Abyss Domination

Vol 8 Chapter 109: Sky Garden!

One second to remember [the classic ÷ ☆ ◇ ◇ ◇ 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】 】

The goddess of agriculture is a very special existence among the gods.

First of all, she is the daughter of Mother Earth, her identity in the natural gods is special, and because the powerful gods of the natural gods have basically fallen or separated, the current natural gods are dominated by the goddess of the forest and the goddess of agriculture. The goddess of the forest is the daughter of the father of the oak. The spring **** and the goddess of peace are her sisters (but serve the goddess of agriculture). The unicorn goddess mentioned earlier is the mount of her battle. The status of the natural **** system has always been maintained by the forest and the goddess of the ranger. Even though she is currently only a **** of medium power, the enemy of any powerful power does not dare to ignore her.

Because part of the power of the father of the oak has been inherited by his daughter, the forest goddess Melika.

The other part of the natural gods is made up of the goddess of agriculture. She represents the part of the peaceful coexistence of nature and wisdom, and of course the relationship between man and nature. The existence of agriculture balances the plundering and destruction of nature by human beings. The teachings of the goddess of agriculture are not entirely biased towards human beings. She is able to obtain the druid's love of nature because she expects to reduce humankind's demand for nature through the development of agriculture. If farming can satisfy most of the basic needs, human damage to nature and forests will be much reduced. At present, this is correct, because in the place where the agricultural goddess has a wide influence, agricultural farming is relatively developed. People reduce the demand for forests and nature, and more often create wealth from the land.

Half of the agricultural goddess belongs to the natural gods, and the other half belongs to the human gods.

Her existence is relatively special because of the relationship between the Mother Earth and the Glorious Lord. Although the combat power is not clear at present, there are no gods who will easily provoke.

Sauron needs to get her support.

Because both the mother of the earth and the glory of the Lord are the golden thighs of powerful power, the mother of the earth is still asleep, but this ancient **** is waking up at any time, and the strength cannot be ignored.

The Principality of the South.

It is a fertile land near the South Coast, with more fertile land than Amber City and White Horse City.

The entire Southern Principality is crossed by two rivers. The goddess of agriculture is the dominant **** of this land, and her gods include the spring water and the goddess of peace, the goddess of the river, the goddess of the sprouts and so on. These gods were originally the mother of the earth, and then followed the new goddess of agriculture together after the return of the mother of the earth.

Many large barns can be seen in the possessions of the goddess of agriculture.

Here is the largest grain producing area of ​​the entire material plane, almost 70% of the grain trade in the south is provided here. The goddess of the goddess of agriculture and the pastor built a large number of barns to preserve food, and the food accumulated here exceeded any kingdom on the road. However, although it is a **** of good camp, the goddess of agriculture also has its own limitations, that is, there is not much capacity for the food here. She can control the resources in the church, but the wealth that the believer has is not by her. The deployment, so even if the local people continue to flow, the agricultural goddess has no spare capacity to relief. This is exactly the opposite of Sauron’s control over the city of Modo. The dominant power in the southern Principality is the secular power, the manor, the nobility and the chamber of commerce. They are willing to serve and believe in the goddess of agriculture, but if they are allowed to take out their accumulated wealth. To relieve others, these people may turn their faces in minutes.


Even so, the number of emigrants in the Principality of the South is the least. The nobles formed the army to guard against evil creatures, and also guarded the displaced people into this rich land.

The farming in the entire southern Principality is two seasons, which is unmatched by the overseas archipelago. There are altars and shrines of the goddess of agriculture in almost every village in every town, and a grand harvest festival is held here after each harvest. .

The destination of Sauron is the city of harvest.

A city sheltered by the goddess of agriculture should also be the most beautiful city in the material plane.

This is a garden-like city. Soren has not seen it near to see many beautiful manors. These estates are almost planted with many flowers and plants. It looks like a retro-like urban greenery in the future, but it seems more harmonious. Beautiful. This is the true believer of the goddess of agriculture. They are called the pastor by the outside world. Most of them are gardeners, farmers and druids. They pursue the balance between nature and agriculture. Although they serve the farming, they still love big. natural. The biggest difference in the city is that it will not transform all the fertile land into farmland. Soon, along the way, Sauron saw many fertile fields, but they were transformed into beautiful gardens.

have to say.

The goddess of agriculture did create a dreamlike garden city in the material plane.

Sauron walks on a wide, flat road.

