don't worry."

Aladdin looked at this side and immediately surprised: "The little girl who is lucky, come slowly, it looks like a big fish."

Sauron is setting fire to prepare the fish.

Suddenly, Vivian’s screaming came from the river. Her little body was dragged forward by the fishing rod and walked two steps forward. Next to Gloria, she reached out and hugged her, and then both of them started to grow. Shouting, the halflings on the side are also shouting, saying something slower and then pulling something a little. Sauron smiled and glanced over there, and then slowly walked over. Vivienne's cute little face was red and red, and her breathing was a little messy. Her hands were tightly held for 30 cm. River fish, the face of a treasured face raised to the front of Sauron, excited: "Brother see you! Vivian caught a big fish!"

This fish is probably close to 1 pound.

The strength of such a big river fish in the water is not small. It is not so easy to catch it. If you don’t operate well, the fishing line will break. Soren looks at the song next to it and finds the arc of her mouth. It is understood that she has used the Master's hand, or else there is no skill that can't be caught.

Sauron reached out and touched her little head and took the river fishway: "Wei Wei'an is good! I will see you today!"

The little girl was very happy to nod, and the little face was full of joy.

She is always easy to satisfy, as long as it is a little fun thing to make her happy for a long time.

Soren pulled out the dagger and broke the fish belly. Vivian was still very serious in continuing fishing. The mouth whispered the fish and hung up quickly. I don’t know if she was particularly lucky. She immediately came to the second. Fish. On the contrary, Aladdin, who had been on the side for a long time, was not hooked. When the little girl caught the third fish, his face finally could not be hanged.

I saw him put down the fish, and jumped into the river with a bang. After a while, he didn’t see the trail. He even took out a big head and grabbed a big fish in his hand and lifted it toward Vivienne. Haha smiled: "I caught it! I caught it!"

The two people present were speechless~www.readwn.com~ They couldn’t eat much. The halflings took up the fishing rod and saw the little girl’s unintentional appearance. I simply gave another fish to the fish. she was.

Then he began to prepare dinner and took a bag of seasoning from his pocket.

One part is used for squid soup, the other part is used to roast fish, and Sauron even smells a scent like a scent. Half-length people are the best at cooking. Many rare seasonings are only available in their hands. I have to say that his craft is really good. This meal should be the most delicious meal that Sauron had after he came to this world. Vivienne had a small belly and scented. Gloria also tasted a lot. It seems that the title of his foodie is not bragging, and the cooking of this hand is definitely a master's standard.

This is the third day of travel.

Sauron met a half-length foodie. His destination was the Alpine Fortress, ready to taste the flames of the Iron Dwarf.

They will walk to the deciduous city before they will part ways. ))

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