He is observing the entire harvest city, and also through these observations of the most realistic ideas of the goddess of agriculture, it is like the order, rules and commitments of the city of Modo, that is the true idea of ​​Sauron, so it extends to the interior of the city. It is difficult for people who ignore order in the city of Modo to survive. This is the influence of the gods on the world.

The city also represents the idea of ​​the goddess of agriculture.

Because the gods have their own most essential thoughts, and the first thing that this kind of thought feeds back is the core territory that the church has mastered.

“It seems that the goddess of agriculture respects the balance between nature and agriculture.”

Soren silently watched all of this and could feel the calm and peace of the goddess of agriculture. She did not want to abandon nature, but she could not bear the enemy, so she tried to act as a balancer.

This land retains the beauty of nature.

Unlike other parts of the Principality of the South, most of the fertile land has been transformed into farmland as much as possible. There are dense and beautiful forests, small and exquisite gardens, and a barn erected next to the village. In the distance, there are rivers and streams that are dug.

This is a beautiful land.

To some extent, it is more beautiful than the city of Modo, but Sauron feels that it is a bit unreal, especially under the back of the Holocaust, after seeing the ruined Amber City, the broken White Horse City, he More and more I feel like this is like a castle in the air.

There are many people gathered in the village in front.

Sauron seemed to be close to the travellers and watched it as if he was busy.

These people are holding a wedding.

Weddings on a piece of land that has just been plowed are a very old tradition that has been maintained since the mother of the earth.

Some devout believers will hold a wedding on the newly plowed land, and then the newly married couple will spend their first nights and nights here, which is an ancient tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years. The blessings of the Mother Earth ensure that their children multiply.

The church of the goddess of agriculture also maintains this ancient tradition.

The couple’s wedding is hosted by the pastor, and the wedding reception is held next to the field. When the night falls, the newlyweds will lay the beds on the newly plowed land, and then they will spend the first night here to get the earth. Mother's blessing.

Nature and humanity.

This is a difficult problem to reconcile. The contradiction between the mother of the earth and the father of the oak was because the mother of the earth turned her preferences to humans and began to shelter the farming, resulting in a cold relationship between the two powerful gods. Even a group of believers who eventually served the mother of the earth, known as the true form of the Druids who admire the wilderness and nature, began to turn to the gods of other natural gods.


These [realists] serve the goddess of the forest.

The arrival of Sauron is not the goddess of agriculture, so when he entered the city of harvest, the main temple in the center of the city immediately sent a large number of pastors, because the church of the goddess of agriculture has many maternal, abundance and feminine characteristics, so the pastor Most of them are female members. They greet Sauron in groups, sprinkle the fragrant petals on both sides of the flowers, and then welcome Sauron all the way to the temple.


The visit of a true God is of great significance. These pastors used the most grand welcoming ceremony.

The temple of the goddess of agriculture is like a beautiful sky garden. Even if it is seen as the true **** Sauron at first sight, it is not shocked because everything in front of me is really like the legendary Gublon Sky Garden.

The entire temple is shrouded in the beauty of humanity and the beauty of nature. The two balance each other and set each other together, and entrust everything in front of them as a dreamlike country. There are a large number of believers here, and each believer’s face is filled with happiness and reverent smiles. It can be seen that their lives are very good, because the residents of Modo City have only a proud smile on their faces, and there is no such calm. And a happy smile.

Sauron was invited all the way to the deepest part of the temple.

There was a beautiful pastor waiting for him~www.readwn.com~ Then the pastor took Sauron into a private country.

Here is a half plane.

A beautiful half-face attached to the temple looks like a huge garden, where countless exotic flowers bloom, and in front of an exquisite vine rocking chair, the goddess of agriculture wears a long white dress. The skirt sat quietly on it and watched the arrival of Sauron.

"Welcome to my country."

The goddess of agriculture stood up and went. She came to Sauron and gently picked up the skirt. Then she bowed her head and smiled. "I don't know how I feel about Sauron on this road?"

She has long been aware of Sauron’s visit.

Sauron leaned over and bowed, then dragged the hand of the goddess of agriculture with his palm, leaned over and kissed gently on the back of his hand, but only kissed, and did not really touch each other. Since the goddess of agriculture used the ancient rituals of the ancients, he naturally responded to the ancient knights. This kind of ceremonial kiss is only a symbol of the back of the hand. The most orthodox ritual is never to touch the woman's skin, because it is very rude behavior.

of course.

This kind of etiquette has evolved to the present.

Sauron looked up at the eyes of the goddess of agriculture and calmly said: "It's beautiful. It's natural. But it's also illusory."

When I heard Sauron's words, the goddess of agriculture instantly changed his face.

.................. (To be continued.)

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